Chapter 14: Team Natsu in Action! An Unexpected Twist!
3rd POV:
(Morning at Magnolia)
As Y/n have started to wake up from his sleep on the couch, he's stretching his arms and legs. And he sees that Natsu is still sleeping from his hammock along with Happy.
Y/n:(nudges) Hey Natsu, get up. It's morning.
Natsu:(sleepy) Five more (yawn) minutes.
Happy:(sleepy) Aye.
Y/n:(sighs) Hey, didn't you say that we're going for a job with you?
Natsu shot up from bed that Y/n reminded him that today is a new day for him and Happy, immediately grabs Y/n's arm flailing.
Natsu:(grins) Alright then, let's go raid Lucy's place.
Happy:(excited) Aye sir!
Y/n:(yell) Hey, whoaaaaa!
At Lucy's apartment, Lucy have started to wake up from her bed. She's stretching her arms and legs then getting dressed for a new day.
Lucy:(smile) Good morning Magnolia. Today is a new day.
Natsu/Happy:(smile) Morning Lucy!
Lucy:💢 Why you guys keep doing this to me?!
Y/n:(sitting on a chiar) Hey there, Lucy. Nice place you got.
Lucy:(sweatdrop) Oh great, don't tell me he talked you in to this.
Y/n: Maybe you should have lock your door sometimes, not.
Lucy:(pout) Hey, I'm in ear shot, you know.
Y/n laughed at this amusement and to see Ur and Chisato are already awake.
Y/n:(smile) Morning Ur and Chisato.
Chisato/Ur:(smile) Good Morning, Y/n.
Natsu: Well, let's head to the guild hall.
Happy: We're going to show Team Redgrave how we do!
Y/n: Right, let's go.
As they are heading to the guild hall, they have met up with Kuroka at the front door.
Y/n: Hey Kuroka, good morning!
Kuroka:(smile) Morning, darling.
Lucy: Hey Kuroka, how's your morning?
Kuroka: Yeah, I'm slept well.
Chisato: And where's Cana?
Kuroka: Well she might wake up a little bit late cause her hangover I guess.
Ur: I see. But what about Rossweisse and Asia, have you seen them?
Kuroka: Well they told me that they have a job with Gray, Wendy, Carla and Erza.
Y/n: Well I guess it's just us then.
Natsu: Come on.
As they have entered the building, they see most guild members are dining and talking while some are looking for a job to do.
Lucy: Wow, all of this energy, it feels like a different guild than before.
Natsu: I guess Kuroka's right, they're not here.
Happy: And Carla went without me.
Kinana: Well they said it was a simple job while Asia and Rossweisse are with them to lending them an extra hands.
Y/n: So you guys are gonna pick a job, I did promise we'll go with you.
Lucy: That's right, come on.
They have walked to the request board to pick a job for them, Lucy have picked her choice and went to Mirajane.
Y/n:(smile) Good morning, Mirajane. How are you today?
Ur/Chisato/Kuroka: Good Morning.
Mirajane:(blush) O-oh good morning Y/n, Kuroka, Chisato, Ur. I'm doing well, thanks for asking.
Lucy: We'll be talking this job.
Mirajane: I understand. This job will be at the village of Doromud.
Kuroka: The village of Doromud?
Chisato: Hmm, I wonder where's that place.
Mirajane: There's a library downstairs for maps and reference materials.
Y/n: Whoa, you guys have a library too?
Mirajane:(smile) Of course, everything of what you need to know about that job and creatures from all of books.
Chisato: Interesting, thank you for the information.
They have went downstairs to the library to research about the village of Doromud. This job will be about exterminating mole, the people in the village wanted that mole gone also they'll be taking a carriage about three hours destination. As they have started towards to the village, Natsu is starting to feel sick for some reason.
Natsu:(sick) I don' good.
Y/n: Umm, what's going on with Natsu all of a sudden?
Happy: Well, Natsu here hates all kinds of transportation.
Kuroka: Really, how come?
Lucy: Well Natsu is a Dragon Slayer, their weakness is motion sickness. (Sighs) I wish you could got over this sickness.
Ur: Man, well that sucks for a Dragon Slayer anyways.
Lucy noticed something for her perspective but unaware of her and Happy. Y/n, Kuroka, Ur and Chisato have noticed the corner of their eyes. As the carriage have stopped and arrived at the village, however they are shocked to see the village are very muddy.
Lucy: Whoa, what happened here?!
