Chapter 29.5: Aftermath! An Unknown Researcher Appear!
(This chapter is the aftermath of the last chapter, keep reading until the end. I hope you understand why and enjoy it.)
3rd POV:
After the unwanted reunion turned into an unwanted battle between Y/n and Rias including her peerage. Y/n have easily defeated them without any issues. Rias and her peerage have started spouting nonsense of their apologies, wanting them back to her 'family', etc.
However, they're surprised to see Serafall Leviathan, Azazel, Sona and her peerage have arrived in Earth Land. They suspect that Rias and her peerage attempted to bring Y/n and his group back to her. They are more surprised to see not only Chisato and Rossweisse, most of Fairy Tail have arrived as they wanted to help Y/n. Sona ordered her peerage to apprehend Rias and her peerage back to Kuoh Town in the ORC building for questions.
After this occurrence, Y/n is a bit ashamed and disappointed of himself for telling them the real truth. Y/n walked away from everyone as he started wandering around the town to wash his problem with Rias and her peerage. As for Fairy Tail, they wanted to cheer them up but Kuroka told everyone that it would be best to have some space after what happened. Makarov understood their reason, he ordered everyone to leave them be for a while until Y/n came back.
While few of the Fairy Tail members left, most of them hesitated for a while to see what's next for them. Asia went ahead to Y/n’s house to check on something while the others followed. They noticed Asia is a bit struggling to get those debris out of her way.
Juliet: Asia, what are you doing?
Asia: I have to check if it's okay.
Heine: What do you mean, Miss Asia?
They were confused by Asia's response while Kuroka, Rossweisse and Chisato knew exactly what she meant, they helped her out. To their surprise, Natsu, Lucy, Erza and the others are helping them to move those debris out.
For a few minutes, they managed to clear out debris, they looked inside the shelf and it revealed most of the small black boxes with their names.
Carla: I assume those black boxes are important to you?
Happy: Aye, but what's inside the box? Maybe it's some super yummy fish?!
Lucy: 💢 Why you come up that idea, you stupid cat!
Mirajane: Maybe it's something important to all of you.
Natsu: So what’s inside the box?
Asia opens up her box and it shows a Star-Shaped Item, a Wayfinder with green color and her Fairy Tail emblem on it, same with Kuroka, Rossweisse, Chisato and Ur. Everyone is surprised by her present.
Ur: Wow…is that…for me?
Wendy, Latina and Grace: Wow, it looks so pretty!
Gray: Yeah, where did he get that anyway?
Kuroka: It’s from Y/n.
They looked at Kuroka, a bit confused by her response.
Kuroka: Y/n made this as a present, showing how much he cares about us. He cares about it so much that it reminded him of his caretaker or rather his foster mom.
Kuroka recalled the time when Emiko was there, taking care of Y/n and Kuroka in her cat form.
When Y/n was 15 years old who is a bit mature, also while his memories were sealed and Kuroka was in her cat form, he finished his homework and decided to head to the kitchen which Kuroka followed him, they noticed Emiko was looking at the Star-Shaped Item and she seemed smiled but her eyes were sad because she misses her friends.
Y/n: Hey mom, you okay?
Emiko: Yes sweetie, I'm alright.
Y/n noticed that Emiko is sad in her eyes, saw the Star-Shaped Item on her hands and slowly realized that she might have missed her friends. Kuroka is a bit curious about her charm.
Y/n: Is that from someone you know? What's it? Looks like it's special to you.
Emiko: Yes, this is called a Wayfinder. Somewhere out there, there is this tree with the star shaped fruit. And that fruit represents an unbreakable connection. As long as you and your friends carry a good luck charm like this, nothing can ever drift you apart. You will always find a way back to each other, an unbreakable connection.
Y/n: (smile) Wow, sounds really inspiring from you…I'm sure you'll see them again and don't forget, you got me and Kuroka as a part of your connection, right Kuroka?
Kuroka happily meows as she agrees to Y/n’s response. To their surprise, Emiko formed tears in her eyes as she's very happy for raising Y/n well as her foster son and she gave them a big loving hug while they accepted it.
Emiko: *giggles* 'Y/n, thank you, someday…you can wield a Keyblade, you have a pure heart like me, your parents and strong will…the legacy of Sparda within you.' Alright, you two are ready for dinner?
Y/n and Kuroka: (smile) You bet!/Meow!
Emiko and Y/n made dinner for them and Kuroka, they finished it and they started eating together as a family.
(Flashback ended)
Kuroka finished recalling her memory of the Wayfinder. Irene listened to Kuroka's story of the Wayfinder, she felt tears of happiness as she started to cry while Heine and Juliet comforted her. Gray looked at his necklace wondering if it's the same case while Ur noticed it. Natsu looked at his scarf, clutched it as he remembered the time with Igneel.
Lucy: Wow, that sounds sweet.
Wendy: No wonder Y/n got his cooking skills from her foster mom. She did a good job raising him well.
Carla: Indeed you are, Wendy.
