Chapter 24: Returning to Earthland! A New Problem in Crisis!

3rd POV:

(Morning of Kuoh)

After Y/n's date with Sona and Serafall for an entire day, Y/n is the first to wake up the next day in hotel. And he sees Sona and Serafall is still sleeping with their happy faces from yesterday.

Y/n: *yawn* Man, what a night we had.*nudges* Sona, Serafall, it's time to wake up.

Sona and Serafall slowly waking up from their sleep, seeing Y/n and taking turns of kissing him on lips.

Sona/Serafall: (happy) Good morning Y/n/hubby!

Y/n: (smile) Morning girls, how do you two sleep?

Sona: (smile) We slept well, thank you for asking. We enjoyed our time together yesterday.

Serafall: (smile) Yeah, you're so thoughtful of giving each of us a present. We love it. But we're kind of sad to see you off.

Y/n patted their heads and kissed them on their foreheads to comfort them.

Y/n: Hey don't worry, I'm sure we'll meet again. I'll let you two and my family know how it turns out on Earthland, I promise.

Sona/Serafall: (smile) Okay, we believe you.

Y/n: Well we should get take a shower, dressed up and meet them at the house to announce our departure.

Y/n, Sona, and Serafall are all washed up, dressed up, and heading their way to their house.

As they have arrived at the front door, Y/n opened the door and greeted for a hug by his mother, Trish and Y/n accept her hug.

Trish: (smile) Y/n, my little hunter you're back.

Y/n: (smile) Hey mom, we're home.

Trish noticed Sona and Serafall with her son and she hugged them both.

Trish: Hey Sona, Serafall welcome back.

Sona/Serafall: (smile) It's good to see you again Trish.

Trish: Hey no need to be formal, called me Mother in the future alright~. I heard from Kuroka and the others that my son went on a date for a day. I hope my son treat you two well.

Sona: (smile) Yes of course. Your son is an amazing person to be with.

Serafall: (smile) Yeah, hubby here give us a present for us. He's so thoughtful. *giggles*

Y/n: *chuckles* There you have your answer mom. I always treat my lovers right.

Trish: (smile)...I see. Come inside, there's a box for you Y/n. The others are waiting for you in the living room.

Y/n: Okay? Let's go inside.

Y/n is a bit confused of a package while Sona and Serafall noticed his expression. They heading inside the house in living room and they met up with Kuroka and the others.

Kuroka: (smile) Darling, welcome back. I hope your day went well.

Y/n: Yep, we had a great time together, with no interruptions.

Asia: (smile) That sounds nice, was it great Sona and Serafall?

Sona: (smile) Oh yes, Y/n is very great. Our days was fantastic.

Serafall: (smile) Yeah, hubby here give us a present for us. We love it.

Kyrie: (smile) That's so sweet of you Y/n. *giggles* I remember when Nero gave me a necklace of my performance.

Nero: *blush* Y-yeah I remember. How can I forget.

Rossweisse: (smile) How romantic of you Y/n. I wonder you have something things that you like to give us~?

Y/n: (grins) Hehe~ it will be big surprise for you girls including the girls in Earthland~? *winks at them*

Lady: *giggles* Wow, quite the charmer you are Y/n. Like father, like son.

Morrison: *chuckles* I expect nothing less from him.

Nico: Yep, no doubt about it. You know Nero could take a few pointers from Y/n.

Nero: *blush* H-hey shut up already!

Everyone laughs at the moment until a few topics come up.

Chisato: Anyways Y/n, there's a package and a letter for you. It didn't say who is it from.

Chisato gave Y/n a small mystery box along with the letter. When Y/n opened the letter, he recognized the handwriting, it belonged to Emiko when she left.

Dear Y/n,

I know that you are doing well. You have awakened your powers of Sparda and the Keyblade as well. I sensed a barrier that you and your group went through another world. I decided that I left a present for you and the others an faster way to travel. It's a device that you and your group teleport to your own Gummiphone and Gummi Ship, you can color it your way and while I have my own. I hope you like it. And someday, we will see each other again soon. Be safe on your travels.

Sincerely, your caretaker.

