Chapter 7

Kate's POV-

Harry Styles kissed me last night. I still like Louis, but Harry, I don't even know what to think about harry. He kisses great for starters. And before I thought Harry was  just joking around when he was flirting, but now i guess he meant everything he said. He probably just wants to get in my pants.. I really like Louis, always have, always will. As much as I try, I cant get him out of my head, or my heart for that matter. But at the moment I cant get Harry and last night out of my head. I stare at the ceiling and let my thoughts take over. I turn to my right and see Louis, he looks so peaceful and beautiful. Then I turn to my left to see Harry, who is slightly snoring laying on his back with his left arm draped over the edge. They are both so different. And yet I think its the things that they don't have in common, are the things that i like most about them. I decide to get up, so I carefully crawl over Louis, realising how lucky I am that he's sleeping, cause if he was awake, this would be extremely awkward! I trot off to the kitchen.

I turn on the jug to boil, and prepare myself some tea. I open the fridge and have a peak if their was something to eat then close it not having nothing catch my eye. I turn around to have Niall only a few inches away from my face. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" i scream as my back hits the fridge from jumping, and slowly slide down it. "Oh god I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you! I herd the jug, then the fridge open, so I assumed that Liam was making breakfast.." he offered me a hand and helped me up. Man they aren't joking with this little 'food obsession' Niall has. "Well I'm not cooking, but you can have some tea?" i ask as the jug finished boiling with the flick of a switch and the water calming down, steam pouring out. "yes please!" Niall grinned. I finished making the tea's and walked over to the circle table that is next to the island bench and put the two cups down. "Thanks love!" Niall grabbed his tea taking a sip. "No problem" I smiled back. There was about a minute of silence then "soo.." was my failed attempt to make conversation. A cheeky grin appeared on Niall's face before he spoke, "so, hows the love triangle going?" he winked taking another sip for the plain white cup. "what are you on about?!" i ask confused. "You, Louis and Harry. Unless their is some other love triangle that I'm not aware of!" Niall grins like an excited little girl. "Well I don't really know Niall. Is it that obvious?" i ask nervously. "Well its obvious they both like you! Harry wont shut up about it. And the Louis, when he fancies a girl, you can just see it. He's not always the crazy immature Louis, he suddenly become calm, and kinda self-conscious. But who do you like?" Niall asked. Well that's a lot to take in at once. "If you had asked me yesterday, I would of said Louis without a doubt. But last night Harry told me he thought I am beautiful, then he kissed me. So I don't know if I actually felt something, or if its just because he is Harry Styles..." I look up at Niall. "Harry kissed you?!" He asked in utter shock. "yeah" I repeated shyly. "wow, slow down their girl!" Niall winked. "Niall its not funny. What should I do?"

Louis POV-

I wake up to Niall running out of the bedroom. Liam must be cooking. I feel sad, then I remember, Harry Kissed Kate last night. And well, it hurt me. I turn to my left to see an empty space. Then Harry laying his stomach. "Harry wake up, we need to talk!" i shake his shoulder vigorously. Harry just grumbles. "Harry!" i demand getting inpatient. "whaa" he mumbles into the pillow. "I herd you and Kate kissing last night!" I practically burn a hole in the back of his head with my mind. Yeah I'm probably over reacting a little, but I really like Kate, like a lot.. "oh yeah I did." He turns facing me with a smug grin. "Why did you kiss her?" I ask getting a bit angry. "Because she like you okay! I can see it.. And i figured I have to give myself a chance to, because I also like her!" Harry seemed to get angry as well. "Harry if you saw another beautiful girl you would get over it, I wouldn't, i really really like Kate! Please Harry, please let me have this one!" Just as Harry was about to open his mouth, he was interrupted. "Kate is not a prize to be one boys. She has feelings to! So maybe you should let her choose who she likes better." I look over at Liam who is sitting on the edge of his bed putting on some socks. "may the best man win?" Harry stuck his hand out. I was about to grab it when something struck me. Harry thinks Kate has feelings for me, so he will try and cheat, Use his womaniser charms to get her. "wait, on one condition. No cheating. No persuasion. Just let HER decide for herself who she wants. Deal?" I ask sticking my own hand out. "deal!" Harry shakes my hand. Liam just rolls his eyes and walked out to the kitchen, soon being followed by Harry. I slowly get up and follow them all out to the kitchen. I wonder if Harry was right. Does Kate really like me?

