Chapter 25: Battle of Eclipse Celestial Spirits, Pt.1

3rd POV:

After Fairy Tail and Yukino have through the gates, the only ones are Princess Hisui, Arcadios and Team Redgrave of Fairy Tail against Dylan and his monsters. Team Redgrave are prepared their battle stance and ready to fight for Latina's sake and saving Earthland from world's destruction.

Dylan: Mindless minions, KILL THEM ALL!!!!

The monsters immediately ready to attack towards Y/n and his team, however Y/n smirk as he have other plan to deal with them while Kuroka and the others noticed his expression.

Kuroka: (smirk) I know that expression Darling, got an idea?

Latina: Daddy, what are you going to do?

Grace: You're gonna do something cool right daddy?

Y/n: (smirk) Yep, watch and learn my munchkins, I show you how your daddy deal with this in my way. It's like All You Can Eat Buffet.

Y/n summoned his Pandora Box. While Princess Hisui, Arcadios, Irene, Ur, Heine, Juliet, Latina and Grace are surprised by Y/n's weapon wondering what he can do

(Starts at 0:56, imagine Y/n obliterating those Scarecrows.)

All those Scarecrow monsters have been destroyed by Y/n so easily. Princess Hisui, Arcadios, Ur, Irene, Heine, Juliet, Latina and Grace are very shocked of Y/n's display of action. While Dylan is in rage from the monsters destroyed completely.

Hisui: (mind) Incredible, that young man defeated those monsters easily.

Y/n: (grins) Hehe, that's what I call Smokin Sexy Style.

Latina: (happy) That's amazing daddy, you're so brave!

Grace: (smile) Yeah, you're definitely like a superhero! That was awesome daddy!

Kuroka: Great job Darling, never cease to amaze us.

Asia: Yes, as always coming from Y/n.

Irene: (surprised) Amazing. Honey, was that your full power?

Y/n: *shrug* Meh not exactly. I was like around...2% of my full power.

They were shocked when Y/n is at 2% of his full strength. Y/n held back power if it's just in case for emergency.

Ur: Damn honey, you sure show them whose the boss!

Heine: (smile) As expected from our leader.

Juliet: Wow Y/n, you must be super strong.

Chisato: (smile) Yes that's true. (serious) However, it's not over yet.

Rossweisse: (serious) She's right. We have to deal with that monster who abandoned Latina.

They realize Chisato and Rossweisse are right, they have deal with Dylan, who is furious and radiating with some dark power.

Dylan: Shut up, you goddamned brats!

Latina gasped of her former father's insult.

Dylan: Enough of your shit. Or what? That snobby royalty and some whores gonna help you and lecture me like a real parent? Tch, what a joke.

(Battle theme start)

That shocked and angered the rest of Team Redgrave of Fairy Tail including Princess Hisui and Arcadios from Dylan's verbal abuse.

Arcadios: (anger) How dare you!

Ur: (anger) You monster, how can you still say that to her?!

Dylan: (furious) Heh, it doesn't matter. Now all of you bastards are in my way. Everything went well until that brat killed Amelia, my wife! So now that murderer is a part of that guild huh? It's a pile of garbage! I'll get rid of every last one of you along with this entire world! I WANT MY LIFE BACK GODDAMMIT!

Dylan charged towards to Latina to kill her, Grace is in front of her as she ready to fight. Luckily she is saved with some help.


Juliet: Not on my watch! Mucus Magic!

Juliet use her gooey-like substance magic covered around Dylan making him confused and started to feel the burn his skin.

Juliet: Heine, it's your turn!

Heine: Leave it to me! Magical Bind!

Heine use her long-thread band on Dylan to bind him that he can't move, twirled around, slam him to the ground and finish him by electrocuting him with lightning magic.

Meanwhile, Grace are comforting to Latina like a siblings would do from Dylan's verbal abuse.

