Chapter 28: Battle against Ornis! Identities Revealed!
3rd POV:
When the rest of Fairy Tail, Yukino, Arcadios, and Hisui arrived and saw the terrible condition of Celestial Spirit World. They have witnessed the devastating effects of the Celestial Beast. Most of them have turned into constellations, however, Natsu with Happy and Y/n have managed to go inside the Celestial Beast. Natsu, Happy, and Y/n saw not only the inner core of Celestial Beast but also saw the Celestial Spirit King who was chained by the Zodiac Spirits.
Fortunately, Natsu and Y/n have successfully destroyed the inner core of the Celestial Beast which in turn, the Celestial Beast has been destroyed as well. With those results of victory, the Celestial Spirit King, the Zodiac Spirits, and their world have returned to normal. Hisui apologized for her act of recklessness, the Celestial Spirit King told her there was no need to dwell on the past and smile, Hisui felt so happy and relieved by his response. Lucy and Yukino were approached by the Zodiac Spirits to reclaim their services again, including Aquarius to Lucy.
And to think the crisis is over, or so they thought. Latina warned Y/n and everyone else that someone was approaching them. They're shocked by the mysterious figure who was revealed as Mamoru Sakazaki has somehow managed to travel from Kuoh Town to Earthland, to reclaim his beloved one, Chisato Hasegawa whose true identity is Afureia.
Mamoru: I've found you at last, my beloved one. It's time for you to return.
Cana: Hold on, you guys know him?
Asia: Yes. Myself, Chisato, and Y/n know him but I feel a bit uncomfortable with him.
Rossweisse: It's true, I heard rumors from the other people that he was close to sexual assault to attractive young girls and later he was fired.
Wendy: No way! Seriously?!
Carla: How repulsive that foolish man!
Gray: Talk about a real creep if you ask me.
Elfman: Yeah that was so unmanly!
Chisato: (mind) ...How can I forget about him, until Y/n saved us?
(Flashback in Kuoh Town)
At sunset, as Chisato is walking to her home, she hears a familiar scream belonging to Asia. She rushed to her rescue and met up with Mamoru Sakazaki who was a close attempt to assault her.
To her quick thinking, she rushed toward Mamoru, swiftly palm striking him in the gut and helping Asia to comfort her.
Chisato: Asia, are you alright?
Asia: Yes, thank you Miss Hasegawa.
However, Mamoru barely managed to stand up and move slowly towards Asia and Chisato as well. Chisato is protecting Asia from him, as they notice him smiling sinisterly. At the same time, Chisato felt a familiar presence coming from Mamoru.
Chisato: (mind) ...This presence...can it be-?
Mamoru: (grins) This is even better, two for the price of-!
???: Hey jackass! Didn't your mother tell you, it's not nice to harass some beautiful, innocent ladies?
Mamoru turned his head to the source of his interruptions, revealed as Y/n Shirogane. Chisato and Asia are blushed pink on their cheek and instantly relieved that he was there for some reason.
Mamoru: (anger) You bastard, don't get in my-
For a split second, Y/n rushed towards Mamoru, he punched him in the gut so hard, rapidly punched him in the face, and swiftly kicked him on the head to knock him out. Y/n dusts his hands and look at them smiling warmly, as their cheeks turn red and their hearts beat faster pace.
Y/n: Hey, you two are okay?
Asia: Thank you so much Y/n, you're the best.
Chisato: Indeed. That was very brave of you. You must have trained secretly in your spare time~.
Y/n: (smile) Hehehe yeah you can say that. Anyway, we should call the police first then I'll take you two to your place.
Asia and Chisato: (smile) Thank you.
After the incident, Y/n called the police to report the situation of Mamoru attempting to sexually assault Asia and Chisato, as well. Chisato is witness to Y/n's response and the police take him to the station in jail. Y/n escorted Asia first to her home, Asia kissed Y/n on the cheek as if saying thanks while Chisato giggled. Lastly, Y/n walked with Chisato in front of her home.
Chisato: (smile) I would like to thank you again for your actions. I want to repay you somehow.
