Chapter 17: Mother and Daughter's Reunion! New Members Joined!

Y/n's POV:

(Morning of Magnolia)

As the sunlight shining on my face, I started to wake up of my bed. I recalled that I was having sex with Ur along with Kuroka last night. But I didn't see them now, they must have wake up ahead of me. I also remembered that Ur confessed her feelings for me and I accept it.

Y/n:...(yawn) Man, what a night I had. I better go to take a shower.

I went the bathroom to take a shower for ten minutes to freshened up and rid of the scent of sex from last night. After I took a shower, I went back my room to put on my clothes and check on the mirror of myself.

Y/n:(whilstled) Damn, I look good as always. Anyway, I bet they're downstairs in the living room.

As I was walking towards downstairs, I stopped and can't helped to wondered in my mind.

Y/n:(mind) I wonder how Sona and the others are doing in Kuoh? I hope my family received my letter of departure. I should check up on them later. And no one knows who I really am in this world.

As I was walking towards living room, I was greeted by my team along with Irene, Heine, Juliet, Latina and mysterious girl.

Y/n:(smile) Good morning everyone.

Team Redgrave/Irene/Heine/Juliet/Latina/Little Brown Girl:(smile) Good Morning!

Asia: How are you feeling today?

Y/n: I'm feeling great today, thanks for asking. Say where's Kuroka and Ur?

Rossweisse: Kuroka is in the kitchen cooking breakfast for everyone along with Ur.

Y/n: Wow, really?! Well I'm sure it will be delicious.

Chisato: Ur is really in a good mood today, (mind) I know exactly what happened last night, but I admire your kindness.

I noticed that Chisato had a smile on her face as she knows about last night but she knew about Ur's feelings and I accept it. And I also noticed that Irene's face is slightly red as something is on her mind however Heine and Juliet notice her face.

Heine: Lady Irene, are you alright?

Juliet: Your face is red, something wrong.

Irene:(blush) N-nothing, I'm fine.

Latina: I hope you're okay miss.

Little Girl: Yeah, me too.

Y/n: By the way, who's your friend Latina?

Latina:(smile) That's Grace.

Y/n: Huh? Where is Grace? I haven't seen her.

As I was confused about Grace, I noticed that Team Redgrave and the others were giggling about this situation.

Y/n: Okay, is there anything you girls want to tell me?

Little Girl:(giggles) He's really funny when he is confused now. I will show you.

As the little girl body suddenly glows, transformed back into Eevee from yesterday. I was really surprised her form but realized that she's the same person.

Y/n:(surprised) Whoa, no way?! That's amazing and super cute too!

Grace:(smile) Eevee~!

And she reverted back to her human form as a cute adorable little girl, same age as Latina.

Grace:(smile) Ta-daaa! That's my amazing magic trick! (Puff her chest proudly)

Rossweisse:(smile) We're very surprised by Grace's transformation and to see the resemblance.

Asia:(smile) Yes, she's so cute together with Latina.

Chisato:(giggled) Asia isn't wrong about that, I wonder what she has for her next trick.

Kuroka/Ur:(smile) Alright everyone, breakfast is ready!

As we are starting to eat, the food is so delicious and everyone is enjoying it.

Y/n: It's very good you two! I'm surprised that Ur made this too.

Ur:(smile) Well I want to try it myself so I asked Kuroka for some lessons, thanks for the help.

Kuroka:(smile) It's no problem at all. I'm glad everyone here enjoyed it.

As we're finishing up breakfast, we are having some conversation about our days with Fairy Tail.

Heine: So Y/n, I heard from them that you're the leader of Team Redgrave of Fairy Tail after all of you joined, correct?

Y/n: That's right, when I had four battles against Natsu, Gajeel, Laxus and Erza as an initiation battle and I passed flying colors.

Juliet:(surprised) Wow, you must be super strong fighter!

Y/n: Well not to brag but yeah I'd say so myself.

Irene: Incredible, my beloved daughter Erza has grown up.

Ur: And she's here in Magnolia at the guild hall of Fairy Tail.

Kuroka: Don't worry, she have an amazing friends that she has now.

Latina: What's a Fairy Tail?

Grace: Do you guys know?

Y/n: Well it's a group of wizards that lives here in Magnolia which we have joined in recently. They are nice people to hang out with and the master of that guild viewed us as a family. We have some great adventures that we had so fun together.

Latina/Grace:(surprised) Wow really?! (Y/n nodded)

As I explained about Fairy Tail, I noticed they were a bit quiet and shy about something in their mind. Both looked each other and nodded.

Y/n: Is there something wrong?

Latina/Grace:(shy)...Is it alright...that we call you daddy?

Everyone is shocked about Latina and Grace's request.

Y/n: Not that I have a problem, but are you sure?

