chapter 5
liams POV-
im the first to wake up besides paul. Last night we found kate outside the backstage door. I feel so bad for her, so i said to the boys that she was my cousin. I dont know why but she seemed to apprieciate it, so it all worked out good. I turn on the tiny stove, but its pretty big for a bus. And i set a fryoan on it. I make the mixture for pancakes and start pouring the first one in the pan. The flavoured steam hit my face. God it smelt great. Suddenly there was the sound of running and an irish accent screams "I SMELL PANCAKES!!" and i turn around to see niall slide into the built in booth right behind me. "haha well then, looks like you get first batch!" i smile at him. "thanks for waking me up niall!" i sarcastic kate walks in half asleep and slides in next to niall. She even looks beautiful after just waking up! And thats a hard thing to accomplish! Her australian accent is adorable! To bad she's my cousin, or i might be hitting on her by now...
kates POV-
I wake up to a screaming niall, then the smell of pancakes. Well now i know what thats about now. Im in the middle bunk on the left side. Then theres louis above me, and niall below me. On the right hand side zayn is on the top, harry in the middle, then liam on the bottom. I get up and drop on the floor. I walk out to the kitchen where liam is cooking pancakes and niall is eagerly sitting in the booth. "thanks for waking me up niall!" i speak, sarcasm dripping from my voice. "no problem beautiful!" niall smiles back. "complimenting me is not going to make me for give you!" i fake smile then liam giggles and niall is pouting. "Sorry bud!" i friendly punch nialls shoulder. So far ive noted that Niall is really easy to get on with and he's super cute and funny, liam is so nice and an amazing careing friend. Im not quite sure about louis, zayn and harry yet. But i'll let you know when i do!
Liams POV-
I plate up enough pancakes or kate and niall to share. I walk towards the hallway where all the bunks are built in the walls with red curtains that slide open and shut. I hold the panckes and walk past them all and then walk back out to the table with an eager niall and a confussed kate. "wait for it!" i pronounce, suddenly louis and harry walk out and slide in next to kate. She just chuckles, getting what i just did. "cleaver one you are cuz!" she winked wathing all the boys dig in. "Well i couldnt help it, liam makes the best pancakes!" louis gets all defencive showing off his famous 'sass'. "hey no judging here! theses taste amazing!" kate bites into a pancake, and louis smiles at her. If i didnt know any better, i'd say some of us already have a little crush on kate already! But who could blame us, she's stunning! "aww stop guys, you'll make me blush!" i boast. "yeah yeah whatever, can i get some more pancakes over here? These pigs ate them all!" niall talks with a mouthfull. "says you! you've eaten three quaters of the bloody plate!" harry gestures to the now eampty plate. "poor kate only got one!" harry points to kate who replys with "its okay, im not that big of an eater!" she looked a bit sad.. But maybe its just me? Oh well, with that she squished past louis and harry to get out of the circular booth and walked to the bathroom. I wonder whats up with her?
kates POV-
I had to push past harry and louis to get out of their, my ass was in their faces but oh well. They'll get over it. But i could practically feel the awkward after i said i didnt eat that much, which is true. I dont like to eat much, cause i feel that im fat. I could see niall with his jaw wide open in shock after i said that. But thats niall. He'd eat a whole resteraunt if they let him.
Harry POV-
After kate left there was an awkward silence and an exchange of the same look around the room, which was a 'what the hell just happened' look. "well i hope she's okay!" liam looked worried but then went back to the stove and continued making more pancakes. "what the hell is wrong with your cousin?! No wonder she's stick thin!" niall looked kind of angry, like she had just insaulted food. But he was right, she is stick thin, almost but not quite to the stage of worrying, she would be worrying if it werent for those sexy curves of hers. And just thinking that, i couldnt hold it in any longer "God did you see that?! Her ass was in my face! Holy shit she has an amazing ass!" i burst out all at once. "haha i have to addmit, she does have a great ass!" louis chuckles. "mm hmm" liam clears his throat getting all of our attention, "umm might i remind you this is my cousin your talking about?!" he looked all defencive. Whoops. I keep forgetting that! But i cant help it. Kate is so beautiful! I wouldnt be surprised if she had a boyfriend. And if she didnt, then i would hopfully change that!
kates POV-
well i better get back out there so they dont worry. I walk out of the bathroom and im in the hallway with the bunks. Zayn is lightly snoring on the top bunk. I walk back to the bathroom and cup my hands filling them with water. I then reach up realese it all over zayn. "shit!" Zayn shoots up hitting his head on the roof then cursed. And i piss myself laughing, not literally of course, its just a figure of speech! Im on the floor rolling around laughing, but i cant help it. Zayn gets off the bunk and then stradles me. "what are you doing?" i ask. "pay back!" he smirks then starts tickling me. I burst into laughter, being verry tickleish and all. "okay okay i surrender!" i barly get out between laughes. "Good, never do that again!" zayn gets up smiling and offers me his hand. I take it and we walk out to the kitchen where all the boys are having seconds. "hey wait for me!" zayn runs over and joins them. "hey kate are you okay?" liam walkes over and asked. "yeah, sorry about that. Just not feeling the best!" i frown. "Well while you were gone paul told us to get ready, we're going shopping and we're leaving in five minites!" liam smiled. "great. Finally i can get some cloths! But what am i going to wear now?" i ask gesturing to the cloths i still had on form yesterday. "umm paul gave me this, you had it with you yeasterday?" liam handed me one of the shopping bags from yeterday before i was stoned and went shopping. "Great, ill get ready now!" i smiled heading to the bathroom. Putting my hair up in a bun and changing. I have mascara and eyeliner in my bag, so i put on a bit of that. It's better than nothing i guess.
we arrived at the shops and we split up. Liam and niall. Harrry and louis. And zayn and I. Which turned out good actually. Zayn was really helpful, im pretty sure he was the best on for fasion anyway. So he was picking out stuff for me to try on and telling me what looked good and what didnt. We went a little crazy actually. But it was really fun so i enjoyed it. So i learned that zayn, is a fasion gooroo, he is one of the best to talk to! And he is really kind, funny and very mysterious. But thats makes things interesting so i dont mind. We all met at the food court at 4:00 ish. Then paul came and picked us up. Zayn and i were laughing and talking the whole way home. And im glad iv'e now made friends with three out of five members of one direction! Those three being liam, zayn and niall. I havent had time alone with louis or harry yet, but im sure i will.
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