Chapter 19 - Passion

How could such a timeless, formidible and deadly predator like this Calogera, consider herself honoured to meet the likes of me, a mongrel, a heinz 57 variety of freak?  How could she, and Vittorio for that matter, be so confident that my 'abilities', which in my opinion, were highly unpredictable and completely raw, could possibly be an asset in their war against their own kind?  Your kind, technically, corrected Baby Si.  Furthermore, with the pending assault nearly upon us, if it had not already started that was, how could they be so calm, so.....cavalier.

The High Supremo's eyes narrowed slightly.  "I assure you Sienna, you are indeed pivotal to this war, and we are anything but cavalier." 

I gulped.  She could read my mind!   Why did that surprise me so?  She laughed lightly and turned, strolling past Kula and Vittorio before facing me again, from across the room.   "We have been fighting our own kind for centuries, for all various, and usually inane reasons, just like humans have fought theirs. But this battle we currently endure, is still just a blip in our history.  It is in it's infancy, if you like." 

Hundreds of years is considered an infancy?  I had absolutely no concept of what I had been drawn into.  No! I corrected myself....of what my very existence had preordained for me. Calogera smiled at me, her fangs slightly extended.  "Dante's idea of us surviving without humans, this planets natural head-liners of the food chain, was preposterous!  His deformed venom-infested Desired have a serious flaw. One, which again, for all his scholarly knowledge was undoutedly beyond his time, he failed to foresee."

I cleared my throat.  My voice was a mere husk.  "And that is?"

She broadened her smile.  "The sacred blood, is going through it's own war.  Like antibodies which fight disease, it attacks the venom.  Our venom, normally so potent, has met it's match, and the tainted Desired eventually meet an unpleasant, excruciating death as would any who drank from them."

   "So, the war is pointless! As all wars are."

She moved so quickly, her form was but a blur and suddenly she loomed over me.  Her eyes blazed as if they were made of molten flame. "Pointless!" her voice ricochetted throughout the room, the entire house.  "Do you think fighting for our survival pointless, Sienna?"

A stirring, like static wave-lengths, deep inside me threatened to surface.  A faint red glow vibrated around me.  Calogera backed away, her own rage instantly cooled.   I concentrated hard, stemming the rising fury within me.  "That is not what I said, nor implied." I answered steadily.  I glanced at Vittorio.  His expression was mixed: relief and perhaps a hint of admiration.  It helped me to extinguish the menacing aura.

   "No, of course you didn't," Calogera said, regaining her composure. "Forgive me, Sienna.  These are trying times, even for those of us who have experienced things the likes of which you could not even dream of."

Wouldn't be too sure of that, pasty! Baby Si bounced back. No response from the High Supremo. Maybe this meant she couldn't  hear Baby Si,  as she did my conscious thoughts. I resisted a satisfied smirk.  Calogera changed tack.   "Vittorio will show you to your rooms, you must be tired from your journey."

   "Do I get to meet others like me?" I ventured.

The amber eyes studied me keenly.  "Yes, of course.  Later."

   "And my father?"

Her demeanour softened.  "I have sent orders for him to return from his mission, so you can be reunited."

   "Thank you."

Vittorio gave Calogera a brief nod then extended his arms towards Kula and me, indicating it was time to move out.  When we reached the doors, I turned to watch the High Supremo.  She had returned to her seat and was speaking quietly with her councillors.  She looked at me, just before the doors closed, and gave me the warmest of smiles.  Apart from our brief power-trip earlier, I decided that I liked this vampire.  I just knew she was on the level, and no threat to me.

The rooms we were given were as I expected - grand to the point of extravagant.  Kula's was across the passageway from mine and apart from the colour schemes, the decor was substantially the same.  Kula needed to lie down and so  bid us goodnight and disappeared into her quarters. 

Vittorio accompanied me into my room.  He strolled round, arms behind back, looking at the paintings with feigned interest.  My case had been brought in and laid down beside the over-sized bed.  "The service here is better than a 5-star hotel," I smiled as I heaved the case onto the bed.

   "Yes.  We are quite civilised, you know."

  "Yes," I mimicked him. "And powerful and scary and dangerous."

He stopped his patrolling of the room and moved slowly towards me.  "You find me dangerous, Sienna?"

I flipped the top of my case open and started to unpack.  I watched him from under my lashes, smiling as he approached.  "No."

   "Scary?"  He was almost beside me now.

My grin widened. "No."

Then he was behind me, his breath hot on my neck.  "Powerful?" He was tantalisingly close.  I could feel the heat radiating from his body.  My unpacking ceased, and I stood uncertain of how to respond.  I blushed as I realised underwear was in my hand.  I dropped it back into the case as subtley as possible. 

  "What are you thinking?" he murmured.  There was a low, sensual growl in his voice. 

Oh my god!  After the last time we were this close, I really didn't know what to do or say, or think.  "Can't you read my mind?" I said in a bid to sound unflustered.

   "No, that is not a gift I possess."

   "Oh!" was all I could manage.  My palms were clammy.  Blood coursed through me like wild-fire, igniting every hormone, driving my libido into a whirling dervish. The sensations were...intolerable, intoxicating and utterly divine.  Baby Si intervened and worked my strings.  "Now, I think you are dangerous!"  The words were audible!  The little minx had made me say them aloud.  His hands were on my waist and he pulled me gently to him. I pictured his delectable toned torso as he pressed himself against my back. 