Cana: Yeah, hearing that story makes me smile more than before.
Elfman: *comically cry* That Y/n is a real man!
Lisanna: Oh brother, but he's right. Y/n is important to all of us.
Latina and Grace: (smile) Daddy is the best dad ever, making mommies happy!
Chisato: (smile) I see. That's how for who is.
Asia: Oh Y/n, I didn't expect that Emiko is like a foster mom, I'm glad she and his parents raised him well.
Rossweisse: Yes I'm surprised as well. I assumed that happened after Y/n's memories were sealed.
Gajeel: Hey, what do you mean by his memories were sealed?
Lily: I assume this might be connected to Y/n, in some way?
Levy: Yeah, something happened to Y/n?
Erza: And does this include the rest of you as well?
Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato have started to explain about Y/n, his family and their own identities. About Y/n's childhood days with his mom and dad, Y/n’s parents are connected to Sparda's lineage, the time with his caretaker named Emiko Shirogane who views her as his foster mom but she suddenly disappeared and left a note behind.
Kuroka explained who she is, what she has experienced and revealed her sister as Shirone who goes by 'Koneko'. Her power is Senjutsu, which is the power to control the flow of life energy or ki in living beings. Using it, one can strengthen both their internal and external bodies or even cause vegetation around them to bloom or wither. But Rias, her peerage and devil's view, pointed her out as an S-Class criminal for killing her master. Y/n decided to help Kuroka to clear her name and reunite with her sister. Kuroka is grateful for Y/n clearing her name but for her sister, she's very disappointed in her for involving the betrayal of Y/n. And she's also been betrayed by another group called the Khaos Brigade, Kuroka felt the same way as Y/n did.
Asia hesitated to explain but she decided to tell them, she used to be a nun of the church, she was calling her hurtful names as a witch, outcast, etc. Asia arrived at the location where she stumbled upon meeting Y/n, her first friend whose heart beats rapidly. Y/n and Asia were hanging out together which she enjoyed the most in secret, she told him about herself, her powers which he's sad to hear what she has been through, he made most words of encouragement and he made himself a friend to Asia which she's happy in tears.
For Rossweisse's case, she reveals herself as a Valkyrie, a female warrior of supernatural beings from Norse Mythology. She's a former bodyguard for Odin, whom he left on purpose. She stumbled upon Rias Gremory, she made her an offer to join her peerage which accepted it. Rossweisse is a former rook of Rias' peerage, and acts as a teacher in school. While during her time, she caught a glance of interest to Y/n Shirogane, surprisingly both in the same classroom. Outside of the school, she fell by accident and she dropped her papers and she hears a male voice which is Y/n Shirogane, her heart is beating rapidly as she fell in love in secret. Y/n offered to help her, she accepted it. Y/n said some encouragement to Rossweisse; 'despite her strict personality, she's a strong will and caring person for any guy who would skip out on a beautiful woman.' She can't help but blushed and flustered of how Y/n is a kind hearted person, she'll decide for him how feels about Y/n.
As for Chisato's case, most of Fairy Tail including Yukino, Arcadios and Hisui just knew only a fact her real name is Afureia. She's a former high-ranking goddess among the Ten Gods of the Divine Realm from another world. Ornis was trying to attempt to impress her by slaying those innocent people but she's disgusted by his actions and went to the human world. Afureia has changed her looks and made her identity as Chisato Hasegawa, a nurse of Kuoh Academy High School. During her time, she stumbled upon meeting Y/n, as he wanted to help her papers and she gladly accepted it, also Y/n saved her and Asia from Mamoru Sakazaki. Chisato felt something that she didn't before, her heart beating rapidly as she felt love with Y/n, she would tell her feelings when her time was right. Right now, she remains a powerful angel.
After they told their story of their past and how they met Y/n, most of Fairy Tail are shocked by their stories. Mirajane, Lisanna and Elfman hugged Asia as they felt the same way as being an outcast.
Gray: Man, you guys must have had a rough time in your lives too huh?
Wendy: Yeah, I'm sorry what you guys have been through.
Mirajane: Oh Asia, we're sorry to hear that. We felt the same way as you do.
Asia: Really, you do?
Elfman: Yeah, we've been through tough times together as a family. Been called an outcast and other hurtful names.
Lisanna: Until Master Makarov came, we found a place to call home, here in Fairy Tail.
Ur: Kuroka, I knew for a fact that you're not a criminal because I believed in you and you cared for Y/n and the others too. And you're my friend too, no matter what.
Kuroka: Thank you Ur, I appreciate it.
Lucy noticed Natsu was a bit quiet during their stories and shortly everyone noticed as well.
Lucy: Natsu, are you okay? You're very quiet.
Natsu: So…when is Y/n coming back?
Irene: Hmm…given the situation Y/n is in, I'm not sure how long. We're a bit concerned about him, somehow I'm not worried.
Heine: In the meantime, we need to take care of Latina and Grace. They must be worried about Y/n.
Juliet: Yeah and we should find a place for us to sleep in for while.
