Chapter 22: The Summit Meeting! A Traitor Among Within!
3rd POV:
It's the next day in Kuoh Town around afternoon, Sona and Serafall's parents went back to the underworld. Sona went back to school and Serafall resume her duties left a bit early for their important matters attend to including the upcoming meeting.
Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato have woke up from their rooms, took a shower and changed their clothes. As they made it downstairs in living room, they were greeted by Trish, Lady and Kyrie.
Kuroka:(smile) Morning everyone.
Trish:(smile) Morning girls, how are you today?
Asia: We're doing alright, thank you for asking.
Rossweisse: Where's Y/n? We didn't notice him, something happened?
Lady: Don't worry about it, Y/n went out for a job from Morrison called in with Nero.
Chisato:(smile) I see I understand. We are sure that they can handle themselves. We have faith on Y/n.
Kyrie:(smile) That so romantic of you to say. I've prayed about same with my fiance as well. I'll prepare for some breakfast today when they come back from work.
Asia: I will help you, they'll be surprised to see we have made.
Kuroka: I hope you don't mind.
Kyrie: Thank you very much, both of you.
As Kuroka, Asia and Kyrie are cooking some breakfast for everyone, Rossweisse and Chisato are having conversations about their experiences and situation to Trish and Lady.
Trish: So that would have explained why my son disappeared along and four of you stayed with my son.
Lady: That's crazy, I didn't believe it at first but when Y/n's letter explained everything what he gone through, I'm a bit sad.
Rossweisse: During the time in Rating Game while Y/n, Asia and I were the servant to Rias Gremory, Y/n was been betrayed by them for Issei Hyoudou, Red Dragon Emperor.
Lady:(grits) That bastard so that's the kid from school, while I'm gonna beat the shit out of him for hurting Y/n.
Trish: And that red haired girl from school is Rias Gremory, I overheard from the other kids. How dare they hurt my son, I'm gonna electrocuting and give them a brutal beatdown.
Chisato:(smile) Don't worry, we have saved him with the help of your family's amulet and the Star-Shaped Charm called Wayfinder. Y/n have made plan to save Asia and Rossweisse also show the evidence of their true intentions from the Rating Game and Kuroka's innocence.
Trish and Lady are very happy about Y/n's actions to save them while in kitchen Kuroka, Asia and Kyrie are happy as well.
Kyrie: I can tell that both of you are happy for Y/n saved you two.
Kuroka: That's my darling, our knight in shining armor.
Asia: Yes, I'm glad that we've met him.
As Trish and Lady continue to have some conversation about their experiences in the other world they've been living there, which they are very surprised by how they were telling the truth. Kuroka, Asia and Kyrie have finished making breakfast and setting up to eat.
At the same time; Y/n, Nero, Nico and Morrison have came back from their job.
Y/n: Hey guys, we're back!
Nero: Hey we're home.
Team Redgrave/Trish/Lady/Kyrie:(smile) Welcome home!
Morrison: Well I'll be, I smell something good in this house. Look like we came in just time.
Nico: Whew, after days of work, we need some energy to get moving.
Kuroka, Asia and Kyrie have made eggs, bacon, sausage and pancakes for breakfast. Everyone is starting eating and enjoying of their cooking after few minutes later, they have been satisfied for their meal and telling Y/n and others of what happened.
Trish: So Y/n, I heard from you and them that you have a key-shaped sword, different from the devil's arms.
Y/n: Yeah I'll show you now.
Y/n stretch his arm opening his hand, it magically appears as the Rebellion's Oath. Trish, Lady and Kyrie are very surprised from Y/n's new weapon.
Y/n: This is from Emiko and the Wayfinder present me of this power within my heart and the others too.
Nero: We were surprised of him too but that's not all it can do, Y/n have some summons.
Y/n placed his hand on his chest where his heart, closing his eyes, performed some summons and revealed as Pikachu, Latios and Latias. They are very surprised of Y/n's power to summon.
