Chapter 20: A Normal Day at Fairy Tail
3rd POV:
As the new day rises, Team Redgrave are awake from their rooms and heading to the living room.
Kuroka:(smile) Morning everyone.
Team Redgrave:(smile) Good morning!
Heine: Wait, where's Y/n and the kids?
Juliet: Maybe they're still sleeping.
Ur: I guess he must be tired from jobs we had.
Chisato: I'll go wake them up.
Rossweisse: I'll go with you.
Asia: We'll be waiting for you.
Irene: Yes and we'll be ready to go the guild hall.
As Chisato and Rossweisse have made it inside of Y/n's room, they see Y/n is still sleeping in the bed. However they have started to noticed two large spots inside the blanket.
As Rossweisse slowly removed the blanket and revealed as Latina and Grace are cuddling with Y/n. Chisato and Rossweisse are very surprised and happy about Y/n being a caring father.
Rossweisse:(smile) Aww~ they are so cute. Maybe I should take a picture of this moment.
Chisato:(giggles) Indeed, he's definitely fit for a husband material. After all, we all loved for who he is.
As Rossweisse secretly took a picture of them sleeping and Chisato nudges them to wake up. Y/n slowly waking up from his sleep to see Chisato and Rossweisse, and give them morning kisses.
Y/n:(smile) Good morning Chisato, Rossweisse.
Chisato:(smile) Good morning Y/n, it's time for us to go.
Rossweisse:(smile) Along with our cute daughters that they were cuddling with you.
Y/n: Right, now I remember. Latina, Grace it's time to wake up.
As Latina and Grace are slowly awake and yawning from their sleep, they are happy to see his dad and moms awake.
Latina/Grace:(smile) Morning daddy and mommys!
Chisato/Rossweisse:(smile) Morning sweethearts, it's time to go.
Chisato and Rossweisse gave them a kiss on their foreheads as a mother would do.
As their daughters are getting dressed and ready to go the guild hall. And Y/n have changed his clothes from yesterday.
As they're outside and saw Irene is wearing a different clothes as she started to change.
(Irene's clothes)
Irene:(smile) Good morning Y/n, what do you think about this?
Y/n:(smile) It looks beautiful and ready for battle, you look pretty great.
Irene:(blush) Thank you Y/n, let's get going everyone.
Team Redgrave:(smile,nod) Right!
Team Redgrave are heading towards the Fairy Tail's guild hall to hang out or pick a job.
Few minutes later, they have arrived at the guild hall and they were greeted by some friends of theirs.
Y/n:(smile) Morning everyone!
Fairy Tail:(smile) Good morning!
Mirajane:(smile) Morning Y/n. (Kiss on lips) How are you guys today?
Y/n:(smile) I'm doing good today.
Levy: Morning you guys and you too Latina and Grace!
Team Redgrave:(smile) Good morning!
Cana:(smile) Hey there handsome~(Kiss on the lips) What's your plan for today?
Y/n: Well I guess some of us will be taking a job for the day, while the rest can stay here if they want.
Kuroka:(smile) Of course Darling. We don't mind hanging out here.
Asia: Yes, I was thinking we can help with Mirajane in this place.
Rossweisse: I hope you don't mind for us helping you out here Mirajane.
Mirajane:(smile) Of course I don't mind. You all welcome to help out, besides we all family.
Chisato:(smile) I will help out as well.
Ur: Alright then, we got some work to do here.
Half of Team Redgrave are helping out with Mirajane and Kinana at the guild hall while remains with Y/n, Irene, Heine, Juliet, Latina and Grace.
Y/n: Well I guess that leaves us and I picked us a job of us. (Show them flyer)
Irene: Ah I see. You have made a right choice for us.
Heine: Indeed, that quest takes place at the Mt. Hokabe, where the white wyverns lived there.
Juliet: As a bonus, the white wyvern scales are worth valuable, just in case for extra money.
Wendy:(smile) Miss Irene, Y/n, can we come with you?
Carla: I'm coming along, I have to support with Wendy.
Latina: Papa, can we go with you?
Grace: Yeah me too papa, pretty please?
Y/n:(smile)...Alright, but stay with your aunties okay?
Latina/Grace:(smile,nod) Yes papa!
Irene:(smile) Alright then Wendy, this will be your opportunity to hone your Dragon Slayer Magic to the next level and I will help you there.