Grace: Sis, don't give up. Daddy, mommies and everyone in Fairy Tail accepted us as a part of big family. We wanted to be brave like daddy too.

Latina: (smile)...Yeah, thank you, sister. Now we can do this too!

Asia: Latina, Grace what are you-

To Y/n, Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, and Chisato's surprise, Latina and Grace started to perform their own magic attacks. Latina is closing her eyes to focus her magic forming a blue aura around her body while Grace is transformed with a different element.

Grace: Formchange: Scorching Mode!

Grace's clothes has changed into red with a fire symbol around her dress and her hair is red. However, Dylan brush off their attacks and charges towards Heine and Juliet in rage.

Dylan: You'll pay for that, you mongrels!!

Dylan performed some slash attacks on them with dark magic within him, Heine and Juliet been pushed back and grunted in pain.

Irene: Heine, Juliet are you alright?!

Heine/Juliet: We're fine./ Yeah barely.

Grace: We can do this, sister. Fire Magic: Flamethrower!

Latina: Together! Aura Magic: Aura Sphere!

Latina launched a ball of blue aura from her palms while Grace launched a large wave of fire from her palms, they made a direct hit and exploded. Latina and Grace's Magic are getting a bit tired to their current state.

As the dust clears up, Dylan seems to be weakening a bit and his rage is starting to build up.

Dylan: D-d-damn you,!

Ur: My turn! Ice-Make: Rosen Krone!

Ur casts giant roses and spiked branches made of ice that surround, bind Dylan and slam him to the ground.

Ur: Irene, your turn!

Kuroka/Rossweisse: We're with you!

Irene: Of course. Take this!

Irene swinging her staff and launch a red beam at him. Kuroka cast multiple flaming blue orbs; Rossweisse cast fire, blizzard, and thunder magic combo. Dylan have been pushed back to Chisato and Asia.

Chisato: Asia, let's combine our powers together.

Asia: Yes, I'm ready Chisato.

Chisato and Asia hold each other's hands and synchronize their magic to perform a Unison Raid.

Chisato/Asia: Unison Raid: Faith's Hour!

Chisato and Asia unleashed a colonnade of light that dealt with some damage to Dylan. Dylan is barely managed to stand tall.

Dylan: This fight is far from over-

Y/n summoned his Rebellion's Oath equipped and have an idea to concentrate his power and his Keyblade

Y/n: This is for my daughter. Time for my new finishing move with my Keyblade, Rebellion's Oath Limit Arts: Demonic Ragnarok!

Y/n focuses his cluster of demonic energy shots aiming at Dylan, Y/n smirks as he's on the target.

Y/n: (smirk) Jackpot!

Y/n fired from the tip of his Keyblade released a cluster of demonic energy shots towards Dylan, and made it explode as Dylan faded into dust.


(Battle theme ended)

As Dylan faded, Team Redgrave of Fairy Tail have successfully defeated Dylan and the monsters. Latina is in tears of her new dad, eased her pain. But Y/n wondered of one question in his mind.

Y/n: That's one down, one to go. That other guy must be up ahead.

Latina suddenly rushed towards Y/n and hugging him from her pain while in tears. And Grace joined in Latina and Y/n accept it.

Latina: *cries* Mommies...daddy...thank you.

Grace: (smile) You're awesome daddy, and you are brave too sis.

Y/n: (smile) Hey, we are family, no one gets left behind. Me, your mommies, and everyone in Fairy Tail will love and care you.

While Y/n hugging Latina and Grace, Team Redgrave including Hisui and Arcadios are happy to them. Latina and Grace started to give hugs and kisses to their moms. After Latina and Grace hugging them, they noticed Heine and Juliet are a bit injured from Dylan's attacks, they rushed towards them.

Grace: Aunties, are you okay?!

Heine: Don't worry...I'm fine...

Juliet: Yeah...I'll be...fine.

Latina: ...Aunties...Healing Pulse.