Kates POV-

"I say choose who you want. Who ever makes you the happiest, and who you could see yourself with  in the future!" Niall smiles "Thanks Niall, I will!" I smile back and take the cups over to the sink and start to rinse them. "hey guys" "Hey Liam!" I call over my shoulder. Suddenly a pair of arms snake around my waist. "I likes that kiss last night" I could hear the smirk on Harry's face as he whispered into my ear. "My god harry keep it in your pants!" I herd Liam who was probably rolling his eyes, "Yeah get a room guys!" Niall chuckled, knowing what happened last night. "Yeah, it was alright I guess.." I whisper back, slipping out of his grip and walk to the toaster, putting in some bread and sitting on the bench next to it. I look around to see what everyone was doing. Harry was filling up a glass and having some water. Liam was on his laptop doing something. Niall was sitting next to Liam, watching him. Both of them sitting at the circular table. Then Louis was leaning against the door frame that separates the bedroom from the kitchen, just standing, giving Harry a death stare. Maybe its because of what happened two seconds ago? When Harry hugged me? Maybe. We were all just standing around, really awkwardly in silence then Zayn walks out with his phone in his hand and a smile on his face. "Morning all. So we're all going clubbing tonight, No if's or but's. We deserve to have some fun while we can, and while Kate's with us!" Zayn smiled glancing at all of us when the smile slowly disappears when he see's how quite we're all being. "god. What happened in here?" He questioned. Just then my toast popped cause everyones heads to snap in my direction. I jumped off the bench and started buttering my toast "so uh, are we going to continue the game of truth or dare? Or are we not in the mood?" Liam asked out of the blue. "I'm in!" Niall laughs. "sure" Zayn walks to the lounge room. "yeah okay" Harry follows Zayn. "Lou?" Liam asked. I glance at Louis who suddenly looks happy, like that anger he possessed a few minutes had just disappeared. "yeah, sounds like fun!" he smiled. "What about you Kate?" Liam asked. "yeah just let me finish my food and i'll be out in a sec!" "Great!" Liam smiles and Followed the rest of the boys.

Niall's POV-

Thank you Liam for bringing this up. Now I'm gonna give Lou a chance with Kate. Cause to be honest, I think Louis is better for Kate. Harry would get over it if she chose Lou. But if she chooses Harry, Louis would be heart broken. So I'm gonna secretly, well lets say 'guide her in the right direction'. Louis's direction that is. I think they would be so cute together. Plus they both have strong feeling for each other, even though they haven't known each other for that long. Plus they haven't had the chance to connect like some of the rest of us have with Kate. Everyone reckons they are cute. Even Paul. Anyway, Kate walked out, sat between Liam and Zayn, and we started the game. This is gonna be good!