Y/n closed eyes and smile for her letter, while most of them knew who belongs to. And Y/n opened his eyes, have to make an announcement.

Y/n: Well now that everyone is here, I have an announcement with everyone in this house only. My group and I have decided to go back in Earthland.

Trish, Lady, Kyrie, Nero, Nico and Morrison are shocked and sad about they are going back, while Sona and Serafall knew about it last night.

Lady: Aww really, do you guys have to go.

Y/n: Yeah, we can't keep them for too long, otherwise they'll get worried. Plus, our daughters are waiting for us too.

Nico: You mean the other world that you guys have been to right? (Y/n and the others nodded)

Morrison: I'm guessing that mark on you belongs to a group of wizards.

Nero: But wait, does anyone of that guild knows about your identity and the others?

Kuroka: Afraid not, but some wizards of Fairy Tail wanted to know about us.

Y/n: Wait really, who?

Kuroka: For me, Cana wants to know about us in a friendly way I mind you. I feel like it will be a little bit difficult to hear.

Asia: Wendy wants to know too, even though she is a young girl but she's so high spirit.

Rossweisse: Erza was a bit curious about who we really are. But I know they kind people to be with.

Chisato: And Lucy and Ur are also curious about us as well. Lucy is also in high spirit about this wonderful guild they had.

Kyrie: I'm sure they'll understand what you and the others through. I know Nero is a Sparda, but I love him for who he is.

Trish:...They're right sweetie. Keep this secret won't last very long. I can tell that they are wonderful people to hang out with.

Sona: Indeed, we told you from last night.

Serafall: Mmhm, we still love you no matter what.

Y/n closed his eyes and thinking about what they said. He thinks that it's time for truth about them.

Y/n: Yeah I guess you're right. I thought about this and our secret identity won't hidden forever. We'll explain them when we get back in the afternoon.

Y/n noticed the clock that it's almost afternoon.

Y/n: Well it's almost time for us to go. Might as well get ready, right everyone?

Team Redgrave: Right!

Few minutes later, Y/n and his team are ready to depart again at Earthland. While Trish and the other is seeing them off. They're at the backyard of the house.

Kuroka: Don't worry everyone, we'll be alright as long as we stay together.

Asia: It's nice to know all of you.

Rossweisse: Indeed, we will let you know how it turns out.

Chisato: Trish, everyone take care yourselves.

Kyrie: Have a safe trip everyone.

Morrison: I hope we get to see that other world of yours real soon.

Nico: It's an honor to meet you, when you guys see some bad guys, kick their sorry assess.

Nero: It's great meeting you Y/n, take care.

Nero gave Y/n a bro hug and he accept it. Lady gave Y/n a hug.

Lady: Be careful out there. Let us know when we get to visit and hang out over there. (Y/n nodded)

Trish give Y/n a big caring hug to Y/n and he accept it.

Trish: Promise me that you'll be safe and somehow, I know you will be alright, my little hunter.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks mom.

And lastly, Sona and Serafall give Y/n a loving hug and kisses on his cheek.

Sona/Serafall: (smile) Have a safe journey honey~. We'll keep on eye here.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you everyone, We will. Now then, let's see what this device can do.

Y/n press a button and they've been teleported to the sky, board the gummi ship and blast off to Earthland.

(Timeskip to Earthland)

At the afternoon, Y/n and his team have been teleported and arrived in the other house in Earthland.

Y/n: Whew, what a rush!

Asia: That was so much fun!

Kuroka: At least we made it back safely.

Rossweisse: I haven't seen Ur and the others here. They must be out on the job.

Chisato: We'll find out when we get back to the guild hall of Fairy Tail.

Y/n: Right. Give me a moment.

Y/n have placed few black boxes of Wayfinders on the table for Kuroka and the others while they noticed it.

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry ladies, you can open yours when we come back promise.

Team Redgrave: *blush,smile* Okay.

As Y/n and his team exit their house while heading to the guild hall, they see and recognize their voices and figures. They see Latina, Grace, Heine and Juliet. Latina and Grace hugging Y/n and the others. However, they feel something is wrong.