Latina closed her eyes and start to focus her magic as her aura formed on her hands by touching Heine and Juliet. To their surprise, Heine and Juliet have been recovered by Latina's magic. Heine and Juliet hugged Latina and Grace for thanking them.

Arcadios: Amazing display of skills, young warrior.

Team Redgrave noticed Arcadios and Hisui are approaching to them.

Hisui: Indeed, it's quite splendid. And you kind sir, are the leader of this team in Fairy Tail recently, correct?

Y/n: Yep my name is Y/n Redgrave, nice to meet ya. There's Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, Chisato, Ur, Irene, Heine, Juliet, Latina and Grace.

Team Redgrave: Hello/Nice to meet you/Hi.

Hisui: Quite intriguing team you had. However, we're surprised that Irene and her companions are with you.

Kuroka: So, you two know them before?

Rossweisse: You know her from long time ago, is that correct?

Arcadios: Yes we heard she's the member of Alvarez Empire in Ishgar, also she's know as Scarlet Despair. Can you explain why she joined in Fairy Tail?

Irene: (serious) ...Of course, I'll tell you. However, what I'm about to tell you is a bit difficult.

Irene started to explain everything about what happened of her story about her past, her disease inside, her meeting with the Book of Zeref and how she became a new member of Fairy Tail, which Team Redgrave already heard while Latina is comforting by Kuroka and Grace is with Ur.

After Irene finished of her story and explanation, Hisui and Arcadios are shocked from her perspective and they've understood why she joined.

Irene: (smile) That's why I am grateful for Asia and Y/n, who cured me and treated our injuries as well.

Heine/Juliet: (smile) Indeed/Yep.

Hisui: (smile) I see. Y/n, you have done admirable and showed the bonds of Fairy Tail. I have a feeling we will be able face formidable odds like this.

Arcadios: I understand. We must be prepared for the upcoming battles against from the likes of Acnologia, Zeref and other dark guilds.

Y/n: Right. So any news about this crisis?

Hisui pulls out an device called the Lacromia Crystal and shows multiple screens of Fairy Tail and Yukino in each gates leads to the different places. So far; Gray, Juvia, Levy, Gajeel, Lily, Cana, Elfman, Mirajane, Erza, Wendy and Natsu have managed to closed their gates.

Y/n: (grins) Hehe, I'm surprised that they've pulled it through even far away.

Irene: (smile) Oh my little girl, I'm so proud of her.

Heine: Indeed, I noticed that they have never given up, they faced them head on.

Juliet: Yeah, that's we're the strongest.

Asia: Yes, I'm glad that they made it alright.

However, Hisui had a feeling and noticed that something went wrong which it had the Arcadios and the others concerned as well. They heard some sort of eerie song from a lady's voice which spooked Latina and Grace a little bit while they are comforting them. Hisui are shocked about what did that song from Ophiuchus meant to her.

Ur: What's wrong? Did you know what that song means?

Hisui: Yes Ophiuchus the thirteenth zodiac intended to empower the Celestial Spirit King which turned into Eclipse Celestial Beast made a new Liberuim Verus! We must hurry!

Y/n: We need split up. Team Redgrave, meet up with Erza, Gray and the others, while I'm gonna help Natsu, Wendy, Carla and Happy to fight that big snake.

Team Redgrave: (nodded) Right/Understood.

Hisui: Wait Y/n, Arcadios and I will come with you.

Arcadios: I'll standby and protect the princess from harm.

Y/n: Okay than. Everyone, let's move out!

Everyone understood of Y/n's plan and have went separate ways.

Meanwhile with Erza and the others, they have started to feel a bit uneasy about their surroundings and that mysterious voice who sang.

Gray: What was that sound, just now?

Erza: I don't know, but something is not right.

Gajeel: Yeah whatever it is, I don't like it.

Lily: Agreed, we must be on our guard for anything.

Levy: Whatever that song is, it can't be a good thing.