Erza noticed Asia is starting to form tears again.
Erza: Asia, are you alright?
Everyone noticed Asia and worried about her, given the situation.
Asia: Everyone…I…I need some space for a while.
Asia started to walk away from everyone, they were worried about her, after they told their past.
Chisato: Don't worry everyone, I'll look after her. We need some space to clear our heads.
Chisato went after Asia to comfort her, most of Fairy Tail and Y/n's group went their separate ways to clear their heads of what happened in front of Y/n's house. Unknowingly for them, Makarov and surprisingly Laxus and his Thunder Legion heard everything about their past. They grew to respect Y/n, as a proud member of Fairy Tail.
Sunset at Magnolia
Asia is sitting close to the pond, reflecting her thoughts and everything that happened a while ago. She looked at her own Wayfinder, admired it and she started to form tears in her eyes again.
Chisato: Asia.
Asia hears a familiar voice calling out, it's Chisato walking to where she is and sitting next to her.
Chisato: Asia, are you alright?
Asia: To be honest, I'm not sure. I thought I was being brave and happy like Y/n, but Rias and the others didn't want to understand our decision, they just kept saying those nonsense about our fates, the emblem is a slave and so on. Now…Y/n have to face his problems…alone.
Chisato: Oh Asia…he wanted for you to be free and happy. What matters to him is seeing you smile after you tell him your story, as our lover. And I assure you that no one in Fairy Tail said anything about kicking you out.
Asia slowly realized that she's right, looked at her Wayfinder and slowly smiled. Asia wanted to hug Chisato until…
???: Excuse me, are you alright?
Asia and Chisato heard a female voice called out to them, they turned their heads and saw a girl that Chisato saw her on the other day. Asia and Chisato are surprised that they didn't notice her.
???: Oh I'm sorry for starling both of you, I couldn't help but to see her so sad. So I thought I wanted to cheer you up. Also, I didn't realize you could see me.
Asia: Oh that's okay. We didn't expect to see you here.
Chisato: Excuse us for asking this but, who are you? And what do you mean, we can see you?
???: Oh my, where are my manners? I haven't properly introduced myself, but can you keep this as a secret for a while? It's nothing bad, I assure you.
Asia and Chisato looked at each other, nodded as they answered yes and looked back at the mysterious girl.
???: Thank you, my name is Mavis Vermillion. The emblem on both of you, tells me that you are a part of Fairy Tail, and I'm the first master of this guild.
Asia and Chisato are surprised to see and meet the First Master of Fairy Tail.
Asia: Wow! You're the first master, that's amazing!
Mavis: *giggles* Thank you for your compliment. You're a pure hearted person.
Chisato: Yes that she is. And you were saying that only the members of Fairy Tail can see you, correct?
Mavis: That's correct and I heard some interesting news about newfound members recently, I wanted to see if it's true and here you are.
Chisato: Of course, my name is Chisato Hasegawa and this is Asia Argento. We're the newest members of Fairy Tail recently, along with others as well.
Asia: It’s very nice to meet you, Mavis.
Mavis: To both of you as well. And I hear you said that there are more of you as well? I can sense that both of you are from another world correct?
Asia: Yes there are three more people who are with us and seven people here, they are Kuroka, Rossweisse, Ur, Heine, Juliet, Latina, Grace, Irene and our leader Y/n Redgrave.
Mavis is a bit surprised and curious about new members joining in Fairy Tail, she's also shocked that Irene joined in Fairy Tail.
Mavis: Wait, you mean Irene Belserion, the Sage Dragon Slayer is here?!
Asia: Do you know her from before?
Mavis: Well sort of. I heard that she's part of the Alvarez Empire in Ishgar continent. She's also been cursed by the black wizard Zeref, who negates her human emotions and causes her to lose sanity.
Chisato: You don't have to worry about her, she's in perfect condition. Thanks to Asia and Y/n, she's able to feel and sense human emotions. The curse she had is gone now.
Asia: Not only that, Irene owe her daughter Erza an explanation and apology for her reasons and Erza gave her a chance and accepted it.
Mavis: That's splendid news! I can tell many great things happened from this Y/n person. But where is he now?
Asia and Chisato are a bit sad about Y/n while Mavis noticed their expressions and guessed something that happened.
Mavis: Oh I assume something must have happened a while ago and everyone in Fairy Tail witnessed as well.
Asia: I…I thought at first that I'm getting kicked out again, but that didn't happen…
Mavis is shocked by Asia's response and tells her about her past. Mavis went up to Asia as she placed her hands where Asia's hand to comfort her while Chisato went up to Asia to comfort her as well.
Mavis: Please, don't be hard on yourself Asia, as the first master of this guild, we never do something like that. We still accept you for who you are as a family. We all have been through tough times in the past, as friends and family will help whenever we can. Trust me, I speak from experience in the Grand Magic Games. Makarov, Natsu, Lucy, Erza, and everyone else in Fairy Tail always stand tall.
Asia is starting to feel happy from Mavis' response while Chisato smiled. What Mavis said is very true.
