Chapter 26: Battle of Eclipse Celestial Spirits Pt.2: Fight against E.Ophiuchus
3rd POV:
After Y/n Redgrave have saved Natsu from Eclipse Ophiuchus’ attack and arrived the scene, Natsu had a crazy idea to give Lucy and Yukino’s advantage with Y/n’s help. Hisui, Arcadios, Wendy, Carla and Happy are anticipated for their idea.
Y/n: (smile) Alright Natsu, I’m ready whenever you are. 👍
Natsu: (smirk) Hehe that’s the spirit! Hey Lucy, Yukino, get ready and close the their gates!
Natsu and Y/n stand side by side together, Natsu releases his dark magic, at the same time Y/n unleashed his crimson demonic aura at 2%, two powers combined and shoot upwards where different places from the Zodiac Realms.
Natsu and Y/n: Haaaaaaaaaagh!
E.Ophiuchus: (shocked) Im-imposssible! Two mere humans, possess such immense power!!!
Natsu: (grins) Hehe, I’m not just human, I’m a Dragon Slayer!
Y/n: (grins) As for me, I’m half human and half demon got that?! Together!
Natsu and Y/n: Haaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!!
Natsu and Y/n pushed a bit further of their powers to give Lucy and Yukino the advantage to the finish the job. Wendy, Carla, Happy, Arcadios and Hisui are a bit surprised from not just Natsu’s dark magic and Y/n’s aura is demonic.
Carla: WHAT! Y/n is a demon!? How can that be?!
Wendy: Yeah but…for some reason, when I look at him, he doesn’t seem to be threat.
Happy: Huh? What do you mean by that?
Wendy: Because I know that he’s a good person. He made me feel very safe. After all, he did saved me when we came back to Magnolia from those bandits and their monsters.
Hisui: Incredible. For some reason, Wendy’s right. Could it be he’s related to Mirajane from the Grand Magic Games?
Arcadios: Hmm…I can’t say for sure. He’ll have to explain later.
While the Zodiac Realms have been converging to each other, Lucy and Yukino are a bit confused how she arrived while E.Libra joined up with E.Virgo. As two Celestial Wizards confronted the last two Eclipse Celestial Spirits, Lucy and Yukino joined together to perform their magic against them. As E.Virgo and E.Libra charged towards them however, they have been defeated by Lucy and Yukino’s Urano Metria. Lucy use the key to close E.Virgo while same with Yukino close E.Libra.
After E.Virgo and E.Libra have been closed, Lucy and Yukino are teleported to where Y/n, Natsu and the others. Wendy and the others are surprised they have made it through alright and exhausted.
Wendy: Looks like they made it back!
Carla: But are they alright?!
Wendy, Carla, Happy and Hisui rushed to them to make sure if they’re hurt.
Natsu: They pulled it off-!
Natsu have fainted and exhausted from his release of dark magic while Y/n and Arcadios help him up.
Arcadios: Steady now, Natsu.
Y/n: Yeah man, I didn’t know that dark magic effected you badly.
Wendy: (worried) Lucy, can you hear me?!
Hisui: (worried) Yukino, please open eyes for us!
Lucy and Yukino opened their eyes and they are relieved that they alright.
Lucy: What…what happened?
Happy: You can thank Natsu and Y/n for that one!
Yukino: What do you mean?
Hisui: (smile) Yes, it’s true. Natsu’s magic combine with Y/n’s demonic aura made those Realms converging to one. As they have given you two the advantage.
Yukino: What?! Y/n's aura is demonic?
Carla: Yes, we’re surprised as well. Either way, it worked.
Arcadios: Are you feeling better now, Natsu?
Natsu: Yeah. I feel all of the dark magic is wearing off now.
Happy: That’s why you should be careful what you are eating Natsu.
Natsu: I dunno, I kind of got used to it anyway. Hey Y/n, you’re awesome how you did that! I can feel that demonic power from you, are you like related to Mirajane?
Y/n: Not exactly, that’s just my own demonic power, it comes from my family heritage after all.
Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Carla, Happy, Yukino, Hisui and Arcadios are confused from Y/n’s response of his power.