Y/n: (smile) It's no problem at all. I did what I thought was right, that's all.
Chisato: Here's part of my gratitude.
Y/n: Well that's-
Chisato kissed him on the lips, Y/n was surprised at first but he accepted it for one minute.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah you're welcome. Well, I'll see you in school, take care of yourself okay?
Chisato: (smile) Of course. Have a good night, Y/n.
Y/n and Chisato have gone their separate ways to their homes. Chisato is really happy in secret as she found her true love, same with Asia as well. On the next day, the principal of Kuoh Academy received from the local authorities formed that Mamoru Sakazaki was charged for the attempted sexual assault on Asia, and Chisato, Y/n defended them. The news spread like wildfire for a couple of days, female students are grateful for Y/n's deeds and a few male students including Saji respected him.
(Return to present)
Kuroka: No wonder I heard some rumor about that incident, but at least Darling is still our knight in shining armor.
Ur: I can tell and no argument there.
Mamoru: I wouldn't let that happen again. Now that Y/n isn't here then-
Y/n: Well, well, I almost forgot about you, dumbass.
Mamoru: What? Who are you?!
Y/n: Why don't you take a closer look for yourself and find out?
Mamoru looked closely specifically at Y/n, slowly realizing that the white-haired boy is Y/n Shirogane (which in secret is Y/n Redgrave/Sparda), who has the same smirk from a while back.
Mamoru: (anger) You! I should have known you're still alive from those monsters I summoned here!
Y/n: Yeah, so it was you from the start. I didn't recognize you without the principal's angry backside attached to your stupid nose.
Mamoru: Enough! I will have the last laugh when I destroy those who oppose me with this item in my possession!
Mamoru revealed the item is a Lacromia Crystal that has the power and data from Eclipse Celestial Spirits. Mamoru yelled as he was absorbing the Lacromia Crystal filled with the negative energy of Celestial Spirits and his body started to glow.
Everyone except Y/n is shocked that they have witnessed his actions.
Lucy: So that creep was biding his time from the shadows?!
Yukino: Maybe he was using them to gather data from Eclipse Celestial Spirits when he allied!
Hisui: It's entirely possible, most of us noticed he left and were waiting for the right time!
Arcadios: This feels different than when we fought against the Eclipse Celestial Beast!
Irene: His body is glowing, he's planning to transform!
Rossweisse: This power...that might not be as Mamoru, it's something else!
Erza: Everyone, prepare to fight once again!
Loke: Then we're going in too.
Fairy Tail, Yukino, Arcadios, Hisui, and Zodiac Spirits: Right!
Mamoru began to be engulfed in light, causing everyone except Y/n to shield their eyes for a moment and they were shocked by his transformation with the aura of negative effects of Celestial Spirits. Chisato secretly knew the familiar presence from before.
Aquarius: What the hell is that?!
Aries: I-I-It's scary!
Virgo: How intriguing, this is the presence of a god in another divine realm.
Levy: WHAT?! A God from another world?!
Juliet: He can't be serious about this, is it?!
Heine: Hate to tell you, Juliet, but it seems it's true!
Gajeel: Oh you've got to be kidding me?!
Erza: No wonder his power is unbelievable and he absorbed the Eclipse power from that Lacromia!
Mirajane: Seriously, who is that guy?!
Chisato: So, you have finally revealed yourself at last Mamoru...or I'd say...Ornis.
Ornis: Hello everyone, my name is Ornis. With this power of Eclipse Celestial Spirits, I will cleanse those who dare to oppose me and reclaim my treasure!!!
Ornis opened his hand and formed a mix of blue and purple orbs at them. As everyone prepared to fight, Y/n walked in front of them and they were shocked and confused about what he was planning.
Happy: Y/n, what are you-!
Y/n: (smirk) Come on then "mighty god", let's see what you have got.
Ornis: I'll start with you, ignorant mortal!
Ornis shot the orb at Y/n, which he secretly smirked as he had tricked up his sleeves. The orb made a direct hit and exploded as the wind blew strongly they barely managed to stand still.
