Chapter 18: A Relaxing Day with Team Redgrave!

3rd POV:

After Team Redgrave accepted Irene's request for reuniting with her daughter Erza, and she forgave Irene for her true reasons for leaving Erza at the church of Rosemary Village.

Also, Irene and her companions have joined in as the new members of Fairy Tail and part of Team Redgrave, along with Latina and Grace as an adopted daughters.

As they are celebrating of welcoming new members of Fairy Tail, Irene and Master Makarov are having a short private discussion about their situation of encounter with the certain dark wizard Zeref.

Irene: That's why we were injured and he have send some of his own soldiers to finish his work.

Makarov: I see...luckily for you and your comrades were saved by Y/n. (smile) I'm glad that you made a decision to reconnect with you and your daughter, it will take some time to heal.

Irene:(smile) Yes, I promise to live and to be a mother for my Erza. Makarov, I swore I'll never betray you, Y/n, Erza and everyone here in Fairy Tail.

Makarov:(smile) That's good to hear. Now come along, let's head around back of guild hall to relax.

They have finished with their private discussion, most of the Fairy Tail members are relaxing at the pool where's at the back of guild hall.

Ladies of Team Redgrave is wearing their own bikinis and they're very surprised by they have a large pool.

Asia: Wow, I didn't know they had a pool!

Kuroka: No kidding, that's amazing!

Rossweisse: We can enjoy relaxing here for the summer. I guess this day is perfect.

Chisato: How very true, we see that everyone is enjoying themselves.

Ur: Yep after some jobs we had, I'd say we deserve a few days off to relax.

Irene:(smile) Of course, you're right about that.

Wendy:(smile) Hey you guys, you're here!

Carla:(smile) It seems that you are here, she's very excited to meet new friendly faces.

Irene:(smile) Aww thank you sweetheart, I appreciate it. (Patted her head)

Heine is wearing a dark blue bikini with moon pattern and Juliet is wearing a orange bikini with a sun pattern.

Juliet:(sigh) It feels so relaxing here. I'm glad we get to enjoy it.

Heine:(smile) Indeed I can feel the atmosphere of this guild, no wonder they are really special especially comes from our new friends.

Levy: Hey girls, how are you doing?

Kuroka: We're feeling great thanks for asking.

Makarov:(smile) Well I'm glad we have a pool here, for all of us to relax.

Mirajane:(smile) Of course, no argument here.

Juvia: Ahh, I get to relax with my beloved Gray! I will get him to see my alluring swimsuit to make Gray love with me!

Gray: Hey where's Y/n, I thought he's with you guys?

Ur: He said he's on his way shortly along with Latina and Grace.

Gajeel: Well I thought Y/n will get lost his way here.

Cana: I wonder what kept them?

Erza: I hope they're alright.

Y/n: Yo everyone, sorry we're a little bit late! I had to help with these little munchkins of their swimsuits.

Latina: Wow, it's so amazing!

Grace: I can't wait to play here with new friends!

They see Y/n wearing a red swim trunks without a shirt, Latina is wearing a white two piece swimsuit with pink flower patterns and Grace is wearing a tan and brown two piece swimsuit with striped pattern.

Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, Chisato, Ur and Irene are blushing bright red due to Y/n's amazing muscle tone and 6 hard abs on the chest including Erza, Mirajane and Cana.

Kuroka/Asia/Rossweisse/Chisato/Ur/Irene/Erza/Mirajane/Cana:(mind,blush) Wow, he's so dreamy and packed.

Y/n: We wouldn't miss this opportunity for us to enjoy, right you two? (Latina and Grace nodded)

Levy: Hey Y/n, you made it! Latina, Grace you two look so cute!

Latina:(smile) Thank you Levy.

Grace:(smile) Papa pick these swimsuit for us!

Gray:(smile) Yo Y/n, you here! I see you look like you've been training.

Y/n: Yeah I trained myself around five days a week in my time, full of fighters that try to me take on.

