Chapter 32: The Labyrinth of White!

3rd POV:

After a long and eventful day for Y/n of spending time with the kids and his friends, visiting the ruins of Rosemary Village with Irene and Erza, and going on their steamy love in the inn for the night. Y/n, Erza, and Irene have come back to Magnolia while the sun comes up. Y/n presents them with their own star-shaped charms. They happily accept and rest for their new day.

As their day started, there's no jobs available for him at the time. Since Y/n’s Riolu has evolved into Lucario, Y/n has an idea to spend his day by doing some training and exercise at his house. His summons have agreed and started to train their powers and abilities, as Y/n started to learn more about his Ki abilities. Kuroka told Y/n a bit of comparison to her Senjutsu and his Ki, and both have different names, but the same concept is the flow of life energy. She gave him a few pointers as Y/n followed her guidance, and it took him a few hours to control his Ki. Kuroka had blessed him with a bit of her power of Senjutsu and started training to heighten his senses and abilities. Y/n and his summons have made new moves to try it out in their upcoming battles. Most of their friends came by for a visit or hanging out with them, especially when Natsu barged in for a match, and Lucy scolded him.

During their training, they noticed Ur had been acting a bit serious and depressed from her actions on a certain day, not just her, that includes her students. Y/n, Kuroka, Asia, Chisato, and Rossweisse knew exactly what changed her while Irene, Heine, Juliet, and the kids were confused until Y/n explained the story about her They sympathize with what Ur had been through years ago. Ur went up to others, told them she'll be out for a while, and they respected her wish, even Y/n. Around late at night, Ur came back from her walk, noticed a little bit of light around the backyard, checking to see who's there, and to her surprise, to see Y/n was training for a while. Ur sneakily approached behind him, wrapped her arms around his chest, Y/n hugged her back, and they headed to his room to sleep together. A day went by, and Ur decided that she wanted to train with Y/n. He accepted her request and started to train together.

Two days later…

Natsu and Happy are glaring at each other on Mt. Hakobe, as they're ready to fight.

Natsu: This is it, Happy. It's time to finish you off, once, and for all.

Happy: I thought of you as my friend, but don't expect any mercy from me.

Natsu: Big talk for a cat, let's see who's the strongest!

Happy: Bring it on!

As per their usual routine, Natsu picked up a snowball and threw it at Happy while Happy did the same at Natsu. Rossweisse and Lucy sighs of their antics while Y/n and Ur were chilling. They threw a bit faster and started to throw randomly. They threw it at Lucy and Rossweisse. Y/n and Ur cringed.

Rossweisse: Both of you, stop this ridiculous game right now!

Lucy: She's right, you idiots! We're on the job here!

Natsu: Hey, what's your deal?

Happy: You shouldn’t yell like that, or it will cause an avalanche!

Y/n: Too late now. Look.

Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Ur, and Rossweisse looked at where Y/n pointed at the avalanche fasting approach. Unfortunately for Natsu, Lucy, and Happy, they were snowed in while Y/n grabs Ur, and Rossweisse flies with his wings on his back. Natsu and Happy are stuck inside of the giant snowball.

Natsu: Help us, we're stuck here.

Happy: It’s so cold here.

Lucy: Let’s get something straight. We're here to work! We need to get some ice from Mt. Hakobe!

Rossweisse: Indeed! Get moving on the double so we can get off this snowy mountain!

Natsu and Happy looked at each other and smirked as they went back to their 'battle antics'.

Natsu: Looks like our battle will have to wait.

Happy: We can settle it later.

Lucy and Rossweisse angrily walked up to Natsu and Happy. They looked up and were scared to see their scowl faces.

Lucy and Rossweisse: Do you want out of this or not?!

Natsu and Happy: Y-y-yes ma'am.

Ur: That's what they get, for making them angry.

Y/n: Yep, especially from what happened recently.

Lucy and Rossweisse, who were irked, walked ahead while Y/n, Ur, Natsu, and Happy followed through the blizzard. Six wizards are currently on a quest to find and collect the Hakobe Ice, named after the mountain they're in, and they acquired a special tool to cut the ice. Y/n, Ur, and Rossweisse were tagged along with Natsu, Lucy, and Happy for his quest for a 'certain' reason.

Lucy: Hey Y/n that reminds me, did something happen recently? I noticed that Rossweisse was pretty angry recently.

Ur: Pfft… it was funny to me. Made my day better.

Y/n: Yeah, about that. Here's how it happened…

Flashback, earlier today…

At Y/n's house, Rossweisse woke up from her sleep. She stretched her arms and chest, took a shower for a few minutes, and dressed up her outfit. She closed her eyes and hummed cheerfully as she headed to the kitchen. Few decided to sleep in, and others went out on job.

Rossweisse: Ahh. Just another day, here in Earthland. I'll just–

Happy: Hey, are there any yummy fishies here?

Natsu: I'm starving, can't go on with an empty stomach.

Rossweisse snapped out of her thoughts, shocked and saw Natsu and Happy, raiding their home and eating their food. Rossweisse comically screams.


Rossweisse picks up a broom and whacks it on Natsu's head multiple times. Natsu and Happy comically scream. When Y/n came from the backyard, wearing his training gear.

Y/n: What's with all the noise?

Rossweisse: Y/n, help!!! Food burglars!!!

Natsu: Ow! Hey! Cut it out!

Happy: Y/n! Save us!

Ur: *smirk* Nope. It's not happening. This is funny.

