Chapter 12: Y/n's Initiation Battle Pt.2. A New Team is Formed!

3rd POV:

After the one on one battles against Natsu Dragneel and Gajeel Redfox, Y/n Redgrave was victorious with his amazing abilities and weapons. When Y/n thought of the initiation battle is over, Laxus decided to step into the battlefield.

Battle 3: Y/n Redgrave vs Laxus Dreyar

Y/n and Laxus are in the opposite sides of the field with the intense staredown.

Laxus:(smile) You know, I'm really impressed that you survived and fought Natsu and Gajeel.

Y/n:(smile) Thanks for the compliment. So I heard from Freed that you're the leader of the Thunder Legion, correct?

Laxus:(smile) Heh, well you got that right. I'm a Dragon Slayer as well, who wields the power of Thunder.

Y/n:(smile) Wow, another Dragon Slayer huh? Hehe, I don't know what to expect anymore.

Meanwhile, the rest of Fairy Tail are a bit surprised and worried about this fight. Gajeel have been recovered from the battle with the help of Y/n's Vital Star.

Cana:(worried) I hope that Y/n will be okay.

Mirajane:(worried) Yes, we have to wait and see.

Kuroka:(confused) What do you mean by that?

Asia: Did something happened from Laxus?

Ur:(confused) Yeah, the six of us have wondered what's going on.

Rossweisse: We have noticed the facial expressions of the guild members.

Erza: It's a bit complicated history. We'll tell you after this battle is over.

Juvia: You girls didn't seem to be worried about this. Why is that?

Chisato:(smile) Don't worry, I'm sure that we have faith on Y/n will be alright.

Wendy:(worried) I hope you're right about this.

Carla:(worried) Indeed, there's no telling what will happen.

Laxus:(smirk) Let's make this battle more interesting, shall we?

Y/n:..Go on.

Laxus:(smirk) You'll fight with only one of your weapons from your choice, along with your summon.

Natsu:(shocked) Laxus made a handicap match for Y/n?!

Gray:(shocked) Isn't that a bit difficult?!

Freed:(curious) I wonder how will Y/n react to this-

Y/n:(smirk) Alright, you're on.(everyone shocked) I got one weapon for this fight. Come, Beowulf!

Y/n's arms and legs are glowing and formed with a set of black gauntlets and greaves with a somewhat animalistic look. The gauntlets vaguely resemble a wolf's head, with fangs and mane. The greaves look like clawed legs. They also have glowing veins that have white light flowing through them.

Gajeel:(shocked) What the hell?!

Levy:(shocked) Oh my gosh, how many weapons does Y/n have?!?!

Elfman:(shocked) Look at his arms and legs, it looks like a Wolf's head with teeth and legs with claws! So Manly!

Lisanna:(shocked) Wow, it does! I can sense a light magic from his weapon!

The rest of Fairy Tail, including Laxus and the Thunder Legion are very surprised by Y/n's gauntlets and greaves imbued with light magic. Y/n closed his eyes and placed his hand on his chest to concentrate of his summon.

Y/n:(smile) Give me strength!

Y/n have summoned Pikachu again for this fight.

Pikachu:(smile) Pikachu~!

Asia/Rossweisse/Ur/Cana/Mirajane/Erza/Wendy:(shocked) Oh my gosh, it's so cute!

Natsu:(surprised) Whoa, it's a mouse creature with lightning magic!

Lucy: I wonder what can it do?

Y/n:(smirk) Alright then, let's get this match started.

Makarov: Both fighters, are you ready?!

(Begin battle music)

Laxus:(smirk) Let's get this match started.

Y/n:(smirk) Let's do this! You ready, little buddy?

Pikachu:(determine) Pika~!

Makarov: Let the battle...BEGIN!

Y/n and Laxus are dashed towards each other, both fists are clashes and locked for a few seconds.

Laxus: Lightning Dragon's Breakdown Fist!