Pikachu went up to Trish, nuzzling for affection and sparks of electricity responding.
Latias went up to Lady and Latios went up to Kyrie, nuzzling for affection as well.
For a while, they have went back to Y/n and continued the conversation from his perspective.
Lady: Y/n, I heard from them that you're the leader of this Team Redgrave of Fairy Tail in other world right?
Y/n: That's right, we went through some jobs in different places along with our new friends.
Nero: Damn, you formed a team over that other world.
Asia: We have so much fun together, we enjoyed it.
Kuroka: There are other members joined in darling's team including our daughters.
Trish, Lady, Kyrie, Nero, Nico and Morrison are shocked about they have two daughters that they don't know about it yet.
Trish/Lady/Kyrie/Nico:(shock) Really you have daughters?!
Morrison: I'm guessing that happen from the other world right?
Rossweisse: Yes, adopted daughters to be precise. Y/n have saved them from those monsters, he took them in and we are their family.
Chisato:(smile) Their names are Latina and Grace, we are their mothers while Y/n is their father.
Rossweisse showed them the pictures of their adopted daughters Latina and Grace in the other world, they awwed of adorable they are for few minutes. After that, they having next discussion.
Trish: Y/n, last night I heard that you guys are having a meeting with those Three Factions in that school.
Y/n: Yeah, Sona and Serafall invited us to discuss about what happened in Kuoh Academy. We might know who will there that some of us will recognize.
Kuroka: Yeah including "him" the White Dragon Emperor.
Asia: Also Rias and her peerage as well.
Rossweisse: We must be very cautious around them.
Chisato: Indeed, there's no telling what will happen if upcoming enemies are disrupting the meeting.
Nero: Hey let us come with you.
Y/n: No, you guys stay with Kyrie and others. They are different from the demons that you guys kill. Devils, fallen angels and/or strays may have some brains and powers, they won't hesitate to kill the innocents.
Nero realized that Y/n's right. Trish and the others started to see his point.
Morrison: Some of you having a plan for this event right?
Chisato: Y/n, Asia, Rossweisse and I will attend the meeting as Sona and Serafall's guests.
Kuroka: While I transformed into a black cat, I have to conceal my presence without the traitor notices.
Y/n: Sounds like a good plan. In the meantime, we'll have to wait for Sona and Serafall called us when it's time for us to go. We got this, right everyone? (Team Redgrave nodded)
Nico: Wow, sounds like you guys prepared for anything, talking from experience.
Lady: Yeah, I'm sure you guys can get through this together.
Trish:(smile) I'm so proud of you sweetie, how much you grown up. I hope you treat those girls fairly well.
Kuroka/Asia/Rossweisse/Chisato:(smile) Yes he has!
Y/n:(chuckles) There's your answer mom. Well, I better train while waiting on them.
Nero: How about I spar with you? I want to see how much stronger and I can learn from you.
Trish: I'm coming too, I want see it for myself. Training like old times.
Y/n:(smile) Sure, I'm ready for anything.
As time passed by, Y/n have been sparing and training along with Nero and Trish to see how much stronger he is. Trish and Nero are very surprised of Y/n's powers of his Devil's Arms and his Keyblade rapidly grows in his accord. Meanwhile, Kuroka and the others are starting a bit training of their own way in case if something happens and fight alongside with their lover Y/n.
(Timeskip to sunset in Kuoh)
As they have finished with their training, a bright sky blue symbol appears inside of Y/n's house. Y/n and his team recognize that presence belongs to Sona and her queen Tsubaki.
Sona: Y/n, the time has come for us to begin the meeting at school.
Y/n: Right, Team Redgrave we'll stick to the plan of we discuss. Let's move out.
Team Redgrave:(nodded) Right!
Tsubaki: Worry not family of Y/n, we will be alright and return safely.
Trish: Be careful over there sweetie.
Kyrie: Stay safe everyone.