Y/n see Ur leaning on the wall, eating an apple. A minute later, Ur decided to step in and make Rossweisse calm down. Natsu recovered from the broom attack.

Ur: Easy there, girl. There is no need to get worked up. You won the fight.

Y/n: So what are you two doing here?

Natsu: We came here if you want to come with us on a job with Lucy.

Happy: Aye, we're wondering if you're free with us today. It will be fun.

Y/n: Well, that's what she wants, then-

Rossweisse: Not so fast!

Y/n, Ur, Natsu, and Happy looked at Rossweisse, with a stern expression, Natsu and Happy jumped at her face and tone.

Rossweisse: Since you came all this way for a job, like it or not, I'm coming along as well. Both of you owe us food supplies for Y/n making delicious meals.

Ur: Heh, she's got you two there. Count me in. I need to get some exercise.

Y/n amused smile and shrugged as he had no choice but to accept it, and Rossweisse made her point.

Y/n: Well, you heard her. Let's get moving.

Flashback ends…

Back to the present, on Mt. Hakobe…

They continued walking through the blizzard.

Lucy: You know, I told you two would have just knocked instead of breaking and entering!!

Natsu: It’s not our fault! How should we know?

Happy: Aye, that's right!

Rossweisse: *pout* Hmph! Be lucky those kids are sleeping, not hearing such commotion.

Y/n: Anyway, what's so special about this Hakobe Ice?

Lucy: That ice can be used as a luxury beauty product to apply the skin, and it can make anything a recipe for culinary masterpiece. Also, it gives an energy booster and can even cure minor illnesses. That's just a rumor.

Happy: Ohhh! That sounds like a cool magical item!

Y/n: Wow, you just made a joke there, Happy. Besides that, if we grab some of that ice, then more strawberry sundae for me to enjoy.

Ur: *giggles* Can't argue with that one, honey. That would be a good idea.

Rossweisse: And I can't wait to harvest that ice soon. Perhaps I can come back whenever I have the time, and this will make my dream come true in the future.

Happy: Whoa. She's gone cheery all of a sudden. Never seen like that.

Lucy: Oh, I know what she's talking about. Well, I'll still cheer you on Rossweisse. Count on that.

Y/n amused smile as he assumed that Rossweisse had some girl talk with other female guildmates.

Natsu: While the others are either resting or working on a job. I'm sure we got this, no problem.

Lucy: Yeah, you're right! With the six of us, we handle the jobs.

Happy: While we're at it, I brought some fish to eat! Check it out! Ta-da!

Happy brought out his bag on his back and showed them some fresh fish.

Natsu: Wow! Looks tasty and still fresh!

Lucy: Since we have Natsu, Y/n, and Rossweisse fire magic, we can cook them anytime!

Rossweisse: We should save them for later, just in case we're hungry.

Happy: Hey, do what you want, but I want to eat my fish raw.

The cold wind is getting stronger and colder. Happy and Rossweisse were getting a bit chilly. Happy went inside Lucy's jacket where her chest was. Rossweisse hugs Y/n’s left side, Ur smirks as she goes on his right side and does the same.

Rossweisse: Hugging him makes me better.

Ur: That we can agree on. He's our personal heater.

Lucy: Hey, we're not your personal igloo!

They started to feel the rumble of where they were and saw a crack was formed.

Y/n: This can't be good.

Natsu: We better hurry or we'll–!

Unfortunately, it's too late for them. They fell from the crack. Natsu, Lucy, and Happy are trapped in a giant snowball, Y/n is at top of it and running backward uncontrollably while Ur makes an ice sled to ride with Rossweisse. They rolled around the hill until they saw a tree up ahead.

Y/n, Natsu, Lucy, and Happy: Nooooo!!!

And they crashed and fell into the ravine. Natsu, Lucy, and Happy were a bit dizzy while Y/n were buried in the snow, and his legs were sticking out. Natsu, Lucy, and Happy were almost recovered, and Y/n was struggling at first when seconds later, he got out and was dusting himself.

Y/n: Oh man, talk about deja vu. 'Now I know how my friend feels.'

Ur and Rossweisse went to the ravine and checked to see if Y/n and the others were okay.

Ur: Hey, you guys okay there?!

Rossweisse: Don't move. We'll get you back–!

Unfortunately, the wind has grown stronger and blows them to the ravine. Y/n catches them, and the two give him a kiss on the cheek.

Ur and Rossweisse: Our hero~

Y/n: No problem. But it looks like the blizzard is getting worse and worse for a minute.

Natsu: We better get moving, or we'll be frozen.

Lucy: Yeah, I agree, and there's no way we can back up.

Happy: No need for climbing. We fly there! Leave that to me!

Happy latched on Lucy's back and started to fly up the cliff. However, due to the blizzard, Happy with Lucy couldn't fly further and fell back in the snow. Natsu cheerfully as he wanted to try but Happy and Lucy scolded him while the others laughed.

Ur: Well, it looks like it's a no-go.

Rossweisse: But we must hurry! It's getting harder to see through this snow!

So they continued walking through the blizzard, Natsu, Lucy, and Happy getting a bit tired and sleepy from the cold while Y/n, Rossweisse, and Ur didn't.

Happy: So cold!

Lucy: Y/n, Ur, how can you not be freezing?!

Y/n: *shrug* Meh. I'm part demon. It didn't bother me.

Ur: I am an Ice Make Wizard, so cold doesn't bother me too.

Rossweisse: Agreed.

Natsu: Lucky you. So, any luck yet?

Lucy: I don't know! We lost our map somewhere in the avalanche!