Natsu: This is awesome, Happy! I bet we'll find lots of fish there.
Happy: I don't think that's water.
Chisato: Happy is correct, Natsu. No fish can swim in this mud.
Kuroka: No argument there.
Ur: And I don't want to swim across in there.
Y/n: Yeah, no way we're going to swim there.
They have noticed there's a boat are heading their way, and introduced himself as the mayor of this village. The mayor have explained to them that the mole have tore up the ground. They can't work on their fields, so they have them to take care of this problem and they've accepted it. They are on a boat together as they are looking for a mole.
Lucy: Easy to say, where's that mole?
Happy: Natsu, keep a sharp lookout!
Natsu: Sure, I'll give the word as soon as a mole rears its head!
Chisato: They're called the mole big, but big is it exactly?
Kuroka: Hmm...good question.
Lucy: Well, moles are moles. They shouldn't be much trouble.
Ur: I hope you're right abou-
Y/n:(serious) Wait, did you guys feel that?
Happy: Huh, what do you-
They have started to the boat shaking while the mud river is rising rapidly and revealed as a mole.
Lucy: That's a mole!?
Happy: We're gonna need a bigger boat.
Ur: Look out, incoming!
As the mole started to attack them, Kuroka launch a ki blast to counter. But it retaliate by using its tail to a make a big wave to knock them overboard.
Y/n: Kuroka, Ur!
Natsu: Lucy, Happy!
Lucy: Eww, gross. We're all muddy.
Happy: Natsu, help!
Ur: Yuck, feels like I taste it!
Kuroka: Gross, I can't swim in this!
Y/n/Chisato/Natsu: Hold on, we're coming.
As the 3 made it to boat, Natsu started to feel sick.
Natsu:(sick) Not...good...
Lucy/Happy: Already?!
The mole was planning to attack, Y/n quick shot at its fin with his Revenant.
Y/n: Chisato, take the boat get them to safety. I take Natsu to meet up with you.
Chisato:(nod) Alright.
As they have started to make their own way, the mole is swimming fast towards to Lucy, Happy, Ur, Kuroka and Chisato.
Y/n:(smirk) Hey jackass, eyes over here!
The mole have changed direction as it swims towards him. But Y/n is a bit distracted by Natsu is starting to barf in front of him.
Natsu:(sick) I'm...gonna hurl.
Y/n: Natsu, don't you dare-!
The mole have throw them overboard and started to swim where Lucy and the others and made it.
Y/n: Well dammit, that bastard ruined my favorite outfit.
Natsu: I'm sorry I can't help it okay?
Erza: Y/n, Natsu, Lucy, Everyone!
Wendy: Hey, what are you guys doing there?
Gray: Are you playing in the mud?
Asia/Rossweisse:(smile) Y/n!
Y/n,Lucy: Hey you guys!
As the five wizards and Carla have meet with Y/n and the others, they have explained about their situation.
Erza: I see, we'll help you out.
Gray:(smirk) But we'll be taking our share of this job.
Happy: With them on our side, the mole won't stand a chance.
Lucy: Is that really a mole?
Natsu: Who knows? So you guys came back from a job?
Kuroka: Oh yeah. Asia, Rossweisse how was your experience with them on the job?
Wendy: Yes, we rid a town of bandits just by staying there.
Y/n: You two, you doing okay?
Rossweisse:(smile) It was a great experience for us to work different teammates.
Asia:(smile) Don't worry Y/n. We're doing okay, thanks for asking.
Y/n:(smile) That's good to hear.
Gray: Hmph, you guys are having a hard time of that mole, that's ruins the reputation of the Grand Magic Games.
Natsu:💢 Shut up! If you're gonna stand there and jaw, get lost!
Gray: 💢 Is that the anyway to talk to a guy who offered to help!
Natsu:💢 I didn't ask for your help!
Erza/Ur:💢 Both of you, stop fighting!
Natsu/Gray:(scared) Yes ma'am!
Y/n:(chuckles) Still the same routine, huh?
Chisato:(giggles) I'll say. (Serious) But anyway, we can't pinpoint where that mole is gone hiding.
Ur: Yeah with all of this mud, we need to come up a plan to strike it down.
Kuroka: We need to lure that mole to come up at the surface.
Lucy: Good idea. Open Gate of the Clock, Horologium!
Lucy have summoned from her key. Team Redgrave are surprised from Lucy's abilities.
Asia: Wow, that's incredible Lucy!