Mavis: Oh yes, there's one more thing about Fairy Tail, remember those words well and tell them to Y/n and his group as well.
Asia and Chisato looked at each other, nodded as they answered yes and started to listen to her.
Mavis: These words of Fairy Tail: 'Do fairies really have tails? Do they even exist... Like them, this place as an eternal mystery... A never ending adventure!' (smile) That’s what makes us special for who we are…including Y/n and you Asia, never forget that and there's no mistake in that.
Asia slowly realized that Mavis was right, she hugged Mavis tight and her tears of happiness formed. Mavis felt Asia is a pure hearted person, she accepted it while Chisato joined in.
Chisato: (smile) Mavis, thank you. You truly made Asia a bit better. I'm so glad that you made a wonderful guild.
Mavis: (smile) Yes indeed I do, your welcome. Asia, are you feeling better now?
Asia: (smile) Yes thank you Mavis. We should head back to the guild, so we can find Y/n. Because we loved him…Y/n needs us, his family and his friends.
Asia runs ahead towards the Fairy Tail guild hall, Chisato felt happy for Asia is back to her cheerful girl again. Chisato looked back at Mavis, realizing one fact about her.
Chisato: Mavis…are you really here? Because I noticed you casted a Thought Projection Magic, didn't you? Don't worry, I'll keep this as a secret for a while, as a way of saying thank you for encouraging Asia.
Mavis: (smile) Thank you Chisato, I'm glad that I've met both of you. I hope I get to see and meet this Y/n person real soon. In the meantime, I'll be watching over you…take care of yourself and I'll see you again soon.
Mavis slowly disappeared into thin air, Chisato will see her again soon with Asia, Y/n and others as well. Chisato started to run to catch up with Asia, to find Y/n and cheer him up from what happened.
Meanwhile back at Magnolia…
Y/n was trying to clear his head from what happened as he was heading back to confront and apologized for keeping a secret.
Hey Y/n/Daddy!!!
Y/n noticed his friends in Fairy Tail as they could see him coming closer to them and to his newfound friends smiling. Y/n's group looked a bit relieved. Y/n is a bit curious about their expressions, but he has made his decision.
Y/n: 'I guess… I should come clean to everyone in Fairy Tail. I don't know how much they can take. And I'm not sure if I-'
When suddenly a mysterious figure appeared in front of him and his friends, they were confused by where he came from.
???: “My my, you are extraordinary!! A being with an angel and devil and yet he has a will of his own to do good, what a fine specimen you are!!!”
The mysterious man shouted in glee as he jumped for joy. Confusing the people around him of his antics as they got in their fighting stances. Y/n remained calm and cautious when that mysterious figure appeared in front of him, when Y/n felt something wasn't right about him.
???: “Oh pardon me, I’m just a humble researcher, and my ambition is my own as I just want to test my theory and experiments” He said with a smile on his face.
Y/n: 'Well there's something I don't see everyday. Maybe I'll mess him around a little bit.' Okay then, who the hell are you? And where the hell do you come from anyway?
???: Well…Y/n Redgrave…grandson of Sparda.. My name is Fu, but you can just call me master.. And what I want is to test a theory..” He said with a smile as the glimmer in his eyes had weird purple energy.
Y/n is secretly shocked that Fu mentioned Sparda, Y/n noticed that Fu had some evil intentions, but he'll play along for a while.
Y/n: Okay one, where did you hear that? Two…not in your lifetime in hell you asshole. And what kind of test did you have in mind?
Fu slowly walks ahead of him in front of Fairy Tail and Team Redgrave is being cautious about Fu's intentions.
Fu - “A test…Who would win in a fight.. A hybrid with an instinct for battle but uses it to protect others. A saiyan who is raised on earthland taught to use his power for others against a black dragon of destruction, and the grandson of the strongest demon warrior Sparda descendant!”
Y/n was a bit confused by Fu's idea, he mentioned a Saiyan in EarthLand who is fighting against Acnologia which Y/n heard one time.
Fu smiles as he uses his sword to slash in front as a purple rift appears and viewed inside is people that Y/n and the gang recognized. What they see is an alternate world of Earthland.
??? - “DANTE!!!”
???- “dON’T GIVE UP!!!”
Y/n is shocked by those voices belongs to Natsu, Lucy, Erza and the others in Fairy Tail at the unfamiliar island. Most of them recognize that the island is named Tenrou Island, and they have experienced tough battles against their enemies including Acnologia seven years ago. Y/n's group were shocked and confused about their experiences.
Makarov: (shocked) 'It can’t be! That's Tenrou Island, which we experienced the incident from seven years ago! What kind of power does that 'Fu' possess?!'
Fu smiles as the portal shows them more of the event as it shows a being with a missing arm, a huge scar on his chest as it appeared to be new and kinda fresh and bandages that almost covered his body but some were coming undone.
Y/n realized that a Saiyan raised in the alternate world of Earthland named Dante, which Y/n was shocked by that name but that alternate world is a different case.
