Chapter 15: A New Home! A Meeting of "Scarlet Despair"!

3rd POV:

After both Team Natsu and Redgrave of Fairy Tail have successfully completed their quest as a team. The villagers are safe from the male lobster monster that it attempt to destroy their home.

Mayor: Thank you so much for your heroic deeds of this village.

Kuroka: It's no problem at all.

Natsu:(grin) That's how Fairy Tail rule, right Happy?

Happy: Aye sir! Fairy Tail is #1!

Lucy: Well, everything all worked out in the end.

Rossweisse: And the people in this village are safe.

Gray: That's right, we're the strongest.

Asia: Umm...Gray, where are your clothes?

Gray's clothes suddenly took off his shirt and pants while in boxers.

Gray:(shocked) What?! How did that happen?!

Kuroka: You didn't notice that now?

Gray: I blame Ur for this habit!

Ur punched Gray out on his head leaving a bump.

Ur:💢 Don't you blame that on me!

Gray: Yes Ma'am.

Y/n:(chuckles) Sounds like we're special in a good way.

Chisato:(giggles) No argument about that.

Erza:(smile) Yeah, we all are. Now, what can we do about this lobster?

Mayor: Well, we can take half of the lobster, while all of you can take the half.

Y/n: Sounds fair. Stand back everyone, I have a way for this situation.

Everyone are back away from Y/n's situation. Y/n equipped with his Yamato in his battle stance and started slashing quickly on different directions. When Y/n finished slashing and sheathed his katana very slowly until it clicked. All the parts of lobster are in sliced and stored on the carriage. The villagers of Doromud and Team Natsu are very impressed of Y/n's sword skills.

Lucy: Whoa, he's so fast!

Wendy: Wow, he's so amazing! The villagers are happy now!

Carla: Agreed, he's generous to other people.

Gray: Man, I'm glad they're in our guild.

Natsu: So awesome, I can't wait to fight him again!

Happy: Well, you'll get pummeled again.

Erza:(mind,blush) Wow, I'll definitely tell my feelings for him.

Team Redgrave noticed Erza's expressions that she loves him. They are going to talk about it when they come back to guild.

Y/n: Well, I'll take the carriage of lobster while you guys take other back to Magnolia. I'll meet you guys there.

Team Redgrave:(nodded) Right!

Lucy: But how will you do that?

Y/n:(grins) Don't worry, I got it cover. Come, Cavaliere!

Y/n have summoned a red motorcycle in front of the carriage.

Team Natsu:(shocked) Whoa, amazing!

Y/n: I'll see you guys there.

Y/n have started to drive ahead with the carriage of lobster and on his way back to Magnolia. While riding, he noticed a certain house that it's up for sale. But he definitely come back after his drop off delivery. He have made it back to the guild hall and announced his friend for their return.

Y/n: Hey guys, I'm back!

Mirajane:(blush) Y/n, welcome back.

Cana:(blush) Hey there, handsome.

Levy:(smile) Hey Y/n, where's Lucy and the others?

Y/n: They're coming back from the job while I went ahead. Along with Erza, Wendy, Carla and Gray too.

Juvia: My beloved Gray has returned! I can't wait to see again! So that Lucy will know that I'm his soulmate!

Y/n:(sweatdrop) Err...right. Anyway I have the another carriage for us.

When they have noticed that carriage of lobster, they were very surprised by their reward.

Mirajane: Oh my, that's impressive.

Lisanna: He wasn't kidding about this.

Elfman: Wow, that's very manly of you!

Lily: My guess something must have happened their job.

Gajeel: Yeah I guess we'll have enough food for a while.

Y/n: You guys can put it storage, I'm going to see that house I saw. I'll be back soon.

As Y/n have drove off to his destination, Mirajane and Cana blush and heart beating fast as they're having feelings about him.

Mirajane/Cana:(mind,blush) Maybe I'll have a talk with Kuroka and Ur about this.

(Timeskip to his destination)

Y/n have arrived at the amazing house that he saw few minutes ago closer through the forest of Magnolia.

Y/n:(surprised) Damn, now that's a place that we can stay.

Y/n are walking towards of the house and saw the owner for this home.

Owner: Oh hello there. Are you interested to purchase this house?

Y/n: Yes I am. I would like to buy that house.

Owner: Splendid, come with me.

As owner of the house are giving Y/n a tour around inside, Y/n is very impressed of this house for few people to stay in. Y/n have made an agreement to make this as a second home for them. The owner shook his hand as an agreement and gave Y/n a key of this house.

(Interior the house)

Y/n: Well I guess I cleaned up a bit. I know how, Doppelganger!