Fairy Tail: (shocked) Y/N NOOOO!!!
Hisui: (shocked) No, is he really-?
Arcadios: Wait, take another look! The dust is clearing up!
As they are confused about Arcadios' response, they decide to look again while the dust is clearing up. Everyone's shocked reactions by not only Y/n is okay but they have witnessed its form. Y/n has transformed into his Dreadnought Trigger, along with his demonic crimson aura and lightning effects around him.
Juvia: Y/n have transformed! It's like a demon in armor!
Elfman: Whatever his form is, he must be very manly of him!
Natsu: Whoa! Can that be some kind of Take-Over Magic?!
Mirajane: I don't think so! I haven't seen anything like this before!
Irene: Indeed, Y/n isn't just an ordinary demon!
Gray: Yeah, what kind of power does Y/n have?!
Ur: Hey girls, do you know that power from Y/n?!
Kuroka: That's one of Darling's family abilities.
Rossweisse: Yes, we told you that Y/n is very special to us.
Y/n: Yep, this is one of them. Don't worry, I'm perfectly fine.
Asia: Geez Y/n, you're making us worry about you.
Y/n: (chuckles) Sorry about that, bad habit. Came from Pops and Grandpa after all.
Irene: Y/n, how much a demon are you?
Y/n reverted to his normal form and looked at Fairy Tail and the others.
Y/n: Well technically, I'm ¾ demon and ¼ human.
Everyone: (shocked) WHAT?!?! YOU'RE ¾ DEMON!?!?
Gajeel: Damn, your power is incredible!
Lily: No doubt, he might be stronger than Gildarts!
Asia: I'm sorry but who's Gildarts?
Lucy: Gildarts is a powerful S-Class Wizard in Fairy Tail, along with Laxus, Mirajane, and Erza!
Cana: Not only that, he's my dad!
Kuroka: Wow really?! We didn't know that!
Erza: We'll explain later but for now, we must be cautious about this Ornis!
Ornis: (shocked) What?! Impossible?!
Y/n: (smirk) What? Is that all you got? If it is, then I'm not impressed.
Ornis: (shocked) What are you?! What in the world are you?! After that attack, how can you still be alive?!
Y/n: (smirk) Hehe it's because my obvious charms and good looks saved me that's how. Now tell us, how did you get here anyway?
Ornis: During my time as Mamoru Sakazaki, he was in police custody because you ruined my chance to be with my Afureia. After I was released for a year, I was tracking my treasure and she wasn't there until I found a way to find her. It was a one-way trip to travel this world. When I arrived a few days later, I encountered those Eclipse Celestial Spirits whose goal is to gain absolute freedom, while I secretly use this Lacromia Crystal to collect their data and powers to make it my own.
Levy: Wait a minute, who is this "Afureia" you kept talking about?!
Ornis: Why not tell them Miss Hasegawa...or should I say...Afureia?
Everyone except Y/n, Kuroka, Rossweisse, and Asia is shocked to see that Chisato's true name is Afureia.
Chisato: Yes it's true. That's my real name. I was a former goddess among the Divine Realm from another world. Ornis wanted my attention to destroy everything including innocent people. And Y/n accepted me for who I am, not for my status. I'm sorry for not telling you about all of this.
Irene: (smile) There's no need for an apology. We still accept you as a member of Fairy Tail and...our friend as well.
Lucy: She's right, you know. Fairy Tail is an amazing place to be with family and friends to call home.
Natsu: Yeah that's why Fairy Tail is number one!
Happy: Aye sir!
Everyone nodded at that statement, Chisato was shocked and happy to see why the guild is special.
Chisato: Ah yes I forgot to tell you, contract of the Ten Gods is already broken. Y/n has made it happen. And now, I'm staying here with Y/n and the others.
Ornis is shocked by Chisato's claim, and he is very furious at Y/n.
Latina: No! Mommy is staying here!
Grace: Yeah that's right, you bad man! Go away!