   "Breathe, Sienna," he whispered.  He had an annoying habit of making me hold my breath without my being aware. His arms encircled me, and I exhaled, a little too loudly to be considered remotely lady-like.  My whole body was flushed, burning with need and desire.  But something nagged at the back of my brain.  My emotional defenses were trying to break through. And break through they did.  Tears threatened.  I tried so hard to keep them at bay.  My body tensed, then heaved as a sob escaped.

I felt Vittorio release me, then his hands were on my shoulders and slowly he turned me to face him.  I couldn't look at him.  I was embarrassed and scared.  Scared of another rejection. He wouldn't  allow me to hide, however. He raised my chin so that my face was level with his.  My eyes still  refused to make contact.  "Sienna," he said.  His voice was incredibly tender, the low growl now stowed away.  "Is it because of the other night?"

I sniffed back more tears.  My voice shook as I tried to make light of this utterly humiliating situation. "I thought you said you couldn't read minds."

    "I can't.  But it has been on my mind too.  I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel....used."

My eyes shot up.  "Used!  I didn't feel used! I felt... rejected!" 

His eyes widened with surprise. "Oh!"  He retreated a step.  "I see."  Then he took a second step back. 

For god sake, it was happening again!  I turned back to my case and furiously re-started the task of unpacking my things.  I threw T-shirts, jeans, a jumper, pairs of knickers and two bras on the bed and the floor.  My toiletry bag went sailing across the room, spilling its contents over the floor.  His silence infuriated me.  I stormed over to the door, opened it and stood, shaking with anger, and hurt.

   "Get out!"

He opened his mouth to speak, but I didn't want to hear.


He stared at me, his eyes intense, pupils dilating at an alarming rate.  He moved towards me. I opened the door wider.  His pace quickened.  Before I knew what was happening, he had slammed the door shut with a wave of his hand and turned the lock with nothing more than a glance.  Then he scooped me up in his arms and in one swift movement lay me down on the bed, pinning my hands above my head and kicking my half empty case to the floor.   

His chest rose and fell, his breath now deep and hot, as he straddled me.  Slowly, he released his right hand from my wrists, quickly securing them them with his left.  His eyes were dark with desire, lips moist and full.  He started to undo the buttons on his shirt, his eyes never leaving mine.  My breathing doubled, tripled!  The warm glow of the lamps reflected on the sleek film of sweat on his skin.   He was struggling with some of the buttons and released his other hand from its grip, to assist.  My hands shot up and grabbing his shirt and I ripped it open.  Buttons ricocheted and pinged off the bedside lamps and the wall. 

We stared at each other, both momentarily stunned by my actions.  A slow, knowing smile quivered at the corner of his mouth.  Simultaneously, we started pulling and tearing off each others clothes, carelessly throwing them off the bed.  His mouth came down hard on mine, his tongue probing deeply.  I could feel the sharp fangs as they nipped lightly on my bottom lip.  I was enraptured, desire flooding every part of my body.  His lips travelled down over my chin, my neck, my breasts.  I moaned as his mouth closed on my nipple, already pert and dark pink.  He suckled gently, cupping my other breast with his hand.  The sensation was overwhelming.  My back arched, I moaned again.  I closed my eyes as his kisses continued on a southward journey, little nips from his fangs as he descended slowly to my moist, warm and oh, so wanton sex.   I ploughed my fingers through his thick, luxurious hair and raised my hips to meet the thrust of his tongue.  His fingers stroked my inner thighs, and down to the backs of my knees, lingering there, teasing.  Oh my, a hot spot!  I gasped as my orgasm fired up from my sex, through to my belly, over my breasts and finally ebbed as it reached my throat.  Vittorio pushed himself up, holding my legs and wrapping them around his hips. My eyes snapped open. He was looking at me with such hunger. I could feel the tip of his hardness teasing my sex, which was now pulsating from his deep kisses.  I ached for him to be inside me.   

Suddenly, he drove forward, this time pushing his entire length inside me.  He stilled, watching me.  Slowly, he pulled back, then slammed in again. I gasped, my fingers clawing at his back.   His love-making  took on a slower, more sensual tempo.  Our mouths fused in deep, deep kisses, then his lips traced a path down to my neck.  His mouth hovered over my jugular.  I could feel my climax building again, my legs quivering with the anticipation of the next orgasmic rush. I rose and fell to meet his thrusts, my own hunger building, building.... "Take me, Vittorio. Drink," I breathed.   He did not hesitate.  Fangs fully extended, they pierced my skin.  As he drew my sacred life-force, so I drew him deeper inside me.  Faster, faster.  He drank more, his hunger knowing no limit.   My body glowed, it was golden, shimmering, enveloping us, becoming brighter and brighter.   His head pulled back, a moan of undeniable ecstasy escaping his throat as his climax was reached ,  my own, swiftly following. 

Our bodies spent, covered in the slick film of sexual gratification, our breathing gradually slowing to smooth, contented sighs.  He was still inside me. Our eyes met in the misty after haze of pleasure.  There was no need for words.  I was his 'desired', his mate. 

And he....he was my life.

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