Chapter 11: Y/n's Initiation Battle Pt.1
3rd POV:
Daytime at Magnolia
Battle 1: Y/n Redgrave vs. Natsu Dragneel
Most of the Fairy Tail guild including Y/n's lovers have circled around the park to distant the battlefield. Y/n are standing in front of the Sola Tree staring down at Natsu filled with excitement within their souls.
Natsu:(smirk) I hope that you're ready to get your ass kicked by me Y/n!
Y/n:(mind,smile) You know when I look at him, he reminds me as my young self and my dad. (Outloud,smirk) Heh, I like your attitude there Natsu! I'm not going to cut limbs or anything from you. But if you got sent in the hospital, didn't say I warned you!
Natsu:(smirk) Heh, I could say the same thing to you pal!
Lucy: Why those two got excited for beating each other?!
Happy: That's Natsu for ya.
Gray: Just hope lizard breath doesn't get to carried away.
Elfman:(grins) Look at that Y/n's sword, it's so manly!
Lisanna:(worry) I just hope that Natsu will be alright for this.
Erza: Ladies, I apologize for Natsu's request for this battle of Y/n.
Kuroka:(smile) Don't worry about it. It's no problem at all.
Asia:(smile) Yes, I know Y/n can do this.
Cana: You girls didn't seem to be worried about this?
Rossweisse:(smile) Well the four of us have seen Y/n in battle before without any problem.
Ur: Now let's see what Y/n can do. I'm curious about this.
Chisato:(smile) Now that you're here, you'll get to see him in action. You guys will be surprised.
Makarov: Now both fighters, are you ready?! (Both nodded) Let the battle BEGIN!
Natsu:(grin) Alright then, Fire Dragon Roar!
Natsu unleashed a huge wave of flames from his mouth to Y/n who use his Crimson Rebellion to cut his breath attack in half, both sides went passed him. Natsu have jumped towards to Y/n for next attack.
Natsu: Fire Dragon Talon!
Y/n: Royalguard!
Natsu's feet are in flames as went for an high axe kick to him, who blocked it with his bare arms, Natsu anticipated his next attack.
Natsu: Fire Dragon Iron Fist!
Natsu's right flaming fist clashes with Y/n's left fist with lightning aura for five seconds. Both fighters have been pushed back away.
Y/n:(amazed) Wow, I'm impressed! This is the power of the Dragon Slayer to fight with their own elements!
Natsu:(smirk) You're about to see more tricks of my own! (Jumped up the air) Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!
Natsu have launched a huge fireball at Y/n. Y/n have some options for this situation either dodge it or block it. Y/n had smirk as he has another idea of own, he pulled out his dual pistols Ebony and Ivory.
Y/n:(smirk) Haha, time to go the work ladies!
Y/n have begin to shoot rapidly at the fireball until he charged shot and the fireball was exploded it.
Bisca/Alzack:(shocked) No way! He can wield guns too?
Y/n:(smirk) Now, move your feet!
Y/n have continued to shoot rapidly at Natsu, which he rolled around the ground to avoid his firearms. Y/n have launched another dual charged shot at his left arm. Natsu gripped his arm but to his surprise, it wasn't bleeding at all. Y/n noticed Natsu's reaction.
Y/n:(smile) Don't worry, I've imbued my powers of those bullets into non-lethal but it's still packs a punch.
Natsu:(smirk) That's good to know. Bring it on, let's make this battle more exciting!
Y/n:(smirk) Heh, now it's getting more interesting! Alright then.
Y/n sheathed his Crimson Rebellion and it's starting to glow.
Y/n: Agni! Rudra!
Y/n have changed his sword into two curved blades which one is red and the other is blue. The rest of Fairy Tail are very surprised by Y/n's swords wields fire and wind.
Lucy:(shocked) Whoa, he has two swords?!
Erza:(amazed) How interesting.
Wendy:(ponder) I wonder what can they do?
Y/n:(smirk) Get ready, here I come!
Y/n have rushed towards in close combat to swing his blades at Natsu, who was trying his best to dodge his attacks. Natsu have noticed something about Y/n's blades, the red sword ignites with fire while the blue sword had gusts of wind. Y/n kicked Natsu's abs into the distance. Y/n started to charge his blades then thrust together to unleashed a massive stream of fire and wind at Natsu, which smirked as the attack coming towards him not moving.
Y/n:(confused) What the-
Y/n are a bit surprised to see Natsu faced his attack head on, he looked around the guild members of their surprised reactions but not worried. Y/n heard some kind of suction sound, he turned his head to see the fire that he lit and saw Natsu not damaged also all of fire stream gobbled into his mouth like a vacuum.
Y/n:(surprised) Whoa, so you really are a Fire Dragon Slayer! Huh, that's a neat trick.
