Chapter 13: Team Redgrave's First Job! Ur's Lament!

3rd POV:

After the celebration of Y/n's initiation battles which he passed with flying colors, Y/n and his lover have formed as Team Redgrave. So Y/n have the honor to pick a quest as a first day of the job, he chose his pick and shows it to Mirajane.

Y/n: Hey Mira, we'll be talking this job.

It shows that "HELP! A Behemoth Undertaking! Location in Mistwood, near of Crocus!"

Mirajane:(surprised) Oh my! You must be be careful about this job.

Some of the members are a bit surprised about his choosing.

Lucy:(confused) Wait, did something happen there?

Rossweisse: Can you tell us about this monster?

Mirajane: Well after the incident of Crocus, we received word that a rogue Behemoth has rudely awaken from the battle and started to causing big trouble to the farmlands. Also, it's nicknamed as Deadeye more will be explained.

Chisato: I see, we'll know when we get there to meet our client.

Kuroka: Well that's a great way to start working.

Asia: I'm a bit nervous and excited at the same time for this job.

Natsu: Alright then let's-

Y/n:(smile) Sorry Natsu, this will be our first time for this. Maybe next time, for sure.

Natsu:(pout) Fine, you promised.

Cana:(worry) But are you sure about this?

Y/n:(smile) Yeah, we'll be okay. Whatever those bad guys and/or monsters are planning, we'll be handling it together.

Most of the Fairy Tail members is a bit surprised and happy about Y/n's statement also Y/n's group, Erza, Cana and Mirajane are blushing and happy as well.

Y/n: Well, I guess we'll be on our way. Let's go, Team Redgrave!

Team Redgrave:(smile,nodded) Right!

As Team Redgrave is on their way to start working on the location.

Gray:(serious) Ur, can I talk to you in private?

Ur was confused about why her student wanted to talk privately, Y/n noticed from their facial expressions.

Y/n: Ur, we will meet you at the station. Don't worry, we'll be waiting for you.

Ur:(nod) Okay.

Y/n,Kuroka,Rossweisse,Asia and Chisato have went ahead to wait and meet up for her.

There was an intense silence between Ur and Gray for a minute of something important that she needs to know.

Ur:(serious) Is there something you want to tell me?

Gray:(serious)...Yeah. What I'm about to say will be difficult for you to hear.

(Timeskip at the Magnolia Station)

Y/n and the others have made it the station and waiting for Ur.

Kuroka: I wonder what Gray has something to say to Ur?

Chisato: Perhaps it's something important to her.

Rossweisse: Indeed, depending on their expressions it's something serious that only Gray knows.

Asia:(worry) I hope that she's okay.

Y/n:(serious) Yeah, we all are.

They have noticed Ur have met up with them but her face is a bit emotional for her.

Ur:(serious) Come on, let's go.

Ur went ahead to abord the train, while the others were a bit confused of her behavior but went inside as well. As the train move to it's destination at Crocus, there was an intense silence from Ur as she was lost in her thoughts.

Asia: Umm...Ur, are you alright?

Ur:(serious)...I don't know.

Kuroka: Is there's something you want to talk about?

Rossweisse: Yes, something is troubling you right now.

Chisato: Did Gray tell you something important to you?

Y/n: Yeah. Judging by looking at your face, It must be very difficult to hear for you.

Ur:(sigh)...Okay, I'll tell you guys only.

So Ur have began to tell them about what happened in Gray's point of view on the incident of Crocus. They were very shocked about her daughter Ultear Milkovich was alive but paid the ultimate price. Asia and Rossweisse are in the verge of tears while Kuroka, Chisato and Y/n feeling a bit sympathy for Ur. Y/n went up to Ur for a hug to comfort her.

Y/n: Don't worry Ur. After this job, we will find her there.

Chisato: Yes, there's still time for you to tell her the truth.

Kuroka: We will always be there for you.

Asia and Rossweisse are nodded for their agreement unable to talk from her news, Ur is a little bit better.

Ur:(nod) Right.

As the train stops, they have arrived at Crocus. So they have started to walk towards and meet their client at the farmlands. Team Redgrave have their client along with some villagers

Tom: Howdy there, my name is Tom and this is my wife Lisa.

Lisa: Hello, please to meet you. You and your group must be from Fairy Tail correct?

Y/n: Yes we are ma'am.

Kuroka: We received a request to hunt down that beast.

Rossweisse: What's the situation of this land?

Rd.V1: Well you see there's a rogue beast that is causing havoc to our fields.

Rd.V2: Not only that, that beast have injured some people including some knights wasn't enough.

Rd.V3: They have tried everything but they can't send anymore soldiers to deal with this.

Asia:(shocked) Oh my gosh, that's terrible! Don't worry we're here to help.