Ornis is furious at this point when he sees Latina and Grace who are protecting Chisato. Ornis secretly decided to cross the line.
Ornis: If that attracts you, then this will!
Ornis shot a blue and purple orb at Latina and Grace, to their quick thinking, Latina and Grace cast a barrier to protect them while Heine and Juliet rushed to them and shield them, however the barrier exploded and they were a bit injured and unconscious.
Irene: Heine, Juliet!!!
Fairy Tail: Latina, Grace!!!
Hisui and Yukino are horrified and cover their mouths, unable to speak. Arcadios, Celestial Spirit King, and Zodiac Spirits are shocked by what they have witnessed.
Fairy Tail rushed towards Heine, Juliet, Latina Grace to see they were okay. They were unconscious for a while. Everyone is angry and glares at Ornis for such cruelty to kids.
But they felt a heavy presence, they slowly turned and it belonged to Y/n who was absolutely furious at Ornis. While Y/n is furious, his crimson demonic aura around and lightning effects around him increasing his power, is making everyone terrified.
Y/n: *cold tone* Why did you do that to them huh?
Everyone felt chills from their bodies which Y/n said in a cold tone.
Ornis: Why glaring at me? Everyone should be thanking me, they are nothing but those useless beings who have their sins. I'm sure everyone can strongly agree that my acts are absolute. I have finished what Dylan could not. And this should attract my treasure even more.
Y/n: You know, gods like you will be sent back to hell. If anyone hurts my family, my friends, my loved ones and my kids...IS GONNA PAY!!!
Y/n's crimson aura has been skyrocketing intensely, rushing towards Ornis at the speed of light and punching him in the face.
(Imagine Ornis is Jiren and Y/n is Goku)
Ornis is skidded back strongly, Y/n equipped with his Rebellion's Oath. Y/n yelled as his body began to glow, and he has transformed to his newfound form.
Everyone including Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, Chisato witnessed his new form of Devil Trigger with his wings formed on his back.
Y/n: This form of power...I will call this form...Devil Knight Trigger!!!
Meanwhile at Kuoh, while Trish and Lady finished their jobs, Trish looked up at the sky and felt a powerful demonic presence which belonged to her son Y/n Sparda. Trish placed her hand on her chest where her heart and smiled while Lady noticed it.
Lady: Hey Trish, what is it?
Trish: *smile* I've felt my son's power far away.
Lady: Well whoever that bastard is, he has signed his own death wish which no one will attend.
Trish: *giggles* You've got that right. Come on, let's go back home.
In another part of Kuoh, Nero finished his job in the abandoned warehouse with Nico. Nero looked up at the sky and felt a demonic power unleashed. Nero smirks at his cousin while Nico notices his expression.
Nico: Yo Nero, is something going on with your wife or something?
Nero: *chuckles* Nah, just my damn cousin who is a few steps ahead of me. Got a long way to go for me. That's all.
Nico: Ah right. Come on, time to go back then. Don't want your dear Kyrie waiting for your huge surprise~.
Nero: Hey, would you just shut up already. And don't smoke on the way, it smells like ass.
Meanwhile in the Underworld, while Dante and Vergil kept fighting the demons together when they finished, they sensed a demonic power unleashed. Dante smirked while Vergil was intrigued by his power and he noticed Dante's expression.
Vergil: Dante, are you certain you have trained him to be the strongest warrior of our blood, haven't you?
Dante: *chuckles* Yep, I've taught him everything I know and now he's learning along the way. I'm so damn proud of my kid, he's growing up so fast.
Vergil: Hmph, I see. Whoever this foolish being, he will receive no mercy from our family.
Dante: Yep, you're right about that. Welp, I think we should keep up our momentum and skills in check.
Vergil: Agreed then we shall.
Back to Earthland, Ornis started to get up from the ground. Chisato is shocked by Y/n's newfound power and has managed to damage him.
Ornis got up staggered and shocked by Y/n's power had managed to damage him.
Ornis: You filthy monster, you will repent your sins!
Y/n: Don't speak...just die.