Laxus gathers a large amount of lightning around one of his fists, bends the arm and then extends the fist forward in a punching motion towards to Y/n.

Y/n:(smirk) Together Pikachu, use Electro Ball!

Pikachu throws a ball of Thunder while Y/n have launched a ball of energized light to the Laxus's attack contacts with dual attack and it exploded.

Laxus: Lightning Dragon Roar!

Y/n: Royalguard!

Laxus generates lightning in his mouth and releases it in a concentrated, destructive blast, capable of destroying everything in a wide area in front of him. Y/n have successfully blocked the attack and while Pikachu absorbed his lightning magic in secret.

Laxus:(surprised) Well I'm impressed that you've survived my attacks!

Y/n:(smirk) Yeah you're not too bad yourself.

Laxus:(smirk) Heh, let's make this battle interesting shell we?

Y/n:(smirk) I thought you never asked!

Laxus started to transforming his own body into electricity, turning himself into a lightning bolt, whose size can vary from mere, fast-moving sparks to large pillars of lightning. Y/n have started to close his eyes focusing to power and formed lightning aura around his body including his gauntlets and greaves.

Y/n and Laxus started to charge towards to each other again. Both have started to perform a hand to hand combat with immense speed while the rest are shocked from sparks have clashed up and down, left to right.

Makarov:(surprised) Incredible! That young man was able to keep up with Laxus!

Mirajane:(mind,blush) Wow, he's so amazing!

Gajeel:(surprised) The hell?! Y/n is able to form a lightning aura around his body!?

Natsu:(grins) Wow, I'm so fired up for this, can't wait to fight him again!

Lucy:(sighs) One fight for a day is enough for you, you dummy!

For a while, Laxus has prepared for another attack.

Laxus: Lightning Dragon's Jaw!

Y/n: Royalguard!

Laxus joins his hands and imbues them with a large amount of lightning. He then proceeds to strike the target down from above with his joined hands. However, Y/n have successfully blocked his attack with his arms crossed.

Y/n:(smirk) My turn!

Y/n have lunged forward and deliver an uppercut to an enemy, potentially launching them into the air and then ends with aerial finisher.

Y/n: Rising Dragon!

Y/n have launched Laxus skyward in a spiral to do additional damage and Y/n made a signal to Pikachu.

Y/n: Pikachu, use Iron Tail

Pikachu's Tail is coated with metal, which is hit at Laxus's chest who grunted in pain a little bit. When the dust clears up, Laxus is still standing on his feet.

Laxus:(smile) You know, I haven't gotten this excited for a while now.

Y/n:(smile) Yeah me too.

Laxus:(smirk) Let's see if you can dodge this then.

Natsu:(shocked) Wait is he going to-!?

Gajeel:(shocked) Yeah, he is!

Laxus: Lightning Dragon's Heavenward Halberd!

Laxus raises both of his hands in the air at his sides and generates electricity between their open, facing palms. This is rapidly shaped into the form of a massive spear composed of lightning, which Laxus proceeds to hurl at Y/n.

However to their surprise, Pikachu has decided to face his attack head on and absorbing Laxus's strong attack with his red round cheeks to store electricity.

Laxus:(surprised) What the?!

Y/n:(smile) Great job, buddy! Now, you ready?

Pikachu:(determine) Pika!

Pikachu are copying of Y/n's arms movements to perform team attack. Y/n's left arm pointed upward while his right are downward.

Erza:(shocked) Incredible! Are they performing a Unison Raid?!

Asia:(confused) Unison Raid?!

Mirajane: An extremely powerful ability that allows two Mages to unite two kinds of Magic similar in nature together, thereby creating an even stronger attack.

Rossweisse: I see, incredible..

Ur: I wonder if we can create our own combined attack.

Kuroka: Maybe we will someday.

Chisato: Indeed, depending on the situations on the battle against upcoming foes.

Y/n: Here we go, Gigavolt Havoc!