Y/n: I’ll explain it later, but right now we got bigger things to worry about.
Y/n is walking slowly towards E.Ophiuchus, Natsu and the others are shocked that Y/n is crazy.
Hisui: Y/n, what are you-!
Y/n: (smirk) Hey snake breath, how about you just give up before you keep embarrassing of yourself huh? What do you say?
E.Ophiuchus won’t say anything for few seconds until she chuckles sinisterly as Y/n, Natsu and the others are confused why she’s started laughing.
Natsu: Hey, what’s so funny?!
E.Ophiuchus: You assistance are valuable to me. I should be thanking you for that!
Natsu: (shocked) What?! What are you talking about?!
Y/n: Okay, you mind just tell us already before I’m ready to kick your ass. And your gibberish of this nonsense, *fake yawn* are starting to bore me already.
E.Ophiuchus: Quiet pitiful human! As I was saying, I would have sealed them myself but it would be quite a challenge. And thank goodness I have you. Now the Celestial Spirits are now in the grasp of Celestial Spirit King! The King demanded for that while I planned the rest.
Hisui: Are you saying the King wanted this to happen?!
Wendy: So the Celestial Spirits wanted to gain their freedom is nothing but a big lie?
Carla: It seems they’ve been tricked as we all are.
Y/n: Meh, I guess that sounds about right, looks like we missed out some part of this fiasco.
E.Ophiuchus have explained the Celestial Globe serves as a conduit for their King, it sole purpose is to channel the strength from Celestial Spirits to Celestial Spirit King who is been corrupted which leads is the Liberuim Verus to sacrifice these Spirits from the Celestial Plains. Which shocked to Natsu, Lucy and the others.
Hisui: Sacrifice?! But why?!
E.Ophiuchus: Becoming as the Eclipse worked perfectly for them and my king as well. It give my king an exquisite appetite for as such power. Which is why the Celestial Spirits wanted to leave the plain but now they are trapped with his grasp. All of this false hope for them and you have perfectly well just as I planned.
Yukino: The Celestial Spirit King is badly affected it.
Lucy: We thought we help to freed them but we put them in harm’s way.
Wendy: That’s awful. And we didn’t know.
Natsu: Dammit, I can’t believe this crap!
Hisui: To think we’ve banished them from their Realms and now it’s in the hands of the Celestial King. To make matters worse, if the Celestial Spirit King goes unchecked, the Celestial World and itself will collapse.
Natsu and the others are shocked for Hisui statement if they didn’t stop it’s rampage, everything will be destroyed. Y/n got some the gist of it.
E.Ophiuchus: I will shall cease to exist for the sake my king. HAHAHAHA!
The Celestial Globe started to brighten up, the constellations shining red, a massive wind gusting through the world. At the same time, they heard a eerie sound like a huge monster growling.
Carla: Sounds like a wild animal growling?!
Happy: I thought I was the only one!
Y/n: Hehe, sounds like that snake breath is over compensating. Besides I don’t want you to get a creak in your neck for looking down on me.
E.Ophiuchus: Silence! And you will be the first of my victim!!!
E.Ophiuchus charged towards Y/n for her snake head to eat him while Natsu, Lucy and the others are worried about Y/n. However they didn’t notice that Y/n is unfazed and secretly smirk. The snake head of E.Ophiuchus have ate him.
Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Carla, Happy: Y/N NOOOO!!!
Yukino: Oh no. This can’t be happening.
E.Ophiuchus chuckles sinisterly as she have won for a second but she feels something’s not right. The snake’s mouth is acting a bit unusual while few have noticed.
Hisui: Wait. What’s happening now?
Arcadios: I'm not sure, stay cautious.
E.Ophiuchus: What?! What’s happening?!
The giant snake’s mouth of E.Ophiuchus have been forcefully opened by Y/n's natural strength, which they’re shocked and relieved that Y/n is alright.
Y/n: As appealing as it sounds…I think I’ll pass.
Y/n have made out of snake’s mouth and moved to where Natsu and the others. Y/n equipped with his Crimson Rebellion in hand ready to fight.
Y/n: Though a fight of every now and again makes life more interesting. (smirk) Don’t you think?
