chapter 6 ~part 2
kates POV-
"i wanna start!" liam spoke with a smile. "okay, umm... niall. truth or dare?" liam pointed to niall with a deavious smile. "uh, truth" niall looked a bit worried. "wooss!" harry cooed, recieving a death stare from niall. "umm, when was the last time you lied?" liam asked looking as if he didnt know what to ask. "um, today, in the interview" niall looked away avoiding everyones looks. "what did you lie about?" zayn asked. "one, its not your question. And two, thats another question so i cant answer it anyway!" zayn frowned and niall stuck his tongue out. "louis, truth or dare" niall looked over at louis causing all of us to look at him aswell. "Well obviously dare!" he rolled his eyes as if niall shold've expected that he would choose dare. "hmm-" niall was looking around the room for insparation for a dare when his eyes stoped on me. I swear if this boy involves me in louis's dare, he will regret it. Niall smiled at me then spoke. "i dare you to wear one of kates bra's under your shirt and flirt with her until zayns turn!" niall smirked, thats it. That irish basterd is gonna die! louis got up, walked to the other room with our bags of cloths and came out with one of my bra's under his shirt. He then squeezed between harry and i putting his arm over my shoulders. This was so awkward with everyone's eyes on us, but at the same time i loved that louis was so close to me. "hows it goin babe" louis whisperd in my ear making me shiver. "you cold? here, i'll make it hot!" louis wraped his arms around me pulling me onto his lap, his voice very seductive. His arms slither around me sqeezing me, holding me close. And it just felt so right! I feel a hand on my back and turn around slightly to see whos it was. Turns out harry was cupping my bra louis was wearing. I look at harry "impressive!" he winks and smirks, this was awkward. Harry was pretty much groping me! "louis please pick zayn!" i ask in desperation, as much as i want louis to be close to me, this was not what i had in mind! "hmm, nope!" louis chuckled as i sigh. "harry, dare or dare?" louis smiles "hmm, im gonna go with dare!" "who would've guessed" i say face shocked and harry rolls his eyes. "i dare you to, slap liam and then fangirl about how you two are going to get married" louis chuckles watching harry get up and walk to liam. Harry slaps liam really hard, and the look on liams face is pricless! Harry stats fangirling but i wasnt paying attention, i was to focused on sitting on louis-sex-god-tomlinsons lap. I fell warmth near my left earlobe and the louis warm breath "harrys right you know...impressive.." louis bites my earlobe then backs off when harry sits bck down. I dont know if anyone has noticed but im blushing insanly right now. "well im gonna rewin the fun and go with zayn. Truth or dare mate?" harry smirks at louis, but i cant see louis reaction from behind me...
The game went on pretty boringly, but liam got tired so we were going to play in the morning or something. Anyway i had to chase louis around but i eventually got my bra back. Yeah i was quite gifted in the chest area, but this was embarrasing. "night guys!" liam and niall say in sync. "Good night!" i smile walking out from the bathroom, because i have to put my cloths on in a differnt room. I was just wearing a singlet and my cow print pyjama pants. I look at zayn who already asleep. Louis and harry are in bed talking. I walk out to the kitchen to get some water. Im leaning over the sink filling my cup when a pair of muscly tanned arms wrap around my waist. "hey babe, i enjoyed the game today, what about you?" i turn around to be facing louis. "yeah, it was okay" i take a sip out of the cup. "can i move?" i ask struggling out of louis's grip. "nope" he chuckles. "fine." i start walking to the bed dragging louis with me. Harry looks up from his phone and smiles. "so are we continuing this rape train from before ar we?" i then slid out of louis's grip. "if thats what you two were planning then no way in hell am i sleeping in that bed!" i run away. Suddenly there is footstep right behind me and i realise i being chased. I look behind me to see a grinning harry. Suddenly im being tackled to the floor. Harry is on top of me. "like hell your not sleeping in the bed!" He then picks me up and throws me nextto louis who is already under the covrs. Harry goes to take his boxers off, "oh hell no! dont even think about it!" i yell. Harry smiles and crawls in next to me. He turns off the light and then i realised. There i was, in a bed, with louis tomlinson on my right, and harry styles on my left. Man i must be the luckiest girl in the world! i sure feel like it, and thats saying something. This may just be the first time in over five years that ive actually felt lucky- Just then my thoughts were cut off by someone talking. "So you did that dare with lou, so im guessing you dont have a boyfriend?" harry was on his side faceing me, "um no, i dont" I didnt even bother asking why. "seriously?!" harry asked surprised. "yeah, what makes you think that i would?" i think about my image and think how could any boy possibly like me? Even the desperate ones.. "um, how would you not!? your georgous kate! How can you not see that?" "hmm maybe cause its the truth? if thats what you think you must be blind!" i frown at my own words. suddenly there was a hand on my right cheek spinning my head around to the left, before i could even speak their was a pair of soft plum lips on mine. oh my god. Harry styles was kissing me. The kiss only lasted five seconds then he pulled away. "if im this attracted to you with in two days. Then trust me. Your beautiful!" he smiled, but i could only just see in the dark. I smiled and turned back so my head was faceing the cealing. Then i herd louis shuffle around and he was now facing the wall with his back towards me. I almost forgot he was in the bed. Poor lou. i wonder whats wrong?
louis POV-
we climbed into bed and i was on my phone checking twitter. I found kate and followed her. I think i really like kate. Not only is she stunning, but she has a great personality. I kind of let my feelings show a little bit more today, but i cant help it. She is so beautiful. But harry likes her to. Not only has he told me, but he makes it so obvious. But yoy cant blame him, she had us all entranced when we met her. And the thing that i dont get is most girls who arent even as pretty as her, but still pretty, they flaunt that. Where as kate, its almost like she dosent even know. But how could she not? Just then i hear talking "so i guess you dont have a boyfriend?" harry asked. God he's a man-whore, she's mine! "um no, no i dont." kate replied, how the hell not? I was definatly suprised, but not dissapointed, i can actually make a move on her. I missed part of the conversation but slowly listen again, i know it wrong but what do they expact, we're sharing a bed. " what makes you think i would?" kate asked, you could hear the sadness in her voice. I wanted to but in and tell her how beautiful and amazing she was. But harry beat me too it. "um, how could you not!? your gorgeous kate! how do you not see that?" thats pretty much what i wouldve said. What i should be telling her now. If she liked harry then i would probably be extreamly sad. Like probably heartbroken. It suddenly wen slient then the sound of lips tearing apart filled the room. Omg my god. Harry just kissed kate. I felt like screaming, or puching him, or just flat out crying. So i let the tears run down my face but trun around so they wont see. Please, please dont fall for him kate. i know she likes me, i can see it in ger eyes. And i love harry and all, but i want this one! i can feel that there's something special there between us...
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