Gajeel:(smirk) Heh, I can see why you're so strong of your terms.

Y/n: Yeah. Anyway, you two have fun together our new friends to play with and be careful okay?

Latina/Grace:(smile) Okay papa, we'll be good!

Latina and Grace have fun with Heine and Juliet to play along with Wendy, Carla, Happy and Lily.

Makarov:(smile,chuckles) Sounds like you have becoming a caring father with them already, my boy.

Y/n:(smile) Yeah I try my best.

Asia:(blush) Y/n, what do you think about my swimsuit?

Kuroka:(giggles) And mine Darling?

Rossweisse:(blush) W-w-well you like it?

Ur:(smirk) We want your opinion, handsome?

Chisato:(giggles) I know you like it.

Y/n:(smile) You girls looks amazingly beautiful in my eyes. It suits you well including Irene, Erza, Mirajane and Cana too. (Winks at them)

Irene:(smile) Aww, how sweet of you honey. (Kiss his cheek)

Erza:(blush,pout) M-m-mother please! (Smile) B-but I appreciate your answer Y/n.

Mirajane:(giggles) That makes us so happy!

Cana:(giggles) You're so honest about that, such a charmer. (Y/n chuckles)

As time passed, they begin to relax at the pool while Y/n was teaching Asia of how to swim as they're taking private lessons. For unknown reason, Makarov just sneezed unexpectedly.

Mirajane: Is something wrong Master?

Makarov: It's nothing, I'm sure.

However, everyone move out fast and Asia's swimming lessons is interrupted by Natsu's idea of fun.

Natsu:(grins) Here we go! German Suplex!

Lucy: No cut it out!

Natsu have launched a german suplex Lucy on the pool.

Asia: Oh my!

Y/n: Oof, that's got to hurt.

Gray: Jeez, is this guy so noisy?

Juvia: Ahh, Gray's swimsuit is so hot and dreamy!

Gajeel: It's hardly different than usual.

Rossweisse: My goodness, always a special rowdy bunch aren't we?

Kuroka:(giggles) No doubt about that.

Chisato:(smile) That's what makes all of us here special in our own way.

Wendy: This feels great, right Carla?

Carla: Is it alright to take a day off?

Grace:(smile) Well we're happy here. I like to play with nice friends.

Latina:(smile) And play with some cute kitties.

Happy: I bet they'll put some yummy fish in the pool.

Lily: I heard that swimming is a good way to relax and building strength.

Juliet:(ponder) Hmm...I wonder what can we can do today as our day off?

Heine: Not sure myself. That will be Y/n's decision.

Y/n: Hey I have an idea. How about we go check around this town? To see what they have.

Asia: That sounds like a great idea, Y/n!

Kuroka: You're right Darling, it's perfect.

Rossweisse: Since we are new here, we were wondering what kind of store they had.

Chisato: And we will take the kids with us together.

Ur: I'm curious to see it myself too.

Irene: I'm sure it will be fun together.

Heine: Well that's our answer.

Juliet: Alright, I can't wait to explore the town!

Latina/Grace: Can we eat some sweet desserts too papa?

Y/n:(smile) After an hour of relaxing, sure if we find any restaurants there.

Latina/Grace:(happy) Yayyy!

Mirajane: Need any of us to come along?

Y/n: Don't worry we'll be alright as long as we stay together. Another day, we'll definitely hang out together okay?

Erza:(smile) I see. Alright I trust you Y/n.

Cana:(smile) We'll hold you to that okay? (Y/n nod)

(Timeskip at Magnolia)

After they have been relaxed at the pool, Team Redgrave is starting to looking around at Magnolia to see they have some stores that sell clothes, food, weapons, etc.

Y/n:(whistle) Man, this town has everything and full of people too.

Kuroka: You're about that, we get check more stores than before.

Asia: Wow it has some amazing clothes to try it on!

Rossweisse: Yes, I'm very excited to see what they have!

