Chapter 19: Meanwhile at Kuoh...
(This part of the story takes place after Chapter 7)
3rd POV:
After the school has ended, Y/n and his lovers at the empty school yard with Sona, Tsubaki and Saji. They were a bit sad about them leaving Kuoh, while Y/n and his group are ready for their departure.
Asia: We'll see each other again.
Rossweisse: Don't worry, we'll be alright as long as we stay together.
Chisato: Please take care of yourselves.
Kuroka: Yeah, we'll find a place to settled down for a while.
Saji: We'll be waiting for you guys.
Tsubaki: All of you, have a safe trip.
Sona:(tears,smile) Please be careful out there Y/n for me. (Kiss on lips)
Y/n:(smile,nod) Thank you I will.
Y/n have summoned his Rebellion's Oath, he gripped his hands of the handle and pointed to the ground a shining ray of light shoots out. And formed a portal that it's ready for them to walk through.
As Y/n, Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato have left, Sona is starting to feel emotional again as she's sad about her husband left and tears formed in her eyes.
Saji: Madam President don't worry, I'm sure Y/n will be alright. I have no doubt about him.
Tsubaki: Indeed as he said before; he can take care of himself along with his group. Have faith on them.
Sona:(smile)...Yes, you're right.
Sona started to feel a bit better, a couple members of Sona's peerage are running towards them.
Momo/Reya: Lady Sona, we're here to report.
Sona: Momo, Reya is there anything to report?
Momo: Yes milady, Lord Sirzechs is here at the ORC Building along with Grayfia Lucifige, Rias and her peerage.
Reya: In other news, the Gremory and Sitri Family are here as well including Lady Leviathan.
Tsubaki: Milady, they must have heard of what happened at the engagement party.
Saji: Something tells me that they are not very happy about that situation.
Reya: About Y/n and the others, did they left? (Sona nodded)
Momo: Milady, we're so sorry about you and Y/n. Y/n is a good friend to us.
Sona: Right, let's not keep them waiting. As for Y/n's departure, I will tell my family about this as a family matter of the Sitri Clan. Let's go.
Tsubaki/Saji/Momo/Reya:(bow) Yes milady.
Five of the Student Council members are heading towards the ORC building to start a serious meeting with Rias and her peerage.
As they have arrived in the building, they see not only Sirzechs and Grayfia, but Zeoticus Gremory, Venelana Gremory, Lord and Lady Sitri, Serafall Leviathan and remaining Sona's peerage are here as well.
Judging by their expressions, they are very disappointed of their selfish actions to Y/n, the former pawn piece.
Grayfia:(sighs)...As you know what is happening right now, lets have this meeting started.
Zeoticus: Of course now then, words cannot be describe how we are very disappointed in you Rias, your peerage including your "Red Dragon" as well.
Issei: Hey, who needs him anyway?!?! I'm the Red Dragon-!
Sona:(angry) Mr. Hyoudou, stand down right now!
Rias:(mind) Issei I appreciated it but stop this right now.
Issei:(grit) But it's true that-!
Serafall release a murderous intent aura around her body. She is very furious for Issei acting selfish to Sona.
Serafall:(angry) You dare to speak to So-tan, and you dare to challenge against the words of Devil King!
Most of them were very surprised and shocked about Serafall's sudden change of her personality.
Issei have no choice but to stand down while none of Rias' peerage would dare to speak.
Sirzechs: Well then as Y/n have made few requests from the engagement party, Sona will be supervise Rias and your peerage, with the help of Lady Leviathan.
Serafall: That's right as of today, you will not be leaving Kuoh in our watch. That's an direct order.
Rias: But that's not fair! You can't just-
Venelana:(angry) That's enough of you, young lady!
Rias: Mother, it's my right as the-
To their shock, Venelana slapped her daughter's left cheek.
Venelana: I never wanted to do this but you never listen and understood of this situation! I didn't raise you of how you were acting as a spoiled child. Why would you do such a thing to Y/n, he's an nice, respectful man!
Sirzechs: Mother how could you-!
Zeoticus: Son in a time like this, this is family matters and don't take your sister's side. And Rias, you have shamed as an heiress of the clan and you dishonor the name of the Gremory Family! And don't even try take back what you already lost, there's no chance for Y/n to forgive most of you.
Sirzechs:...As your lord, I have no choice but to forbid you and your peerage to see him. That is all, this meeting is over. Carry on.