Lady: Give us a call if you guys need a hand.
Nero: Yeah, you got this 👍
Morrison: I knew your dad, he'll always come back.
Nico: If a party hits, kick their sorry assess.
Y/n: Thank you everyone. Sona, we're ready to go. (Sona nodded)
Sona made a transport circle below their feet and transported to the Kuoh Academy High School. Minutes later, they have arrived at the school and head towards the the large room where the meeting takes place.
They were greeted by those leaders of each factions along with their retainers.
One side were Azazel, governor of the Fallen Angels with the White Dragon Emperor Vali, which he betray Kuroka of her uselessness. Unaware of them, Kuroka is in her cat form hiding her presence and she's angry at him.
In the middle were Michael, archangel of the Angel Faction with the exorcist Irina Shidou, which Y/n and Kuroka were informed of her as sell.
The other side is Sirzechs Lucifier, Serafall Leviathan the Devil Kings, along with Sona, Tsubaki, Grayfia, Rias and her household members.
Some people in that room are a bit surprised to see that they recognize some of their people. While on Rias's side, Issei is a bit furious for Y/n is here.
Azazel:(smirk) Well, ain't this is a surprise. Some people that we know before.
Michael: Afureia, it's been a while. I'm surprised to see you here.
Chisato: I came here to standby Y/n's side including Sona and Serafall's behalf.
Sona: Indeed, I made a permission to Lady Leviathan for attending this meeting.
Serafall: That's right, my sister and I invited them for my protection.
Sirzechs: Of course, this meeting will be more reasonable for the future.
Issei: Hey, what gives that dumbass Y/n to be here?! He wasn't there anyway! Y/n is a pussy!
Most of them are confused and shocked of Issei's outburst. Sona and Serafall wanted to defend Y/n but he patted their shoulders to comfort them.
Grayfia: Lady Rias, restrain that boy, we're in the presence of the supreme leaders.
Sona: That's right, it seems Hyoudou forgotten his place Rias.
Rias:(stern) Issei, that's enough. We're in a meeting to discuss about the battle of Kokabiel.
Issei have stand down on her commands, grumble of his nonsense.
Sirzechs:*sighs*...Now that everyone is here, let this summit begins.
As their meeting begins, they begin to discussing about it shows recordings the incident of Kuoh Academy, where the battle between Kokabiel and Rias and her peerage take place.
Rias: This is the detail of battle against Kokabiel and my household found in my report.
Sona: I, Sona Sitri are here to confirm the truth to report given by Lady Gremory, as a witness.
Sirzechs: Thank you, that will be all.
Serafall: Great job ladies, I'm so proud of you especially you So-tan (winks)
Sona blushes for her embarrassment while Y/n silently chuckles of them.
Sirzechs: Would the governor of Fallen Angel like to explain for yourself regarding the report?
Azazel: Kokabiel was gone rogue, so my thoughts of this are irrelevant.
Michael: You're saying that his madness was all of his own?
Azazel: Well he did all that without my permission, if that's what you're asking. Heh, I did warned him if he doesn't stop, it'll cost him his life. Now that he's all gone, I can enjoy relaxing here this city.
Sirzechs: Please stay on topic here.
Azazel: I send the White Dragon Emperor Vali to fetch the bastard, trapping him frozen part of hell. He won't be causing any more problems for a long time.
Michael: What troubles me that he's dissatisfied of his status quo, recreating the Great War.
Azazel: Yeah, the hallway there including that lone Dark Knight stop the war on his own years ago.
Y/n have secretly knew about the Great War, his grandfather Sparda told him everything about his battle against few of each factions, but they don't know that God(in this DxD world) is dead. But that didn't stop Y/n from what he does best.
They heard about the news of God and devil generals are dead, Asia is a bit distraught and Y/n patted her head with a smile to comfort her, Asia smile Y/n as a thanks for support.
After minutes later of the intense discussion, they were about to have an agreement until Azazel call out in favor both sides.