Kate's POV-

"I wanna start!" Zayn smiled and looked around at all of us then his eyes stuck on Harry. "Truth or dare?" He asked. "pfft. Obviously dare!" Harry spoke as if it was expected for him to choose dare. "hmm, like Niall's nose. Just because I'm that bored and cant think of anything else..." Zayn shrugged.  So Harry leaned next to him and licked slowly up Niall's nose. Starting at the tip, then finishing up between his eyes. "Eww!!" Niall scrunched his face and rubbed his nose. Harry just laughed and turned to Liam. "T or D?" he abbreviates the truth and the dare. "um truth." Liam replies. "Have you recently told a lie to someone in this room?" We all lean in slightly, Since Liam never lies we were all curious to know the answer. "uh y-yeah.." He looked a bit ashamed. When Liam glanced over at me I knew exactly what he was talking about (The cousin situation!) Suddenly Niall gasped "Liam James Payne!" Niall impersonated an innocent Country girl, then we all laughed. "well if your so innocent, Truth or dare?!" Liam got defensive over his innocent status. "hmm, Dare!" Niall grinned. "I dare you to ring some random on Zayns phone and tell them how your madly in love with him!" Liam smiled. Zayn rolled his eyes and gave Niall his phone.Niall hit the 'call random' button and put it on loud speaker as it started ringing. I lean in a bit to see the contact name on the screen which red         'perrie <3'. Haha, this should be good. "hey babe, whats up?" The voice of Perrie Edwards from little mix spoke. "hey, its Niall. I just wanna say that-, That i love Zayn! I think he is so beautiful. And i wanna steal him away from you?" Niall more questioned then told. I looked around and we all had the same expression, Trying not to burst into laughter. "Nice try Niall! Who came up with that dare, not bad... Well i have to go anyway so bye!" "Bye" we all coo back and Niall hangs up the phone as we Louis, Harry, Zayn and I all burst into laughter fits, and Liam was trying to hold his in. Then Niall just looked disappointed, "Was I really that bad Liam?" He asked like a disappointed child. I have to admit, Niall could be adorable, like a child. Then the next minute totally inappropriate. "No Nialler. Your weren't that bad, Perrie is just clever!" Liam hugged Niall for a second, then when they pulled away Niall has a Wicked smile on his face. "Lou, Dare or truth?" Niall glances at me with his signature smirk. Oh god, what this time. Why cant he just leave me in peace!? "dare!" Louis grinned. "hmm.." he started teasing everyone, "kiss Kate!" I just froze. What the hell Niall, what did i ever do to you?! Louis looked over at me and I look back at him. We were across from each other so we pretty much looked straight. "Are you okay with this?" he asked. Aww he is so cute, where as Harry would probably jump aross and attack my lips. Speaking of, i look at Harry who is giving Niall a death stare. Of bloody course im okay with it. "yeah" i get up on my knees and makes my way over to Louis who is doing the same thing, until we meet in the middle. "well go on then!" Niall pushes, I shoot Niall a death stare and turn back to Louis who is now leaning in. Well here goes nothing. I close my eyes and connect our lips. Louis's small lips are on mine, after three seconds of just lips pushing against each other. I slipped my bottom lip in his, so we are now open mouth kissing, his arms around my waist, and my hands tangled together around his neck. And man it felt like magic. I loved every second of this. I don't know how long we were at it, but I pulled away when hearing an awkward fake cough. "well, back to reality then aye.." Liam laughed awkwardly, I looked at Niall who had a huge grin and winked at me. "atta-boy Lou!" Niall chuckled elbowing Louis. I looked at Louis who smiled at me, and I smiled back. Liam was on his phone,  Niall was talking to Louis, and Zayn and Harry had disappeared. "Where did Harry and Zayn go?" I ask "Harry walked out during your 'display of affection' And Zayn ran after him" Liam put air quotes around the words display of affection. I scoot over next to Liam, "So what ya doooen" I impersonate Isabella for Phineas and Feb, (A/N: don't know about the spelling!) I look at Liam's iphone screen to see he is logged on to twitter. "you took photos?!" I almost yelled catching Niall and Louis's attentions as they shuffle over as well. "Yeah, and a video!" he ginned cheekily. Oh my god, that basted! Now every ones gonna call me the slut who made out with Louis during a game of truth or dare...

Harrys POV-

I cant believe Niall did that. I know iv'e already kissed her but still. As soon as it started I just had to walk away. The way they kissed. Even  a blind person could have seen their chemistry. They looked so happy together, and now I'm realising how much of a dick I am for getting in the way of that... "Harry are you okay mate?" Zayn came puffing behind me. "Yeah fine mate, thanks for asking. I slightly smile at him, Zayn is the best, he's a great friend. "Alright, well as long as your okay?" he asked and I nodded. "well I'm gonna go see Perrie! She's coming tonight" He smiled "that's great!" I smile and Pat his back. We said our goodbyes and he made his way to Perries house. 

Kates POV-

"Well we are gonna go for a sec" Niall practically dragged Liam away, leaving Louis and I all alone in the lounge room. "so.." Louis nervously twiddled his thumbs and smiled at me. God it took so much restraint to not pounce on him right there. He was being so adorable, this is a new side then Ive seen  in the diary's and interviews, that's the Louis I fell for. But this adorable, shy vulnerable Louis is so amazing and he's stealing my heart..

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