As they all watch Dante panting in exhaustion as he looks at the dragon before turning into a new form with his hair standing with a blue aura around him and his eye’s turned grayish as he floats into the air with a punch to the dragon's gut.
Dante - “ I don't care what happens to me…But for my family! I WILL PUT MY OWN LIFE ON THE LINE AND DEFEAT YOU OVERGROWN LIZARD” Dante said as he flies upward with the dragon turning into human and floating towards him as they begin to clash shaking the clouds and the ocean
Fu - “How remarkable..and theirs you, a hybrid like Dante Dreyar here.. You see you and he are a lot like.. More of a sense that you and he are counterparts.. With different traits but the same heart but I wonder, what would happen if say time changed into something fun?” he said with a smirk
Makarov was shocked in gasp
Makarov - “What… Dante… Dreyar?!
Fu - “Yeah.. as you see this alternate version of you found him in the woods as a newborn all alone in his weird pod and there you trained him and taught him the value of his powers.. *pouts* making him all goody goody and a somewhat perv..”
Y/n: So that's the part where I jump in or what?
Fu chuckled sinisterly as he had other plans.
Fu - “Oh I wish but, sorry to say.. I only need your power.. Not your mind.. So you see..” he said before he shot a black dark orb at him floating into his body shocking him as his body was covered in black electricity as Y/n was screaming in pain as he could feel himself losing conscious
Fairy Tail and Team Redgrave: (shocked) Y/N/DADDY!!!
Y/n: 'I knew it! That bastard is toying with me! But what's this lightning, it's made from darkness!!' What the hell…is this?! What did…you do?!
Fu - “Like i said i need you to see what would happen if y/n of universe 31 and Dante Drynear of universe 32 clash in a fight, will time go on like he was just a footnote or will this turn ugly and doom his universe!!!”
As Y/n was feeling the shock become more intensely as his friends and lovers came rushing to help as best they could. Team Natsu, Kuroka, Ur, Irene and Gajeel tried but Fu used his katana to cast a shockwave attack, overpowering them. Most of Fairy Tail stayed behind and protecting Latina and Grace from harm.
Asia and Chisato have arrived and witnessed what's happening to see Y/n has been held captive by the mysterious scientist from a distance.
Asia: (shocked) Y/n…are you…no…I won't give up on him. Chisato, we must pray to believe in Y/n, he needs us. We don't want him to be alone.
Chisato: Asia…Yes, you’re right. We pray for a miracle for Y/n, to receive our connections within his heart. With this Wayfinder that Y/n gave us, it will. Follow my instructions, Asia.
Asia: (nod) Yes.
Asia and Chisato hold their hands with their Wayfinder, as they pray, their bodies are starting to glow. Asia and Chisato made a connection with their Wayfinders to Y/n’s, and to his surprise, Y/n hears familiar voices.
Asia and Chisato: 'Please Y/n, don't give up! We need you in our lives! We believe in you! Come back home to us!'
Unknowingly to Fu, Y/n’s amulet and his Wayfinder are glowing as it's responding to their call of the unbreakable connections. As well as Kuroka, Rossweisse and Ur, they felt the connection within their hearts to Y/n, due to their Wayfinders.
Back at Kuoh Town, as Sona and Serafall have finished scolding Rias and her peerage. While they're back at Y/n's house, those two have noticed that their Wayfinders are glowing, as it senses that Y/n is in danger.
Serafall: So-tan this connection, it's coming from Chisato and Asia, something terrible must have happened to Y/n.
Sona: Indeed Serafall, they perform a prayer of miracle to that connection. They wanted us to believe in Y/n. Y/n needs us and we'll be there for him in spirit.
Sona and Serafall have closed their eyes, their bodies glowing and concentrating on the connection to Chisato and Asia, and to them to Y/n. Unknown to them, Trish, Lady, Kyrie and Nero heard of what they said and they wished Y/n to call out within their hearts, as well as Dante and surprisingly Vergil, while they were still in the Underworld.
And somewhere else on the ocean of skies, a female with a hooded robe riding a pink gummi ship, has sensed that she recognized before. She placed her hand on her chest as she heard and prayed for the miracle connection, her body was glowing.
???: Y/n…please, don't give up. We are here with you, inside your heart. Because, I'm part… *smile* of your family… my sweet little boy.
Back to Earthland, Fu began to leave with Y/n.
Fu: Welp, looks like I have to get going. I'm just gonna borrow Y/n for my experimental procedures. So I'll be taking my leave to the alternate world of Earthland, to collect battle data and powers, and thank you for your cooperation. Toodles~!
Fu bowed and used his katana to cast his transportation circle and they disappeared.
(Song ended)
As Team Natsu, Kuroka, Ur, Irene and Gajeel have recovered and realized that Fu has taken Y/n away. Natsu is furious as he punches the ground.
Natsu: Aarrggh! Dammit, I couldn't save Y/n! Y/n is like…my best friend…that I ever have!
Lucy: Oh Natsu, I hope there's something we can do.