Azazel: So Vali, what are your thoughts about this?
Vali: What I want, is fight some opponents whose stronger as me.
Azazel: You can fight but without causing any of more war.
Vali: Yes I suppose.
Azazel: How about you Issei, any thoughts?
Issei: Huh? Well I-uh I'm really good of this.
Azazel: Let me put you in simple term, if a war starts to causes havoc on this world, you won't have your way with Rias Gremory.
Issei:(pervert) Yes, I vote for peace!
Y/n facepalmed of Issei's stupidity while his team were a bit cringed.
Azazel:(smirk) So how about you...Y/n Sparda?
Some of them are shocked to Y/n is a Sparda. Albion is a bit trembling for Y/n while Vali is exciting to fight Y/n so badly. Irina and Xenovia are shocked from his statement.
Irina:(shock) He's a Sparda, even Asia the exile nun is with him!?
Xenovia: How can that traitorous witch be with him?!
Asia is a little bit hurt from being called exiled witch, etc; but somehow she gathered herself some courage and stand up for Y/n and her family.
Asia: Those names can't stop me to keep moving forward and live, I admire and love Y/n for what he believed in. I died because Raynare killed me for her selfish desire of my Sacred Gear. Y/n will always be there for me even if he's far away within my heart. And if even God is dead, I believe him and I'm still standing with my Y/n, my family and my friends.
Kuroka(cat form), Rossweisse, Chisato, Sona, Tsubaki and Serafall are surprised and happy of Asia's resolve. Michael, Azazel, Irina, Xenovia and Grayfia are shocked while Rias and her peerage as well.
Y/n: Well there goes my answer, I still vote for peace to keep the land safe and I would kill anyone who stand in my way. I'm sure the others agreed on this, right?
Rossweisse/Chisato:(smile) Yes!
Michael: Asia, words cannot describe for how much I'm sorry I am for what we done in past. The system of the church is barely functional right now. I ask for your forgiveness for such actions and Xenovia as well.
Xenovia: Of course Chief Michael, I forgive you.
Asia: I forgive you as well.
Asia turned to see Y/n and the others, they are happy and proud of her response while Y/n smiled and nod of approval.
However this moment ends with unknown power surrounding them turning into purple void. They turned and see that Sona, Tsubaki and Akeno aren't moving at all.
Rossweisse: Look outside, we got trouble heading our way!
They have noticed that a lot of glyphs in the sky revealed as the magicians heading towards them.
Serafall: They are magicians, that's not fair I'm the only magical girl here!
Chisato: Those magicians, they begin to attack us and they took of someone who has the power to stop time.
Irina: But who would have the power of stop time?
Azazel: Looks like the vampire trap is responsible for that. But those who wields supreme powers can't affected us.
Vali: I'm protected by the Sacred Gear, Issei, holder of the Holy Swords but I don't know about others.
He pointed out that Y/n, Asia, Kuroka(cat) Rossweisse and Chisato who isn't frozen.
Y/n: Hmph, I have my own power to freeze time called Quicksilver. (Smirk) I may have something to do with them, if you catch my drift. *winks at readers*
Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato have the mate mark on their back protecting them for harm due to having sex.
Y/n: Anyway we have to split up, Chisato, my cat and I are going the source to stop them while Rossweisse and Asia will stay here to hold the fort and protecting Sona, Tsubaki and Akeno.
Chisato: Y/n is correct, we can pinpoint where that power came from.
Rossweisse: Yes I agree, we'll hold them off.
Asia: Y/n, please be careful out there.
Azazel: Wow, quite a plan you had, as expected from a Sparda and no argument there.
Michael: Yes I agree, we must take action of this.
Rias: I'll go, Gasper is my responsibility as the heiress of Gremory household.
Sirzechs: Of course, I'm trusting you of this.
Grayfia: Lady Rias, do be careful on your way.
Issei:(smirk) I'm going too, I'll prove to that Y/n the coward how much stronger I have.