Rd.V4:(smile) Really!? That's wonderful news to hear that.

Chisato: Right, can you tell us about this rogue Behemoth including the name Deadeye?

Tom: Ah yes, you see this ferocious creature possesses power nigh unparalleled throughout the animal kingdom.

Linda: The nickname of this beast Deadeye, is blind in its right eye and missing its right horn. Some knights somehow able to damage it but not enough.

Rd.V1: We heard that behemoth Deadeye lurks under the mists of the Mistwood, notorious for laying waste to habitat and hunter alike. Those triumphs, however, have come at the cost of an eye and a horn.

Rd.V2: It also runs around the battlefield, slaps with its tail, swipes with its claws, stomps on those under its hulking body and charges with its horns lowered to launch its target into the air.

Rd.V3: That's why we need a few wizards to helps us to hunt down that rogue beast to keep this land to grow more crops, plants, fruits and vegetables.

Kuroka: Don't worry everyone, we're going to help you guys.

Tom: That's great to hear!

Linda: We're counting on you, brave wizards!

Rossweisse: Now can anyone tell us where is that beast now?

Rd.V4: Oh of course, that monster went back to the Mistwood to rest for upcoming attack.

Rd.V3: There will be reward for all of your efforts to slay that ferocious creature.

Team Redgrave have accepted their request to slay that beast down and started planning for this situation.

Y/n: Alright, we will split up into two groups. Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato will stay here and help those people to heal those injuries and take refuge. While me, Ur and Kuroka will go there and hunt down that beast.

Asia: Okay, please be careful Y/n.

Chisato: We will heal their injuries along the evacuation.

Rossweisse: Don't worry, we know that you can handle this while we handle our side.

Y/n: Right Kuroka,Ur you girls ready for this?

Kuroka/Ur: We're ready!

Y/n: Team Redgrave, let's go!

Team Redgrave have started to focus the plan of Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato are helping those people to evacuate and heal their wounds. While Y/n, Kuroka and Ur are started to walk towards into the Mistwood to hunt Deadeye.

As those three went through the misty woods, they heard a loud growl as that monster and broke down the trees as it's closer from their position.

Ur:(confused) The hell?!

Kuroka: Something's amiss.

Y/n: Right, we have to be quiet and figure out where it's resting to kill that beast.

Ur/Kuroka: Right

So those three went to the source, it continues to growl but louder and more trees falling down as it must be closer.

Y/n: Wait, I'll go ahead while you two follow me slowly. (Kuroka and Ur nodded)

Y/n in front while Kuroka and Ur behind him began to move very slowly to make sure they aren't spotted until...

Y/n:(whisper) Hold up.

They have stopped and saw that ferocious beast that the village was taking about, Deadeye.

Y/n: "Deadeye"- the name says it all

Ur: No kidding about that.

Kuroka: We have to attack in a wide area (Y/n and Ur nodded)

The beast is eating some corpse and began to walking away while the three are to walk slowly until the coast is clear.

Ur: It's weak on the right- no eye, no horn.

Kuroka: We need to stay in range, so we can find blind spot.

Y/n: Right, let's move.

They have followed the beast again until they found it within the mist.

Ur: We got the beast in our sights.

Kuroka: But no plan to fight it. We have to follow it to it's shelter off guard.

Y/n: Right, as long as we stay our guard too.

So Y/n, Kuroka and Ur are started to follow the Deadeye's trail without being spotted. Couple minutes later, they have found it's lair and proceeded to take care of this problem. That rogue beast spotted those three and started to attack them.

Ur:(anger) You're mine! Ice Make: Hammer!

Y/n/Kuroka: Ur, wait!

The beast dodge it and swipe Ur with it's tail. Ur yelp in pain while Y/n have slashed in its leg.

Kuroka: Ur, are you okay?!

Y/n: Ur, don't charge in like that. Please, we can do this together.

Ur: Right, sorry. We'll finish it together.

Deadeye starts to attack again. Ur starts for long range attack on it's legs.

Ur: Ice Make: Lance!

Deadeye have fell to the ground for a chance to strike.

Kuroka: Now's our chance!

Kuroka cast a spiritual flame magic at the abdomen, Ur have cast a hammer made of ice at it's head along with its horn.

Y/n: Let's finish this!

Y/n have equipped with Yamato and slashing quickly and it sheathed his katana slowly until it clicked. Now that Deadeye is no more.

(End battle theme)

Ur: Alright we did it.

Kuroka: That takes care of that problem.

Y/n: Yeah, head back to villagers. They'll be happy when they see this.

Y/n, Kuroka and Ur are heading back to the farmlands along with the Deadeye's lifeless body. As they have made it back, the villagers are surprised and shocked about that they have managed to kill this beast together. Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato are very happy to see that Y/n is okay and started to hug him.