Y/n have summoned a Doppelganger of himself and started to cleanup for a surprise to his lovers. For ten minutes later, the house is all cleaned up and it's spotless.

Y/n: Whew, now that's done. Thanks for help. (Gesture for fistbump)

Y/n(clone): Anytime, man. (Fistbump and disappear)

As Y/n going to head back to the guild, Y/n have started to sense something far away from here.

Y/n:(serious) What is that presence I sensed? (Shocked) It's fading a bit slow, I better be quick.

Y/n have started to drive ahead towards that mysterious presence as some life force are fading slowly.

(Timeskip to the forest)

Y/n have made it to the forest, he heard some voices who are struggling and also hears some monsters nearby.

A red haired woman is all injured to her body and was covered in blood. While two females were a bit injured from their ambush of the unknown attackers.

???(Red):(pain) Why...after everything...I have done...for him!

???(Orange):(pain) That's not...fair! It hurts!

???(Blue):(pain) Somehow...I knew Zeref cannot be...trusted!

As those monsters are planning to attack them, those three females have closed their eyes to meet their end until...

???(Male): Thundaga!

A figure appears to be Y/n have casted a Thunder magic spread wide area with his Rebellion's Oath equipped. Those monsters have been destroyed and the three ladies are a bit surprised about his actions of unexpected rescue.

Y/n: Hey, are you ladies alright?

???(Orange):(surprised) saved us!

???(Blue):(suspicious) Who are you? Are you here to finish us off?

Y/n: Huh? No, why would I do that? What's going on?

???(Blue):(suspicious) I'm going to-

???(Red):(pain) Heine...stand down now!

???(Orange): She's right, that man saved us. You should thank him.

Y/n: You girls can thank later, when we're safe. Let's get out of here before more welcoming committee shows up.

Heine:...I understand, I accept. Juliet, help me with Lady Irene.

Juliet: Okay, so how can we get out of here?

Y/n: Leave it to me. We'll go to my house.

Y/n equipped with Yamato and slashed a portal to his destination. Those females are very surprised by Y/n's ability.

Y/n: Come on, let's hurry.

Heine/Juliet:(nodded) Right.

They have went through the portal and made it back to his new house. As they have went inside the house, Y/n have lead them to a room for Irene to rest. At the same time, Team Redgrave have arrived at the new house, however they are shocked about those two ladies are injured a little bit but the red haired woman has a major injury.

Kuroka:(shocked) Darling, what happen to them?!

Y/n: I don't know, that's what I want to find out.

Rossweisse: My guess is that someone must have attacked them. I can tell those wounds are very recent.

Chisato: But the question is who?

Ur: Y/n, how do you find them?

Y/n: I will explain everything about this later. Right now, we have to help them.

Heine: Please help Lady Irene. She's hurt a lot.

Asia: Don't worry, I'll check on her.

Y/n: Here eat this.

Y/n handed them two Vital Star M. Heine and Juliet ate the Vital Star and they have been recovered. Meanwhile, Asia and Chisato are checking on Irene's condition and she is shocked by what Irene has.

Asia: Y/n, come quick hurry!

Y/n: Asia what's wrong?! How is she?

Asia: I was checking on Miss Irene's condition, I noticed that not only her injuries but there's something dark magic inside of her.

Chisato: Yes, someone must have plant some cursed magic inside of her to feel no emotion. It will be possible to cure this disease, can you two heal them?

Y/n: Yep I have an item to cure every dark curses.

Y/n showed them he has the Holy Water, Chisato and Asia are surprised by Y/n have this prepared.

Y/n: Okay, we'll do this together. You ready for this Asia?

Asia:(smile) Yes, I'm with you.

Chisato: Right, I'll let them know.

Y/n and Asia have joined hands together on Irene's body and started to perform a healing magic with the Holy Water together to heal those injuries and that cursed magic.

Y/n,Asia: Unison Raid: Healing Light!

Irene's body are glowing green aura around them as they have cast a heal magic to cure her completely. For couple minutes later, the green light is fading down and they have successfully cure all of her injuries along with the disease that Irene have is gone. Chisato came back inside to see about her condition.

Chisato: I sense nothing is wrong of her. (Smile) You two did an excellent job to cure her completely.

Y/n:(smile) Thanks goodness, I hope she is happy to hear this. And great job Asia, I'm proud of you.

Asia:(smile) Thank you Y/n. I couldn't have done it without you. (Kiss his lips)

Y/n, Asia and Chisato saw Irene started to wake up and noticed all of her injuries were healed. Irene also have noticed that she started feel a lot better than before meaning she's been cured from that disease inside of her. Tears are started to form on Irene's eyes.

Irene:(tears) What's this? I'm all cured?!

Y/n: Are you okay? How do you feel?