Y/n: Yeah, yeah bite me dickless boy. Don't fall behind.
Serafall:(smile) Y/n you have my permission, go and save them for us. (Y/n nodded)
As Y/n, Chisato, Kuroka(changed to human form), Rias and Issei are already teleport to the ORC building noticing the magicians are guarding it.
All of a sudden, they heard a big explosion behind them and see the meeting place has destroyed but everyone is alright inside the barrier.
When the guards noticed them, they have started to charge in and attacking them. Chisato casting a magic while Y/n brought out Ebony and Ivory shooting them to counter. Rias cast her attack and Issei equipped his Boosted Gear to kill those magicians.
When Y/n kicked the door, they saw Koneko and Gasper hanging on the wall while those magicians are surrounding them. Y/n secretly smirk as he had an idea of this.
Y/n: Quicksilver.
Y/n have snapped his fingers and time is moving very slowly around them and started to free them in seconds. Y/n signals Chisato and Kuroka to attack and they acknowledged of his response. Kuroka and Chisato sync with their magic performed a combined attack.
Kuroka/Chisato: Unison Raid: Light Nova!
Kuroka and Chisato released a ball of green and blue light salvo towards the magicians and exploded. Y/n praise them for such a powerful combined attack and they returned back to them. While returning back, Kuroka didn't even bother looking at Koneko for a such heinous crime of what they did.
(Timeskip to the defeat of Kateara)
As minutes passes by, they successfully defeated the Kateara along those magicians on Kuoh Academy and time resumes normally.
Azazel: Well I guess that's it-
He didn't finish his sentence because he was shot down from above him. Azazel landed near him, knocking him away. He began to stand and dusting himself like it was nothing to him.
Azazel: I think I'm starting to feel old. Bad Vali.
Vali: I'm sorry Azazel but this side is much more fun.
Issei: What?! So Vali is the traitor all along?!
Everyone has regroup back to where Sirzechs and the others. Azazel fly up to Vali.
Azazel: I heard of your little group Vali. And your all recruiting different factions even strays. And your Leader, is the Infinite Dragon God, Ophis.
Everyone was shock what they heard except for Asia, Xenovia, Issei and Y/n who doesn't care what they're talking about.
Vali: That's right, our group is called 'Khaos Brigade'. We only seek Power, true power is absolute. We don't have any intention to rule.
Sirzechs: What do you mean by that?!
Y/n:(mind) There's no way that my uncle Vergil has another son, as my damned cousin? I f**king hate him already for what he did in past.
Azazel: Oh really? I thought that you want to claim your title like Katerea.
Vali:(smirk) My name is Vali Lucifer, his direct descendant of the Original Lucifier!
He spread his four set of Devil wings shocking them.
Vali: Issei Hyoudou , fate is too cruel isn't? I wield the Divine Dividing and you wield the Boosted Gear. I already achieved my Balance Breaker while you don't. Fighting like right now, has no meaning. You are just a bug waiting to be stepped on the moment you faced me. How about I will kill your parents to savor your desire.
Issei: You bastard-!
Vali: However, the Grandson of Sparda might give me the fight that I was looking for.
Y/n: Oh really well don't get your hopes up, your not worth the time either.
Vali: I see I should dispose that bewitching hairball that I must then allow me to pro-
Issei tackle him and now has equipped his Boosted Gear; Balance Breaker Scale Mail.
As minutes went by, Issei has been fighting Vali for some time, he somehow absorbed a orb which is the power of Vanishing Dragon, he endure that power for his own.
Vali:(smirk) How interesting, let's get serious about this, shall we?
Albion: Half Dimension!
Vali performed a power which to halve the size of objects and living beings, and the user does not need to make any contact with the target to use this ability.
Michael: Half Dimension, it's an dangerous power which he'll destroy everything of his path.
Rias: How was that fair-?!
