To the people who love anime: if you're the type who's blood boils when people ask "Is that a cartoon?" or when someone says "It's a cartoon" referring to anime, I suggest that you STOP READING RIGHT NOW.

    Seriously, I KNOW this one is going to offend people big time.






    Did you listen to me? Stop reading.







    You're going to read it? Okay, don't scream at me if you're offended. I warned you.

    And there will be spoilers to some shows.


    I think I've passed my weeaboo phase a while ago. I learned that not all anime are good - all of the big time shounen anime have crazy flaws to the story and are not perfect, I've stopped comparing everything I watched to Bleach and criticized it for not having so and so. I've stopped shoving my ships in people's faces and explained why their's is stupid. I've stopped getting involved in ship wars. I've stopped seeing Japan as a 'land of anime', I've stopped going crazy when I see something Japanese related. I've realized that sub watchers are not superior to dub watchers, that you're not superior because you've seen one anime and someone else hasn't.

    And, the topic today: I've realized that people who don't know about them will mistake them for cartoons. In fact, that's litterally what they are. Japanese cartoons. What's the definiton of 'cartoon' to most people? An animated show or movie. And like in the name: anime is animated.

    So what do I answer when people ask me "What do you like?". I say: "I'm really in to anime, which is basically a Japanese cartoon. But they're not for kids, trust me."

    The reason why most people would mistake that anime is for kids is because that's the first thing that appears in their minds: "Cartoons=Kids" But I'm not gonna go berserk if someone says "Oh, is that an anime? But those are cartoons, you can't watch that! It's for kids! You need to grow up!"

    Or sometimes it may be "You're in to those Japanese s*x cartoons?"

    Now those,  my friends, are Hentai. A path I never want to go follow. I'll be honest and say the closest thing I've ever gotten to those is School Days and Mirai Nikki. But they censored anything too..."intamite" with darkness. Ex: the r*pe scene in Mirai Nikki...geeze you could only see like little patches of the ceiling. And with Yuno's almost r*pe, nothing was shown. Just enough to get the point across that they are in terrifying situations.

    But now back on topic with it being for kids. You know that they're not for kids. They just see the art styles and think 'Five year olds'. Just ignore them and move on with your daily life.

    But one thing that inspired this rant was a meme I saw online. It went something like this"

    Me: Hi.

    Person: What cartoon is that guy on your shirt from?

    Me: Bye.

    You didn't even give them a chance! Maybe they were interested in the show and wanted to know about it and they have no idea that anime or manga even exists or they didn't know what it was. Who's had that teacher that just expects you to know everything and then "C'mon it's simple! Pick it up!" when you don't understand it because you have no idea what's going on. Doesn't that meme seem a little analogous to that.

    I think the only people you're allowed to get mad at are bandwagoners. If you see them wearing the merchandise of the particular show because it was starting to get popular and if you go and ask them about it and they have no clue what you're talking about, then you can be angry.

    Anime are cartoons. Manga are comics. But there are stories not intended for young audiences.

    So, um...yeah...percect way to end a rant.


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