Latina: Mommies daddy, thank goodness you're here.

Asia: Latina, Grace what's wrong?!

Grace: It's big sis Lucy's key things! Bad things happen now!

Kuroka and the others patted their heads to comfort them.

Kuroka: There, there it's okay. We're here now.

Heine: At least all of you made it just in time. The Celestial Spirits are gone rogue.

Rossweisse: Do you mean those Celestial Spirits that Lucy had correct?

Juliet: Yeah but not just her, from Yukino of Sabertooth and Princess Hisui too.

Chisato: That girl we met the other day and this Princess is a Celestial Wizard as well?

Heine: Correct, the Celestial Spirits have gone rebellion, to grant their total freedom. Their personalities have changed negatively and causing those strange weather conditions.

Y/n: But where's Ur, Irene and the rest of Fairy Tail? And when did that happen?

Juliet: They have separated ways for a while to find out more about their plan. This happens during the incident in Crocus at the end of Grand Magic Games.

Heine: We will make contact with Lady Irene about your arrival and find their location. Juliet, together. (Juliet nodded)

Latina/Grace: We'll help too.

Y/n and his group are confused about their response. And to their shocking surprise, Latina and Grace were able to learn for such a young age.

Y/n and Team Redgrave: (surprised) Whoa!/ Amazing!

Heine, Juliet, Latina and Grace are connected their hands and concentrate for communication. For a while, they finished communicating with Irene.

Heine: Lady Irene and others are on their way to Astral Spirytus where the Celestial Spirits are about perform the Liberuim Verus.

Chisato: Liberuim Verus? What does it mean? Can you explain?

Juliet: Liberuim Verus is a ritual to release the Celestial Spirits from their contracts with humans, it will take place in Astral Spirytus. We have to help them.

Y/n: Right then let's-

Heine: There's one more thing we have to tell you. (solemn)...We have received a secret report that we have encountered with Latina's father; Dylan while the other is unknown, and made an alliance with the Eclipse Celestial Spirits. To finish what he have started.

Y/n and his group are shocked and starting get angry at Latina's father for abandoning her. And they will give them an ultimate beatdown.

Y/n: Latina, Grace we'll protect you. And I know where they are now.

Latina/Grace: Thank you mommies, daddy! Team Dragocket is on the scene!

Y/n and his group are a bit confused of that name, they assumed those two learned magic from their training.

Y/n: Anyway, come on everyone, let's not keep them waiting. Team Redgrave, let's move out!

Team Redgrave: Right!/ Yes sir!

Y/n equipped with his Yamato, placed his hand on his heart to concentrate on their location and slashes a portal to go through. They went through the portal to their location.

Meanwhile with Natsu and others, they have came face-to-face with the Eclipse Celestial Spirits to stop them from performing the Liberuim Verus.

Natsu: Leo, think about what you are doing!

Lucy: Please, if all of you do this, it will be meaningless!

Eclipse Leo: Hmph you think I don't know that!?

Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Levy, Yukino, Arcadios and Hisui are shocked from his statement .

Yukino: Why? Why go through with this?

Eclipse Leo: We will still proceed to grant our absolute freedom, our fate has been decided for us, even if it cost us our lives!!!

Lucy: But it will be pointless, I can't bear thought about losing you! We are like family!

Eclipse Pisces(Son): *smirk evil* Heh, our time of talk is over! I still got those keys anyway!

Until the box of Sealing Keys have disappeared and the Eclipse Celestial Spirits are confused about it.

Natsu: Hate to break it to ya fish face, those are the fake ones!

Happy: Aye, we fooled ya!

Arcadios has the real box of Closure Keys.

Hisui: Those are real ones!

Eclipse Pisces(Son): Dammit, how can this be?!

Eclipse Pisces(Mother): How can you be cruel to him?! It's all my fault, I was the one who raised him!

Eclipse Gemini: Piri, Piri~ (laughs)

Eclipse Taurus: What should we can do then?

Eclipse Aries: I'd say that we ripped them to sheds!

Eclipse Sagittarius: The time is nigh! We must act now! They're powerless!