Chisato:(smile) Let's go check it out for ourselves.

Ur: Yeah and we need some clothes while we at it. We want to wear something different.

Irene: Indeed, it's kind of tiring wearing the same clothes we had.

Juliet:(smile) And we can we buy some clothes for our little munchkins.

Heine:(blush) R-right, I bet they will be cute.

Grace:(smile) And we'll get some yummy treats too.

Latina:(smile) Papa promise us.

As Team Redgrave started to explore some stores, Latina and Grace have noticed a green cat wearing a frog costume walking with another cat.

Latina: Is that the same kitty as Happy and the others?

Grace:(nod) Yeah I noticed that too.

As hours went by from checking out most of clothing stores for the ladies and their daughters. They have decided to break and see a restaurant to rest and eat.

Y/n: Let's take a break there, let's go.

Team Redgrave:(smile) Right.

As Team Redgrave started to enter the restaurant, they heard some loud voices in distress. A slim young man of average height with rather messy black hair, a muscular, toned young man of average height with spiky blond hair, a slender, well-endowed young woman with short, light blue hair and fringes framing her face and a cat with red fur and blue vest.

???1: Hey Frosch!!! Frosch, where are you?!?!

???2: Frosch!

???3: I looked everywhere for him. (worried) Now I'm worried about him.

???4: Don't worry buddy, he can't be that far.

Y/n: Hey there, need any help?

These four mysterious people noticed a group of people walking towards them wondering what's wrong.

???3: Yeah, we're looking for our friend Frosch. Have any of you seen him?

Ur: I'm not sure. Who's Frosch?

???2: He's a cat wearing a frog costume.

Kuroka: We didn't notice it.

Latina: Oh, I know he was going.

Grace: Yeah, we saw you two walking together.

???1 suddenly went to them with an angry face which scaring Latina and Grace on the verge of tears.

???1: Where's Frosch?!?! Tell me now?!?!

???4 suddenly punched ???1 at the lamppost.

???4: Rouge, that was totally uncalled for! Especially little kids!!

Rouge:(pain) I'm-I'm sorry...

???2: We're really sorry for his behavior.

Asia: Don't worry, I'm sure he didn't mean it. He's must be very stressed.

???4: Yeah (Notice their mark) Hey, are you new to Fairy Tail? I haven't seen you guys before.

Y/n: Right my name is Y/n Redgrave, leader of Team Redgrave. Nice to meet you guys.

Kuroka: I'm Kuroka Toujou.

Asia: Hello I'm Asia Argento.

Rossweisse: Rossweisse, a pleasure.

Chisato: I'm Chisato Hasegawa.

Ur: The names Ur Milkovich.

Irene: My name is Irene Belserion, nice to meet you. Besides me are Heine and Juliet.

Heine/Juliet: Hello/Hi there.

Sting: Wow, bunch of rookies huh? My name is Sting, nice to meet you guys. This is my buddy Lector.

Lector: Hello.

Yukino: My name is Yukino, it's nice to meet you. (Bow) And that is Rouge.

Sting: Anyway did you kids seen Frosch anywhere?

Latina: Y-yes, we saw him walking in the alleyway. (Pointed the direction)

Grace: Like few minutes ago.

Yukino:(smile) Thank you for your help little ones. (Patted their heads)

Sting: Alright then, we're off! Nice meeting you!

Sting drags Rouge to Frosch's last known location along with Lector and Yukino. The rest of Team Redgrave were a little bit confused of that situation.

Y/n: Well that's strange. I was this close to slugging him.

Rossweisse: Yes, now we should head inside. You two will get some delicious dessert to cheer you up.

Latina/Grace: Okay.

Team Redgrave headed inside of the restaurant to rest and eat some delicious food and dessert for an hour later. As they have finished their time of the restaurant, they noticed the sun is setting as it's dark very soon.

Kuroka: Well I guess it's time for us to home.

Asia: Yes at least we have so much fun together.