Vali is suddenly shot down by an unknown rocket which belongs to Y/n equipped with his Pandora Box.
Y/n:(smirk) Well guess that will have to do.
Asia: Nice job Y/n, you damaged him.
Rossweisse: Indeed, Vali is now at disadvantage.
Chisato: As expected, Y/n saved us once again.
Vali's Scale Mail now has a crack on it.
Vali: Hahaha, and as I expected from you Grandson of Sparda.
He's armor started repairing itself and he get up on his feet.
Vali: Fight me Y/n. Then we'll find out who's truly powerful. The Grandson of Sparda or the Grandson of Lucifer to know reigned supreme.
Y/n: Oh spare me of your bullshit nonsense dumbass, I have heard enough about these fates that you believe in.
Vali is a bit tensed and getting angry of Y/n's response.
Vali:(grits) What do you mean?!
Y/n:(smirk) Well I would tell you what I meant...if you survived this long.
Vali: Y/NNNN!!!
Vali immediately charged towards Y/n, starts to shoot him with magic but Y/n used Royal Guard to block all his attack. Vali then fly towards him and tried to grab him but Y/n just lean to his left and he grab him by the legs. He slam him into the ground , mounted him and slide him like a skateboard.
Y/n kicked Vali to the tree, equipped his Revenant, made a charge shot and exploded. Vali had some resilient to get up and look towards him.
Vali: Now, answer my question.
Y/n: Okay than, you are nothing but disgraceful existence to the dragons, betraying Kuroka for your bullshit excuses of gaining more power which means you walked a path of a coward, creeping from the dark.
Vali: What?! What do you say to me?!
Y/n: I said it right from the start, as a successor you're total disaster. You're nothing more an annoying ass cockroach who believes such nonsense. A pathetic sad excuse for a living soul.
Vali reached his boiling point and he is pissed off from Y/n's response.
Vali:(angry) How dare you, I will not tolerate such insolence!!!!
Vali continues to fight in rage towards Y/n which dodges and blocks his attack without any problems. Y/n have equipped his Crimson Rebellion slashing quickly and finish him as Y/n performed an Overdrive attack towards Vali and made a direct hit. Vali's Scale Mail is crack again and revert his back.
Vali: I guess I have no choice but to use the Juggernaut Drive.
Albion: No Vali, that's not option for this situation.
Vali began to chant his Juggernaut Drive while Albion tried to him not to. Fortunately, it stops by an unknown person with ancient Chinese armor that was used during the Three Kingdoms period.
Vali: Bikou, what are you doing here?
Bikou: I was looking around find you, letting you know that we're fighting to the northern earth gods and to bring you back.
Rossweisse: What?! How's that possible?!
Vali: I see, it's time.
Y/n: Who the hell is that guy?
Azazel: That's Bikou, he is the descendant of Sun Wukong and the current Monkey King, a fighting Buddha related to Son Goku. I've never expected that you're part of the Khaos Brigade.
Bikou: It's a big world out there. Vali, what happened to you? Looks like you got beat up really bad.
Vali: You can tell that to the Grandson of Sparda and to see an old friend of ours.
Bikou: It's nice to meet you, Grandson of Sparda and you too Kuroka.
Y/n,Kuroka: Sup/Bite me (flip the bird quickly)
Bikou: Well, time for us to go.
Bikou performed a transportation magic to take their leave.
Vali: We will fight again Issei Hyoudou, to make the battle more intense. And Y/n, the next time we meet, I show you who will be the pathetic excuse for a living soul is.
Vali and Bikou have left, everything will start to turning back from before.
Rossweisse: Y/n, I must go and warn the Norse Gods about this incident.
Y/n: Okay Chisato, go with her. I'm sure you'll need an extra hand and as a witness.
Chisato: Understood, we'll meet you back home.
Rossweisse and Chisato have made their transportation circle and heading towards the relam of Norse Gods.
Asia/Kuroka:(happy) Y/n/Darling!!!