Gray: I thought we had gotten stronger before but…I don't know.
Juvia: Please try not to be so hard on yourself my beloved, I'm sure we can do something.
Wendy: We wanted to save Y/n…but…I'm too weak.
Carla: Don't be sad Wendy, I'm sure Y/n will find a way.
As they begin to discuss finding a way to get Y/n back, a light shines down and a little orb of light floats down and begins to open to show them a visual of what is happening.
As they were all talking the light in the viewing light shined again to show Y/n in a blank stare with Fu to the alternate world of Earthland.
Happy: What’s happening right now?
Cana: How did that happen?
Mirajane: Is it showing us about Y/n?
Gajeel: If it is, then shouldn't we do something about it?
Lily: Not sure it's possible for us to go where Y/n's location is.
Asia: We don't have to.
Everyone looked at Asia, as they were confused by Asia's response. Irene slowly realized from Asia and Chisato did.
Asia: Because I believed in him. I know he will come back to us.
Erza: What do you mean by that?! We can't just stay here and do nothing! I don't want to be alone! Is Y/n abandoning us, using us?I WON'T LET-!
Shockingly to everyone, Irene slapped her daughter as Erza is losing her sanity as Irene gave in before. Irene hugs Erza tightly.
Irene: Erza…I know I haven't been a mother a long time ago, but now as mother, I have to make sure my daughter is very happy with her friends. I owe everything to Y/n and Asia, they saved me and rid the disease that Zeref left me to die.
Everyone except Makarov and Team Redgrave, is shocked by Irene's statement.
Irene: If it hadn't been for Y/n and his friends, I would have lost my sanity and destroyed everything in my way. But right now, that didn’t happen. After I was free from that curse, I made a decision to go and reunite with you, my precious little girl. I was nervous about the outcome, but Y/n and his group encouraged me to reconnect with you after I told them about my past. Right now, somehow I'm not worried about Y/n because… I believed in him.
Heine: Lady Irene… She's right, I believe in him as well! We owe everything to Y/n and Asia as well!
Juliet: Yeah. Y/n is a kind and caring person, and he saved us from dying.
Everyone slowly realized that Irene and her companions made their point. They're starting to believe in Y/n as well.
Kuroka: Irene is right. Y/n have been there for us. Y/n gave me a place to call home and save me for them. Y/n loved us within our hearts.
Rossweisse: Y/n accepted for who I am, aside from my strict role but I loved him too. Our bonds will never be broken so easily.
Ur: I believe in him too. Y/n gave me a second chance to set things right for myself. I reunited with Ultear too, I explained everything that I have been through and apologized for not being there for her and she accepted it. Now, I'm here to stand by Y/n, of what matters to him and us the most.
Asia: Y/n is my first friend that I had. I admire him for how he cares and fights for what matters to him the most. I'm glad that I met him.
Erza is shocked and felt their honest responses from their hearts and experiences of what Y/n and his group have been through.
Chisato: Erza, I know Y/n will never give up that easily. I believe in him, of course Latina and Grace love Y/n as well. They see Y/n as a great father figure, despite his appearance of a demon. Don't worry everyone, Asia and I performed a magic to pray a miracle for Y/n to trace our connections we have, with the help of our Wayfinders and our guild marks.
Everyone realized that they were right. After Y/n have done for them, they made some great memories of that they had together since Y/n and his group joined in Fairy Tail.
Latina: Daddy always saved us and he needs our help.
Grace: Sis is right, daddy will be there for us and it's our turn.
Natsu: That's the spirit you two, that's how Fairy Tail works right Happy?!
Happy: Aye sir! That's right!
Lucy: Yeah they're right Erza. I know that Y/n and his team are here for a short time and they're already part of us. *giggles* And Y/n is a bit of a bonehead just like Natsu.
Natsu: (pout) Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!
Everyone laughs at Natsu and Y/n's resemblance.
Gray: Yeah you've got that right. No matter what, you guys are always a part of Fairy Tail.
Juvia: Yes I absolutely agree with my beloved Gray. Oh this will be an opportunity to practice with Latina and Grace as our children with my darling Gray!
Ur: *giggles* That's straightforward Juiva, good luck with that.
Gray: (blush) Hey, don't go say things like that in public!
Everyone laughs between Gray and Juvia.
Wendy: Yeah we won't give up on Y/n, I know he'll come back to us.
Carla: Yes Wendy, I knew Y/n is very special to everyone in Fairy Tail.
Levy: Yeah that’s for sure right Gajeel?
Gajeel: Well yeah, he's an okay guy for me.
Lily: Perhaps but you respected and interested Y/n after your sparring match.
Gajeel: Come on, give me a break man! I'll try to be honest a little bit!
Cana: We still wanted to get to know each other better as a family.
Mirajane: Yeah we care about Y/n and his group as well. Also, I loved Y/n too.
Elfman: (grins) Hehe that Y/n is definitely a real man in my book! I know he treats my sisters well.