Eclipse Virgo: They are not interfering our goal!

Eclipse Leo: So you close us again and throw away like garbage is that it?!

Lucy: No! It's not like that-

Eclipse Leo ignited his hand with dark flames in anger.

Eclipse Leo: (anger) I've heard enough already, no more lies!!!

Eclipse Leo throws his flames at her and Natsu deflect the attack. Eclipse Celestial Spirits are to attack them but Natsu and the others are a bit of disadvantage.

Hisui: There has to be a way to help them.

Yukino: (worried) Any ideas Lucy?

Lucy: We have got to find a way talk sense to them! Please stop this, all of this pointless and come back to us!

Eclipse Virgo: We will get our grand freedom, and there's noting you can do about it!!!

Eclipse Virgo was to strike Lucy, she was been protected by Natsu however Eclipse Virgo are spinning Natsu around along with Happy. But the battle is interrupted by an ice make magic. To Natsu and the others are relief by their calvary had arrived. Gray, Juvia, Wendy, Carla, Gajeel, Panther Lily, Erza, Cana, Mirajane, Elfman, Ur and Irene are here to help them.

However, Arcadios and Hisui are shocked to see that Irene Belserion are now a member of Fairy Tail which they can't figure it out why.

Lucy: (relief) You guys, you are here!

Erza: Is everyone here alright?

Levy: Yeah but how do you guys find us?

Mirajane: It's all thanks from Warren's telepathy magic. He's able to locate where you at.

Cana: Don't worry, now we are here stop them.

Natsu: Wait a minute, where's Y/n and the others?

Irene: (smile) Fear not Natsu, Y/n and the rest of Team Redgrave is on their way to help.

Ur: (smile) Yeah, they are already here. And for some reason, I can feel it. (Place her hand on her heart)

Wendy: (smile) That's great! They came back!

Carla: Agreed, I wonder where have they gone for few days.

Elfman: (grins) Doesn't matter, he arrived at moment just like a real man will do!

Gajeel: Hehe, talk about perfect timing for this. (Crack his knuckles) Now then, time for me handling those Celestial Spirits.

Lily: That's great but we have to close them first.

Gajeel: Yeah, I know. Just saying.

Gray: Well lizard breath, this ain't a freebie ya know?

Natsu: Give a break already. I got it covered!

Gray: (smirk) Now then, (strip his shirt) let's get this battle started already.

Juvia: Ahh~ my beloved Gray is so brave without his shirt!

Ur: Oh boy well good luck with that sister.

Lucy:💢 At least, put some clothes on!

Eclipse Leo: Reinforcement huh? Good thing we came prepared for this. (Snap his fingers)

Two hooded figure appear in front of them and summoned 50 their monsters to block their path

Arcadios: What?! What are those abominations?!

Wendy: They kind of freak me out!

Gray: We just got have to fight through!

Erza: We must be very cautious about those creatures.

Eclipse Leo: Hahaha!! Try to attack them if you can but if you do, our freedom will be-

???: Fire Grand Magic: Firaza!

A large fireball went towards them, it made a hit at one of the hooded figure and exploded. And to their relief, Y/n, Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, Chisato, Heine, Juliet, Latina and Grace have arrived the scene.

Y/n: (smirk) Looks like we made it just in time!

Yukino: (surprised) It's you guys!

Natsu: (smile) Y/n, you're here!

Lucy: (smile) Thank goodness you're here!

Ur: (smile) I knew it, you're here.

Rossweisse: Now that we're here, it's time for us to fight.

Rossweisse changes her outfit into a Valkyrie Battle Armor, Asia and Chisato have summoned their staff to fight, Heine and Juliet summoned their swords to fight as well.

Erza: Rossweisse, I'm impressed of your armor! It looks so inspiring! What is it?

Rossweisse: (smile) Thank you Erza, this is my Valkyrie Battle Armor for this situation.

Hisui: (mind) So the report that I received from few days ago in Mistwood, it was them.

Eclipse Leo: How dare you mongral! Try go through them and already too late to stop us!