Latina:(nodded) Mmhm, you saved us last night from those monsters and you're very strong.

Grace: And you look like a nice person be with and you care about your friends too.

Latina/Grace: Pretty please be our daddy?! (Puppy dog eyes)

I'm very surprised by their reasons for their request. If I didn't, I would be a heartless monster that refuses those cuties that melts their hearts completely. I wonder how they going to react. I kneel down to their height and smile.

Y/n:(smile) Sure, why not! I will be best dad ever for you two!

Latina/Grace: Yayy, daddy!

Latina and Grace are rushed on to me and gave me a cute and loving hug and I did the same and accept it. And these two are nuzzling me with their cute little cheeks on my face and neck.

Y/n:(chuckles) Aww, you two are so cute and tickling me!

Team Redgrave/Irene/Heine/Juliet: 😍 So Cute, Must Protect! 💘

Juliet: Oh, can Heine and I be their aunt pretty please 🤩

Heine:(shocked) W-what!? Why am I-

Latina/Grace: Pretty please?! (Same puppy dog eyes)

I saw those girl's puppy eyes on Heine and she has no power to refuse.

Heine:(blush) W-w-well okay.

Latina and Grace were cheered and gave them the same hug. I smiled happy for their happiness that's what really matters to us.

Latina/Grace:(tilt their heads) Are they going to be our mommies?

Team Redgrave are shocked again but blushing slightly red.

Y/n: Well that's if they-

Team Redgrave/Irene:(smile) We accept you, sweeties!

Latina/Grace:(happy) Yay mommy!

Latina and Grace are giving each of them a cute and loving hugs from before and they accept it too.

Y/n: Well then, it's time for us to-

Irene: Wait for a moment.

Kuroka: Irene, what's wrong?

Heine/Juliet:(worried) Milady/Lady Irene?

A moment of silence coming from Irene...

Irene:I-no...we're coming with you!

Everyone is shocked about Irene's request.

Ur: Are you sure about this?

Asia: And are you prepared to see your daughter again? I'm a bit worried about how she react.

Irene: Yes, I thought about everything of what Y/n said to me the other day. I want show her that my daughter means everything to me. I won't make that mistake ever again in my life and I'm ready to set things right and live as a second chance.

Team Redgrave have looked each other smile and nodded for her request along with Heine and Juliet.

Rossweisse:(smile) Don't worry it will take some time to reconnect between you and Erza, I'm sure she'll forgive you.

Chisato:(smile) That's right, Y/n is kind enough to save three of you. Asia and Y/n have cured you completely from that disease inside of you.

Heine:(smile) Milady, we're here to support you.

Juliet:(smile) That's right if you're happy then we're happy along with those two little cuties.

Latina/Grace:(smile,nodded) Yeah!

Irene is very happy and now determined to her path of reconnecting with Erza.

Irene:(smile) Thank you, everyone! And now I'm ready to things right. Y/n, I'll join you after I explained my reasons to them.

Y/n:(smile,nod) Right, everyone let's get going!

Everyone:(smile,nodded) Right!

Team Redgrave, along with Irene and her companions, including Latina and Grace have left the house and heading their way to the guild hall of Fairy Tail.

(Timeskip to Arriving at Guild Hall)

3rd POV:

For five minutes later, they have finally arrived at the guild hall of Fairy Tail and they are at the huge front door.

Y/n: Kuroka, Ur and I will go on ahead. The rest will support them, when I give you girls a signal. (Everyone nodded)

As Y/n have opened the door, they were greeted by most people were hanging out with their friends while some people were fighting some ridiculous reasons.

Y/n:(smile) Morning everyone!

Lucy/Happy/Levy/Lisanna:(smile) Morning you guys!

Gray/Elfman:(smile) Yo Y/n, morning!

Wendy:(smile) Morning Y/n, how are you today?

Y/n:(smile) I'm doing pretty good.

Carla: You and your team seemed to be cheerful, might ask why?

Y/n: Well it's just-

Natsu:(grins) Ha! There you are, Y/n! Time for rematch!

Y/n:(chuckles) Oh boy, here we go again.

Natsu charges forward at Y/n.

Natsu:(grins) Come on fight me-!

Y/n have dodge him around his back and performed a german suplex on the ground, with his swirling eyes.

Y/n:(chuckles) Still the same routine with him huh?

Lucy:(sigh) Yeah, never a dull moment.

Happy:(smile) Aye, that how Fairy Tail works!

Gray: We're in the same team, it's embarrassing.

Kuroka:(deadpan) Gray, your clothes again.

Gray's clothes suddenly disappeared again of his habit.

Gray:(shocked) What?! When that happen?!

Ur: Don't look at me. (Whistle innocent)

Juvia: Ahh~ my beloved Gray is still so dreamy and hot!

