Chapter 19.5: Shower Time Fun!🍋/ An Unexpected Visitors!

3rd POV:

(Warning! To a certain part of the story contains a lemon scene! This is for 18+ age and up!)

After Y/n and Kuroka have ended their call with Sona from the other world, they had a little discussion about the recent events.

Kuroka: Darling, who knows about your identity that you said before?

Y/n: Well just an old lady that I helped her, that's it. Her name is Porlyuscia. I'm guessing she must be a good friend with my grandpa.

Kuroka: I see, maybe your grandpa must have been here before, maybe by accident or not.

Y/n: Hmm...that's a good question. I'm still not sure if Emiko and/or my pops been here.

Kuroka: Hmm...Y/n, do you think we should tell them about who we really are and where we came from?

Y/n:...I don't know about that. But don't get me wrong, they seem to be friendly people and excited to hang out with. But I don't them to get involved. Put themselves in danger.

Kuroka somehow that Y/n made a point, she went up Y/n and hugging him to comfort him.

Kuroka:(smile) I know Y/n. But I know our new friends in Fairy Tail are very special. When the time has come for the truth, we may need to tell them about us, our history. I'm sure they'll understand.

Y/n is surprised by Kuroka's statement, and he knows that she's right. And Y/n embraced her hug of comfort.

Y/n:(smile) Yeah you're right. I don't when, but soon I will tell them. Besides it's will be my responsibility as a leader of this team of Fairy Tail. You can go back downstairs with others, I'm gonna to take a bath.

Kuroka:(smile) Of course Darling. (Kiss on lips)

As Kuroka is heading back downstairs and Y/n heading to the huge bathroom to take a bath, Kuroka met up with Chisato across the hallway.

Chisato: I take it that Y/n have called Sona, did he?

Kuroka:(nod,smile) Yeah, but it's good news for Y/n. His family is there at the house from the other world we came from.

Chisato:(smile) I see. I'm sure Y/n will be thrilled to see them again soon. And where's Y/n now?

Kuroka: He said he'll be in the bathroom to take a bath right now. (smirk) Unless, you still want some more affection from him~

Chisato:(blush,smile) I hope that you don't mind asking. And I know what you did to Y/n and Ur last night fufufu~

Kuroka:(giggles) You have a point there, and I don't mind as long as you're happy. (Chisato nodded)

As Chisato and Kuroka sneak their way to the huge bathroom, Chisato slowly enters the bathroom while Kuroka casted a soundproof barrier for love making actions.

Y/n is seen bare naked cleaning himself for two minutes and started to enter the bathtub full of hot water, Y/n started to feel relieved and relaxed as his tiring state have washed away.

However, Y/n is unaware of Chisato have already entered the bathroom and started to undress herself, wrapped around her body with a towel.

Y/n:(relaxed) Ahh~ that feels much better. I hope we can stay like this forever.

Chisato:(smile) Fufufu~ I hope you're right about this.

Y/n turned his head and saw Chisato wrapped her towel around her body.

Y/n:(whistle) Hey there beautiful. You look stunning as always. (Winks at her)

Chisato:(giggles) My, such a charmer aren't you? Can you do me a favor as my lover, could you wash my back please?

Y/n:(smile) Of course my dear, I'll be there now.

Y/n got off the tub and started to wash her back.

Y/n scrub Chisato's back with some soap gently as Chisato started to feel bliss and happy of the way from Y/n's hands.

Chisato:(smile) Mmm~ My goodness Y/n, you're a natural of this, are you?

Y/n: Well I had my own ways. Even to make my lovers happy.

Chisato: I see. So, Kuroka told me that you have contacted with Sona in your room correct?

Y/n: Yeah, I just wanted to know if she, Sera-chan and my family are doing okay there. I received the news that they're alright and my family understands about my letter. That's good enough for me.

Chisato:(smile) That's good to hear. I'm sure they'll be very happy to see you again. Y/n, may I wash your back if you don't mind?

Y/n:(smile) Sure, I'll turn and go for it.

As Y/n have turned around, Chisato have started to washing his back with soap. Chisato is feeling a bit aroused from his back as she yearns for more.

Chisato:(mind,blush) Ahh~ this feels so bliss. What an amazing back of my beloved~. (Outloud) Y/n, what do you think about this world and how are you feeling now?

Y/n:(smile) To be honest, I enjoyed it right here. As days went by here, we have been through an incredible adventures that we had. Like the guild members are having a huge party, started to have funny brawl, going on jobs, hanging out with friends, etc. (chuckles) Sounds like for me, I feel like a little kid over again. I love it.

Chisato is very happy and surprised by Y/n's statement and he's right, somehow Fairy Tail is very special to feel like to call home.

Chisato:(smile) Yeah you're right. They are special aren't they? (Y/n nod) Y/n, do you think they know of who you are, if they do I think you should tell them. They are nice people to hang out with and I'm sure they'll understand.