Happy: I'm… I'm getting… sleepy…

Lucy frantically shaking Happy to keep him awake.

Lucy: Don't you dare sleep, or you'll be frozen forever!

Happy: Hey pal, can you do something about this?

Natsu: Guess it can't be helped.

Natsu used his Fire Dragon techniques on Happy. However, Y/n, Ur, and Rossweisse deadpanned of Natsu's powers are unbelievably strong. It's a bad idea.

Rossweisse: I thought this would be an easy job, but in this condition, it's getting rough.

Ur: Plus, Lucy can't use her keys after what happened. We're on our own for now and focus on what we can do now.

Y/n: She's right. Let’s do anyway we can.

They continued to walk through the blizzard yet again, it seems that Y/n, Natsu and the others are a bit struggling and have no idea where to go north or south, as the weather conditions grow stronger. Until Natsu and Y/n have spotted something.

Natsu: Hey, look over there!

Y/n: Yeah, I see it, too.

Lucy and the others looked where Natsu and Y/n were pointing at and saw a cave.

Happy: Hey, a cave!

Lucy: What luck! Let's hurry and stay in there!

Rossweisse: She's right, it's our only choice!

Ur: Let’s check it out.

They rushed towards the cave, it's very dark there until Natsu lit his hands with fire magic. They see the cave is filled with icy ruins, icicles on top, and further the cave is darker.

Happy: Whoa, the cave is so deep.

Natsu: Alright, let's take a look. We had plenty of time.

Lucy: Maybe we should stay here for a little bit. If this cave is big, we'll get lost and stuck in here.

Natsu: Come on, we're just gonna take a peek. Live a little, will ya?

Natsu and Happy ahead, Y/n shrugged his shoulders.

Y/n: Let’s just stick together, and we'll be fine.

Ur and Rossweisse: Right.

Y/n, Ur and Rossweisse following Natsu and Happy while Lucy sighs and follows them.

Lucy: Where are you guys getting all this energy?

They were close and walked through the cavern. They were amazed how long this cave went further. However, Y/n started to feel something was watching them and looked around a bit cautiously while the others noticed him.

Rossweisse: Y/n, is something wrong?

Happy: What happened? Are you okay there?

Y/n: For some reason, I felt like something was watching us, but I don't know where, though.

Lucy: Really? Looks like I'm not the only one who noticed that. I'm getting a bad feeling about this–

A faint rumble sounds, and most of them notice and feel something different. Natsu picked up a scent around the cave.

Ur: Hey, has anyone heard that?

Y/n: Yeah, I heard it, too.

Happy: What's up? Anything tasty?

Natsu: No, something strange. The air current is changed out of nowhere.

Rossweisse: That's not normal about this cave, isn't it?

Lucy: So what kind of shift was it?

Natsu: Don't know for sure.

They heard rumbling closer until they looked up and saw the ice pillars were about to fall.

Ur: Incoming from above!

The ice pillars started to fall down, aiming where Y/n, Natsu, and the others were. Natsu fought with his Fire Dragon magic, Rossweisse used her fire magic, Y/n deflected them with his Crimson Rebellion, and Ur made an ice wall protecting Lucy and Happy. However, the ice pillars kept coming down.

Rossweisse: It’s no use! Run for it!

Without objections, they're running from the incoming ice pillars.

Natsu: What's up with this cave?!

Lucy: This can't be an ordinary cave!

Unfortunately, the ice floor is cracked and broken, they fell down deeper in the cave, the ice is forming a slide, they slide down, made two paths, they both went separate ways, as they see the end, and Y/n landed first until Ur and Rossweisse fell on top of him.

Rossweisse: Oh my, I'm so sorry, Y/n!

Ur: *giggles* Thanks for saving our fall again.

Y/n: Don't worry, I'm fine. As long as we- Huh?

Y/n looked around the cave until he noticed something was missing. Ur and Rossweisse begin to realize what Y/n were noticing. They noticed that Natsu, Lucy, and Happy weren't here with them. Something must have separated them.

Rossweisse: Natsu! Lucy! Happy! Where are you?!

Ur: Hey, can you hear us?!

They looked around, and there's no signs of Natsu, Lucy, and Happy around here. They assumed they must be somewhere deeper within this mysterious cave. They walked around and still couldn't find Natsu, Lucy, and Happy. Little did they know, they had been walking around for quite some time and felt a bit tired.

Y/n: Damn, still no sign of them. But seriously, any ideas what's the deal with this cave?

Rossweisse: Oh no, I just remembered something!

Ur: Hmm? What is it?

Rossweisse: While I was reading most books on Earthland, before we came here, supposedly there's a living cave deep within Mt. Hakobe, rumor has it. It's impossible to find your way out if you get lost.

Ur: Oh great. It's possible there might be some monster lurking around the part of this cave where we are now.

Y/n: We better find them quick. Otherwise, we'll never get out of here and finish this job. Let me see, I can try something.

Ur: Whatever plan you have, do your thing.

Y/n nods, placing his hands on his chest, focusing as it glows and an orb is formed.

Y/n: Give me strength, Lucario!

The orb glows brightly for a few seconds, and Lucario has appeared, howled proudly and ready for combat.

Y/n: Lucario, can you track down Natsu, Lucy, and Happy?

Lucario nodded as he agreed, he closed his eyes, they saw Lucario is forming aura around him as his four black appendages are up while doing so, and he sends a wave of aura to locate their whereabouts. A second later, Lucario was able to locate them. Their presence was a bit faint. Lucario points out his paw to their location and to Ur and Rossweisse surprise what's next…

Lucario: (It’s faint, but they're on the other side of the wall up ahead. We must hurry.)