E.Ophiuchus: Rraaagh!!! I will not tolerate for your mockery of me!
Lucy: Geez, I can’t believe Y/n is like Natsu.
Happy: Aye, one Natsu is enough for me.
Carla: But anyway, we have to find a way to deal the Globe and E.Ophiuchus.
Wendy: Yeah but what can we do?
Natsu: Y/n and I will deal this snake jerk while you guys find a way to break that globe!
Y/n: There’s no time to waste and this party still continues!
Natsu and Happy, alongside with Y/n prepare to fight against E.Ophiuchus. While they began to fight, they have been watched unaware by an eye magic spell which belongs to Irene.
Meanwhile with Erza and Kuroka’s group, they have watched and listened clearly from the situation of Y/n and Natsu’s side.
Erza: Unbelievable! Y/n is a demon?!
Mirajane: Yeah, I know that demons are very different from devils.
Irene: Indeed. Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, Chisato you have been with Y/n for a while, who is he to you? I want to know about him.
Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato looked each other, closed their eyes smiling and placed their hands on their chests where their hearts is as they answered them sincere.
Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato: (smile) Y/n is very special to us, for who he is.
Erza, Gray, Juvia, Levy, Gajeel, Lily, Cana, Mirajane, Elfman, Irene, Heine, Juliet, Latina and Grace are surprised from their response. While Ur have understood of what they meant, placed her hand on her chest where her heart is.
Ur: …They’re right. (Everyone looked at Ur) Whenever I look or near at Y/n, he…made me feel safe and comfortable. (Smile) After all, I owe everything to Y/n, for giving me another chance to live.
Erza and the others have felt that they’re right about their response and smiled.
Irene: (mind) I see. So that’s what I felt when I’m around Y/n. *giggles* I should ask Kuroka and Ur about ‘rewarding' of our beloved husband with my Erza after this is over~.
Heine: (smile) I understand, in any case I’m glad that he rescued us.
Juliet: (smile) Yeah, he have been there for us. We will be there for him.
Latina: (smile) I’m glad he’s our daddy.
Grace: (smile) Yeah and daddy is still our super hero!
Cana: Yeah, I’m glad you think so cuties~. (Patted their heads and giggles)
Elfman: That Y/n is definitely alright in my book and shows how much he cares just like a real man does!
Gajeel: (smirk) Hehe, looks like I’ll enjoy to have rematch with Y/n after this.
Lily: And there’s no stop you to be beaten up again.
Gray: Man, Y/n reminded me of that flame brain, well sort of.
Asia: Umm, Gray your clothes is gone again.
Gray: What!? When did that happen?!
Juvia: Ahh~ my beloved Gray is still hot. The two of us still destined partners!
Rossweisse: *giggles* Those two will never change, do they?
Chisato: You’re right about that. (Serious) Anyways, we must find a way to help Y/n and Natsu.
Erza: That’s right. Levy, any luck of deciphering the details of Liberuim Verus?
Levy: Yes, I managed to translated the passage from the book. We have to destroy Trinitas, in other words Trinity which is Ophiuchus.
Kuroka: Right, so what does that mean?
Levy explained to others that it’s associated with the word Trinitas, an ancient word that bears the meaning "Trinity," which refers to Father, Son and Celestial Spirit. The Father is "Ophiuchus" and the "Son" snakes, in other words, Astral Spirytus, the place where Liberum must be performed. It's a way of irradiating the constellation with Liberum's light. If the three aren't destroyed at the same time the ritual cannot be stopped.
Erza: I see. We should destroy this place while Y/n and Natsu will have the advantage of defeating E.Ophiuchus.
Irene: Yes, in the meantime, Y/n and his group will deal with that snake girl before it’s too late.
Gajeel: (grin) Hehe, I get to destroy wherever I want, huh?
Lily: It sounds like the way of Fairy Tail as always.
Ur: (grins) Alright then, let’s get to it.
The rest of Fairy Tail and Team Redgrave gone on separate ways to destroy and smash the Snake Charmer's body from the inside out.