As Sirzechs, Grayfia and her parents have left, Rias and her peerage feel guilty and regret of their crimes. Except for Issei who is not happy about this meeting.
Issei: Look it's all Y/n fault! He's just jealous of that I have-
Sona suddenly order Tomoe to punched Issei in the face against the wall.
Rias:(shock) Issei! Sona why did you-!
Sona suddenly slapped Rias on her right cheek. And to their surprise, Tsubaki suddenly slapped Kiba on his cheeks.
Tsubaki: Tch, to think I have feelings for you. After I saw that video, our ties are over.
Kiba looked down in shame along with the others.
Sona: Rias, I'm very disappointed in you. How could you be selfish wanting for more power. As I'm concerned, you are no longer my best friend that I once knew. Our ties with you over. Everyone else, we're leaving.
Lord Sitri: But where is your husband, Sona? I wanted to meet him in person.
Sona went silent for a while after hearing of Y/n, her parents and Serafall are very concerned.
Lady Sitri:(worry) Sweetie, is there something wrong?
Serafall:(worry) So-tan, what happened to Y/n?
Sona:...Come with me to the office. I will explain about what happened to Y/n.
As Sona, her peerage and her family have left, Rias kneeled down on the floor crying of her actions. Akeno and Koneko looked down in shame and tears started to formed their eyes. And Issei is very furious about Y/n have done, taking his dreams away.
Issei:(mind,grit) Y/n, I will never forgive you for what you did! You're gonna pay for this!
(Meanwhile with Sona)
At the office, Sona have started explain everything about what happened of Y/n to her parents and Serafall. Lord and Lady Sitri are a bit shocked but understand of Y/n's statement and his departure, Serafall were very sad about him leaving. Her parents are hugging Sona to comfort her.
Lord Sitri:...I see. Sona don't worry I understand of his perspective.
Lady Sitri:(smile) It's alright sweetie. I'm sure he'll be fine, we saw him what he can do.
Serafall:(sad)...I didn't get a chance to say that I love him.
Sona:(smile) Sister, Kuroka have already approved your feelings for Y/n since she's the alpha of his harem.
Serafall:(shock) Really, she said that? (Sona nodded,smile) I should thanking her when I see them.
Sona: Everyone, let's head back home. I will let you know when he returns. Mother, father, can we have renovation of Y/n's house since he's my husband.
Everyone have acknowledged of Sona's requests and went back to their home. Lord and Lady Sitri have accepted her daughter's request to renovate Y/n's home, it will be big surprise for him when he comes back.
(Timeskip to five days later)
It's been an almost a week since Y/n and his group left. Sona and her peerage were dealing with a new problem on her own with the help of Rias and her peerage which they are still punished.
They were dealing with the lunatic warmonger fallen angel Kokabiel for creating a new Great War. They had some some help of Xenovia Quarta and Irina Shidou to retrieve the fragments of Excalibur in their possessions.
But they were still in shock of Kokabiel for breaking the news of God and the Devil Kings from the past are dead long ago. Also, the White One appeared in scene to weaken Kokabiel and bring him to the governor of Fallen Angel, Azazel. Xenovia have went to join Rias in her peerage as a new start for her. While Irina went back the Vatican Church with the fragments of Excalibur now in her possessions. Irina assuming that Xenovia betray her and friendship.
As time went by, things went back normal to relax in the Kuoh Academy High School.
Most of students are heading inside their school to begin their class. A certain large van have been parked in the parking lot near the school. Inside of that van, there are five people are looking at the school and hoped that Y/n is okay.
Nico: So Trish, you think your son is here?
Trish: Yes I'm sure he's here. I know that Emiko lives here in this town.
Lady: Well now that we're here, maybe we should ask around those kids if they have seen Y/n.
Kyrie:(smile) I'm certain that your son will be fine. After all, he's the son of Dante and Trish.
Four ladies are happy of Kyrie's statement. As they are entering the school, they noticed Nero were still a bit confused and upset about Dante and Trish didn't mention they had a son as years went by. Kyrie went up with Nero to comfort him.
Kyrie: Nero, it will be alright.
Nero:...Sorry. It just...I'm so lost. I couldn't keep my head straight. Of why did you guys abandoned him but I understand of what you told me.
Trish: Nero I know we didn't want that. It's for his safety. It was our only choice we had to protect him from danger that he can't face.
Lady: Yeah now that he's all grown up, we're sure that he understands that we love him as a family.