Irene have noticed Asia and Chisato are in this room. Also, she have noticed Y/n and started to feel blush and her heart beating fast when he sees Y/n.

Irene:(tears) Are you...the ones who...cured me?

Asia:(smile) Yes Miss Irene, You are all better now.

Chisato:(smile) It's true, those two have performed successfully cured your injuries along the disease that you had as well.

Y/n:(smile) I'm glad that you ladies are okay.

Irene is now crying of happiness for their deeds and started to hugging Y/n and Asia which they were surprised but they have accepted it in return.

Irene:(cries) Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for everything! This means a lot to me!

Asia:(smile) Your welcome, I'm glad that you're happy.

Y/n:(smile) Yeah, it's alright now. Just smile. (Irene nodded)

Chisato: Right, how are you feeling now? Can you move?

Irene: Yes, I'm alright now. Let's go downstairs to talk.

Y/n: Alright, follow me.

As they have started to start walk downstairs to the living room, Heine and Juliet are happy to see Irene is all cured. Also Kuroka, Rossweisse and Ur have noticed their expressions that they have cured her.

Kuroka:(smile) I would take it that she's all better.

Rossweisse:(smile) Indeed, I sensed nothing is wrong with her now.

Ur:(smile) Damn, you two are full of surprises. (Y/n and Asia nodded)

Heine:(smile) Thank you so much for healing Lady Irene. My name is Heine Lunasea.

Juliet:(smile) Yeah that's really nice of you. And my name is Juliet Sun, it's nice to meet you.

Irene:(smile) Indeed, thank you so much for your kindness. And my name is Irene Belserion, nice to meet you as well.

Y/n:(smile) My pleasure, my name is Y/n Redgrave. And those besides me are Asia Argento, Kuroka Toujou, Rossweisse Ur Milkovich and Chisato Hasegawa.

Kuroka/Asia/Rossweisse/Chisato/Ur: Hello, nice to meet you.

Y/n: Now that we all here,(serious) would you ladies can tell us how you all have been attacked, I have sensed some life forces falling a bit slow.

Kuroka: If it's not too much to ask for your time.

Asia: Yes, we are here to help you.

Irene: Alright, I will tell you.

Heine: Lady Irene, are you certain?

Juliet: Come on Heine, they have cured Lady Irene. They seem nice people.

Heine:...You're right, I understand.

Irene: Alright then, here how it happened...

Irene have started to explain everything about her life's story including the situation of their recent injuries, the story of Irene Belserion, the Sage Dragon Slayer.

Four hundred years ago, Irene was a kind individual, having undergone political marriage to protect her country and end disputes. She was a firm believer in human-Dragon coexistence, best exemplified by her relationship with the Dragon Belserion, confiding in him her sadness at the mere thought of Dragons eating and mistreating humans, and even creating Dragon Slayer Magic so as to help the coexistence faction win the war, all with his help, all up until his death at Acnologia's hands, which left Irene particularly distraught. She was also extremely maternal, halting her fetus' growth with Magic when she was imprisoned for undergoing dragonization, and sped up the process solely to protect her. During her several hundred years of being a Dragon, Irene became obsessed with returning to her human body, and eventually, after getting it back, becoming a true human again. This obsession turned into insanity and desperation, with her trying to enchant herself onto her yet-still-unborn fetus and failing, which ended with Irene abandoning her newborn infant in Rosemary Village. This marked Irene's complete departure from how she used to be, and from here, she ultimately became the vain, cold-hearted and cruel individual in the present.
The above account of events is later stated to be false by Irene: she could not bear the idea of doing any sort of harm to her smiling infant (whom she loved), and instead opted to leave her, quite gently, in the care of someone else. Irene merely contrived the facade that she heartlessly abandoned her daughter as a means of coping. She remembered that she used to be called the Scarlet Angel but soon changed to the Scarlet Despair.

Irene, now largely covered in scales, was visited by her husband, who told her that she had an execution date scheduled. She tried telling him about their child yet again, but still believing it to be a lie, he attacked her, slashing her stomach in an attempt to cut the baby out. This triggered Irene's complete transformation into a Dragon, wherein she rampaged and killed her husband before flying away, claiming that she was human and wanted anyone to help her get her old body back.

Several hundred years passed, with Irene remaining a Dragon until Zeref happened upon her hiding place in the mountains and, realizing she was human, enchanted her back into her human appearance within moments. Elated that she had regained her form, Irene initially expressed her lack of care at the fact that she was still physiologically a Dragon, but was eventually struck with insanity when the physical sensations and consequences of being a Dragon carried over. In truth, Irene could not muster the willpower to enchant herself into her newborn daughter and instead chose to leave Erza at a church in Rosemary Village out of fear that one day, that feeling would fade and she would try to enchant herself into her regardless.