Y/n:...When the time comes, I have to tell them the truth and accept responsibility ahead of me, as the leader of this team.

Chisato:...Y/n, look at me.

Y/n turned his head to Chisato and she kissed him in the lips for a minute. Y/n accept it and enters his tongue in her mouth wrestle it and he won. Y/n and Chisato separated by a inch, a string of saliva from their mouths.

Chisato:(smile) Y/n, we'll always be there with you. Our hearts are connected to you always, no matter who you are. Me, Kuroka, Asia and everyone else care about you, I know they'll understand.

Y/n:(smile)...You're right, thank you Chisato. (Chisato nod)

(Incoming lemon scene)

Chisato are starting to rubbing Y/n's legs and his dick affectionately. She is rubbing her chest on his back signaling him for next level.

Chisato:(smile) So my love~, how about we do it here~? Don't worry, I have also casted a soundproof barrier for this moment.

Y/n:(smirk) Alright then, Round 2~.

Y/n turned to Chisato and started to kissing each other again, their tongues swirling around their mouths for five minutes and Y/n won again.

Y/n and Chisato have stand up, Y/n have started to rubbing Chisato's breast with both hands a bit of force.

Chisato: Y/n, this feels so good~!

Y/n: Let's take it up a notch~ shall we~?

Y/n started to gripped her nipples and it became erected to this feeling of pleasure.

Chisato: Ahh~ Y/n, I love you!

Y/n started to pick up the pace and then sucking Chisato's nipples, she moaned from his actions. One of Chisato's leg wrapped his waist. Y/n moved both hands towards to Chisato's rear and rubbing it so intense. Y/n's dick is rubbing at the Chisato's opening which she's wet of this moment.

Chisato: Y/n, I'm coming~!

Chisato screamed as she came from her opening and her breast are lactating as milk is coming out of her. Y/n are licking it for few seconds, started suck her breast and drinking her milk.

Chisato:(panting) Y/n...more...give me more...down there. (Y/n nod)

Y/n are aligned and thrust his dick to her opening and Chisato moaned from his entry again.

Y/n started to move at medium speed to her opening which she is enjoying it with her, Y/n hands is on her rear again with some force. The sound of their skins are clapping each other's body echoed in the the bathroom while no one hears that due to the soundproof barrier.

Y/n's dick is starting to feel twitching as he's ready to release inside of her.

Y/n: Chisato, I'm coming~!

Chisato: Me too~! Give it to me~! (Kiss on his lips)

Y/n are moving on a fast pace, made a few powerful thrusts and released a hot sprem inside of her. At the same time, Chisato came from her opening on Y/n's dick and screamed as she came.

Y/n pulled out his dick from Chisato's opening, dripping with her juices and Y/n's sprem. However, it's not over yet for Y/n. He has an idea which she'll be surprised.
Y/n placed Chisato laying her front at the floor, his dick is starting to erected again, throbbing wanted for more.

Y/n:(smirk) What do you say we'll take this to the next level~? In the other hole~?

Chisato is very surprised by Y/n's request, but she accepted as she wanted him to it. Chisato's rear is shaking as she waiting for him

Chisato:(giggles) Go ahead, my love~, I know you did it with Kuroka and Ur~.

Y/n aligned his dick to Chisato's other hole, thrust slowly enters fully as Chisato started to feel a bit painful and pleasure of this moment.

Chisato: Ahh~ Y/n, this feels so much good~! Feels like I'm about to pass out~!

Y/n: Don't pass out on me~, we'll need to finish this up quickly. (Chisato nod)

Y/n have started to move a bit slowly for her to adjust this feeling. For a while, Chisato started to feel pleasure gone over the pain as Y/n is starting to pick up the medium pace.

Y/n: Ahh~ Chisato, you're so tight!

Chisato: Y/n~ move harder, faster~!

Y/n moved his hips in a faster pace while Chisato moaning a bit louder as she enjoyed it. Y/n moved his hands on Chisato's breast and nipples, started to rubbing them again to double the pleasure.

Y/n's dick is starting to feel twitching again as he's ready to blow his sprem inside of her while Chisato's nipples and opening is ready to come.

Y/n: Chisato, I'm coming again~!

Chisato: Me too, give it me, my love~!

Y/n moving faster and performed few powerful thrusts and released another hot sprem filling up inside of her, at the same time she have came from her opening, releases her juices and nipples releases her milk, she screamed as she came the second time.

Y/n pulled out his dick from Chisato's other hole which she's dripping with his hot sprem inside of her while her opening is dripping as well.

Chisato:(panting) Y/n...I love you...

Y/n:(smile) Chisato, I love you and other girls too.

Y/n kissed Chisato on the lips which she accept it for a minute.

(Lemon scene over)

Y/n and Chisato are finishing up with their time at the bathroom and now fully dressed as they're going downstairs in the living room with the others.