Ur: Whoa, did he talk?!

Rossweisse: Did this happen while you were training Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah. I was surprised for a second, too. That's telepathy. 'I must have gotten used to this world's magic, the Keyblade's power, and my training of Ki.'

Lucario: (True. Perhaps the others can- Wait!)

Lucario looked at their surroundings and sensed something else was there while Y/n, Ur, and Rossweisse noticed it and were on their guard.

Ur: Hey, what is it?

Rossweisse: Did you sense something else?

Lucario: (Yes. We're not alone. It's close. Master, you sensed something too, didn't you?)

Y/n: Yeah, I noticed it, too. It could be hiding anywhere in the dark.

They looked at their surroundings for a minute until an ice pillar was thrown at Y/n. They noticed it quickly, Y/n made a strong left punch, and the ice shattered into pieces.

Y/n: Lucario, use Aura Sphere!

Lucario: (Right!)

Y/n quickly equipped with his Revenant, charged shot while Lucario in firing stance and used Aura Sphere, towards the noise, and almost hit which it growled in pain. However, they barely see an unknown creature lurking in the shadows.

Rossweisse: It’s on the move, Ur, let's do this!

Ur: You got it. Now, Ice-Make: Arrows!

Ur made a bow with ice on both of her hands, shot multiple arrows while Rossweisse stretched her hands, yellow glyphs and shot a volley of lightning explosive magic where the growling was located and it made some hits. An unknown creature has retreated within the cave.

Lucario: (It seems that an unknown creature has retreated, for now. Don't know how long.)

Rossweisse: We must make haste to find Natsu, Happy and Lucy.

Ur: Lucario did say they're on the other side of the ice wall up ahead. How are we going to get there?

Y/n: Don't worry, I got it. Stand back for a while.

They stood by a distance, Y/n went up the ice wall, made his fighting stance, his right arm transformed into his red Devil Bringer while Ur was surprised, Y/n clenched his right hand while channeling his Ki and lightning, threw a strong right hook and the ice wall crumbled down. Y/n dust his hands and smirked proudly.

Y/n: Damn I'm good.

Ur: Whoa! That was awesome there, Y/n! How did you do that?

Y/n: I learned that skill with my cousin. Took some practice, and we still kicked ass in style.

Ur: Wow, really?! From your family, huh? That's pretty neat.

Rossweisse: Right, Y/n is quite a fast learner, like his father, after all.

Y/n: You betcha. And don't worry, I can still turn my arm back to normal.

Y/n revert his Devil Bringer back to his normal state. They can hear Natsu, Lucy, and Happy nearby.

Rossweisse: Hurry, we have to warn them before-!

As the dust clears up, Rossweisse was shocked while Y/n and Ur were confused, to see Happy pretending to swim in his sleep, Natsu is eating ice and Lucy is taking a bath in cold water while naked. They're hallucinating from the cold and haven't eaten anything for a while.

Lucy: This water… It feels so refreshing.

Happy: Here I come, yummy fishies!

Natsu: Man, this stuff is good. But it's a bit of a chilly side.

Ur smirks mischievously, and Rossweisse notices that Y/n is still confused. To her quick thinking, she grabs Y/n’s head and brings it to her breasts, not looking at them

Y/n: *muffled* Well, there is something you don't see every day.

Rossweisse: The cold and their hunger are getting to them. It looks like they barely can hear us.

Y/n: *muffled* Right, any way to snap them out?

Ur: Hey Y/n, mind if I borrowed your guns?

Y/n: *muffled* For you Ur, anything. Be good.

Y/n tossing his Ebony and Ivory Pistols to Ur, aiming above them, and started to rapidly shoot it. Lucy woke up and screamed, but Happy bit on Lucy's head, causing her to scream more.

Lucy: Hey, get off my head, you freak!!! Huh?! Why am I naked?!

Ur: *smirk* So have a nice swim?

Lucy turned her head and saw Ur smirking while Rossweisse still held Y/n on her chest. Lucy screamed in embarrassment. Natsu turned his head and is still hallucinating in rage.

Natsu: Keep it down, will you?! I was having a great meal! It's ruined!

Natsu ignited his fist in flames, threw a punch towards them, Y/n quickly grabbed his arm, launched at the ice wall, and punched it. However, that caused a chain reaction around their surroundings.

Y/n: Well shit.

Ur: This keeps getting better.

Rossweisse: You three wake up!!

Lucy: What the?!

Natsu and Happy: Huh?

The ice from above is starting to break and falling down. A minute went by, and they looked around and checked if they're okay.

Lucy: Is everyone okay?

Happy: I-I think so…

Natsu: I'll light the fire–

Lucy: Hold your spark until I'm gotten dressed!

Natsu and Happy turned their heads for Lucy to put some clothes on, and she's fully dressed.

Lucy: Okay, I'm good to go!

Ur: *smirk* You sure got some guts for showing off your beauty to your crush~

Lucy: *blush* Aaah! You got the wrong idea!

Y/n: You guys went crazy and did some crazy things, even from this cold, icy cave. You're really brave.

Rossweisse: *clears throat* W-we'll tell you later. But we need to go now, while you three have the chance.

Happy: Huh? What do you mean by that?

Ur: While we were separated, Y/n had summoned Lucario to locate you guys and found you on the other side of the ice wall. But there's something else with us.

Lucario: (Correct. There's some sort of monster, we can't see to make it out, due to the darkness.)