Tom: Well I'll be damn, that's a huge beast I have ever seen! You guys did a fine job.

Linda: Thank you so much for helping us.

Y/n: Yep, happy that we can help.

Rossweisse: It's no problem.

Asia: We are glad that this village will be alright.

Rd.V1: As for your reward, we send you guys some jewels with the delivery carriage with some fruits and vegetables to the Fairy Tail.

Rd.V2: Along with this beast as a biggest meat for cooking a big feast.

Chisato: That's very kind of you. We accept this gift.

???: Is that ferocious beast are gone now?

The villagers recognized that female voice while Team Redgrave are a bit shocked of what they see.

Rd.V3: Ah, Ultear! Glad to see that you're okay.

Rd.V4: These wizards of Fairy Tail have managed to take down that Deadeye.

Ultear: That's good to hear, that beast was causing problems to land.

Team Redgrave are in shock to confirm that's Ur's daughter, Ultear Milkovich but at the old age.

Kuroka:(shock) No way!

Asia:(shock) It cannot be!

Rossweisse:(shock) No doubt about it!

Chisato: So that's Ultear Milkovich, the daughter of Ur.

When Ultear saw her mother, she's shocked that Ur is alive and well. While Ur is shocked to see Ultear had grown old when she performed a forbidden spell but failed and paid the ultimate price by her action.

Ultear/Ur:(shock) Wait, mother/Ultear is that you?!

Ultear: I don't understand...why are you here alive?!

Y/n:...I did. And Ur told us everything about her life's story and a little bit of you.

Asia: Ur misses you very much. A parent never forget his or her child.

Kuroka: Yeah, she's telling you the truth.

Chisato: From your childhood, the doctor filled you nothing but a cruel deception.

Rossweisse: They were using you, as an biological weapon for their heinous intentions.

Ur:(sad) Ultear, I know that you have a limited time...I wanted you to know that I'm very sorry about your childhood that you had...(tears) the doctors kept telling me that you died but I refuse to accept that. After that, I see Gray and Lyon as my children but that doesn't mean that I haven't forgotten about you, I couldn't sleep because I kept thinking about you. But that time was short lived and I have died truly by Deliora, until my shining light saved me.

Ur continues to cry of her statement, Ultear is shocked that all this time she's been tricked by those doctors from the past. Team Redgrave are feeling sympathy for Ur's statement, and Y/n went up to Ur for a hug to comfort her.

Y/n: Yeah, everything of what you heard from Ur is the truth. I gave Ur a second chance without any problems to make things right and live in a better future ahead of us. No matter what, Ur still loves you as her #1 achievement within her heart.

Ultear:(tears,smile) Young man, thank you for everything of what you have done.

Y/n nodded for Ultear's gratitude. Ur went to Ultear and gave her a big caring hug for accepting her forgiveness for a minute. The rest of Team Redgrave are very happy for this moment. Until one of the villagers came to announcing them.

Rd.V1: Good news fellow wizards, we have two cargos of your reward heading to Fairy Tail.

Rd.V2: In other news, your transportation awaits all of you.

Y/n: Thanks, we will be there in a minute.

Kuroka: Well then, we better get going now.

Rossweisse: Yes, they'll be expecting us to get back safely.

Asia:(smile) It was nice meeting with you Miss Ultear.

Chisato: That's right. As they said, Ur still loves you and always will even if you're far away.

Ur:(tears) As a mother, You'll always be my beloved daughter. I'm always with you and you feel the same.

Ultear:(tears) Thank You. Young man, ladies, may I know your names?

Kuroka:(smile) Kuroka Toujou.

Asia:(smile) Asia Argento.

Rossweisse:(smile) Rossweisse.

Chisato: (smile) Chisato Hasegawa.

Y/n: Y/n Redgrave.

Ultear acknowledged of their names and started to smile in peace and tears started to formed.

Ultear: Y/n...please take care of my mother for me.

Y/n:(sincere) I promise and I will with all of my heart, Ultear Milkovich.

And so Team Redgrave have started to return to Magnolia with their transportation from the villagers. As the carriage is far away, Ultear has now smile and feel in peace.

Ultear:(tears,smile) I know you will, Y/n Redgrave...Sparda.

(Timeskip to Magnolia at sunset)

As Team Redgrave have made it back, they have arrived at the door to announced.

Y/n:(smile) Hey guys, we're back!

The rest of Fairy Tail are very happy for their return.

Natsu:(happy) Hey Y/n, welcome back!

Happy: Aye sir! You guys are here!

Lucy: So how it go for your first day?

Kuroka: It went pretty well.

Wendy:(smile) That's good to hear you guys are okay.