Kuroka: Hey Erza, you're okay?

To their surprise, they see Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, Chisato, Ur, Irene, Heine, Juliet, Latina and Grace have arrived and met up each other. Latina and Grace rushed towards Erza, Mirajane and Cana.

Latina/Grace: (smile) Mommies, you're okay!

Erza/Mirajane/Cana: (smile) Sweeties, I'm glad you're okay!

Latina and Grace gave Erza, Mirajane and Cana hugs and kisses. Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato are a bit surprised them but they're happy and accepted it as a part of big family. They assumed that Latina and Grace accepted them as their other moms while they were gone for a while. That ended with Irene rushed towards Erza and showing her affection.

Irene: (smile) My Erza have grown up! Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere sweetie?

Erza: *blush* M-m-mother please, this is embarrassing for me! B-but thank you, I'm alright.

Kuroka: *giggles* I'm guessing, a lot of things happened while we were gone.

Gray: What about that heartless jerk, is he gone?

Ur: Hey don't worry, we already took care of it together. And Y/n finished him off with his style.

Elfman: (smile) That sounds awesome, especially Y/n is shows how much he cares like a real man!

Mirajane: (smile) Thank goodness, that's a relief.

Levy: Yeah. And you guys wouldn't believe it, Cana have tone down of her drinking habits for those little cuties' sake.

Juvia: (smile) Yes, we were surprised a bit as well. Latina and Grace are such a good girls.

Cana: (smile) Yeah I have to, so I wanted to make a good example to them. Thanks to Y/n, Latina and Grace.

Gajeel: Hey, where's Y/n. Isn't he with you?

Heine: Y/n made a plan to split up and went to where Natsu and the others.

Juliet: Along with Arcadios and Hisui too.

Lily: I see, Princess Hisui and Arcadios must have informed you a bit about this situation.

Rossweisse: (serious) Yes. And that song we heard before is from Ophiuchus, who is chanting the reset of Liberuim Verus.

Chisato: Did any of you seen that other hooded figure. We know we see them, which leads one more. (Mind) This mysterious figure...feels like I know him somewhere before.

Erza: No, none of us seen that mysterious figure yet. And in any case, we join up with Y/n, Natsu and the others as well.

Levy: Yeah we have to hurry. I hope Lucy and Yukino are doing okay.

Chisato: Let's hope so. Let's hurry.

Everyone acknowledged and on their way to where Y/n, Natsu and the other's locations to stop the Ophiuchus.

Meanwhile with Natsu, Wendy, Carla and Happy; they have been standoff by Eclipse Ophiuchus while Natsu is starting to feel sick due to the infection of Loke's Dark Fire attacks.

Eclipse Ophiuchus: (grins) It won't be long now my comrades, soon your freedom will be completed and those human will be severed! The Hour of Liberation is at hand!

Natsu: *sick*...We're fight she's she's already...won...this killing me.

Wendy: From amount of heat given, it's no ordinary sickness. Darkness and Dragon Slayer Magic don't mixed well.

Carla: Yes, this must be the side effects from Loke's Dark Fire. You ate it, remember.

Happy: Aye, it's like eat like a bad combination of chill hot dogs and mint ice cream.

Natsu: *sick* Well it's not my stomach...whatever this is...I can't fight it at full strength.

Eclipse Ophiuchus is started to attack Natsu, Wendy, Carla and Happy of her blast attack and they have managed to dodge it.

Eclipse Ophiuchus: (grins) Hahaha, you humans are afraid of my powers aren't you?!

Natsu: Stop gloating you dumb snake-!

Natsu is starting to feel headache a bit strongly, barely balanced himself. Wendy, Carla and Happy are worried about him. Ophiuchus is charges her attack from its mouth.

Wendy/Carla/Happy: Natsu, look out!