Ornis rushed towards Y/n and punched him on the chest; however, Y/n didn't flinch and affected him.
Ornis: Impossible!!!
Y/n: What, is that all you got? Okay then, guess it's my turn.
Y/n punched him in the gut, kicked him in the face causing Ornis skidded back strongly and resumed back fighting.
Meanwhile, Ur looked between Latina and Grace to Y/n fighting against Ornis. Ur clutches her fist and grit her teeth in anger as she reminds herself, as she's losing her daughters.
Ur: (mind) I already made the same mistake once, there's no way I'm not letting it happen again! I swear!
As Kuroka noticed Ur's expression, she pat her shoulder for attention, Ur looked at her as she had the same feeling, mouthed "Let's go" Ur quickly nodded her response and they ran and joined Y/n's side. Fairy Tail, Yukino, Arcadios, Hisui, Zodiac Spirits and Celestial Spirit King noticed their intentions.
Kuroka and Ur: Take this!!!
Kuroka cast multiple blue flame blasts while Ur casted her barrage of ice spears rapidly at Ornis. Y/n is surprised that Kuroka and Ur joined the fight. Few more members have joined as well.
Ur: Come on, let's send this bastard to hell in full!
Kuroka: That's right, nobody hurt our daughters and got away with this!
Rossweisse: Don't forget about me, this is our fight. We are going to pulverize that monster until there's nothing left.
Irene: Indeed, he will receive no mercy from us for what he has done! Let's go!
Y/n, Kuroka, Rossweisse, Ur, and Irene rushed towards Ornis.
Y/n, Kuroka, Ur, Rossweisse and Irene: Rrrrraaaaaggghh!!!
Ornis swung both of his arms as he casted an energy shockwave, to their quick thinking, they were able to spread out as to dodge and Y/n delivered him a strong gut punch. Ornis clutches his stomach in pain as an opportunity to attack him.
Y/n: Give me strength, Keyblade Limit Arts: Ars Arcanum!
Y/n unleashed his thirteen flurry combo attack at Ornis. Y/n signals them to attack.
Rossweisse: Take this, Elemental Magic Volley:Full Burst!
Rossweisse casted the elemental magic in full power at Ornis, making a direct hit and exploding. Ornis is a bit staggering.
Ur: Ice-Make: Rosen Krone!!!
Kuroka: Eat this, Flaming Wheel!!!
Ur have casted a ice magic of vines with spikes on it, wrapped around Ornis, and slammed him down. Followed by Kuroka's large blue flame wheel at Ornis, Irene made a 6 hit combo with her staff. They noticed Mirajane arrived at the scene in Satan's Soul
Mirajane: Save some for us, Soul Extinction!
Mirajane releases a large black-purple energy from her hands at Ornis, causing a devastating explosion. Y/n and the others noticed not only Mirajane but everyone joined in the fight.
Lucy: Don't worry, we are fighting too! Wendy, Chisato and Asia are healing them. Now, Fleuve d'étoiles!
Lucy used her whip to bind her and slam him to the ground.
Cana: Alright, let's see if he can handle this! Card Magic: Explosion!!!
Cana threw the eight cards at Ornis and did some damage. Followed by Erza swinging her swords six hit combo, Elfman formed his Beast Soul and hit at Ornis. Gray and Juvia performed a Unison Raid of Gray's Ice Geyser and Juvia's Water Nebula at Ornis made a devastating impact. Levy casted her Solid Script: Thunder and made a hit on Ornis. To their surprise, Y/n focuses his powers and summons his Pikachu, Latios and Latias to fight.
Yukino: My goodness, are those dragons?!
Arcadios: I've never seen dragons like that before.
Natsu: Hey those two are dragons! I can smell them!
Gajeel: Yeah no kidding!
Y/n: Latios, Latias, use Dragon Rage! Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!
They acknowledged his commands. Latios and Latias use Dragon Rage from their mouths, while Pikachu uses his Thunderbolt, combining their attacks together at Ornis and making a direct hit. After that, the Zodiac Spirits are joined in to fight Ornis.