Natsu:(smirk) Thanks for the grub. Now I've got a fire in my belly! (Leap towards at Y/n) Fire Dragon Wing Attack!
Natsu have lunged his arms forward and launches several waves of flames at Y/n who jumps back onto the Sola Tree.
Agni: Y/n, it would be wise to change tactics.
Rudra: Indeed, that boy was trained by a fire dragon named Igneel.
Y/n: Right, no kidding. Thanks for the tips you two. If Agni and Rudra doesn't cut it, let's try my other weapons.
Y/n's weapon started to glow again as Agni and Rudra disappears and changed into something else.
Y/n: King Cerberus!
Y/n's weapon is now a three-handled set of nunchaku with the chains connected together via a central ring.
Gray:(shocked) What! He has another weapon!?
Ur:(surprised) Yeah, it looks like with ice element!
Y/n have started to twirled around his nuchaku and attack Natsu with the shards of ice. Y/n performed a spin violently in mid-air before landing to deal large impact damage. Followed by a thrust your nunchucks into the ground's surface to sprout huge ice pillars in a line directly towards Natsu.
Y/n:(smirk) That's not all that this can do!
Y/n's King Cerberus changed into a lightning form, the three handles separate, the ring disappearing and streaks of lightning connecting the three parts instead of chains: the three sections, meanwhile, shift into a form resembling a double-ended mace with two small spiked heads.
Laxus:(shocked) No way! His weapons have changed Ice into lightning!
Freed:(surprised) That's incredible!
Y/n have launches four lightning orbs that slowly chase down at him. Y/n is now ready for his final attack of this match.
Y/n: Alright, let's wrapped this up!
Y/n's King Cerberus changed into the fire form fuses the three sections into a long staff with flames burning at its tip.
Wendy:(shocked) It changed into fire!
Carla:(shocked) He's certainly full of surprises.
Ur:(shocked) Yeah, no doubt about it! (mind) Wow, he's so dreamy.
Y/n have started to perform a combo a long-reaching three-hit combo, strike at Natsu with the tip of your weapon to deal maximum damage. Followed by a slam your weapon into the ground and whirl around it in a dance of destruction. When the dust is cleared up, the guild members have looked to see Natsu on the ground exhausted along with swirling eyes.
Y/n:(smile) Wow, that was fun. I guess that's it then.
Gray:(shocked) No way! Y/n beat Natsu!
Lucy:(shocked) Y/n's weapons wields types of elements!
Erza/Ur/Cana/Mirajane:(mind,blush) Wow, He's so amazing!
As Happy, Lucy and Lisanna are helping Natsu...
Y/n: Hey guys, take this!
Lucy managed to catch a Vital Star L from Y/n, wondering what this is.
Y/n:(smile) When he wakes up tell him to eat it, trust me.
Lucy:(smile) Okay!
Makarov:(mind) Incredible display of his skills and generosity. (Outloud) Well then, does anyone else wants to challenge?
Gajeel: Well then, if Salamander lost this battle...(smirk) I will get a chance to kick your ass myself.
Battle 2: Y/n Redgrave vs Gajeel Redfox
As Happy, Lisanna and Lucy have got Natsu out of the field, moving on to the next battle for Y/n's initiation.
Gajeel:(smirk) So you ready for this rumble rookie?
Y/n:(smirk) I'm ready whenever you are! (Summoned Crimson Rebellion and battle stance)
As Y/n and Gajeel are ready for battle, Levy is worried about Gajeel from the distance.
Levy:(worry;blush) Don't do anything stupid, you Iron-headed idiot.
This staredown have lasted for a minute until Makarov made a signal...
Makarov: Let the next match...BEGIN!
Gajeel:(smirk) Now then...Iron Dragon Club!
Gajeel's right arm turned into a metallic pillar and stretched quickly towards Y/n who blocked it his sword, soon pushed back on the ground.
Gajeel: Iron Dragon Lance: Demon Logs!
Gajeel's left arm have turned into a metallic spear and started to rapidly shoots those spikes of energy at Y/n, who twirled his sword in front of him like the helicopter blades which he successfully blocked them all.
Levy:(shocked) Whoa! Y/n blocked Gajeel's attacks unharmed!
Cana:(surprised) Wow, he's really is something huh?
Y/n now took his shotgun called Revenant and start to shoot rapidly towards Gajeel who crossed his arms. As those shotgun shells have been exploded, Levy and Wendy have started to worry about him. When the dust clears up, Y/n is surprised to see that Gajeel has withstood those shots with his entire skin covered into metal.
Gajeel:(smirk) Iron Dragon Scales.
Y/n:(surprised) Wow, that's quite the defense that you have. Another neat trick.
Gajeel:(smirk) Heh good luck getting through this metal bub.