Natsu couldn't move due to his sickness, Ophiuchus' blast are about to hit him and that blast have been disrupted by Arcadios' arrival and Hisui regroup them. Hisui explained everything what the meaning of incantation from Eclipse Ophiuchus, the 12 Celestial Spirits have been manipulated by her for the sake of Celestial Spirit King while Team Redgrave and the others have everything echoing from their location. And from Ophiuchus' projection screen, Lucy and Yukino are a bit overwhelmed by Eclipse Virgo and Libra.

Wendy: Lucy and Yukino, they're in trouble!

Carla: There must be some way to help them!

Hisui: It's impossible, they're trapped in alternate dimension!

Natsu: I can't stand here and do nothing! *charges towards Ophiuchus*

Happy: Natsu!

Natsu: I'm gonna beat that cocktail snake, then I'm gonna beat that King Nosehair's face!

Eclipse Ophiuchus: (grins) Hahaha~ I warned you dared standing in my way!

Eclipse Ophiuchus started to attack Natsu with her long extended shrap tongue, Arcadios was about to save Natsu however they heard a very familiar voice too well.

Y/n: Dark Slayer! Down you go!

Y/n have equipped his Yamato, performed the Judgement Cut which he unsheathed his katana with blinding speed and unleashed a whirlwind of slashes and cutting the large snake's tongue.

Eclipse Ophiuchus: What?! Who dares to-?!

Y/n: (grins) Heh, don't get cocky!

Y/n cast his crimson Mirage Swords aiming towards both shoulders of Eclipse Ophiuchus and made some damage to her, Y/n casted few more Mirage Swords aimed to that core at the snake's belly where the red light shines. Ophiuchus yelled in pain as it has major effects. Natsu, Wendy, Carla and Happy turned their heads and they are happy to see that Y/n have arrived the scene.

Y/n: (grins) What's up guys, miss me?

Wendy: (smile) Y/n, thank goodness you're here!

Carla: (smile) Agreed, your timing is perfect!

Natsu: (smile) Yo Y/n, glad you can make it!

Happy: Aye sir, we have a better chance now!

Arcadios: Indeed, it seemed you have found a weakness on the open.

Hisui: Yes, it's been effecting the alternative dimensions of the Zodiac Realms, it can be attack.

Ophiuchus: (angry) You filthy human, how dare you strike me?!

Y/n: (grins) Hmph, glad that I've got your attention, I was beginning to feel a bit ignored.

Ophiuchus: (angry) Now you dare to mock me worthless vermin!? What in the world are you?!

Y/n: (mind) I guess it's time now. (Outloud) Who knows, what did say you stick around...if survived this long.

Ophiuchus is started to enraged from Y/n's taunting while she's in pain from Y/n's ranged attacks.

Ophiuchus: (angry) dare you! I will not tolerate for such insolence human?!

While Eclipse Ophiuchus is barely keeping herself in balance, Natsu smirked as he may some idea in mind.

Natsu: (grins) Hey Y/n, I got a crazy idea for this! To help Lucy, Yukino and take down that dumb snake, are you with me?

Y/n: (smirk) Hehe I'm with you in this bro. What do you say we wrapped this up, shall we?

Y/n and Natsu have started to joined forces with their crazy idea of helping Lucy and Yukino's advantage. What was their results of their teamwork? How would they defeat the Eclipse Ophiuchus and free the Celestial Spirits?

As their adventures continues...

(Ending theme)

A/n: That's all he wrote for the day. Team Redgrave of Fairy Tail defeated Dylan and his minions. They have made a short introduction to Hisui and Arcadios which they're curious about Irene and her companions joined Fairy Tail. Hisui informed Team Redgrave about the situation of Celestial Spirits have gone through rebellion. They have been wondering where that other mysterious figure went. Team Redgrave met up with Erza and the others while Y/n, Hisui and Arcadios went to Natsu, Wendy, Carla and Happy. How will they overcome this crisis? Find out on the next chapter of Third Sparda of Fairy Tail! Stay tuned!

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