Wendy:(smile) Yes ma'am, I'll do my best.
Carla:(mind) Wendy are so determined to be helpful to our friends. As for Y/n, what kind of magic he possess?
Wendy: Come on Carla, we need to go now.
Carla: Right, On my way.
Y/n: We'll see you guys soon.
Mirajane:(smile) Be careful out there honey~.
Y/n, Irene, Heine, Juliet, Wendy, Carla, Latina and Grace are heading to their job at Mt. Hokabe from the train station.
As they are riding the train to Mt. Hokabe, Irene is starting to feel a little bit of motion sickness.
Irene:(sick) W-what is...this? Why am I...feeling sick.
Y/n: Aww crap, I almost forgot that you're a Dragon Slayer that they have the same weakness. Here, I'll comfort you.
Y/n have put Irene's head on his lap and rubbing her head to comfort her. Irene thank Y/n and Wendy for easing her sickness.
Wendy: Don't worry, we'll be there shortly.
Carla:(sigh) I guess Irene shared the same sickness with Natsu and other slayers as well.
Latina: It's going to be okay mommy. (Patted her)
Grace: Yeah, we're here for you mommy. (Joined them)
Juliet:(smile) Those kids are so cute together with a family, right?
Heine:(smile) Indeed, Y/n will be there with our family and friends.
As they have arrived at Mt. Hokabe, they begin to search for the white wyverns in the area.
Irene and Wendy have stopped and started to smell their presences. All of a sudden, a pack of white wyverns have appeared as they are ready to fight.
Y/n:(grins) Alright looks like we hit the jackpot. Heine, Juliet stay close with Latina and Grace, we'll handle this! (Summoned Crimson Rebellion)
Heine/Juliet: Yes sir!
Heine and Juliet are protecting Latina and Grace from danger. At the same time, this will be good opportunity for Wendy to boost her Sky Dragon Slayer Magic with the help of Irene.
Irene: Alright Wendy, this will be an opportunity to work on your magic. Get ready, I'll guide you.
Wendy:(nod) Yes Miss Irene, I'll give it my all.
Carla: Agreed, I'll support you child.
The white wyverns began to slash them with their claws and they dodged them at ease.
Y/n performed a three hit combo on four wyverns with his Crimson Rebellion and he decided to switch his weapon.
Y/n: Agni! Rudra!
Y/n have switch to Agni and Rudra for his fight and left Irene, Heine, Juliet, Latina and Grace surprised.
Juliet: Whoa, he switched weapons!
Heine: Amazing, is that his magic?!
Latina/Grace: Wow, papa is cool!
Irene:(mind) That presence, it feels a bit demonic. And I feel fire and wind magic element.
Y/n made a basic 5-hit combo, the final 3 strikes are circular swings around the player, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
Meanwhile with Irene, she tapped Wendy's shoudler with her magic to give a bit of boosting power and possibly unlocking her own Dragon Force.
Wendy is feeling a bit strong with Irene's guidance and decided to give it a shot. Wendy closed her eyes, formed a blue aura around her body and reveal as Enchantment.
Wendy: Sky Dragon Wing Attack!
Wendy is expelling a whirlwind of air from her arms to attack her surroundings. Her magic have started to increase a little bit.
After few minutes of their battle, they have successfully slay the white wyverns and began to collect some wyverns scales as an extra bonus for them.
Y/n: Whew, that was fun. I call this mission success 👍.
Latina: That's amazing daddy!
Grace: Yeah, you like a super hero!
Y/n: Aww, thanks you two. (Patted their heads)
Heine: We must head back to the client about our job.
Juliet: Right, let's get going.
Irene: Indeed. And Wendy(smile), great job today. I was a bit worried about you that you couldn't handle it but at least you found a strive to push forward.
Wendy:(smile) Thank you Miss Irene, I had a great teacher to help me with my magic.
Carla:(smile) Indeed, with enough training, I'm sure you can unlock your form soon.
As Y/n and the others are heading back to their client about their successful hunt, they decided to head back to the guild hall to relax.
(Timeskip at the Magnolia)
As Y/n and the others have arrived back at the guild hall, Y/n have opened the door to announced their arrival.
Y/n:(smile) Hey you guys, we're back.
Kuroka/Asia/Rossweisse/Chisato/Ur:(smile) Welcome back!
Latina/Grace:(smile) Mommies, we're back!
Latina and Grace give each of them a cute and loving hugs and kisses.