Pikachu have unleash an arrow-shaped electric blast towards Laxus then it's a direct hit and exploded. When the dust clears up, to see that Laxus has been defeated which is he's okay.

(Pause battle theme)

Makarov: The winner is...Y/n Redgrave!

All of the Fairy Tail guild are very shocked to witness Y/n have beat Laxus, leader of the Thunder Legion. As Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen rushed in to help Laxus.

Y/n:(smile) Pikachu, take this to Laxus.

Pikachu:(nod) Pika!

Y/n gives Pikachu a Vital Star L for recovering Laxus's injuries. The Thunder Legion are very surprised by Pikachu is giving this green star-shaped to Laxus. So Laxus began to eat it and feels a lot better now. Laxus is smiles and petting Pikachu's head to comfort.

Y/n:(smile) That was a great match we had. (Gesture for handshake)

Laxus:(smile) Hmph yeah, good match. (accepted it)

All of the Fairy Tail are very surprised and happy about Y/n's kindness when it comes to his new friends.

Wendy:(happy) Wow, he is friendly!

Lucy:(happy) Yeah, no kidding.

Elfman:(cries comically) So Manly!

Lisanna:(smile) Well he definitely is fitting in here.

Kuroka:(giggles) We told you guys he's full of surprise.

Asia:(smile) That's why we love Y/n for who he is.

Rossweisse,Chisato and Ur nodded for that statement.

Mirajane/Erza/Cana:(mind,blush) I wonder if I could get a chance to say my feelings to him.

Y/n:(smile) Hey master, I'm up for one more match for day.

Makarov:(surprised) Very well. Anyone else for the last match!?

Happy: Do you want to Lucy?

Lucy:💢 If I go in, I'll be pulverized!

The guild members are looking around if anyone wants to fight Y/n. But their surprise, Erza have decided to step in.

Erza:(smile) If you don't mind, I will be your last opponent.

Final Battle: Y/n Redgrave vs. Erza Scarlet

After the battle with Laxus Dreyar, this initiation battle are getting more interesting and exciting within one day. Y/n's last opponent will be Erza Scarlet known as the mighty Titania.

Erza:(smile) Y/n, I'm surprised that you have made it for this last battle.

Y/n:(smile) Yeah, I've heard that your nickname is Titania which it fits you for a kind hearted lady like you. (Winks at her)

Lucy: Is he hitting on her?!

Gray:(confused) Why would he do that?

Chisato:(giggles) He's such a charmer.

Ur:(smile) No doubt about that.

Kuroka,Rossweisse and Asia are blushed and nodded for that but they secretly noticed that Erza is blushing but disappeared quickly. All of the Fairy Tail members including Makarov are very interested to witness the battle between Y/n and Erza.

Erza's body began to glow as she transformed into the Heaven's Wheel Armor, plated armor covers her chest, with a large metal flower over it, and she wears a large billowing skirt that has metal plating in the upper area. Her stomach and neck are uncovered, and she has large metal wings that appear to be made of individual blades, as well as a wing-like headpiece.

(Replay battle theme)

Erza:(smirk) I hope you're ready for this last battle and I won't hold back.

Y/n:(smirk) Alright, bring it on! (Summoned Rebellion's Oath, KH2 Sora Battle Stance)

Makarov: Now are you ready for the last match?! (Both nodded) Let the battle...BEGIN!

After few seconds of intense staredown, both fighters have began dashed towards each other to begin their match. Both of their swords have been clashed and locked their blades to counter their own strikes.
Erza began to offensive stance to swing her sword hard at Y/n for not giving him a chance to strike. However, Y/n continues to block successfully of Erza's incoming swings.
Y/n have started to smile happy and excited of his satisfying workout for a while, Y/n's lovers noticed him smiling of this moment and they're happy for him.

Y/n have activated his lightning form again to gain the upper hand which he jumped above over Erza and land behind her. Now Erza switched into defensive stance which she blocked Y/n's incoming strikes.
Then, Erza have jumped in the air and took flight.