Rossweisse: The food they served so good, we enjoyed it.

Chisato: Indeed, we have some clothes for ourselves and our daughters as well.

Irene: Yes, let's head back home.

Heine/Juliet: Right.

As they were heading back home, they noticed an elderly woman who needs help with her belongings.

???: Young man, won't you please help me with these books?

Y/n: Sure. You girls go ahead, I'll catch up with you a bit don't you worry.

Team Redgrave have acknowledged of Y/n's statement and started to help her with carrying her books to her place.

Y/n: Well I guess that it.

???: Thank you for your help, young man.

Y/n: Sure. (Walking to home)

???: I'm sure your reputation proceeds you...Mr. Sparda.

Y/n stopped his tracks and turned his head to her, surprisingly someone who knows him.

Y/n: Wait, you knew him?

???: Oh yes, I know him long time ago. I recognize that Crimson aura and lightning effects surrounding your body. I haven't introduced myself, my name is Porlyuscia. What is your name, young man?

Y/n:...My name is Y/n Redgrave Sparda, the Third Generation of Sparda.

Porlyuscia is a bit shocked of his name and lineage.

Porlyuscia: Oh my, I didn't realize that Sparda had a grandson. What brings you here to this place?

Y/n: Well we were just looking a place to settled down for a while, but we've already found one.

Porlyuscia: I see. Then there must be a reason for you being here, is it?

Y/n is in silence while shadows covered his eyes.

Y/n: Well let's just say, some things happen and it did. And it has to with me specifically but it's difficult for you to understand it. But it's my responsibility for that.

Porlyuscia: Hmm...does anyone know who you really are?

Y/n:(shook) No, no one besides four of my team.

Porlyuscia:...I understand. Your secret is safe with me. But sooner or later, there's a time where you need to tell him the truth. I assure you, they'll understand what they have learned about you. (Y/n nod)

Y/n have started to drive back to his house where his team are waiting for him.

(Timeskip at Y/n's house)

As Y/n arrived at the house, he was greeted by his team. Y/n's lover greeted him with a kiss on the lips and cheeks.

Y/n:(smile) Hey I'm home.

Kuroka: How did it go with her?

Y/n: It's no problem. And Kuroka, can I talk to you upstairs? (Kuroka nod)

As Y/n and Kuroka went upstairs to his room for a private discussion of his mind.

Kuroka: What's on your mind Darling?

Y/n:...I was thinking that I should check up on Sona and the others of how are they doing and if my family received my letter.

Kuroka: Hmm...I see. (smile) Don't worry about it Darling, I understand. After all, I don't mind if Sona and Serafall loves you as long I'm the alpha.

Y/n smile of Kuroka's response, which he kissed her on the lips.

Y/n: Thanks Kuroka, I appreciate it and love you girls. (Kuroka nods)

Kuroka: So Darling, what do you think about this new world that we live in?

Y/n:(smile) I love it. I enjoyed it for spending our time here in this world along with you, my lovers and new friends. And you, my lovers are happy here then I'm happy. That's what really matters between us.

Kuroka and Y/n embraced with hug very affectionate and happiness.

Kuroka:(smile) That's good to hear. Now it's try contacting with Sona, I'm sure she'll be happy to see you.

Y/n:(smile) Right.

As an eventful day is drawing to a close soon, Y/n and Kuroka are calling Sona to let know they're alright.

As their adventures continues...

(Ending theme)

A/n: Well that's all he wrote for the day. After Irene, her companions and daughters joined in Fairy Tail, they began to relax at the pool as their day off. Team Redgrave have explored the town of Magnolia to see what they have. A certain individual knew a secret history of Y/n's lineage and kept it a secret for a while. Kuroka and Y/n have decided to contact Sona to the other world of theirs. But what happened on Sona's side of her world after they left? How did Y/n's family react when Y/n and the others left? Find out on the next chapter of Third Sparda of Fairy Tail! Stay tuned!

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