Lisanna: It doesn't matter that Y/n is a demon, we still accepted him for who he is. 'I hope the girls will be alright if he accepts me.'
Laxus: (smile) Hmph that Y/n really interests me, he has shown us the spirit of Fairy Tail. And I'm looking forward to sparring with Y/n again.
Freed: Indeed with his powers and skills, perhaps we could welcome him as an ally of the Thunder Legion.
Bickslow: Yeah it would be totally cool if Y/n can join us on a job.
Evergreen: We would like to see more of Y/n's display of power and skills in action.
Alzack: We believe in Y/n too.
Bisca: We all do, especially our little girl.
Asuka: I hope he's okay.
Everyone is starting to believe in Y/n, Team Redgrave are very happy that they care for Y/n as a part of Fairy Tail including themselves. Erza felt a connection within her as she realized Y/n is very special, he made her happy because she reunited with her mother, giving her another chance to be a mother again.
Erza: Asia…I'm sorry. And you're right. I realized how much Y/n is really important to us. Y/n always been there for us, he made my mother feel better. Thanks to him, I got the chance to reconnect with my mother. So I wanted to thank Y/n, for everything that made me happy…when he came back home safe and sound.
Makarov: *smile* 'Y/n… you made a great impact in our guild. As a Sparda, I know you'll do what's right, to protect what matters to you. Just as your grandfather did years ago, for a short time'
Kuroka: It’s alright Erza, I'm sure Asia understands how you feel. We'll see Y/n again, to show him how you guys care and support each other as a family.
Asia: Kuroka's right. I understand how you feel, we all worried about Y/n. I know there's something he can't do on his own. Y/n have been on our side, and now he needs us.
Cana: So you casted some sort of magic to connect Y/n or something?
Chisato: Yes, we made a prayer of miracle to trace our connections within our hearts, with the help of our guild mark and our Wayfinders that Y/n gave us. He imbued his small fragment of his aura in this charm.
Carla: It seems to me, he's one step ahead in case something like this happens.
Gajeel: Gotta hand to him, that Y/n is one hell of a trickster.
Natsu: But wait, what can we do?! Y/n might be in danger! We don't want to lose our friend!
Lucy: It’s okay Natsu. I know Y/n is part of Fairy Tail, I can tell that he will find his way back… to us and his family. So we will believe in him, even from far away.
Natsu looked at Lucy, realizing that she's right.
Makarov: They're right, Natsu. Even though Y/n and his group joined in for a short time, we shared some great memories we had together. The bonds we shared, can never be broken so easily. They are very special, just like the rest of us. Y/n impacted by his kind deeds and his power to protect what matters most to him. I have no doubt that he will find his way back to us, here in Fairy Tail. We will never give up on him, because that's the way of Fairy Tail. Have faith in Y/n, my children.
Everyone nods and smiles as they acknowledge Makarov's response. They started to pray within their hearts, as they prayed for Y/n to come back safely. While they pray, their marks of Fairy Tail, the Wayfinders and Y/n's loved ones' mark are starting to glow as they start to trace their connection to Y/n Redgrave.
Unknown to them, at the top of Fairy Tail Guild Hall, Mavis is watching them and smiles as she's happy to see they love and care for Y/n.
Mavis: (smile) Y/n… wherever you are, we pray that you will return home to us. Everyone is waiting for you, to be safe and be happy. May the spirit of fairies, will pray for your safety.
Mavis prayed for Y/n as well. As the light grew brighter and brighter it shined as they saw the light shining brightly and heading into the stars as in the viewing light they saw the light shine to Y/n’s heart.
(Song ended)
In the alternate world of Earthland
Meanwhile back to Y/n, he has been taken away by Fu and heading to the alternate world of Earthland, at Tenrou Island, which took place, seven years ago.
Dante was beaten and bruised and tired as he looked on to see Fu, Acnologia (In his human form filled with dark power) and Y/n who had a blank stare in his eyes.
Dante smiled as he chuckled
Dante - “This is bad if i don’t finish this soon, I can forget about becoming Guild Master…But.. I can't think like that.. I have.. To win!!!” Dante thought to himself before he yelled out in anger as he exploded with power. As he upped his form to SSJ BLUE. In explosive furry Dante rushed at Acnologia first as he used his after image technique to move in all directions until he kicked him square in the jaws before blasting fu in the face with a energy blast as he raced to Y/n
Dante - “Come on kid.. I know there's a part of you that doesn’t want to fight.. So come on.. Fight this and take back control!” Dante shouted before he was kicked to the ocean by Fu.
Fu - “Oh no, no no can't have you do that..”
This made Dant growl in anger as he stopped himself md fall but before he could retaliate he was in a clash with Acnologia
Dante - “Aw come on Aggie, i’ll get to you in time just let me deal with this purple bastard and I’ll fight you later!” he shouted as he blocked all incoming attacks from the dragon human.
Fu: Oh shut up Dante, I heard enough about your garbage of this fighting back nonsense. Now I would like to begin the experiment that I bought him in! Oh man, this is gotta be so cool and epic!