Nico: No need for the wet works devil boy. Let's not keep him waiting. He'll be thrilled to see you guys again.
Nero:(smile)...Yeah, you're right. Come on, let's go him.
As they have entered the school, many students are wondering who are they. Most of male students are gawking at Trish, Lady, Nico and Kyrie while most of female students are blushing and eager to see Nero.
Nico: Oh great, is this how they greet us for first time?
Kyrie: I'm not sure for myself. I'm a little nervous about this.
Nero: Those male students better not my Kyrie. (Glares at males) If they do, I'm so gonna kick their sorry assess.
Most of male students are backing away from them while the females are dreamy sigh of his actions.
Lady: Hehe wow, nice first impression you had. I didn't know that you had it in you. (Nero turned away and blush)
Saji: Excuse me, are you here to see someone?
They have noticed a male student walking towards and asking them a question.
Saji: Pardon me my name is Saji Genshirou, the member of Student Council Office. What business you have today?
Trish: Yes, we are looking for Y/n Shirogane. Have you seen him?
Saji is surprised of them who is looking for Y/n.
Saji: Yes, I have seen him. May I have your names?
Trish: There's Lady, Nico, Kyrie and Nero. We're his family and I'm Trish, his mother.
Saji is now shocked that Y/n's family is here. Saji know what Sona's order and composed himself.
Saji: Madam President is been excepting all of you. And your son, was excepting you as well.
Trish and the others are a bit confused of his statement.
Saji: Come with me to the office. Lady Shitori will explain everything from there, I'll let her know that you're here.
Trish: Alright, lead the way.
Saji are guiding Trish and the others to the office of Student Council. Saji went to Sona's classroom and requested her to the office immediately as an urgent matter. Sona accept it and heading her way to the office.
As Sona arrived at the office, she's a bit surprised to see five people who is looking for Y/n. Sona thank Saji as he left to his class, she composed herself and greeted them normally.
Sona: Hello my name is Sona Sitri, President of Student Council in Kuoh Academy High. May I have name your names.
Trish: Right, there's Lady, Nico, Kyrie and Nero, his cousin. The names Trish, I'm Y/n's mother. We're his family.
Sona is shocked to see Y/n's family is here right now looking for Y/n.
Sona:(smile) I see, I'm glad and honored to meet all of you. I've been waiting for you and your son was as well.
Lady: Hey that kid Saji, does that mean 'Y/n was excepting us'?
Sona: Of course, here it's a letter of Y/n's departure.
Sona gave them Y/n's letter and they are shocked and a bit relieved that Y/n is okay.
Dear Family,
If you received this letter, that means I have left which I'm not dead obviously. Anyway, the reason I left because if I stay here for too long, Rias Gremory and her peerage or anyone to trade will keep begging me to come back to her or any peerage. They will be using our family name and powers for their own gain, to tremble their enemies who stands in their way. I just need some time away from this world for a while. In other news, I have been awaken of my memories and powers that bestowed upon the amulet of Sparda and the Star-Shaped Charm from Emiko before she disappeared for a reason. I'm not mad at you and my family. You guys are very important to me that's what really matters between us as family. I met my grandparents and Emiko in my mindscape and told me everything of what you guys been through and I understand that of your reasons. And I still love you guys no matter what, I can't wait to see you again soon. For now, I need time for myself. I will let you and/or Sona know that I will come back.
Sincerely, your awesome son, Y/n Redgrave Sparda.
Trish is very happy about Y/n still love his mother. While Lady and the others are very emotional for Y/n's letter.
To Sona's surprise, Trish hugs Sona as a thank you for supporting Y/n and Sona accept it.
Trish:(smile) Sona, thank you for being with my son.
Sona:(smile) Of course, after all, he's my husband.
Lady/Nico/Kyrie/Nero:(shock) WWWHHHHAAATTTTT?!?!
Trish:(surprised) Wow when did that happen?!
Sona:(blush,smile) It happened from few weeks ago. I told my parents if someone who is male can beat me in a game of chess, as he's my husband. I didn't expect your son has defeated me in chess, I assume he have some practice in his spare time.
Kyrie: Oh my, that's so romantic!
Nico: Damn, I never thought that Y/n have played chess before. Maybe beat Nero of any challenge.
Nero:💢 Hey, what's that supposed mean!?
Lady:(smile) Well at least we know that Y/n finally okay. That's good enough for us.