Gajeel: Anyway where's the rest of your team, aren't they supposed to be you?

Lily: Come to think of it, I haven't seen them either. Did your team members have something important to tell us?

Y/n: Yeah, you could say that. Where's Master Makarov and Erza?

Erza/Mirajane/Cana:(smile) Y/n, good morning!

Erza, Cana and Mirajane have kissed Y/n on the lips as their new relationship. Most of the Fairy Tail members are very surprised by their situation.

Wendy:(blush) Oh my!

Lucy:(blush) When did that happen?!

Y/n: Well that happen from yesterday, Kuroka and Ur are okay with it.

Kuroka: We had some girl discussion.

Ur: Yep, we can tell from their facial expressions.

Erza:(smile) Y-yes, I was a bit curious about their relationships with him and we told our feelings.

Cana:(smile) Y-yeah, Y/n is handsome and all, he's also kind-hearted man who cared about others.

Mirajane:(giggles) And they told us about the quality about Y/n, now we're happy as long as we love him equally.

Lisanna:(smile) Best of luck, big sister!

Elfman:(crying comically) No way, big sister is love with Y/n! So Manly!

Gajeel: Damn seriously, who is that guy?!

Lily:(chuckles) That Y/n fellow is full of surprises. I'm not sure what to expect anymore.

Y/n: Well anyway, is Master Makarov here? I need to see him

Master Makarov: I'm right here now, my boy. Is something the matter?

Y/n: There's someone who wanted to see you and Erza. Kuroka, Ur go ahead.

Kuroka/Ur:(smile) Right.

Y/n signal them to open the huge door and revealed as Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato along with Irene Belserion, Heine Lunasea and Juliet Sun.

Most members of Fairy Tail are a bit confused of their new guests they brought them. However, Makarov is surprised by that he know who that woman is in secret.

Makarov:(mind) Impossible, how is the Scarlet Despair, member of the Alvarez Empire here in our guild?

As three members of Team Redgrave brought them inside, Irene is starting to feel a bit emotional about reunited with her daughter Erza. Unaware of them, they didn't notice two little cuties hiding behind their legs are a bit nervous and shy of new people.

Irene:(tears)'s been so long...since I saw Erza.

Most of the Fairy Tail members were a bit confused and panicking about Irene's expression.

Erza: Wait, what do you mean? (sternly) Who are you?! Y/n, what's the meaning of this?!

Y/n: Erza please, let's give her a chance to explain, her answer will be difficult for you to hear. After that, I will explain my vision. Go ahead, Irene.

Irene: Thank you, Y/n. My name is Irene Belserion, I am your biological mother, and you are my long lost daughter Erza.

Everyone in Fairy Tail except Team Redgrave are very shocked about that woman is Erza's mother. They have started noticed to see the resemblance between Irene and Erza.

Irene have started to explain everything about her life's story including the situation of their recent ambush(which she can tell Makarov personally). She have explained everything about her past and her reasons of leaving Erza at the church of Rosemary Village. Which Team Redgrave have already heard her story about herself from the other day.

(Timeskip after Irene's explanation)

Irene:(tears)...So I'm so sorry Erza...of everything that I've done...your smile was prevented me from my insanity...due to that heartless father of yours...who traumatized slashing me causing me to rampage...that certain dark wizard(Zeref) tricked me....and that's when...a certain young man saved us...(more tears falling, hands covering her face and kneeling on the floor)

As Irene is heavily crying and saying she's sorry, Team Redgrave is feeling sympathy for Irene's explanation including the rest of Fairy Tail.

Y/n: Erza, I know that Irene-no, your mother's explanation is very difficult for you to understand it. Everything about of what she's true.

Erza:(shock) So all this time...I'm not an orphan all along?

Y/n: Right, I found them injured from yesterday, and healed them at my house, including Irene and her disease that she has. After that, she wanted to give you a second chance to make things right, to reconnecting the bonds between mother and her child. As for Irene, it's never too late to be a mother again with you, every childhood is the most precious memories of parents' hearts who loved their children. It will take some time to catch up on (smile) There's no mistake in that.

Everyone in Fairy Tail are very surprised by Y/n's statement and admiration as who spoke in his personal experiences. Most of the members are started to respect him in secret including Makarov is very surprised by Y/n's kindness.

Makarov:(mind) Incredible, that young man is really something else.

As they finished with their explanation, Erza is a little bit of lost unable to speak. Erza is walking towards Irene and started to hugging her mother, as tears formed in her left eye. Irene accept it as her face is on her shoulder.

Erza:(tears) At first, I was very angry about how you left me abandoned on the church years ago. Now I understand why you left, that man was no longer my father...I still consider Makarov as my adopted father as I grow up...but I will give you another chance to make things right...(smile) and now you told everything...I forgive you.