Fu smiled and laughed mischievous of his excitement of his experiments of this outcome.
And Fu is now looking at the readers,(yes, Fu looking at you and you too other authors. Fu broke the fourth wall for his amusement.)
Fu: (grins) Yoohoo~ out there, you guys got exactly what you wanted! How poor wilte Y/n is drowned into despair and hopelessness, because you guys don't like him, you hate him, calling out an outcast, blah, blah, blah. Oh I love it, your hatred is so deliciously exquisite and so cold blooded! More! Let everything of Y/n be blackened with anger and despair!!! Ahahahahaha, oh man that made my day!
The author pushed Fu out of the way and fixed the problem of the fourth wall.
A/n: Okay, that's enough out of you dumbass. This is my story, no one is going to be ruined. If you guys don't like it, don't come back and don't post negative comments. Should someone like him or you even have a right to decide? You've done nothing but abuse your doing. Do you get me?!
A moment of silence…
A/n: …Ahem sorry, I have to get it out, just your comments to yourself. It must be said, be respectful. So anyway, back to the story.
Unaware of Fu, Y/n’s amulet and his Wayfinder have responded to the unbreakable connections to hear those voices within hearts are his family, Fairy Tail and his loved ones are calling out to him. Y/n's blank stare has been broken, the dark power that Fu imbued him has been adapted quickly to his own use.
Y/n: 'Wow, this dark power…is intoxicating. Hmph, do you think you can control me that easily, four-eyed dumbass. I got a big painful payback just for you. Asia, Chisato, everyone thank you. I'll be back soon everyone…I promise.'
Dante then kicked Acnologia's gut and quickly grabbed his legs before tossing him away from the island as he knew he would return but he would get a brief break to talk to the mysterious man known as Y/n.
Dante - “So tell me, why do you look like me.. Are you from some universe, Edolas or a clone?”
Dante & Y/n - “alright let's get this party started" as the battle between Dante and Agnalogia grew so did the worry of his friends that were on the island of Tenrou as Erza, Juvia, Mira, Cana and Vados looked on in worry as they knew that Dante wasn’t fully recovered from his last fight with Hades as well as using ultra instinct twice in one day
Erza - “Dante…don't give up…please.” she said in sadness as she made two fists and squeeze as hard as she could as she hated this feeling as she knew that she wasn’t strong enough for the dragon nor these 2 strangers and yet Dante was. As she wanted to fight as she was about to leap into the air and join them before Mira stopped her
Erza - “Why are you stopping me, I have to go and help Dante!!” she said as she released a bit of her hidden destroyer power
Juvia looked at her and sighed in utter defeat
Juvia - “as much as Juvia-sama would love to Help Dante-kun, we'll be more of a burden for Dante-Kun rather than helping, but that doesn’t mean we cannot help in our own way!” Juvia said with pale on her face, hint of hope
During the aftermath of Y/n's battle against Rias and her peerage, Y/n needed to clear his head while Y/n’s group received a gift each of them from Y/n as a Wayfinder. Kuroka and the others have explained to them about Y/n and their past.
Asia and Chisato have met the First Master of Fairy Tail, Mavis Vermillion who encourages Asia as a family of Fairy Tail. Asia and Chisato will keep their secret from meeting Mavis for a while.
While Y/n saw Fairy Tail, he wanted to apologize on his behalf however, they were confused and cautious when that mysterious man appeared and introduced himself as Fu.
To their horror, Fu was casted a dark lightning at Y/n as he's been held captive and Fu took him away to the alternate world of Earthland for his experimental procedures.
Unknowingly to Fu, Asia and Chisato casted a prayer of miracle at Y/n, to trace his connections to his family, his friends and loved ones.
What will be the outcome of unexpected circumstances of Fu's experimental battles? Will Y/n Redgrave have to submit Fu's bidding? How will Y/n Redgrave find his way back home to his reality?
As for Y/n's adventures still continuing…
(Special Ending theme)
Well that's all he wrote for the day. Y/n went to clear his head from his unwanted battle between him and Rias, including her peerage. Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, Chisato and Ur have received a gift each of them from Y/n, a Wayfinders. Despite from what happened, the rest of Fairy Tail still care about Y/n and his group as well, they still a part of the family, no matter what they are. As Y/n wanted to apologize for not telling them the real truth, a mysterious researcher named Fu appeared in front of them. To their horror, Fu have taken Y/n captive and he took control of Y/n to create an experiment at the alternate world of Earthland where the battle occurs in Tenrou Island, seven years ago. On the alternate world of Earthland, a Sayian who is raised in Fairy Tail named Dante Dreyar is battling Acnologia in his dragon-human form, all from Fu's doing. What will be the outcome of unexpected turn of events? Will Y/n break free of Fu's control? Head over to Bryce459 from his story, 'The Adventures of a Saiyan, Son of Mavis Vermillion' and also stay tuned for more adventures of the Third Sparda of Fairy Tail! We have been working on the crossover chapter together, give him support and and love of his hard work. See you later!
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