Y/n:(smirk) Is that all you got?

Erza:(smirk) Try to block this! Dance, My Blades!

Erza's swords begin spinning rapidly around Erza and she sends them flying towards her opponent in a disc formation at first and upon impact the swords separate and fly in different directions towards Y/n.
Y/n have equipped with his shotgun called Revenant again to start shoot rapidly and spin the shotgun around your body like a set of nunchucks, blasting nearby blades.
Then, Y/n switched back to his Rebellion's Oath to reflect more swords. When it's all done, not one sword that can scratch around Y/n's body.

Natsu:(shocked) No way!

Lucy:(shocked) Not a scratch on Y/n!

Mirajane:(shocked) I'm surprised that Y/n can keep up with Erza's skills!

Cana:(smirk) No wonder he's this Demon Hunter and a handsome one~.

Levy: I wonder what Erza could do next.

Erza:(surprised) Amazing, you managed to block my swords! Let's see if you can keep going! Requip, Black Wing Armor!

Erza transformed into Black Wing Armor, it has a revealing silver-edged breastplate and plates flanking her hips that reach down to her waist-guard with two wings.
Erza took flight and dashed towards Y/n with immense speed. Y/n blocked her speed attack.

Erza transformed again into Flame Empress Armor, is dark red predominantly, but also sports orange and black parts, with the first ones being shaped like flames and the second resembling Dragon's limbs.

Y/n:(smirk) Wow, you're on fire today!

Both fighters have began dashed towards each other again and clashes with their swords. Erza began to launch some fireballs with swords while Y/n who blocked it with his blade.

Erza:(smile) Well, we are surprised that you have made it this far.

Y/n:(smile) Yeah, I haven't gotten this excited for a while now. This got my blood pumping of motivation.

Erza smiles for his excitement, glows into The Clear Heart Clothing is described by Erza as just normal clothes without any special properties. As her armors represented the walls around her heart, donning these clothes represented Erza opening her heart and breaking down the walls she'd built up to protect herself. While in this outfit, she discards defense, instead focusing primarily on offense.

Erza:(smirk) What do you say, how about we duel with ordinary swords with no magic.

Y/n:(smirk) Now this is getting more interesting. I have one sword in mind for this.

Y/n stretch his hand as the blue particles are formed into a katana.

Y/n:(smirk) Shall we dance, Milady? (Bowing gentlemen)

Erza:(smirk) Then we shall.

Y/n and Erza have started charged towards to each other once more with clashes and locked with their blades. The rest of Fairy Tail are very shocked to witness their speed of each attacks.

Lucy:(surprised) So fast, my eyes are dizzy from this!

Gray:(surprised) Seriously, how many weapons does Y/n have?!

Kuroka:(giggles) We told you guys that you would be surprised.

Chisato:(smile) I'm sure that Y/n has more to show in future.

Ur/Cana/Mirajane:(mind,blush) He's so dreamy and handsome~!

Y/n have successfully knocked Erza's katanas from her hands and vanished quickly. Erza looked around until she felt a blade is on her throat off guard.

Y/n:(smile) Yield.

(End theme)

All of the Fairy Tail, including the Thunder Legion are very shocked and surprised to see that the mighty Titania has been defeated which is a very rare sight. Erza has reverted back to her Heart Kreuz Armor.

Y/n:(smile,relief) That was a good workout for me. And great match that we had, so thanks Erza (Gesture for handshake)

Erza:(smile) Yeah, I've never been this excited about this as well. You really are a noble warrior of heart, welcome to Fairy Tail. (Accepted it)

Y/n: Thank You

Erza's heart begins to beating rapidly from Y/n's warm smile.
Erza:(mind,blush) Someday, I will tell him about my feelings for him.

The rest of Fairy Tail have started to cheering him for his amazing abilities and generosity. Y/n's lovers have began to notice that not just Erza, also Mirajane and Cana have a warm feeling of Y/n while their face is a bit of red.