Natsu, Lucy, and Happy: Whoa!!! He can talk!!!

Lucario: (In your minds, I can. But there's no time for that. We must go before it comes back.)

They agreed, and Natsu lit his hand on fire to see through the dark once more. Ur gave Ebony and Ivory Pistols back to Y/n. Natsu and Lucario picked up a scent from their nose.

Natsu: Hey, I smell something from before!

Lucario: (Yes, I can smell it as well.)

Lucy: Okay, I'm tired, cold, hungry, and a little crazy, but that tunnel wasn't here before.

Rossweisse: It’s no hallucination Lucy, it's very real.

Natsu: It’s the outside air, no doubt about it.

Happy: Maybe that will lead our way out of here.

Ur: Well, we can barely see the light up ahead. We're close to outside.

Y/n: Worth a shot. Let's check it out.

They walked towards the tunnel ahead. They stopped and saw another massive wall of ice, but different. Also, the exit is the other side.

Y/n: Hmm? Another wall of ice?

Ur: Wait a sec… this must be-

Happy: Alright! Take it down, Natsu!

Natsu: Here goes, Fire Dragon Talon!

Natsu's axe kicked with fire towards the ice wall and made a hit, but they were surprised to see it had no effect.

Lucy: Amazing, no scratches!

Happy: One more time, Natsu!

Natsu: Fire Dragon… Crushing Fang!

Natsu's dragon clawed with fire towards the ice wall and made a hit, but it had no effect again.

Natsu: It’s no use… I'm too weak from hunger…

Rossweisse: Hold on a minute, we figured out!

Happy: What is it? We can't break that ice down.

Lucy: Hey yeah, this ice… that means…

Lucy, Rossweisse, and Ur: Because that wall is really Hakobe Ice!

Lucy: Of course, Natsu's magic has no effect on it, no scratches, and that clearly proves it! Now we cut it through with this magical pen!

Rossweisse: The facts about this Hakobe Ice are true according to the books.

Ur: Nice detective work there. Let's get what we came for and finish the job.

Lucy went to the wall of Hakobe Ice, cut it off around with the magic pen, and she caught it.

Y/n: Alright then, let's go before-

However, they can hear and feel something rumbling closer towards them.

Happy: Now what?!

Lucy: I have a bad feeling about this!

The ice rubble merges out, and they're shocked to reveal a giant octopus-like beast.

Y/n: Yeah, that happens.

Lucario: (That must be the beast we were fighting against.)

Lucy: Umm, hello there, sir or lady… Sorry for barging in without permission. It's a nice place here. We'll take a small ice, that's all okay?

The monster is unresponsive but roars.

Natsu: Uhh Lucy, I think it's angry!

Happy: It doesn't look like it wants to understand!

Ur: Heh. Plus, we did a bit of damage to that monster.

Lucy: Hey, that made it even worse!

The monster looks at some familiar faces, roars in rage, and starts to cause havoc in the cave. It attempts to make them collapse within.

Rossweisse: We can't fight that beast in this condition! We have to escape now!

Without argument, they start to escape through the hole carved out, running through the tunnel ahead, and they successfully make it out.

Natsu: Alright, we did it. We're outside!

Happy: And the blizzard has stopped!

Lucy: That's great and all, but save it for later!

They looked behind them, the rumbling continued as the monster had broken through the cave and found them. Natsu rushed to fight the monster.

Natsu: Let’s go, Fire Dragon Iron Fist-

However, the monster swung his tentacles at Natsu back due to Natsu's lack of energy and landed on the snow.

Lucy: What the heck was that?!

Natsu: I can't help it… I'm too tired…

Happy: Come on, we'll take it down together!

Happy grabs, Natsu, to fly. Unfortunately, Happy didn't have much strength either. Lucy attempted to fight back with her whip. However, she met the same fate with Natsu and Happy.

Rossweisse: It’s up to us to stop that-!

They heard a loud rumbling sound. They looked at the source and realized that it came from Rossweisse. Her face is red, a bit embarrassed, and getting tired. She fell on her knees.

Rossweisse: I'm sorry… I must… go on… but need food…

Y/n: Wait a sec. How long have we been in that cave?

Lucario: (It seems all of you must have been in that cave for quite some time. Three days at least.)

Ur: Looks like we're the only ones left. Come on, let's take it down! Ice-Make: Prison!

Ur made a huge cage of ice to stop that monster's track, and she isn't done.

Ur: Now Ice-Make: Ice Geyser!

Ur slammed both of her glowing hands, went towards the trapped monster, and made spikes but barely damaged it. However, Ur fell on her one knee, not enough energy.

Ur: I thought I could handle it with one snack, but it's not enough. But I have to -

Y/n: Ur, go with the others. We'll take it from here. Let's do this, Lucario!

Lucario: (Right!)

Y/n and Lucario have made their battle stance and are ready to fight. The monster swung its tentacles towards them.

Y/n: Lucario, use Metal Claws!

Lucario's paws are forming into claws and slashes through the tentacles while Y/n did the Shredder move of his Crimson Rebellion. It growled in pain and anger.

Y/n: Now use Double Team!

Lucario has made multiple copies of himself to confuse it. The monster swung one by one, which it fell into their trap.

Y/n: Blast it with Dragon Pulse!

Lucario: (On it!)

Lucario howled, forming a violet color aura on both of his paws, fired Dragon Pulse while Y/n channeled his ki, threw his sword combined attacks towards the monster and made a direct hit at the monster. He's about to perform a fatal blow.