Y/n:(smirk) We'll see about that. (Dashed towards Gajeel)
Gajeel:(smirk) Now, Iron Dragon Sword!
Gajeel dashed towards Y/n with his right arm turned into a sword along with spikes around it now clash and locked their blades. Then Gajeel's spikes begin to spins around the sword like a chainsaw. As they have been pushed back away from the distance, Gajeel noticed and surprised that Y/n's Crimson Rebellion didn't have any scratches on it.
Gajeel:(smirk) Now, this is getting more interesting.
Both fighters have dashed towards each other again for a sword duel with their blades, both swings at each other and blocked every strikes. Gajeel smirk as he has an idea which Y/n will definitely be caught off guard.
Y/n:(surprised) What the hell!
Gajeel caught Y/n's Crimson Rebellion with his bare hands and brings it close to his face. When Gajeel took a big bite of Y/n's sword, but it failed which in result was got himself a toothache. He gripped his jaws in pain.
Gajeel:(pain) Oww! What the hell! That hurt!
Most of the Fairy Tail guild are very shocked to see that Gajeel received pain from attempting to eat Y/n's sword.
Y/n: I see that now. Natsu can eat fire since he's the Fire Dragon Slayer. While you are the Iron Dragon Slayer, same method you eat.
Gajeel: Then try this...Iron Dragon Roar!
Gajeel have launched a large stream of metal shards from his mouth aiming towards Y/n who uses the same method as Natsu's breath attack.
Y/n: Come forth, Nevan!
Y/n's hands glows as he changed his weapon which is dark purple scythe with the arcs of purple lightning coming off it like a guitar.
Cana:(surprised) Whoa, how many weapons that Y/n have!?!?
As Natsu is starting to wake up from his fight, Lucy gave him a Vital Star to eat and recovered his injury.
Natsu:(surprised) Whoa, what's happening now?
Mirajane: Y/n have changed his sword into a guitar like scythe with lightning effects.
Freed:(surprised) Now his weapon wields the power of lightning attacks.
Bickslow:(surprised) Wow, that's totally wicked and cool!
Bickslow's dolls: Totally cool!
Evergreen:(ponder) I wonder if he would be fitted to the Thunder Legion?
Laxus:(ponder) Hmm...we'll see about that.
Y/n:(smirk) This party is getting crazy, Let's Rock!
Y/n have started to swing his scythe and send a wave of lightning towards Gajeel who crossed his arms to blocked it, but the surge of lightning was starting to affected around his body as he grunted in pain.
Gajeel looked up the sky to see Y/n is coming down at him with Nevan. Gajeel attempts to block his attack with his Iron Club formed of his right arm.
Y/n:(smirk) You know, forming your entire skin with metal skin is bad move on your part. It conducted very well with lightning affecting your body.
Gajeel realized his mistake of covering his skin with metal. Y/n have send a flurry of bats and powerful lightning towards at him, flurries and lightning clouds hit the target in a staggered pattern as Gajeel yelped in pain.
Y/n: Alright, time for the last tune of this battle!
Y/n kicked Gajeel back and launched a strum your guitar with blinding speeds, summoning a massive horde of blood-thirsty bats to attack enemies all around the Y/n.
(End theme)
As the dust clears up to see Gajeel on the ground, his scales have vanished along with his eyes swirling around as the signal of his defeat.
Y/n:(smile) Well that's a good match.
Levy, Jet, Droy and Panther Lily are helping Gajeel to help him up, Y/n called them out...
Y/n: Hey Levy, catch!
Y/n have tossed Levy a Vital Star M wonders what will do.
Y/n:(smile) Same as Natsu, it will feel better trust me.
Levy:(smile) Thank you Y/n!
Lily:(smile) That's very generous of you, Y/n. I'll put him in a good word (Y/n nod)
Y/n:(relief) Well I guess thats-
Laxus: Wait. How about another battle with me?
Freed:(confused) Laxus? Are you sure?
Evergreen: We don't know what he's capable of his skill.
Bickslow: Yeah, we're not sure about this.
Makarov:(concern) Laxus, are you certain to have this battle?(Laxus nod) Y/n, are you able to continue this fight?
Y/n:(smile) Yeah, It's no problem for me. I got this. (Thumbs up)
Makarov: Very well. Let the next match begin!
Y/n:(smirk) This battle is going to be really intense, but I'm now feeling motivated!
(Ending theme)
(A/n: Well that's all he wrote for the day. Y/n have fought Natsu Dragneel, Fire Dragon Slayer outside of the park. Then, unexpectedly fought Gajeel Redfox, the Iron Dragon Slayer. Y/n never had a great workout for a while. However, Laxus stepped in the arena to fight Y/n. How will this end of Y/n's initiation battle? Find out on the next chapter of Third Sparda of Fairy Tail. Stay tuned.)
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