Mirajane:(smile) Honey, welcome back. I take it that job went successfully.
Wendy:(smile) Yeah we did! I had Miss Irene helping me with some training of my Sky Dragon Slayer Magic.
Carla: It turns out Wendy was so focused and successfully increased of her magic capabilities.
Asia: Wow, that's amazing Wendy!
Rossweisse:(smile) Yes, we're proud of you.
Heine: Indeed. With enough training, she'll be stronger than before.
Juliet: Yep, and we hit the jackpot today. Check it out.
They showed them that they have collected the white wyverns scales and they're surprised.
Chisato: Amazing. With those scales, it must be worth valuable.
Ur: Yeah, we should take it easy for a while.
Y/n have noticed Natsu, Happy and Lucy walking towards them.
Natsu: Yo Y/n, what's up!
Y/n:(smile) Hey you guys, how you doing?
Lucy: We're doing great, come downstairs you gonna like it.
Happy: Aye, it's super fun!
As Y/n and the others heading downstairs, met up with Gray and the others, and they are surprised that they have a pool table.
Erza:(smile) Hi Y/n, welcome back!
Bisca: Hey there, glad you came here.
Y/n: Damn, when did this get here?
Gray: We got it from the client of the job we had. He love to play billiards and I got hooked this game.
Juvia: Indeed, he wanted for us to put it here so that everyone can enjoy it.
Kuroka: We were surprised of their reward, and it looks like fun.
Rossweisse: But Natsu have gone a bit carried away, unable how to play billiards.
Natsu:(pout) Not my fault of how they play. It just a little bit complicated.
Lucy:💦 Yeah, I won't call that a little bit.
Asia: Maybe you should watch and learn of how to play it, Natsu-san.
Ur: So Y/n, want to give it a shot?
They have noticed Y/n is a bit quiet and smiling looking of this billiard.
Y/n:(smile)...It's been a while for me to play the billiards with my dad, when I was little kid.
Lucy: Wow really?! You know how since you're little?
Chisato:(smile) I assume you have a short story to tell us.
Y/n: Hehehe, well the game won't be fun if you make a bet.
(Flashback as Y/n at 9 years, young age)
Y/n was around nine years old, he noticed when his dad(Dante) are playing billiards with his mom(Trish).
Y/n:(smile) Hey mom, dad what are you playing?
Dante: Sorry kiddo, this is for grown-ups only.
Y/n:(pout) Hey you don't want me to beat you right?
Trish:(giggles) Don't mind your daddy, sweetie. He just had some bad luck of this game.
Dante: Come on, give me a break. I just having a slump.
Trish: Keep telling yourself that, honey. So Y/n, how about you beat your dad with this game?
Dante: Heh, like that's gonna happen.
Y/n:(grins) Oh yeah, you'll see I'm gonna beat you. I'm just getting few pointers from mom.
Dante:(smirk) Hmph, dream on sport after between your mom and me, we'll see about that.
After Dante and Trish played their game, Trish give Y/n some pointers of how to play the billiards as a practice round. Few minutes later, Dane and Y/n are playing against each other.
Dante:(smirk) I hope you're ready to lose kiddo.
Y/n: Yeah, how about we make a bet?
Dante: Oh? Okay than, what's your bet?
Y/n: If I win, you gonna have to take me and mom out to the amusement park and pay pizza and strawberry sundae.
Trish:(sarcastic) Uh oh, what are you going to do about this, Dante?
Dante: And if I win, you gonna have to clean up the place for one week.
Y/n: Deal. (Both nodded and shook hands)
After for seven minutes later of tense game, to their surprise, Y/n have successfully beat his dad of billiards and must honor his agreement.
Y/n: Hooray, I beat you dad! (Grins) Now come on, we're going to the amusement park, you promised today!
Trish:(giggles) I guess you do have bad luck of this type of gambling.
Dante: Yeah,yeah whatever. Come on, don't want to keep him waiting.
As Dante and Trish are prepared to go the amusement park with their son.
Y/n:(grin) Oh, don't forget about buy pizza and strawberry sundae and you paying them.
Dante: Oh dammit, I thought you forgot about that part.
Trish and Y/n laughed at Dante's disappointment and Dante have laughed in secret as he's really happy for spending time with the family.
(Flashback ended)
Y/n: So yeah, that's the story about me and my dad playing this game.