Following this event, Irene crossed over to Alakitasia to join the Alvarez Empire and serve under Zeref. While there, Irene used her mastery over Enchantment to transfix personalities unto a black sword and a white sword, which became her two personal attendants and members of the Irene Squad: Heine and Juliet, respectively.

As years passed now in X791 about their injuries, Irene and her companions have been betrayed by the black wizard named Zeref. He have planned of the ambush them for leaking information about his upcoming plan to destroy everything with Irene's power which she have denied. That's how they have got their injuries and Zeref have send some monsters to finish his work.

Irene:(sad) That's it, this is the story about my life. And this is how we got our injuries.

Team Redgrave are very shocked about Irene's life story including about her daughter named Erza.

Kuroka: So you're a Dragon Slayer like Natsu and the other three.

Asia: Don't worry Miss Irene, your daughter is safe now.

Irene:(shocked) Really, where is she now?!

Rossweisse: Erza is with a guild named Fairy Tail, also she's grown up now.

Irene:(tears) Thanks goodness, I will get to see my daughter again.

Ur: On the serious note, I'm surprised that Zeref and Acnologia have lived that long.

Heine: Indeed, we must be prepared for the upcoming battle against them.

Juliet: I'm kind of nervous to do this alone.

Y/n:(smile) Hey don't worry we're gonna help you. We have to rest for a while. So when will you get to meet Erza?

Irene:...I'm not sure. Maybe not yet, but soon I will.

Y/n:(smile) Okay. Irene, it's never too late to be a mother again. I know Erza will be a little bit upset at first but if you can tell her truth about your reasons I'm sure she will forgive you. And no mother can't forget about her children that clutches a precious memory of her childhood. As for your former lover, he's a pathetic loser who fails to see the quality of a beautiful woman like yourself Irene. And it's never too late to find love again someday (Irene blush). And that I'm certain that Erza will forgive you.

Irene:(tears) Y/n, everyone thank you...from the bottom of my heart.

Heine/Juliet:(smile) Yeah, thank you.

Y/n,Team Redgrave:(smile) Your welcome.

Y/n:(smile) Now you three can stay our house as long as you want. In the meantime, whenever you're ready to meet Erza in Fairy Tail, just say the word.

Irene/Heine/Juliet:(smile) Thank you for having us.

Team Redgrave:(surprised) Whoa, really?! It's our house now?!

Y/n:(smile) That's right, I noticed this house when I came back first to drop off the carriage. And I made the deal to the owner and paid this house as our second home.

Team Redgrave:(happy) Wow, amazing!

Kuroka: Well, we better head back to the guild hall.

Asia: Yes, they'll be wondering what's taking you so long.

Ur: Don't worry you three, our lips are sealed.

Irene/Heine/Juliet:(nodded) Right, thank you.

Rossweisse: Don't worry, we won't be-

They heard a loud growl came from their stomachs, they're blushing as they haven't got any food and forget about that.

Chisato:(giggles) I guess we haven't eaten yet.

Y/n: Don't worry, I'll cook something.

Irene:(shock) Really, you can cook?!

Y/n: Yeah, I can cook. Don't worry, I'll bring some for you three to enjoy. We'll be back soon.

As Y/n and Team Redgrave have left their new house, Irene is very happy right now. Heine and Juliet noticed Irene's expressions.

Heine:(smile) Don't worry Lady Irene, we'll always be there with you.

Juliet:(smile) Yeah, that Y/n is a nice person.

Irene:(smile) Heine, Juliet thank you. And he's definitely right. One day when I'm ready, I will set things right. For now, let's rest. (Heine and Juliet nodded)

As Heine and Juliet have went to the room together to rest a while. Irene have started to feel emotional agian for a long time. Irene's mind flashes as Y/n Redgrave, the new light within her heart. When Irene thinking about Y/n, her heart started to beat rapidly and her face started to feel hot and red. As she have already found her new love, one day she'll confess her feelings to him.

Irene:(mind,tears) Y/n Redgrave, thank you from the bottom of my heart. One day, I'll confess my feelings to you, my new beloved husband.

(Ended theme)

A/n: Well that's all he wrote for the day. Y/n have found a new house for them to stay in. Y/n have sensed some life forces fading a bit slow and managed to save them. They have introduced themselves as Heine Lunasea, Juliet Sun and Irene Belserion. Irene explained everything about her past and their recent injuries. Irene is now free from that disease magic inside of her, and she's grateful for Y/n and Asia. So what happens next for Team Redgrave? Find out on the next chapter of Third Sparda of Fairy Tail! Stay tuned.

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