Loke: Come on everyone, let's go!
Zodiac Spirits: Right!
All of the Zodiac Spirits are teamed up, casted their attacks together and make damage continuously. Ornis is staggering as an attempt to fight back.
Irene: Natsu, Gajeel together!
Natsu and Gajeel: Right!/Bring it!
Wendy: I'll help out too!
Y/n: Pikachu, use Electroweb! Latios use Dragon Dance to Gajeel, Latias same with Natsu!
Pikachu: Pika!
Latios and Latias: Tios/Tias!
Pikachu uses his Electroweb which makes Ornis paralyzed while Latios and Latias cast a Dragon Dance on Natsu and Gajeel, which increases their strength and speed. Natsu and Gajeel felt their magic powers have increased.
Gajeel: Whoa! I feel buffed up!
Natsu: Yeah me too! Hey thanks you two, I'm all fired up now!
Wendy: Together in Team Dragocket Style!
Irene, Natsu, Wendy, and Gajeel: Sage/Fire/Sky/Iron Dragon Roar!!!
Irene, Natsu, Wendy and Gajeel unleashed their magic out of their mouths, combined their roars made a devastating power, a direct hit and exploded. As Ornis screamed in agonizing pain.
Ornis: WHY!?!?
(Ended battle theme)
As the dust clears up, Ornis is now staggering so violently as he's unable to stand up properly. Ornis is now on the brink of death.
Ornis: ruined...everything!!!
As Y/n took out his Ebony and Ivory, pointing at Ornis, however Ornis weakly slapped his Ebony and to their surprise, Chisato caught it.
Ornis: Ah my lovely Afureia! You're come back to your senses! This demon doesn't deserve to live as well as those pathetic mortals! We can be together forever!
Chisato:'re an ignorant fool to think that! To ever think, all of those heinous acts of crimes can attract me, and worst of all, you almost killed my children as if they were my own! It's time for me to end your existence!
Chisato closed her eyes, as she changed her hair and eyes to different colors. Her aura presence formed into a divine green around her.
Hisui: This...this unbelievable!
Arcadios: Indeed princess, it's something I haven't felt like this before.
Ornis: Ah yes, Afureia's powers! You are here to stop those filthy mortals for me, yes?!
Chisato: Hmph, I didn't stop them just because I'm in love with you. My heart already belongs to a man who cares for who I am, not the other way.
Chisato joined Y/n and pointed Y/n's Ebony at Ornis as she was ready to fire.
Chisato: My darling Y/n, I'll try your way for now.
Y/n: *chuckles* Remember what my pops and I used to say like this?
Chisato: *giggles* Of course.
(Replace Vergil as Chisato/Afureia and Dante as Y/n in Devil Knight Trigger Form with their colors)
Chisato and Y/n: JACKPOT!
Chisato and Y/n shoot their bullet at Ornis body and begin to disintegrate as if he has been dusted from existence and Ornis screams in pain and calls out her name. Chisato and Y/n reverted back to normal form, she gave Ebony back to Y/n, and she gave him a hug and kiss on the lips while Y/n accepted it for a minute.
Chisato: (smile) Y/n...thank you.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah you're welcome.
Carla: Honesty you two, Wendy is there!!!
Chisato and Y/n noticed Wendy was blushing red, a stream coming out of her head and her hands covering her mouth.
Y/n: *chuckles* Sorry about that. She'll find out when she grows up. *realized* Wait, Latina and the others! Are they okay?!
Chisato: *smile* Don't worry, they're fine. We have managed to heal them and saw everything that happened.
Latina and Grace are running towards Y/n and give a big hug. Irene hugged Heine and Juliet, relieved that they're okay. Everyone smiles for them.
Asia: Heine, Juliet, are you both okay?
Heine: Yes, we're okay. Thank you for healing us.
Juliet: We're sorry we made all of you worried. We wanted to protect them.
Y/n: Latina, Grace saw that -
Latina: It's okay daddy. I sensed you and you still are my dad.
Grace: Yeah I agree with what sis said. We love you.