Meanwhile back with Y/n and his group, Natsu and Happy kept dodging from E.Ophiuchus attacks of her Oceania flute while Y/n kept dodging and using his Royalguard. Lucy, Wendy, Carla, Yukino, Arcadios and Hisui are struggling a bit finding a way to destroy the Celestial Globe. But Celestial Globe is glowing brightly red as the situation is getting worse.
E.Ophiuchus: (grins) Hahaha, Yes! The power from those Zodiac Spirits is flowing out to my king! Consume into nothingness!
Happy: If that keeps up, the king will explode!
Natsu: Lucy and the others, they mean everything to them! I’m not talking about the contracts! They forged their bonds, and I won't let cut them!
Happy: Aye, they are connected to them!
Y/n: You're wasting your time, snake breath. I think she needs to learn the hard way.
E.Ophiuchus: Then endure this, Death Penalty!
E.Ophiuchus started to play her flute developed a new type of attack. While she played, she cast a volley of purple orbs and shoot towards Natsu along with Happy are dodging and Y/n kept using his Royalguard ability.
While Wendy with Carla healing Arcadios however the healing magic has no effect.
Wendy: I can’t heal him, the red light from Celestial Globe is nullify my magic!
Hisui: (tears) This…this is all my fault! I did this! I should take this pain tenfold as I’m full responsible for this!
Lucy: Hisui, no one is blaming you now. We can’t give up after coming so far.
Yukino: That’s right, we all feel pain inside and outside. That’s what makes us humans. And you suffered enough.
Lucy and Yukino are comforting Hisui encourage her not giving up, suddenly they heard a familiar voice from a distance.
Y/n: Hey Hisui! You can’t just stand there and cry! We are here with you against the crisis like this! Start thinking about what you can right now! Stand up and believe in us and yourself! Besides, opportunity of saving the world doesn’t happen everyday ya know! Savor it.
Hisui is surprised by Y/n's statement, even though she met Y/n and his team which it encourage and inspire her more, as well with Lucy, Yukino and Wendy. While Wendy with Carla kept healing Arcadios to persevere her limit, Hisui suggested that Lucy and Yukino to perform a forgotten spell called Gottfried. She perform an incantation to cast that forgotten magic with the help of Lucy and Yukino.
Natsu: (grins) Hehe, You got that right Y/n! Black Fire Dragon Mode! (Activated his form) Let’s finish this, are you with me Happy?!
Happy: Aye sir!
Y/n: Let’s go! Come Nevan! (Summoned his Devil’s Arms)
Nevan: Need of assistance handsome~?
Natsu and Happy: (shocked) WHOA!!! THAT GUITAR TALKS!?!?
Y/n: Yeah I do. We’re gonna synchronize our powers and magic as one. To our newly developed attack.
Nevan: Fufufu~ how thrilling. Let’s show them what we can do.
Y/n closed his eyes, formed his crimson aura around him and started to concentrate of combining his power and Nevan as one. Formed as Crimson aura and purple lightning and swarm of bats around him.
(Note: I’m making my own moves based on the Y/n’s Devil Arms)
Natsu: Now Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Darkness Phoenix Blade!
Y/n and Nevan: Now, Nevan Secret Art: Demonic Vortex Strike!
Natsu and Y/n began to charge towards E.Ophiuchus of their Secret Arts attack. Natsu charges forward with his fist cloaked in his fire and dark while Y/n charges forward with his scythe cloaked in his crimson aura, purple lightning and swarm of bats around him. As Eclipse Ophiuchus began to play her flute, luckily Happy kicked the flute out of her hand.
E.Ophiuchus: (shocked) What?! Impossible!
Natsu an Y/n: Haaaaaaaaaagh!
Natsu and Y/n made a direct hit at Eclipse Ophiuchus and made a big explosion. The Celestial Globe began to crack rapidly and it’s been shattered into dust while red light stopped glowing.
(End battle theme)
Lucy: Did we get it?
Yukino: That red light, it stopped glowing.
Hisui: The Celestial Globe is completely destroyed, that I’m certain.
The Twelve Constellation of the sky changed red back to bright white, while the giant snake is fading away as golden particles. Natsu is resting where to ground, while Y/n join in shortly.
Natsu: Hehe, so she fades like the others? I was hoping for a snake kebab.