Trish: Is there anything else that we need to know?
Sona:(blush) Well, I'm not the only one who deeply cares and love about your son.
Trish and the others were a bit confused of her response until slowly realized that she's not the only one who loves him, Y/n had his own harem. Sona explain them to his response was "that decision depends within the girl's heart and love them equally as long as he lived".
Nero: Damn, he is a bit of player.
Kyrie:(surprised) My goodness!
Nico: I bet he's quite a charmer, like his father Dante.
Trish:(giggles) Now I'm thinking about you and his girls having grandkids for us spoil.
Sona is very blushing red of Trish's response for her having children to spoil.
Lady:(surprised) Well that's very surprising. Anything else?
Sona:(smile) Yes, I requested my parents to renovate Y/n's house since he's my husband after all. Here's the address, you'll be surprised. And I will let you guys know if Y/n have decided to come back.
Trish and the others acknowledged of Sona's statement and started to heading to Y/n's house.
As they have arrived to Y/n and Emiko's house, they are very surprised by a big change of their house. Sona did kept her word, to remodeled their house.
Nico:(whistle) Whoaaa-wee, that Y/n is lucky to wonderful wife!
Lady: Yeah she wasn't kidding about this.
Kyrie: Wow, it's so amazing and big!
Nero: Well at least we have a place to stay in.
Trish: Right, let's go inside. Sona will let us know if Y/n came back.
Lady and the others agreed to Trish's statement. While they headed inside, Trish is very happy and relieved that Y/n is really okay.
Trish:(mind,smile) Soon Y/n, I can't wait to see again and show you how much I love you, my son.
(Meanwhile with Sona)
After the school has ended, Sona were finishing up with her paperwork and heading to her home. When Sona arrived at home, she started to noticed her emblem is glowing as someone is calling her.
Sona:(mind) Hmm curious, I wonder who is calling right now? Maybe it's Lady Leviathan or my peerage? I should answer and check who is it.
Sona have summoned her emblem and check to see who's calling.
Sona: Hello, this is Sona Sitri speaking. Please respond.
Sona is shocked by the voice that she recognized too well.
Y/n: Sona, can you hear and see me? It's me Y/n, your husband.
Sona:(happy) Y/n, thank goodness you're okay! I missed you so much!
Kuroka:(giggles) See Darling, I told you she's so happy to see you. Sona, glad to see you doing okay on your side.
Sona:(smile) Thank you Kuroka, how are you guys doing over there?
Y/n:(smile) We are fine, we made it there safe and sound. We have met new friends and they're very special. And we have enjoyed our time here.
Sona:(smile) I see, sounds like a lot of fun over there. Where's Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato are they alright?
Kuroka:(smile) It sure is. Don't worry about them, they're here at the new house that Y/n bought it as a second home, along with our new friends.
Sona:(smile) That's good to hear.
Y/n: So anyway, how are you doing? How are things with your side?
Sona: I'm doing pretty well, thank you. As for the second question, it's a bit eventful on my side. Here's why...
Sona have started explain everything about what happened on her side after Y/n and his group have left. Y/n and Kuroka are very surprised about the consequences of Rias and her peerage's actions and her days.
(Timeskip after Sona's Explanation)
Sona: So that what's happening on my side.
Y/n: I see. (Smile) At least, my family are okay and read my message.
Kuroka: Thanks for telling us about your situation.
Sona: It's no problem. Quick question, does anyone else know about your lineage and power?
Y/n: Well no one knows who I really am except one person from long time ago but kept it as a secret.
Sona: I see. Y/n, come back to Kuoh Academy for the Open House. Their parents will be watching their kids in class and I'm sure your family will be happy to see you again and my parents wanted to meet you from one day from now.
Y/n: I understand, tell my family that I'll be soon I promise.
As both calls end, Sona is very happy to see him doing okay and he'll be there soon.
Sona:(mind,blush) Soon my love, I'll show you how much I love you. And I know my sister will be there too but I don't mind...until at night.
(Ending theme)
A/n: Well that's all he wrote for the day. There's new problem to deal with. They've managed to defeat Kokabiel for creating a new Great War. But it was interrupted by the White One, White Dragon Emperor appeared. Sona told Y/n's family about her situation of Y/n. Y/n and his team are invited to the Open House at Kuoh Academy. How will react to see Y/n and his lovers? Find out on the next chapter of Third Sparda of Fairy Tail! Stay tuned!
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