Kuroka: Aww that's so sweet of you two.
Ur: Come here you two. Give your mommies hugs and kisses.
Latina and Grace cheered and gave their mommies each a hug and kisses on the cheeks. Everyone had their hearts melted with their moment and went up to them.
Natsu: Hey Y/n, your form is so awesome! I'm so excited to fight again!
Lucy: Come on Natsu, how many times do you want to battle Y/n?!
Happy: Aye! Like Natsu will beat him for sure!
Gray: I'm not sure how many times that fire hair idiot can take a hint.
Juvia: Yes Juvia strongly agrees with my beloved Gray!
Erza: I'm very intrigued by your special attack Y/n, maybe I should learn that technique!
Y/n: Hehe, maybe another time.
Gajeel: Damn Y/n you really are strong, and I'm itching for another battle with you again.
Lily: I can imagine that will happen.
Levy: Yeah Gajeel will meet the same road as Natsu does.
Cana: Yep I'm still betting our boyfriend wins in fights! We still love him anyway.
Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, Chisato, Ur and Irene: (smile) Right.
Elfman: That Y/n's power is so brave and amazing, just like a real man shows!
Mirajane: (mind) My little sister has a big crush on Y/n, we will discuss it with Kuroka and Ur when we get back. *outloud* You've incredible Y/n, I'm impressed by your power. It looks like you managed to control it.
Y/n: Yeah I have been training hard with my pops of my family's powers since I was a little kid, around nine or ten years of age.
Everyone: (shocked) Seriously?!?! When you're little?!?!
Y/n's summons went up to Latina and Grace, began to nuzzle them to comfort them and they are happy they're alright. To their surprise, Latios and Latias went up to Irene and nuzzled her while Irene accepted it and patted them to comfort. Latina and Grace petting Pikachu as Pikachu smiles for affection.
Arcadios: Incredible, he's able to defeat a god being by his demonic power along with others. A remarkable warrior indeed, agreed Princess-?
Hisui said nothing but her smile and her cheeks turning pink as she saw him so valiantly, despite his appearance. Arcadios notices Hisui's expression and he silently chuckles as she admires Y/n in secret.
While they were praising Y/n's power, the Celestial Spirit King recognized Y/n's presence.
C.S.King: Hmmm...I began to see now.
Everyone looked up at the Celestial Spirit King who noticed his expression.
C.S.King: I remember now. I recognize that demonic power from you. It seems your reputation precedes dear old friend...
Y/n: Wait a second, what do you mean by that?
C.S.King: My old friend once came here by accident, he said he must find a way to get back to his own world, for his own reasons is understanding. I can see the resemblance between him and you. He introduced himself as the Legendary Dark Knight...Sparda. And you are him.
Everyone was shocked and confused about what the Celestial Spirit King said and looked at Y/n.
Y/n: Wow really? So you're saying that you knew my grandpa came here once. I guess he did mention that part one time. Well to tell you the truth, I'm his grandson, as the Third Generation of Sparda and the Son of Legendary Devil Hunter Dante.
Now everyone, except Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato is at a higher level of shocked expressions while their eyes bulging out of their sockets.
Zodiac Spirits: (shocked) WWWHHHHAAATTTTT?!?!? YOU'RE SPARDA'S GRANDSON?!?!
Natsu: Huh? Why are they surprised?
Lucy: We're curious about that too.
Y/n: Well looks like my secret is-
To Fairy Tail, Yukino, Arcadios and Hisui have surprised reactions that they didn't expect, the Zodiac Spirits have bowed in their own way as to pay Y/n with respect.
Zodiac Spirits: (smile) It's great to you again, Sir Sparda!
Y/n: Hey now, no need for formalities. Any friend of my grandpa is a friend of mine.
Capricorn: As you wish, Y/n. Sparda was a good friend of ours for a short time.
Hisui: This is amazing! I never thought he would make friends with the Zodiac Spirits!
Loke: Yeah and what's more surprising to us was that-
Aries looked at Y/n, rushing up to him and hugging him. Again, they are shocked by Aries' actions.