Y/n: Well guess that will have to do. Hmm?
Y/n and Natsu noticed that Eclipse Ophiuchus is there laying on the ground exhausted and took a heavy damage. Eclipse Ophiuchus is been defeated as she’s started to fade away. The Twelve Constellations of the sky begin to disappear one by one.
Happy: Guys look! The Zodiac Constellations have started to disappear!
Natsu: Alright, snake drools and we rule! Yo Y/n, great move you did!
Y/n: Yeah awesome work as always.
Y/n, Natsu and Happy gave a triple high five as job well done. Lucy, Yukino and Hisui managed to destroy the Celestial Globe while Arcadios is fully healed by Wendy’s magic. However, Y/n had some bad feeling about this as it’s not over yet.
Wendy: Y/n, are you okay?! Are you hurt?!
Y/n: (smile, pat her head) Don’t worry, I’m perfectly fine as always.
Hisui: (smile) That was brilliant of how you did!
Yukino: Yes and we did it! We saved them!
Natsu: So Loke and the other spirits will returned back to normal right?
Carla: Whenever that can be more simple?!
All of a sudden, the ground of Astral Spirytus is beginning to quake violently as it’s starting to crumble.
Y/n: Hey what’s happening now?
Lucy: I’m not sure, I tried to use the keys to get us out but it’s not working!
Happy: So this whole thing is not over yet.
Arcadios: We must evacuate immediately!
As they were about to move out, they noticed the rest of Fairy Tail and Team Redgrave have arrived and joined the others.
Gray: Hey, what's the deal? Did that work?
Natsu: About time you’ve showed up.
Gray: 💢 I was there from the start, you magma breath!
Lucy: You guys are all okay, thank goodness!
Levy: Yeah we did! We’re fine!
Lily: I assume that Eclipse Ophiuchus has been dealt with correct?
Natsu: (grins) Hehe, sure did! Y/n, Happy and I already took care of it!
Happy: Aye sir! That’s how we do it!
Asia, Rossweisse, Latina and Grace: Y/n/Daddy, are you alright?
Y/n: (smile) Don’t worry, I’m fine. Thanks for your concern.
Kuroka: (smile) I’m so glad you’re okay Darling.
Ur: (smile) Yeah and you sure rock the house down.
Irene: Yes, we saw your situation from below.
Y/n: Really? How did you know that?
Heine: Lady Irene saw it from her Eye Magic spell which she remotely see everything from the sky.
Juliet: And we were surprised of you are a hybrid of human and demon which we some how feel from that presence.
Y/n is somehow surprised by what they have witnessed of his power. However, when this over, few members of Team Redgrave should tell them the truth.
Y/n: *sighs* I guess you guys saw that right?
Erza: Don’t be concern yourself.
Y/n is confused by Erza’s statement.
Erza: (smile) We just glad that you’re safe, that’s all that matters to us. Doesn’t matter if you’re demon.
Mirajane: (smile) That’s true. We still love you no matter who you are. Fairy Tail still welcomes you in open arms.
Cana: (smile) Yeah, you’re still fine okay in my book handsome.
Elfman: (smile) We still respect you Y/n, just like a real man would do!
Gajeel: (grins) Hehe, never underestimate us from the Fairy Tail guild.
Lily: Agreed, that’s how the way of Fairy Tail is.
Levy: Yep, got that right.
Gray: Yeah, Fairy Tail never give up that easily.
Juvia: Juvia strongly agrees with my beloved Gray!
Chisato: (smile) This guild is really special. (Serious) And Y/n, we haven’t come across that mysterious figure yet. Somehow, that person sort of…familiar to me.
Y/n: (mind) So…she’s not the only one who noticed and feel that way, we’ll find out soon enough. *outloud* Don’t worry Chisato, who ever that is, we will beat him for sure, promise. (Chisato smiled and nod)
The ground of Astral Spirytus begins to glowing and shake more violently at the same time, they heard some monster growling from the sky. Few people assumed that is from the Celestial Spirit King which turned into Eclipse Version.
Elfman: Whoa, so loud!
Mirajane: But where is it coming from?!
Levy: Yeah it’s getting more worse than we thought!