Chisato:(happy) Thanks for your concern, Wendy. (Pats her head)

Cana: You guys are very strong wizards.

Rossweisse: Thanks for the compliment.

Makarov:(smile) I'm glad that all of you have made it back safely.

Erza:(smile) Indeed, we received word that Team Redgrave have successfully slay that beast down and helping their injuries as well.

Y/n:(smile) Yeah, we did it together as a team.

Mirajane: Everyone, look what they have brought us outside!

All of the guild members went outside and saw two cargos of reward for their job. Those cargos were filled with fruits, vegetables, 1.5 million jewels and sliced meat for cooking a big feast.

Fairy Tail:(shocked) WWWHHHHAAATTTTT?!?!

Levy:(shocked) My gosh, that's all of rewards of their job?!

Gajeel:(shocked) Damn, that's all of food in there?

Lily: They must be relived of that giant monster.

Juvia:(shocked) What can we do about this?!

Y/n:(smile) I have an idea for this. You'll be surprised. Kuroka you're with me, Mirajane can you lead us to kitchen?

Mirajane: Of course..

The rest of Fairy Tail are waiting for Y/n's surprise for this situation and around fifteen minutes later, they are very surprised by their cooking.

Y/n,Kuroka:(smile) Sorry for the wait, enjoy!

They have started to bite of their cooking, and it was every delicious from their mouths.

Natsu: Wow, this is very delicious!

Lucy: Yeah, it's really good!

Cana: Yeah, this is really good home cooked meal!

Mirajane: Oh my, it's delicious!

Lisanna: Yeah, no kidding!

Elfman: Y/n is a chef too?! So Manly!

Levy: They're right, it's really good!

Gajeel: Damn, Y/n is not only a demon hunter but a chef too?!

Lily:(smile) I guess Y/n is full of surprises.

Erza:(blissful) Indeed, how did you cook?

Y/n: Well, we had some help with my caretaker.

Kuroka: We got the hang of it thanks to her.

Wendy:(smile) Sounds like she is a good person.

Y/n,Kuroka: Yeah, she really is.

Asia:(smile) We all liked Y/n and Kuroka's cooking.

Rossweisse:(smile) With some ingredients, I'm sure that they cook something like this again.

Chisato:(smile) Can't wait to try more of their recipes.

While they have enjoyed their cooking, Ur and Gray have talked about about their encounter with Ultear.

Gray: So, you told her everything from your reason from the past?

Ur: Yeah, I did.

Gray: Did she forgive you?

Ur:(smile) Yes, no matter what I still love my daughter now and always with heart.

Gray:(smile) Yeah, I bet she's happy to hear that.

Ur:(smile) Well come on, let's join them and eat more Y/n and Kuroka's cooking.

Gray:(smile) Right, let's go.

Gray and Ur have joined up with them. After they have finished their good meal, they have started to get bit tired for the day.

Mirajane: So, do any of you have any place to sleep?

Team Redgrave haven't really thought about this for where can they sleep.

Y/n: Well I'm not sure. Maybe we bunk with our friends for a day or two so that we can find it our own.

Natsu:(grins) Great, then Y/n will be my roommate buddy!

Y/n: Really, you sure?

Natsu: Yeah so next time you guys will be another job with Team Natsu right Happy?!

Happy: Aye sir!

Kuroka: If that's the case then, I sleepover at Cana's place if you don't mind.

Cana:(smile) Sure I don't mind.

Asia: Well I stay with Wendy's room.

Wendy:(smile) That would be great, thanks!

Carla:(smile) This guild is becoming much bigger, in a good way.

Rossweisse: Erza, can I stay with you at your place?

Erza:(smile) Of course, you are welcome to enter my room.

Ur: Well I guess Chisato and I will be staying at Lucy's place.

Chisato: That's a good idea.

Lucy: Hey, when did I-(sigh) never mind.

Ur/Chisato: Thank you for having us.

Y/n have laughed a little bit about this, they have started went their own way to sleeping over with new friends.

Ur is now very happy and determined to live for her daughter's and Team Redgrave's sake. And Ur's mind flashes back of her memories old and now new, Y/n have always be there for her. Ur's heart have beating rapidly from Y/n's kindness and his smile. Her tears are started to form of happiness and started to feel love again.

Ur:(mind,tears) Y/n, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'll find a way to express my feelings to you. And I know now....I'm not alone....not anymore.

(Ending theme)

A/n: Well that's all he wrote for the day. Team Redgrave have successfully slay that beast down. Team Redgrave have encountered Ultear Milkovich and told her the truth about Ur. So Ultear have forgiven Ur for her reasons of all those years. So for the next day, what will they do next? Stay tuned for the next chapter of Third Sparda of Fairy Tail.

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