Virgo: It would seem that Aries took quite a liking to Y/n fast, same as Sparda as well.
Aquarius: Tch first Sparda stealing my attention and now that Y/n is too?!
Y/n: Umm, does she always like this?
Lucy: That's my question for that too! Aries used to be shy around other people but Y/n here, it's a different story.
Erza: I noticed that as well.
Juvia: Yes and I noticed that Aquarius is very jealous about Y/n stealing her attractions.
Aries: (smile) Safe. I feel very safe because his aura is so warm and comfortable, just like Sparda. He treats me like I was his child.
To Aries' surprise, Y/n patted her head. Aries looked up to him smiling as her mind flashes of Y/n as Sparda's same smile in human and demon form with the familiar aura before.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Aries, that's nice of you to say.
C.S.King: This is quite interesting to witness the return of Sparda's Legacy. The stars have told me the tragic news that Sparda and his wife have passed by Sparda's enemies. We were saddened by his death; however, his legacy continues to his sons and become legends of their world. Now then, all of you may return back to your world in no time.
Everyone is confused by what the Celestial Spirit King said: "another world" led them to questions which they looked at Y/n, Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato who knew.
Y/n: *sigh* Looks like we've got some explaining to do.
Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato: Right/Of course.
The Celestial Spirit King teleported Fairy Tail, Yukino, Arcadios and Hisui back to Earthland in Magnolia Town in no time at all; as the Celestial Spirit King meant it, Y/n and the others will explain everything about his story.
Meanwhile, back at Kuoh Academy in the ORC building; Rias stood up in her chair as she made a decision as the members looked up.
Rias: ...Everyone, I've made my decision.
Issei: What is it, Miss President?
Xenovia: Do we have some plans for today?
Rias: Yes...we're going to reclaim our remaining evil pieces.
Akeno: Ara~, how exciting! I'm sure we can be together as a family.
Kiba: I see. This is going to be very intriguing to see.
Gasper: S-s-so are we ready for this guys?
Koneko: So what's the plan Rias-senpai?
Rias: I can do a transportation circle to locate where Y/n is. And I will need the power of the Red Dragon Emperor to help. Issei, will you help me with this process~?
Issei: Hell yeah, I'm ready to kick some ass and grab some tits! I'm ready when you are Ddraig!
Ddraig: Boost! Of course, Hyoudou. And Miss Gremory, this process is-
Rias: Okay then everyone, let's get going!
ORC Members: Right!/Hell yeah!
Rias has made her transportation circle below them, she pour her power and Issei uses his Boosted Gear joined in the process. As the red light begins to glow that brightens the room, they are starting to teleport to Y/n's location.
Unknowingly to Y/n, Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato; they have no idea what they are going to do. How will Fairy Tail react to Y/n's explanations? And how will Fairy Tail react between Rias and her peerage to Y/n.
As their adventures continues...
(Ending theme)
That's all he wrote for the day. After Natsu along with Happy and Y/n defeated the Eclipse Celestial Beast, the Celestial Spirit World returned to normal and peace. Or so they thought, Y/n and his team are shocked to see Mamoru Sakazaki, who is Ornis, have traveled from Kuoh Town to Earthland. Ornis absorbed the Lacromia Crystal filled with their powers and data of the Eclipse Celestial Spirits. Ornis has crossed the line, where he shot Latina and Grace along with Heine and Juliet who were protecting them. To their surprise, Y/n have awakened to the newfound power of his Devil Trigger, which is named Devil Knight Trigger. Y/n and everyone have defeated Ornis together. To everyone's shocked reactions, the Celestial Spirit King and Zodiac Spirits are surprised to see Y/n is the kin of Sparda. They explained a bit of their story of how they know Sparda for a short time. Y/n and his team got some explaining to do. How will everyone in Fairy Tail react to Y/n's explanations? And how will Fairy Tail react to the confrontation between Rias and her peerage to Y/n? Find out in the next chapter of Third Sparda of Fairy Tail! Stay tuned!
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