Lucy: Well I am a Celestial Wizard after all.
Horologium: It's been a long time, everyone. And nice to meet new people as well.
Happy and Carla are flying and tied up with Horologium along with Natsu as bait. For a few minutes, they have found the mole. Team Redgrave are to witness what Team Natsu can do, however the mole have dodge and attack them. Gray have cast a large pillar of ice to climb and made but Team Redgrave have noticed its movement and its now below them.
Ur: Everyone, get out now!
Y/n: It's right below you.
Team Natsu have noticed the mole below them. Natsu just fire punch the ice and fall into the mud again. And Team Natsu have started to swim away fast again however the mole have started to chase down Lucy for a while but it's swept them away and the mole went down hiding yet again.
Natsu: Hey, you guys all right?
Lucy:(comically) No I'm not all right at all.
Happy: I've got a grit in my mouth.
Lucy: I hate this, why it's coming after me.
Team Redgrave and Team Natsu have meet up with the mayor to discuss about the mole's backstory and the reason of its strange behavior. It used to be one of the villagers' pet but he abandoned that mole for who knows long and started to grow and take revenge on humankind. They have kind of felt a bit bad about the mole but they've started to wonder why it's attracted to Lucy. To their surprise, the mayor explained that the mole have started to have a mole's mating season and apparently it attracts some young women.
Happy: So it wants to marry Lucy right?
Lucy:💢 Don't even joke about that!
Erza:(ponder) But I'm a young woman. Why it doesn't attract me?
Mayor: You're still wearing that armor of yours Erza. It can't tell your gender.
Ur: Damn, talk about a mole couldn't tell a female appearance.
Wendy: Um, I'm a young woman.
Mayor: It seems that mole has its own preferences, it prefer a woman with big bust(breasts)...So, it wouldn't.
Wendy is about her own appearance, but Asia is bit sad about it as well.
Y/n:💢 Okay, that mole didn't have to go that far. That's really offensive now. (mind,serious) But that mole with that preference reminded me some people I hate long time back.
Ur, Rossweisse, Chisato, Kuroka and Erza are surprised especially Asia and Wendy of Y/n's statement. However, Kuoh of four members from Team Redgrave secretly noticed of Y/n's deep thought.
Carla:(sigh) Well if that's the case, we need to think of a strategy.
Kuroka: Right, something that can lure the mole out.
Team Redgrave and Team Natsu are staring at Lucy who's a bit confused as the perfect bait. For a minute, Lucy is all cleaned up and wearing a wedding dress.
Lucy: This is what they meant.
Wendy: Lucy is beautiful with that dress.
Erza: That will be happy to see her and come right out.
Happy: Let's take a commemorate photo for this moment, Lucy!
Lucy:💢 You better not!
The mole have come out of the muddy river and it's working.
Lucy: Open Gate of the Maiden, Virgo!
Lucy have summoned a Celestial Spirit named Virgo.
Virgo: Princess, how can I help-
Unfortunately, she have fell into the muddy river.
Virgo: Actually, I have to go home and take a shower.
Lucy: But you just got here! Anyways take the mole out of this mud.
Virgo: As you wish. But first, I must to take you to a safe place.
As Virgo taking Lucy, she's all muddy yet again. Virgo have performed a spinning attack at the mole, it flew up high. Natsu and Wendy have breath fire and wind while Gray cast ice spears at the mole. And Erza are equipped with a giant hammer and hit the mole on the grasslands. Team Redgrave are impressed by their own abilities and teamwork.
Y/n: I'm impressed you guys.
Kuroka: We saw how this Team Natsu can do.
Natsu: See, it all worked out in the end.
Ur: Nice job, Gray.
Gray: Thanks Ur.
Asia: That's amazing, Wendy! How you cast wind magic from a dragon.
Wendy: Thank you for complement, Asia.
Erza: Now we've captured the mole, what are we going to do with it?
Rossweisse: I know that the mole is sad, there has to be another way for calming it down.
Chisato: Hmm...if only there's another mole who's a female, they will be happy correct?
The mole nodded for Chisato's idea.
Lucy: That's a good idea but the question is where.
Virgo: Princess, I have returned. I've brought a female mole for the male, so he won't be causing any more problems.
Lucy: But that's not-
The female mole(or lobster whatever that is) are started to love with the mole. Unfortunately, Team Natsu were caught in the net and got dragged into the muddy river yet again. Team Redgrave are laughing a bit about their amusement until Y/n started to notice that something is head their way.