As Erza forgave Irene, she is shocked and happy as started to cry again on her shoulder. Most members of Fairy Tail are feeling very happy and emotional between Irene and Erza. Team Redgrave are looked at each other smile and nodded as everything worked out.

Makarov:(smile) Y/n once again, another act of kindness brought happiness to the guild. That's what makes all of us here special.

Erza/Irene:(smile) Y/n, thank you for everything.

Y/n:(smile) No problem.

Elfman:(tears) So Manly of you, Y/n!

Lisanna:(embarrassed) Oh brother.

Mirajane:(blush) Oh Y/n, no wonder that I love you just for who you are.

Cana:(smile) Yeah, you guys are definitely fitting in here.

Gajeel:(smile) Hmph, no wonder this guild is so special even Y/n.

Lily:(smile) Indeed, quite admirable of him.

However, all of this end when two little cuties popped behind their legs are a bit nervous and shy of new people.

Alzack: Y/n, are those two with you guys?

Bisca: Wow, they look so cute together like our daughter Asuka.

Asuka:(smile) Wow, are those new friends?

Y/n:(smile) Oh right. Everyone, I like you guys meet our two cute adopted daughters.

Fairy Tail:(shocked) Whoa, really?! No way?!

Kuroka:(smile) Aww, it's okay sweeties. No need to be shy.

Ur:(smile) That's right, they are friends with us. Go ahead, say hi.

Latina:(shyly waves) H-hi.

Grace:(shyly waves) H-hello.

Lucy:(smile) Aww, they look so cute.

Levy:(smile) Yeah, it makes me want to hug them.

Gray: Where did you guys found them?

Rossweisse: We found them in the woods where Latina's father abandoned her.

Chisato: Also, they were surrounded by some monsters.

Wendy:(shocked) Oh no, that's terrible!

Asia: Yes, luckily them, they saved them.(smile) And Y/n decided to take them in as a adopted father.

Natsu: Well next time if I see him, (fist ignites with fire) I'm gonna pummeled him to the ground!

Happy: Aye sir!

Gray: Hmph, better get in line then.

Juvia: Ah my beloved Gray~ so bold!

Romeo:(smile) Wow, our guild are growing bigger than before.

Wakaba:(smile) Heh, no doubt about that.

Macao: I could've said it better myself.

Romeo: No you won't. (Macao sulking)

Max/Warren: Our guild will be lively than before!

Jet: I wonder what can we expect from any of us?

Droy: Who knows, I doubt it.

Y/n:(smile) Right then Master Makarov, can Irene and her companions including Latina and Grace can be in guild?

Makarov:(smile) Of course they can, my boy! After all you've done to heal Erza's heart and your heroic deeds, I accept it.

Irene/Heine/Juliet:(smile,bow) Thank you for having us!

Latina/Grace:(smile) Thank you so much, grandpa!

Makarov:(smile) Your very welcome! And of course, little cuties. Now Mirajane, if you will.

Mirajane:(smile) Of course, master! Now where do you like?

Irene:(smile) Same as those three Dragon Slayers please!

Irene's new behavior took notice of Y/n and his team who were smiling.

Irene's mark on her right arm, Heine's mark on her left leg and Juliet's mark on her left hand. As for Latina's mark on her left arm and Grace's mark on her right arm.

Latina:(smile) Look papa, I'm in Fairy Tail!

Grace:(smile) Me too, this will be exciting for us.

Y/n have smiled and patted their heads and they are loving it of their father's affection.

Y/n:(smile) That's great you two! And we're gonna have a lot of adventures we had. (Latina and Grace nodded)

Y/n and his team noticed Irene, Heine and Juliet are coming back to them.

Irene:(smile) Y/n, we have decided to be new members of Team Redgrave.

Heine:(smile) Indeed, as gratitude we will join you in your team as well.

Juliet:(smile) You saved us and now we help you as our new friends!

Latina/Grace:(smile) Me too, pretty please?!

Y/n:(smile)...Sure, why not! Welcome aboard to the team!

Latina/Grace:(happy) Yayyy!

Latina and Grace are hugging them as the new members of Team Redgrave and family together. The day is young for them.

As their adventures continues...

(Ending theme)

A/n: Well that's all he wrote for the day. Man, Y/n is new father of Latina and Grace(who changed her human form) and he accepted it including his team. As Irene told her story about her past to Erza and the rest of Fairy Tail and Erza forgave Irene as a new start. Irene, Heine and Juliet including Latina and Grace have joined as a member of Fairy Tail, Team Redgrave and as a big happy family. What happens next for Team Redgrave? Stay tuned for the next chapter of Third Sparda of Fairy Tail!

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