Y/n have shoot the last ball into the hole.
Asia:(smile) Sounds like you're having fun Y/n.
Ur:(smile) Yeah, I'm still surprised that you have made a bet with your dad.
Erza: Y/n, where's your family don't mind me asking?
Y/n:(f.concern)...I don't know where he is now. (smile) But all I know that they doing okay.
Gray:(smile) I bet, and you're still a natural of this game.
Lucy:(smile) Don't forget, you, Asia and your team are part of Fairy Tail as a family.
Natsu:(smile) Yeah, I'm sure your family are alright. You guys are part of this family, no matter who you are.
Y/n:(smile)...Yeah you're right, thanks Natsu, Lucy.
Kuroka: Sounds to me, you guys have some experiences together.
Rossweisse:(smile) No doubt about that.
As time passed by, Team Redgrave are hanging out with their friends in Fairy Tail. Team Redgrave are decided to heading back to their home for the night. As they are cooking and ready to eat dinner, Kuroka have reminded Y/n for an announcement to make.
Kuroka: Darling, I'd say it's time for about you, me, Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato are going back to Kuoh for a while.
Y/n:...You're right. After dinner, we have to make an announcement with the rest of Team Redgrave, except our identity but soon.
Kuroka:(nod) Right, let's go.
Y/n and Kuroka have joined in for dinner with the rest of Team Redgrave. After they have finished with their dinner, Y/n have an announcement to the team.
Y/n: Everyone, I have an important announcement to make with this team only.
Team Redgrave are a bit confused of Y/n's announcement.
Y/n: Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, Chisato and I are going on a business trip for us. The rest of you, will stay here.
Irene: What do you mean by that honey?
Y/n:...Well, only Ur knows about one fact about us. You see, we came from another kind of world.
Irene, Heine, Juliet, Latina and Grace are very surprised and shocked by Y/n and others came from another world.
Irene/Heine/Juliet:(shocked) Really, five of you came from another world?!
Latina/Grace:(sad) Daddy, are you leaving us?
Y/n: Oh no little munchkins, it's not like that. I still love you my cute daughters. We just going out on a business trip for few days, that's all. (Patted their heads)
Latina/Grace: Oh okay.
Rossweisse: But Y/n, is there reason for that announcement?
Y/n: Yeah I called a friend of ours, letting me know that my family is there at the house in Kuoh, alive and well.
Asia:(smile) I see I understand. I'm sure they'll be very happy to see you again Y/n. (Y/n nodded)
Chisato:(smile) Indeed. (serious) Ur, everyone, we just need you to keep this as a secret for a little while.
Ur, Irene, Heine, Juliet Latina and Grace looked at each other and nodded as they accepted their request to keep this a secret.
Ur:(smile) Don't worry Y/n, your secret is safe with us. You revived me and I love you, your secret is safe with us.
Irene:(smile) You have my word, Y/n everyone. After all, you did saved us from "him".
Juliet:(smile)Yeah you're our friends, gave us to call home. So we trust you.
Heine:(smile) Indeed and fear not Y/n, we will protect Latina and Grace from danger.
Latina: Be careful out there daddy.
Grace: Yeah daddy, we'll be strong for you.
Y/n:(smile)...Everyone, Thank You.
Irene: Y/n, when do all of you leave?
Y/n:...Tomorrow, early in the morning. Ur, Irene, I'm leaving both of you in charge of Team Redgrave, the rest of you, follow their lead and be careful.
Ur/Irene/Heine/Juliet/Latina/Grace:(nodded) You got it/Understood/Yes daddy.
Y/n: We'll stay up for a while and then we should get some sleep. (Everyone nodded)
Y/n have announced that Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, Chisato and himself are heading back to Kuoh Town for few days. Y/n and the other are mentally prepared for the next day. How will Y/n's family about Y/n's recent adventures and meeting his harem?
As their adventures continues...
(Ending theme)
A/n: Well that's all he wrote for the day. Another eventful day at Fairy Tail. Irene went to her first job with Y/n, Heine and Juliet along with Wendy and Carla. Irene began to train Wendy to unlock her own Dragon Force and her potential. Y/n recall his memory with his mom and dad of playing billiards. Y/n made an important announcement for the rest of Team Redgrave that half of them are going back to Kuoh Town. What will Y/n and the others will excepting when they get there? Find out on the next chapter of Third Sparda of Fairy Tail! Stay tuned!
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