Y/n: Hmm...what's that?
Team Redgrave: Huh?
(Begin theme)
The unknown creature burst out of muddy river and revealed as a male lobster monster in fury.
Ur: What the hell, where did he come from?!
Kuroka: Looks like he angry about something.
Rossweisse: Be careful, he started to attack!
The lobster monster started to them, Team Redgrave have dodge its attack. But the lobster is heading the village to unleash its rampage.
Chisato: That monster is planning to invading the village!
Asia: All of the villagers will be killed!
Y/n: Okay all of you, take those villagers to a safe place and I will him distracted! Now go! (Summoned Rebellion's Oath)
Team Redgrave:(nodded) Be careful!
Team Redgrave are evacuating all of the villagers of Doromud to a safe place while Y/n are attacking that male lobster to keep him distracted. The male mole and female lobster have stopped and saw that ferocious lobster monster are fighting Y/n, including Team Natsu are now shocked and went there to help him.
Lucy:(shocked) That's Y/n, he's fighting that lobster!?
Wendy: But where the others?!
Gray: Look over there!
Team Natsu noticed Kuroka, Rossweisse, Asia, Chisato and Ur are helping those people to move a safe place away from them.
Erza: We have to help them, let's go!
Carla: Agreed, make haste!
Natsu: Alright then, let's go Happy!
Happy: Aye sir!
Team Natsu have started to helping Team Redgrave move the villagers to safety. Unaware of them, Kuroka and Ur have went ahead to Y/n's location, those two have spotted him and stand besides him.
Y/n:(confused) Kuroka, Ur what are doing here.
Kuroka:(smile) Helping you of course Darling. You're not fighting it alone.
Ur:(smile) That's right, handsome. We'll finish this together.
Y/n:(smile) Right!
The lobster have swing his claws at them, but they have dodge it quickly.
Ur: Ice Make: Ice Geyser!
Ur creates a tower of ice spikes that impales opponents, greatly damaging at the lobster unable to move for a while.
Kuroka: Y/n, let's try the Unison Raid!
Y/n: Great idea, let's do it!
Kuroka joined her hands on the handle of Y/n's hands and Rebellion's Oath. Those two powers have been combined as one.
Kuroka,Y/n: Unison Raid: Flaming Salvo!
Y/n's Rebellion's Oath pointed at that lobster monster and launches several of blue and red fireballs. The lobster monster started to grow weak to settled a final attack.
Ur:(grins) Hey Kuroka and Y/n, how about me next?
Kuroka:(giggles) Go for it, Ur.
Y/n: I'm ready whenever you are.
So Kuroka have went back to where three members of Team Redgrave, Team Natsu and the others. Ur have joined her hands on Y/n's hands and Rebellion's Oath to do the same method before.
Y/n,Ur: Unison Raid: Absolute Zero!
Y/n and Ur have been cloaked themselves in ice and rush targets repeatedly and finish him off as the pillars of ice to erupt beneath the lobster monster that they hit it until that beast became lifeless.
(Ended theme)
As that lobster monster has been defeated, the mayor and villagers have started to cheering them loudly of their bravery deeds. Team Natsu are very surprised by what they have witnessed their powers.
Natsu: So awesome, they have used two Unison Raid in one day!
Happy: Aye, that was awesome.
Lucy: Yeah, that was very crazy and amazing abilities they've did.
Gray:(smile) I'm glad that they've did it together.
Erza:(smile) Yeah, I can feel it from here. Not just their powers but their hearts have been united as one.
Wendy: I wonder if we can do this Unison Raid together.
Carla:(smile) We'll have to wait and see.
Rossweisse:(smile) I wonder if we can do it as Wendy suggested.
Chisato:(smile) As long as we stay strong physically and mentally, then we will.
Asia:(smile) Yeah, we look out for each other. And we all love him for who he is.
Y/n, Kuroka and Ur have made it back with the others; the mayor and villagers congratulate the wizards of Fairy Tail on their quest. Y/n have thought about this in his mind, it will be a great place to stay as his second home.
(Ending theme)
A/n: Well that's all he wrote for the day. Team Redgrave have witnessed the abilities and teamwork of Team Natsu. But this job took an unexpected turn for the worst. Y/n, Kuroka and Ur have unleash each of their Unison Raid in one day. What happens after this job? Stay tuned for the next chapter of Third Sparda of Fairy Tail!
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