All of the Eclipse Celestial Spirits went through to their gates, however one hooded man vanished while the monster block them along with the hooded figure. But it's revealed as Dylan, Latina's father with the scar of his face and readying his dual wielding Sickles.

Latina is shocked by meeting her heartless father again and Grace are ready to fight for real. (P.S: I can't find a good picture of her parents, so bear with it)

Latina: Daddy, it's him! He's the one who left me in the dark woods!

Everyone gasped of Latina's response. That angered the rest of Fairy Tail including Yukino, Arcadios and Hisui.

Dylan: (furious) Tch, so those insolence brats have survived huh?! I should have kill them, when I had the chance!!! They will pay for my wife's death because of you!!!

Ur: (anger) How dare you abandon your child for blaming Latina over her mother's death!!!

Irene: (anger) A parent should always care for their child, and you shattered it!!!

Kuroka: So you're the heartless bastard who left Latina in the woods. Dylan, you're gonna pay dearly for what you have done!!!

Natsu: (anger) You bastard, how can you be this way?! We never forgive you for that!!!

Lucy: How can you be so cruel and selfish!!! Latina is the most sweetest little girl we ever met in Fairy Tail!

Gray: Hmph, so you talk big huh? We'll make you pay for that!

Juvia: Juvia loves my beloved Gray, but Juvia also care for Latina!

Erza: How can you be so despicable to child!? You will pay for your crimes of hurting our daughters!

Mirajane: (anger) That goes double for me!

Cana: (anger) You mess with Fairy Tail, you mess with us!!

Elfman: That's right, a real man would never leave their kid behind alone!

Levy: You'll regret of messing with a member of Fairy Tail!

Gajeel: Yeah I may be tough and scary looking, but this is gone too far bub!

Panther Lily: Agreed. We will make certain of it.

Wendy: Yeah that's right! We will defeat you monster!

Carla: Yes, we're with Latina's side!

Y/n is secretly shocked by Fairy Tail's resolve, no matter what they accept them as a part of big family.

Y/n: (muttered)...Everyone-

Dylan: (anger) SHUT UP x7! I'm going to kill all of you goddammit! Mindless minions, prepare for battle!!!

Dylan and the monsters are preparing for battle, but Y/n made his decision.

Y/n: Everyone, you guys on ahead and close their gates! My team and I will deal with them!

Hisui: What?! But we can-!

Chisato: Y/n is right. If you guys are with us, it will be too late to save them and they will destroy everything and themselves.

Asia: Don't worry about us, we will handle this! And we will give that monster what he deserves!

Fairy Tail, Yukino, Arcadios and Hisui realized that they're right, they're running out of time. And they don't have any other options. They have acknowledged of their statements, Hisui handed each of them the Closure Keys and went through the portal gates.

As they have through the gates, the only ones are Princess Hisui, Arcadios and Team Redgrave of Fairy Tail against Dylan and his monsters. Team Redgrave are prepared their battle stance and ready to fight for Latina's sake and saving Earthland from world's destruction.

Kuroka: Now then, let's give them hell.

Ur: Oh yeah, I'm ready for this.

Asia: We must hurry and meet up with the others.

Rossweisse: Right, we must be very cautious around him.

Chisato: That's right, he must have some dark magic within him.

Irene: After we slay those foul beasts, we'll find a way to dealt that monster! Heine, Juliet watch over Latina and Grace.

Heine/Juliet: (serious) Yes milady!

Y/n: This party is getting crazy! Let's Rock!

When they have arrived back to Earthland, there's a new problem. Eclipse Celestial Spirits gone through rebellion to grant their freedom with the help of the alliances.

As their adventures continues....

(Ending theme)

A/n: Well that's all he wrote for the day. After for days of Kuoh for reuniting with Y/n's family, meeting with the Three Factions and a date with the Sitri Sisters. Y/n and his team returned to Earthland however, greeted by a new problem. They have arrived at the scene of helping out with Fairy Tail against the Eclipse Celestial Spirits. They are shocked about they met Dylan who left Latina in the woods for his wife's death. How will they get through this battle? Find out on the next chapter of Third Sparda of Fairy Tail! Stay tuned!

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