Y/n: Now finish with Extreme Speed!

Lucario runs, jumps high, towards the monster, glows green around him, brings out his leg to kick while Y/n does the Stinger move, and hits the monster.

Lucy: Whoa, how does he do that?!

Natsu: Did Y/n say that Dragon Pulse?! That was awesome!

Happy: No kidding there! Must be doing some secret training.

The monster got up from the attacks, barely to stand. To their surprise, Ur and Rossweisse joined the fray.

Ur: *smirk* I'm not giving up that easily! Y/n inspired me even more!

Rossweisse: That's right! I won't lose, and we'll push through the limits!

More surprised, Natsu joined in the fight in full energy all of a sudden.

Natsu: That's what I'm talking about! I'm all fired up now!

Lucy: Natsu ate some Hakobe Ice! Go for it!

Happy: Kick it's ugly butt!

Y/n surprised when Natsu ate the ice, shook his head in amusement, telling them later and looked back at the monster.

Rossweisse: Let’s combine our powers!

Ur: Let’s do this, Ice-Make: Cannon!

Y/n: Lucario, use Aura Sphere!

Lucario: (Right!)

Natsu: Fire Dragon Roar!

Rossweisse stretched her hands in red, Ur charged shot of her cannon, Lucario readied his palms and aura was formed and used Aura Sphere, Y/n readied his Ebony and Ivory, channeling his Ki and Natsu breathe through his mouth of fire.

Y/n: Jackpot!

All of their ranged attacks combined together towards the monster, and it was blasted off far away from them.

(Battle theme ended)

However, the impact was so strong that it blew them away strongly. Natsu grabs Lucy with Happy, Lucario grabs Ur, and Y/n grabs Rossweisse. They've landed safely on the ground.

Rossweisse: Thanks for saving us, Y/n, and Lucario.

Ur: Yeah thanks Lucario, I appreciate it.

Lucario: (Of course, anything for master's friends.)

Y/n: Hey, no need for formalities, we're all friends here, right pal?

Lucario was surprised a bit and smiled.

Lucario: (Yes… you're right, Y/n.)

Happy: You guys really kicked its butt there!

Lucy: That Hakobe Ice lived up to the legend! It works through wonders!

Natsu: Heck, yeah, it does! I feel like I'm on top of the world! Anyway, we should head back to the guild hall.

Happy: Yeah, and while we're at it, can't wait to eat some Mira's home cooked meal!

Lucy: I can't wait to go to sleep! But wait, we need to deliver the Hakobe Ice first.

Rossweisse: Umm Lucy, did we forget one thing about that?

Lucy was confused until slowly realizing what Rossweisse was trying to say, along with the others.

Y/n: 'And there it is.'

Lucy: Err… Natsu, did you eat the whole Hakobe Ice? So umm…

Natsu, Lucy, and Happy: …We have to go back there and do it all over again!?

Those three groaned in frustration and tired, and fell back on the ground.

Ur: *sighs* What a pain. We'll get even more tired and hungry to go through that crap again.

Y/n: There’s no need.

Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Ur and Rossweisse: Huh?!

Lucario: (What do you mean, Y/n?)

Y/n: Cause we're back to finish the job with… this. Ta-da!

Y/n dug out his jacket and presented them with another Hakobe Ice, a bit bigger. They were amazed how he had already acquired it.

Natsu: Wha?! How did you get that?!

Y/n: Lucy dropped the magical pen before we escaped. I used Quicksilver, grabbed the pen, and sliced that ice with it. You didn't think I forgot about that, huh?

Lucario: (I see. Very clever of you, Y/n.)

Rossweisse: Thank goodness you have it, Y/n! You're the best!

Ur: Come on, you three, up your feet. It's been a long day for you.

Happy: Now we can go back to the guildhall soon!

Lucy: Oh man, I'm getting tired for one day. Let's just deliver it to the client first.

Natsu: Alright! Our job is finally finished! With the reward, we can-!

Rossweisse: *smile* Which reminds me, we'll be discussing this after we finish this job. Wouldn't you say Natsu and Happy?

Natsu and Happy: Y-y-yes ma'am…

Lucy: Oh that, I almost forgot…

After that exhausting job on Mt.Hakobe, they returned back to the client first. Lucario went back to Y/n. He thanked them for delivering the large size of Hakobe Ice and received the reward. While doing so, Rossweisse made an agreement with Natsu and Happy in which they paid the food supplies for Y/n’s home. They comically cry. Y/n apologize to Lucy for the payment, she understands. They made it back to the guild hall, and they were greeted by some of the guild members and Makarov.

Makarov: Ah, Natsu, Lucy, and Happy, you dunderheads made it back safely. It's been three days. And I see Y/n, Ur, and Rossweisse were tagged along as well?

Y/n: Yeah, we were asked to come along, but in exchange-

Rossweisse: In exchange, Natsu and Happy must pay for food supplies since they raided our home in the morning.

Ur: Yep, that's why. It was really hilarious to me.

Mirajane: My goodness, well, that's our Natsu for ya. Don't worry. It always happens to Lucy when they are barging in her apartment.

Lucy: *groan* Please don't remind me about that.

Cana suddenly appeared next to Y/n, wrapped her arm around him while drinking.

Cana: Hey there, handsome, I missed you! It's been three days , as the master said.

Y/n: So we've been gone for three days? Huh. No wonder why they felt a bit tired. And we had no idea we've been gone that long.

Ur: Based on Rossweisse studies about books on that cave are true, but we managed to kick that monster's butt.