Latina/Grace: (scared) Mommies, we’re scared!
Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, Chisato, Ur, Erza, Mirajane, Cana and Irene: It’s okay sweetie, we’re here with you!
Heine and Juliet: That’s right, you’ll be alright!
Gajeel: Get it together, will you?!
Lily: Tell that to the ground!
Natsu: I guess destroying from below was a bad idea!
Gray: Yeah, someone didn’t know how to pull their punches!
Erza and Ur:💢 Do you two have something to say to my face?!
Natsu and Gray: (scared) No ma'am!
Rossweisse: Is there anyway to evacuate this place?!
Hisui: Maybe we can use those keys to-!
Team Redgrave, Fairy Tail, Yukino, Hisui and Arcadios have heard like a monster roar again but loudly this time. Most of them have covered their ears as it’s painful to hear.
Lucy: Doesn’t sound like a monster this time! It’s the Celestial Spirit King!
Yukino: You’re right and I can feel it too! But it’s even more intense than before!
Hisui: Yes, now the Liberuim Verus has been completed!
Arcadios: What?! But didn’t we destroy the globe?!
Wendy: Yeah we did!
Y/n: Well looks like things are getting complicated.
They have noticed that golden particles formed as Horologium, Lucy’s spirit magically appears to inform them.
Horologium: I’m afraid that you didn’t stop in time! Please help us, Lucy!
Lucy: (shocked) Horologium, what happened to you?!
Horologium: If you don’t do something, the Celestial World will be ceased to exist forever!
Horologium have carried the Celestial Clothes to the rest of Fairy Tail, Yukino, Hisui and Arcadios for entering the Celestial Spirit World with proper clothing. Lucy will help the Celestial Spirits along with Natsu, the Fairy Tail members and Yukino as well. Also, Hisui is willingly to go but Arcadios refused at first a bit lecturing of Celestial Spirit World, but Hisui strongly insisted that she needs to atone of her punishment and Arcadios will stay by her side to protect as her guardian.
Horologium have noticed and looked at Y/n as he is somewhat special, as in he have seen him before from the past. Somewhat familiar to him.
Horologium: Young man, I have a special gift for you. Please accept it, it will aid you.
Horologium formed a golden orb from his hands, it sends towards Y/n and his body started to shine that brighten their eyes. To their surprise, Y/n is wearing a special clothes for him. Horologium is starting to fade away as he said good luck to them of saving both worlds.
Y/n: (grins) Okay then, everyone let’s save both Celestial World and Earthland together! ARE YOU READY, GUYS?!
Fairy Tail, Team Redgrave, Yukino, Arcadios and Hisui: (smile) YEAH!!!
Y/n: (grins) LET’S PARTY!!!
Team Redgrave, Fairy Tail, Yukino, Arcadios and Hisui begin traveling through to the Celestial Spirit World to stop Eclipse Celestial Beast to preventing it from destroying planets.
But while they have departed there, they were unexpected been watched by the same black hooded figure from their encounter before, watching them from a distance sinisterly.
???: (evilly grin) At long last, I have found you my beloved one. We will be together very soon, Mwahahaha!
How can they face the Eclipse Version of Celestial Spirit King? How will they get through this battle? Who is that mysterious figure is watching them? How does the mysterious figure knows “his beloved one"? Those questions will soon be answered from Team Redgrave’s journeys.
As their adventures continues…
(Ending theme)
That’s all he wrote for the day. Thanks from Natsu’s idea, Lucy and Yukino were able to close their last gates. However, their situation is turning for worse which Eclipse Ophiuchus reveal they fall right to her trap. Natsu, along with Happy and Y/n fight against E.Ophiuchus while Lucy and the others dealing the Celestial Globe. They reunited with Erza and Kuroka’s group but the Liberuim Verus is finished which they didn’t stop in time. Team Redgrave, Fairy Tail, Yukino, Arcadios and Hisui are going the Celestial Spirit World to battle against the Eclipse Version of Celestial Spirit King. However, they are unaware have been watched by the same black hooded figure from before. Who is that mysterious figure? What does he meant by “his beloved one"? Find out on the next chapter of Third Sparda of Fairy Tail! Stay tuned!
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