Chapter 26

Cuts P.O.V

It isn't until almost two in the morning that I hear the door to the apartment open. I know that it's Horn. He's finally home. Needless to say, I'm very unhappy.

I've been up for hours, waiting for him to come home. Horn texted me that he would be home later than expected. I didn't think that meant two in the morning. What he could even be doing is beyond me.

The room is dark. Horn is moving cautiously, but I still hear him stumble. He must be drunk. That doesn't make me happy either. Maybe it's just my hormones, but it actually pisses me off quite a bit.

I turn on the lamp from my position on the couch and watch him cringe in anxiousness. There isn't a way for him to escape. He knows he's been caught.

Horn attempts to speak, but I cut him off before he can get a word out.

"It's two in the morning," I say with an irritated tone.

Horn sighs and rubs his face gently. "I'm sorry," he says softly.

I cross my arms and glare. "I'm sorry" just isn't cutting it tonight. I'm not in the mood to hear any excuses. I want the truth.

"Where were you?"

Horn sits down across from me and lets out a soft sigh. He doesn't want to tell me. If he wasn't in trouble and knew that, he would've told me by now. He knows that he's done something wrong. Now, I want him to admit it.

"I was just," he pauses, "out with some friends from work."

I feel my face contort into a scowl. Horn is purposefully avoiding the true answer to my question. Things would be much better for him if he told the truth.

"Where?" I ask again.

"We went to a bar a few blocks away," he admits with a sigh.

"And rather than tell me the truth you thought it would be a good idea to hide the fact that you were out drinking?"

"I'm drunk," he whines.

"I honestly don't care. I'm upset that you lied to me," I snap while standing up.

"Don't be mad at me," he whines.

"Talk to me in the morning after you're done whining about your hangover."

And with that, I go to bed. Horn remains in the living room. I'm normally more forgiving. We both have times when we get frustrated with the other, but normally it isn't quite like this. My hormones could easily be influencing the situation.

"Are you really mad at me?" he asks while crawling into bed.

I turn my back to him as an answer. Horn doesn't say anything after that. It's finally clear to him that I'm not happy with his decisions tonight.

I don't mind him having a few drinks with friends from work. What bothers me is when he lies about it. I don't want to be lied to, especially this far into our relationship.

There really isn't a point where we can end things without consequence; not that I would ever want what we have to end. I love Horn very much, I just hate getting lied to.

I end up falling asleep after about an hour. I don't hear any other sounds from Horn. He must also be asleep.

When I wake up in the morning, I am surprised to see that Horn isn't in bed with me. I get up and stretch out my morning aches, stopping when I walk by the closet mirror.

I run my fingers gently over my growing baby bump. The feeling is so surreal. My bump isn't very noticeable under my baggy clothes, but I still think it's amazing. I'm already in a better mood. I'm about sixteen weeks into my pregnancy now.

I walk to the kitchen and something brightly colored catches my eye. It's a lime green sticky note stuck to the counter. I peel it off and read it softly to myself.

"I'm sorry about lying about the bar. Enjoy breakfast and find note number two."

I look at the breakfast Horn made for me. Two eggs cooked Sunnyside up and a few strips of bacon. No utensils. I look in the drawer and find another sticky note.

"I shouldn't be getting drunk when I can spend my time with the most amazing person on the planet instead. Find note number three."

I look around the kitchen for a few moments before my eyes settle on the fridge; the only other place a note could be. I open it up and grab the carton of orange juice, turning it to see the next note.

"Enjoy breakfast. I'll be waiting on the balcony."

I look out the window and see Horn sitting out on the balcony. Damn his cute yet crafty ideas to earn my forgiveness.

I eat the breakfast Horn prepared for me before cleaning my plate and other dishes. Afterwards, I walk to the balcony and open the door. Horn looks up with a small smile.

"I see you found my notes," he says.

"Yes, I did. All three of them," I reply.

"Four," he corrects me, handing over one last note.

I unfold the sticky note and smile. It says "I love you" in a nice font. Horn really is creative and sweet when it comes to situations like this.

I sit on his lap and wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you too."

He smiles and kisses me gently. I run my fingers through his hair and feel my lips slowly form into a smile. No matter what, I can never stay mad at Horn for more than a few hours. It just isn't possible for me.

"Are you still mad at me?" he asks, already knowing my answer.

"No," I say, "just don't lie to me anymore."

He laughs softly and hugs me closer. "I won't."


I'm glad to have things back to normal. I don't like being mad at Horn. Hopefully, there won't be any more trouble for a while.

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