Rossweisse: Yes. And now, I want to relax for a while. It's been a long day for me.

Cana: Hey, since the kids are with Kuroka and the others, why didn't you drink with me? Let's just lose up for the day.

Rossweisse was a bit hesitant at first, but she happily accepted her offer. Y/n knew what was coming next.

Rossweisse: Of course, why not? I'm sure we can stay, right Y/n, Ur?

Ur: Sure, I'm in.

Y/n: It’s fine, I could eat some food and drink. 'Oh boy, here she comes after her first drink.'

Mirajane, Lucy, Natsu, and Happy noticed Y/n's expression and went closer to him.

Mirajane: Y/n, is there something wrong?

Lucy: Yeah, you don't drink some liquor, do you?

Y/n: Oh, don't worry, I can drink.

Natsu: What's the big deal about her?

Happy: Does she do crazy or funny things?

Y/n: Wait and see.

They hung out in the guild hall for a few hours as the sun set. Y/n paid for the food and drinks with Natsu and the others, which they appreciated. Cana drank some liquor with Ur and Rossweisse. However, Rossweisse drank a few whole cups of beer, and they're surprised to see she's already drunk. Her face was bright red, and she hiccups.

Rossweisse: Damn *hic* that Natsu and *hic* Happy! How dare they *hic* break into our *hic* home!

Ur: Oh wow, she's really something else, huh?

Lucy: I can't believe that she got drunk in a few whole cups!

Mirajane: My goodness, she must have been stressed out recently. She's pretty amazing, don'tcha think?

Lucy: I won't think so about that.

Happy: *scared* Oh no, she became more scary than Lucy and other girls combined!

Natsu: *scared* Y-y-yeah, we better back away before she murder us!

Rossweisse: NATSU!! HAPPY!!

Natsu and Happy: Eep!!



They looked at Makarov and noticed that he's already drunk from the liquor.

Happy: Oh boy, the master is going crazy too!

Lucy: Hey, Y/n, is Rossweisse going to be alright?

Y/n: She's always been like that when she's started drinking.


Cana: Yeah, I totally agree with ya on that!

Ur: Heh, no argument there.

Mirajane: *giggles* I thought I was the only one, and I agreed with that ship.

Lucy shrieked and covered her face with her hands in embarrassment. Rossweisse made her way to Y/n, she blissfully happy and gave a certain look.

Rossweisse: Hubby! You make me so *hic* happy! I'm glad that I met you, as my *hic* boyfriend! *hic* He's the best I can ask for!

Rossweisse almost passed out on Y/n's shoulder. Y/n grabs her, while Cana secretly smirks as she has an idea. Y/n and Ur have said byes and will see them another day. As they walked through the street, Cana went up to join Y/n, Ur, and Rossweisse.

(WARNING!!! The following part of this chapter will contain lemons! It's not suited for people under 18+ years. If you don't want to read that lemon, wait for the next chapter.)

Cana: Hey, how about I help out with you, Y/n? It's my bad, so I should help out, ya know?

Y/n: Yeah, sure, that would be great.

Ur: Hey, Y/n, don't worry about the kids. I'll tell the others we made it back alright. We'll look after them. There's an inn closeby. Since we had an amazing time the other night. See you back home, handsome.

Ur gave Y/n a kiss on the lips, and Y/n saw the way she was swaying her hips and waves. Y/n, Cana and Rossweisse went to the nearby inn, he paid for it and went to a room.

(WARNING! Incoming Lemon scene!)

As Y/n was about to place Rossweisse on the bed, Cana turned him around, wrapped her arms around his neck and started kissing him on the lips so passionately while Y/n kissed her back. While they were kissing, Y/n grabbed her butt and started to squeeze them while Cana moaned in pleasure. The two have stopped to catch their breath as they breathe heavily.

Cana: Oh babe, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to do this. I really want you so much.

Rossweisse suddenly jumped on Y/n's back and started rubbing her body on him.

Rossweisse: Oh, Y/n, this will be more arousing, don't you think?

Y/n smirked as he moved both of his hands lower to their crotch and started to rub their womanhood, as they moaned in pleasure, and Y/n felt wet down there.

Y/n: Wow, both of you are wet already? *whisper* Don't blame me after this.

Cana and Rossweisse felt shivers through their bodies as they're aroused even more. They took off their clothes, and they're completely naked. They pushed Y/n on the bed. Cana went to Y/n’s lower area, started stroking his shaft, followed by licking it and went sucking his member, as giving him a blow job while Y/n placed his hand on Cana's head. Rossweisse shows Y/n her breasts as she signals him to do it, which he accepted, went to lick around her nipples, then sucking it while Y/n used his other hand to grope her other breast.

Rossweisse: Ahh, Y/n, drink some of your teacher's milk.

Cana started to pick up a faster pace, and she placed her breasts around his member, moving up and down while Y/n groaned. Rossweisse went to Cana and placed her breasts on his shaft as two of them were sandwiched. Y/n can see Rossweisse's womanhood and starts to lick it while she enjoys it. Minutes later, Y/n felt as if he's ready to blow from his member. He groaned and soon couldn't take it anymore, and they let out a moan. He shoots out his climax on both Cana's and Rossweisse breasts and face as they clean themselves by licking each other and start making out with their tongues.

Cana: Hey Rossweisse, mind if I go first?

Rossweisse: Sure, go ahead.

Cana positioned herself, aiming on top of Y/n's member, slowly inserted his member and slams fully inside. She felt a bit of pain and pleasure while she could feel all the way in her opening. Both can see she's in tears, forming her eye and blood leaking.

