when i mention (name) it means write the name of your chcracter preforming that command. Other cats will be marked with either (cat a) or (cat b)
all commands use 1 energy unless stated otherwise in their decription.
⁂ Important Commands ⁂
/check for danger (name)
Check for danger upcoming next moon, at least one cat has to send this command each moon (starting moon 2) for better anticipation.
/Cancel command
used when you want to cancel a command you typed out, will not be applicable once ive closed the moon.
(takes no energy)
/start hunting patrol (name)
Start a hunting patrol, others can join it by replying with the command below
/hunt with (cat a) (name)
used to hunt with others, when joining a hunting patrol that alsready has 2 or more members judt replace "cat a" with "all" so it's /hunt with all
/Hunt alone (name)
go hunting alone
/forage with (cat A) (name)
forage with others. medicine cats and their apprentice will forage for herbs while normal cats forage for sticks to build dens
/forage alone (name)
look for sticks/herbs alone.
/start area patrol (name)
start a patrol, patrolling gives you a chance of finding new cats along with sticks or herbs.
/patrol with (cat a) (name)
patrol eith others or join an area patrol.
/Patrol alone
slightly more dangerous compared to patrolling in a group
⁂ Exploring ⁂
/adventure alone (name)
pretty much like patrolling exept if you return with nothing, ypu will get +0.5 at a random skill as result of your adventure.
/explore with (cat a) (name)
look for a new territory, pet or cat. If they get nothing, they will return with +0.5 bond.
/quest for (cat/new cats/herbs/territory) (name)
chance of sucsess depends on foraging skill. If it doesn't sucseed you will return with atleast sticks or a little bit of herbs.
Takes 5 energy (one whole moon). This is the only way a normal non-medicine cat is able to look for herbs.
/lead migration (name)
Lead the migration, more commonly used by leaders explained about midgration in the information chapter. When migrating, you can only bring 2 prey and 5 sticks each cat so the rest are left on your old territory
/migrate with all (name)
not get left behind by joining the lead migration
/train (apprentice) in (skill) (name)
used by mentors to train their apprentice in a certain skill.
/train (skill) with (mentor) (name)
used by an aporentice to train with their mentor a certain skill.
/train (skill) with (cat a) (name)
used when training generally with other members of the group. Training can only be done between 2 cats.
/Bond with (cat a) (name)
two cats bond with eachother. +0.5 bond
/group bonding with (cat a) and (cat b) (name)
Applicable to more then 3 cats, but only if they reply with the command below.
/bond with all (name)
used to reply to group bondings.
/ask (cat a) to bond with (cat b) (name)
make 2 cats get along with each other! If cat a cand cat b bonds, this command will also use one energy from you since setting others up requiers effort. Cat A and cat B has the rights to reject bonding with eachother
/become mates with (cat a) (name)
Form ties with someone. only avalible to use on a cat you have a level 4 bond with. You may not break up with them For 3 moons.
/reject (name)
reject an offer to become mates. You can also use this command for other uses like rejecting to join a patrol or rejecting to bond.
/break up with (mate) (name)
break up with your mate you are currently in a relationship with Only avalible after 3 moons into the relationship.
/Have kits with (mate) (name)
for this to be applicable, your mate have to reply to your command with their version of it. That means they agree to have kits.
(this will magically work with same sex couples too. Just be sure to tell me which is having the kits)
⁂ Battle ⁂
/Battle with (cat A) (name)
Ask to engage with battle with a clanmate of your rank or above . You can not fight apprentices if you are warrior but apprentices can fight eith warriors if they ask first. For this to be valid, cat A has to reply to this command and the two of you can battle before the moon ends.
-2 energy
/Join battle against (predator)
Predator counts as any danger, including opposing clans/groups.
-2 energy
/attack (enemy) (name)
"enemy" could mean either predator or the oposing cat you are battling with. Attacking won't cost energy.
⁂ Healing/health ⁂
/ask for starclan's blessing to protect (cat) (medicine cat name)
can only be used by medicine cats in any attack/battles. only avalible to use once in two moons.
/heal (cat a) (name)
can be used by anyone, but more commonly medicine cats since they can heal higher.
-1 energy and 1 herb every 5 Hp regenerated.
/Ask (medicine cat) to check for (injuries/sickness) (name)
feeling unwell? note that injuries are diffrent then sicknesses so if you check on injuries but the cat has a sickness, it will not show.
/check for (sickness/injuries) in (cat a) (medicine cat name)
feel like your clanmate is unwell? Check on them. Again, note that sickness and injuries are diffrent.
/heal (cat a)'s (desease/injury) (name)
mostly used by medicine cats, but if your cat has level 5 healing skill, they can use this too. can only be done if cat a's wounds are known/have been checked by the medcine cat
-1 energy and herbs.
Each injury/sicknesses uses a diffrent ammount of herbs. details about sicknesses at last chapter
/teach (kit) the basics of (skill) (name)
In this case, the name has to be their guardian. using this command is similar to training, it gives a 0.5 points to that skill. this command takes 0 energy to the guardian but uses 1 energy for the kit.
/play with (kit) (name)
Play with your kit to keep it happy, kits can feel neglected when their guardian doesn't play with them
/spend time with (kit) (name)
Increases bond by 0.5. can be used by anyone even among kits. uses one energy from both and can spend time with multiple cats at once
/Give (cat a) a gift (kit name)
in this case, your cat has to be a kit. by giving a gift, a kit could increase the other cat's energy by 1.
⁂Secret commands⁂
!!pm theese commands to me!!
/kill (cat a) (name)
Fight and Kill someone regardless of age, will be done secretly. but pelase keep in mind cat A's defence skill.
-2 energy
/become secret mates with (cat a) (name)
regardless your bond level or if you have a mate or not. This command can be done as long as cat a agrees. unlike become mates, secret mates can break up anytime. They can also make kits like any other couple.
/Work with (cat a) to kill (cat b) (name)
make sure CAT A agrees to form an alliance with you and kill a cat together. higher chance of sucsess in murder.
/steal (ammount, 20-30) prey/sticks/herbs (name)
steal/hide resources. Usually used when the cat you dislike is on a brink of death so you can indirectly kill the cat in mind. you can also steal a mix of things as long as the ammount adds up to 30 or less. (Example: 16 prey and 14 herbs/ 8 prey, 10 sticks, and 9 herbs)
/work together with (cat a) to steal (ammount, 30-50) prey/sticks/herbs)
same as above but you have an ally to work with you do more ammount can be stolen. Again, make sure CAT A agrees to work with you to steal.
/Lure predator to territory (name)
Tired of your clanmates? feel like theres too many mouths to feed? Lure a predator at night and hide. the cat luring the predator can NOT join the battle against it as they are in hiding.
That's all, open for more suggestions for gameplay in the questions/suggestions chapter.
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