Y/n: Hey guys, sorry we took a bit-

Natsu: Yo Y/n, how are you buddy?

Happy: Hi Y/n!

To Y/n and Chisato surprise, they didn't notice that Team Natsu, Juvia, Levy, Lily and Gajeel are inside of Y/n's house. The rest of Team Redgrave invited them to come inside.

Y/n:(surprised) Whoa Natsu, everyone?! What are you guys doing here!?

Chisato: Oh my, we didn't know we have guests.

Lucy: Sorry about Natsu, Y/n. He got a bit curious of where you live.

Gray: Yo, nice place you got. I like this environment, it's relaxing.

Juvia: I go where my beloved Gray goes~!

Erza: I hope all of you don't mind we are checking out this home.

Asia:(smile) Of course, we don't mind at all.

Rossweisse:(giggles) Y/n, they insist that they want to hang out here for a while if that's alright with you.

Y/n:(chuckles,smile)...Oh well, it can't be helped. Alright, I don't mind you guys come in even Cana, Mirajane and the others too.

Wendy:(happy) Thank you for having us in Y/n! (Hugs him and pat her head)

Carla:(smile) It would seems that Wendy is quite fond of you, Y/n.

Latina:(happy) Yay, we can invite our friends to play with, right Grace!

Grace:(happy) Yeah and we can play with those kitties with papa's permission!

Juliet: Wow, this is even more lively right Heine?

Heine:(smile) Indeed, I still enjoying them here.

Levy: Wow, I can our guild from here! What do you think about this Gajeel?

Gajeel: Hmph, I don't mind for this peace and quiet around here.

Lily: Agreed, this place is peaceful to enjoy the sounds of nature around here.

Natsu:(grins) Alright, let's make this place as our third hang out spot and Lucy's apartment as the second!

Happy: Aye sir!

Gajeel:💢 Hey, what makes you think you made call!

Natsu:💢 Ha, I called it, tough luck bub!

Gajeel:💢 That's it, you're going down Salamander!

Natsu:💢 Oh yeah, bring it on!

All of sudden out of nowhere, Irene hit Natsu and Gajeel with her staff at the head leaving them a big bump and swirling eyes of defeat. Irene is like the mother at this house, forming crimson aura around her body with a smile.

Irene:(smile)😈 Now Natsu, Gajeel no fighting in this house, do you understand?

Natsu/Gajeel:(pain) Yes ma'am, we're sorry.

Latina/Grace: Wow, you're amazing mama!

Irene:(smile) Aww~ thank you my little munchkins! (Patted their heads)

Ur:(smile) Well looks like things are getting more interesting around with Fairy Tail.

Y/n:(smile) Yeah no doubt about it. I guess I'll make some snacks for everyone to enjoy.

Wendy: Oh, can I help too? I wanted to learn how to make it.

Y/n:(smile) I have no problem with it. Come with me.

Wendy nodded exactly for Y/n's statement and went to kitchen for making some snacks for everyone.

Meanwhile, Kuroka and Chisato are discussing about the recent events with her and Y/n.

Kuroka:(smirk) So, how did it go with Y/n?

Chisato:(smile) It was enjoyable, I love it. He's so amazing and daring like Y/n did with you and Ur last night fufufu~.

Unaware of them, Irene heard their conversation about Y/n and Chisato secret  love making actions due to her powers on hearing of the Dragon Slayer, she secretly blushing red of her thought about her and Y/n.

For five minutes later, Y/n and Wendy have came back from the kitchen and surprised them of they made cookies for them, along with milk

Natsu:(mouthful) Wow, it's so good!

Lucy: These cookies are so delicious!

Erza:(bliss) I love it, so sweet!

Asia: I love when Y/n cooked food for us.

Ur:(smile) Never cease to amaze me.

Juliet: I love Y/n's cooking, we should learn from him.

Heine:(smile) Agreed.

Juvia: My beloved Gray, open up say ahh~

Gray:(blush) Geez, I can feed myself!

Rossweisse: Amazing job of those cookies Y/n, Wendy!

Y/n:(smile) Wendy here is natural, right? (Patted her head)

Wendy:(smile) I had a wonderful teacher of this.

Latina:(happy) Yummy, papa is the best right mommy Chisato?

Chisato:(giggles) Yes sweetie, he really is. (Patted Latina head)

Grace:(happy) I think so too, right mama Kuroka?

Kuroka:(giggles) Of course he is sweetie (Patted Grace head)

As Natsu and others are having a fun time together in their home, Y/n started to feel so happy within his heart around his new friends, and loved ones, as his troubles are washed away.

Y/n:(mind,smile)...You know, maybe I would invite my mom and the others to come here in this world someday soon. Accident or not...I'm glad that we came here.

A/n: Well that's all he wrote for the day. This is after Chapter 19 which a lemon scene and the aftermath. Stay tuned for the next chapter of Third Sparda of Fairy Tail.

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