Kuroka and Asia rushed towards Y/n and give him a big hug and kisses that Y/n is okay.
Sirzechs: Azazel, Kateara was my responsibility for this event.
Azazel: Well Vali was my mistake on my part. Let's call it even.
Issei: Excuse me, Chief Michael? I would like to ask you a favor?
Michael: As long as within my power, anything.
Iseei: I would like you to make Xenovia pray again, it means much to her.
Y/n: And Asia too. It would be fair for her, she have some strong beliefs to thanks to me.
Xenovia/Asia: Issei/Y/n.
Michael: Ladies, will you stay pray even though God doesn't exist anymore?
Asia: Yes. As I said from before, I inspired what Y/n believed in. The God have passed on his beliefs to the next generations to come.
Xenovia: Of course, I would like to believe in that giving thanks to God and you Chief Michael.
Irina: Chief Michael, let them pray on my behalf. I was wrong from before of them, I was devastated about the truth.
Sirzechs: Can you do it? It will symbolizes as the friendship between factions, our peace.
Serafall: Yes, a harmony between all kinds is a beautiful friendship.
Michael: Of course, it's the best way to make up for the church in the past.
Xenovia and Asia have thank Michael for his actions. Michael and his army heading back to their relam. As well as Azazel and his army. Asia turned to see Y/n, she happily crying of his deeds and started to hugging and kissing Y/n on lips again which he accepted.
Asia:(happy) Y/n thank you, thank you so much! I love you. (Kiss him lips)
Y/n:(smile) It's no problem. It's the least I can do for you to make you and my lovers equally happy. That's what matters right?
Kuroka:(smile) Aww darling, that's so nice of you. How you stood up against Vali, it's so dreamy. (kiss him lips)
Rias, Akeno, Kiba and Koneko are very shameful of themselves for not being faithful to Y/n,which is clearly not wanting to do with them.
Xenovia, Irina and Gasper are a bit confused about the ties between Y/n Sparda, Rias Gremory and her peerage.
Issei on the other hand, are a bit enraged of Y/n stealing his own spotlight.
Meanwhile with Sona, Tsubaki and Serafall, they have their own discussion.
Serafall: Sona, we are so happy and proud for Y/n have done for us and Asia.
Sona:(smile) Indeed, Y/n always there for us. After all, he's our beloved husband, to make us girls happy of our feelings.
Tsubaki:(smile) Milady, perhaps Y/n Sparda will be aa important factor as a symbol of harmony and love as a factor.
Sona:(smile) How very true, an excellent idea Tsubaki. We'll keep that as a secret between for ourselves.
Serafall: Yeah great idea, for Y/n's sake. Oh that reminds me So-tan.
Sona: What is it?
Serafall:(giggles,blush) Did you remember our agreement of Y/n's condition from yesterday?
Sona suddenly remembered, began to blushing red and must honor the agreement.
Sona:(blush) Well, as long as Kuroka agrees with it, we will be happy. And I know that Y/n won't break his promise.
Serafall:(blush) I'm so excited about this! We should make a compromise for our three way date with our hubby!
Tsubaki:(blush) My goodness! So that's why Y/n and the others came.
The peace between the Three Factions has been established, regarding the battle of Kokabiel and recent events of Kateara and Vali. Sona and Serafall will make some plans for a three way date with Y/n.
As their adventures continues...
(Ending theme)
A/n: Well that's all he wrote for the day. Y/n and his Team Redgrave explained everything about what Y/n have through; his time of ORC, Rating Game, etc. Y/n and his team hanging out with his family and friends in Kuoh. Y/n and his team were attended to the summit meeting between the Three Factions. They have been under attack by Katerea along the magicians and they have been defeated. However, Vali is the traitor, revealed as the Original Lucifier and the members of Khaos Brigade. Y/n showed him no mercy on him. What will he except for tomorrow's date? Find out on the next chapter of Third Sparda of Fairy Tail! Stay tuned!
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