Y/n: Cana, are you okay? First time, too?

Cana: Yeah. To be honest… I have had a big crush on you since when we first met in the guild. You're really different from other men. You're charming, honest, and brave. You treat others like family. Can't describe further how special you are… to us.

Rossweisse: That's our Y/n, for who he is. Our boyfriend. Now, Y/n keeps licking me.

Cana started moving her hips up and down while she moaned in pleasure. Rossweisse sits on Y/n's face and continues to lick around her womanhood. Cana and Rossweisse started to make out while her walls were getting tighter, Y/n started to dig his tongue inside of her womanhood and gripping Cana's butt.

Cana: I-I-I can't hold it! I'm coming!

Rossweisse: Me too!

They went a bit faster until three of them climaxed, Y/n came inside of Cana, Rossweisse came on his face, and Cana came on Y/n's member. As Cana got off of Y/n, to see his load leaking out and lay on the bed. However, Rossweisse is in the doggy style position as she wiggles her butt and giggles.

Rossweisse: Can you do me again, dear?

Y/n: As you wish, for you, my lovely valkyrie.

Y/n aimed his member to Rossweisse's opening and fully inserted deep inside of her again while she moaned in ecstasy. Y/n started pounding her at a medium pace as she remembers that feeling, and she enjoys it. As Y/n pounding her, Rossweisse went to Cana at her between her legs, which is leaking his load and starts licking around her womanhood. Cana moaned in ecstasy as she enjoyed it, and she placed her hands on her head while Rossweisse groped Cana's breasts to increase their pleasure. Y/n started to pound harder and faster as he's ready to blow until he came inside of Rossweisse again, and Cana came on her face. As Y/n pulls out, her opening is dripping out.

However, Y/n isn't done yet, he grabbed Rossweisse's butt, aiming where the other hole is and fully inserted his member inside while Rossweisse moaned in pleasure and her pupils were turned into little hearts.

Rossweisse: More! I love you so much, honey!

Cana: Oh wow. Babe, can you do me next?

Y/n: No problem, I'll do anything for my loved ones.

Y/n kept pounding and thrusting his member inside of Rossweisse's other hole at a faster pace while he rubbed her breasts. As Rossweisse continues to moan, Cana goes to the bottom of Rossweisse and does girl to girl action. Minutes later, Y/n couldn't hold it. He blew his load inside of her other hole while Rossweisse climaxed again. He pulled out his member, and it leaked out. Cana flipped over her, Y/n, aiming at her other hole, slowly inserting his member and slams fully inside her as he did. She moaned in ecstasy, and her pupils were turned into little hearts. Y/n started to do the same from a while at a fast pace, and Cana is sucking Rossweisse nipples while Y/n rubbing hers. Minutes went by, and Y/n couldn't hold it back. He blew his load inside of her other hole while Cana climaxed again. He pulled out his member, and it leaked out.

(Lemon Scene Ended!!)

They're panting heavily as they had an amazing time, Y/n fell back on the bed as Cana and Rossweisse joined in and slept on his chest. Y/n brought out a blanket to cover them. A mark is formed on Cana's back. And they fell asleep the next day.

As the sun rose up for a new day and Y/n started to wake up from his sleep due to the sunlight shining on his face. Y/n yawns, then he feels weight on both sides. He looks and sees Cana and Rossweisse smiling in their sleep together. Those ladies woke up, yawned, looked at Y/n, and smiled.

Rossweisse: That was an amazing night we had. You still have some energy.

Cana: No kidding there, I feel so satisfied when you're around us.

Y/n: Hey, I'll do anything to make you girls happy.

Rossweisse started to feel a headache and a bit nauseous from drinking too much liquor.

Rossweisse: *groan* I'm feeling hungover right now from yesterday. My head hurts a bit.

Cana: Yeah, sorry about that. You seemed stressed from the job you had with Y/n and the others. I'll help take you back to his house.

Rossweisse: Thanks, Cana. I appreciate it.

Y/n: I'll help out with you. But first, let's get cleaned up and then dressed.

They agreed. First, they shower from what happened recently, after they've dressed up, went back to their home. They're close to Y/n's house, so they stopped and looked at each other.

Rossweisse: I hope you had a great time, Cana. I don't blame you from yesterday.

Cana: Thanks, Y/n, Rossweisse. I enjoyed it along with the handsome man here.

Y/n: *chuckles* Thanks for the compliment, my lovely brunette. Well, we'll see you again soon, Cana. Come by whenever you want.

Y/n and Rossweisse tell her they'll see them soon and go to their house. Cana watched them enter their house, and she smiled brightly and placed her hands on her hips. Until Cana felt something in the pocket of her pants, she dug out and revealed a star-shaped charm like Y/n’s but her color and her emblem. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she smiled brightly, her tear drop on her charm and placed it on her chest.

Cana: *giggles* Y/n… that sneaky macho. 'You know… I'm glad that I met you and you're here… with us. I love you.'

Y/n, Ur and Rossweisse, along with Natsu, Lucy, and Happy, were able to finish their quest together for three days, it would seem. Natsu and Happy paid the damages for raiding Y/n’s food supplies. Rossweisse was drunk from a few drinks and said some crazy things. Y/n and Cana took Rossweisse to the inn to rest, which leads to a steamy love night. After that, they parted ways, and Y/n sneakily gifted Cana with a star-shaped charm, and she accepted. So what's next for Y/n and his friends?

As his adventure continues…

(Chapter 32 end)

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