As the rest of Fairy Tail heading back to the guild hall, they have started to party to celebrate Y/n's initiation battle.

Mirajane:(smile) Here you go Y/n, a strawberry sundae as you requested.

Y/n:(takes a bite) Mmm, it's very delicious. (Smile) Mirajane, I appreciated it.

Mirajane:(smile) Your very welcome Y/n! (Mind,blush) He's such a gentleman.

Asia:(blush) Y/n, can I try it please?

Kuroka: Me too Darling.

Rossweisse: Pretty please?

Chisato: May I try it please?

Ur: And me too handsome~

Y/n:(chuckles) Sure, say aww~

Y/n's lovers have opened their mouth to feed them with his strawberry sundae, and they were very blessed. Y/n noticed that Pikachu wanted to try it too, which he did feed him and he's very happy.

Lucy:(smile) So Y/n, what team are you going for?

Y/n:(confused) Wait, a team?

Mirajane: Of Course, depending on the different kinds of jobs you will need to be group of three or more, or if some wizards notice your skills can invite you to the team.

Natsu wrapped over Y/n's shoulder to invite his team.

Natsu:(grins) Hey Y/n, how about you join me in my team? Together, we'll be the strongest team ever!

Y/n: Well I guess-

Freed:(smirk) I won't be so sure about that. Y/n will be the perfect addition to the Thunder Legion along with our leader Laxus.

Bickslow: Rookie will be wicked and cool to our team!

Bickslow's dolls: Totally cool!

Evergreen:(smirk) I'm sure he will grateful for that offer.

Natsu/Erza:💢 Really? Says who?

Freed/Evergreen:💢 Says us!

Gajeel:(smirk) Nah, he will be in the B Team!

And now everyone have started to argue and fight about which team that Y/n will be in. Y/n and his group have sweatdrop from this situation.

Chisato: My goodness, was it always this happens?

Lucy:(sighs) Yeah, you'll get used to it.

Kuroka:(smile) I can see that why this guild is special.

Ur:(smile) Yeah, no argument here.

Asia taps Y/n's shoulder in shyful manner, as an idea have popped into her head.

Asia:(blush) Umm, Y/n? How about we formed our team?

Rossweisse:(smile) Yes, I definitely agree with Asia on this one.

Kuroka:(smile) I'm with Asia as well Darling.

Chisato:(smile) Indeed, you've a made a plan from helping the civilians to safety successfully.

Ur:(smile) Yep, we have made it this far and we will follow your lead handsome~.

Y/n have thought about this for few seconds and nodded for Asia's idea.

Y/n:(smile) Yeah, why not! I will call this team name as Team Redgrave!

Y/n have stretched his arm as a sign of team formation. Kuroka and the others have joined hands on top of Y/n's hand together as an agreement.

Y/n:(smile) All for one, one for all!

All the members have stopped fighting and noticed that Y/n have his own decision.

Natsu:(pouts) Aww man, I thought you going to join us.

Gray: Well get used to it, flame brain.

Natsu:💢 What did you say, ice stripper!?

Gray:💢 You heard me! Let's go!

Erza/Ur: That's enough.

Erza have knocked out Natsu's head while Ur same with Gray. Both have looked each other and laughed as a good friend that they have the same situation.

And so this begins with Y/n, his lovers and his newfound friends going through an amazing adventures ahead of them.

(Ending theme)

(A/n: Well that's all he wrote for the day. Man, what a day for Y/n. He have successfully made it through of his initiation battle against Natsu Dragneel, Gajeel Redfox, Laxus Dreyar and Erza Scarlet. All of the Fairy Tail guild are very surprised to witness Y/n's skills and weapons. And Y/n and his lovers have been formed by his own. How would Team Redgrave will do on their first day of job? Find out on the next chapter of Third Sparda of Fairy Tail. Stay tuned.)

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