Chapter 26
Kate's POV-
I have to say I feel empty. Although Louis and I have defiantly gotten closer. It just hard. I have all this guilt, that I killed the baby, cause of my stupid decisions, and Louis feels he was the one who made me feel that way, so it must be his fault. And yes, he did make me feel the need to do that, but I went through with it, not him. But we're both really just trying to stay positive. We decided not to tell anyone about the other baby, so they all still think I've just got the one. As we walk out of the hospital, their were a few paparazzi's, but we had Paul their, so they didn't get much. I'm sure I look as tired and shitty as I feel. I just want to get home and sleep. We get into the car and start driving, soon arriving at Jay's house. "Okay so if you need anything, call me!" Paul urged. "Will do Paulyo" Louis joked with a serious face as he helped me out of the car. He has now insisted that I take extra care, which I get where he's coming from, but he's treating me like im a porcelain doll. We get inside and the girls would have just gone to school, and jay probably left for work not to long ago either. "im going to go take a shower" I say to louis who nods and heads for the kitchen. When i get out of Louis's on suit shower, i only make it to my louis's bed, and fall down on it from exhaustion. I feel light tears roll down my cheeks, then the bed dips and someones strong arms wrap around me. "Its not your fault" Louis whispers into my ear as he wipes away my tears. "Im pretty sure it is louis, no one else took those drugs but me. I knew i was pregnant. And i took them anyway." I sob. Louis turns me over so that i can see his face. "Well then its my fault too. Cause i was the one who lost my shit and yelled at you, knowing that you are sensitive, that you could go and do stuff like that to yourself. But i still did it anyway." He almost copied my previous statement. "But louis you were caught up in the moment, your mind clouded by the anger. My sensitivity was at the back of your mind." i tried to excuse him. "Okay so, lest take what you said just then, and use it for you instead. 'But Kate, you were caught up in the moment, your mind was clouded by sadness. Those baby's were probably the last thing you were at the back of your mind.'" He finished giving me an you-know-im-right look. And when i thought about, he probably was right. "Now stop blaming yourself, and move on, if your stuck thinking about it twenty four seven, you'll never move on!" He urged. "Your right" i sigh and snuggle into his chest. "Sweet dreams my princess" He kisses my forehead as i fall into a slumber.
I wake to the twins jumping around me and a still sleeping louis. "Your here, your here!" they chant and louis finally wakes up seconds later, pulling me closer protectively. "Girls be careful of Kate's belly." He said sleepily. "Okay" Daisy smiled as they stopped jumping and instead sat at the end of the bed. "When did you two get back? You've been gone for so long!" Phoebe sulked. "We've only been gone for three days and two nights." Louis grumbled sitting up against the head board with me and the girls shuffled closer. "But thats like half the week!" Daisy whined. "Well how about we spend the day with you two girls then?" i ask smiling at the ways their faces light up and they nod ferociously.
Lottie was sleeping at a friends, as was fizz. Jay was at work so it was just Me, Louis and the twins. Louis and i got out of bed, i was making us all eggs while louis and the girls sat behind me at the island bench. I herd slight whispering but ignored it until i herd my name. "Louis where did you find such a pretty girl?" One of the twins said, their voices are quite similar so im not quite sure which one. "In this place called Australia, and she was the prettiest girl there!" He whispered back making the girls giggle as i walk over to the toaster which just popped, trying not to smile at their cuteness. I walk back over to the island bench to grab the plates, making eye contact with a smirking louis, who obviously intentionally said it loud enough for me to hear. I blush grabbing the plates and putting the toast on them, and the eggs on the toast. We all eat our eggs on toast in a semi-quiet state. Their was some major sexual tension between louis and i. Both of us not loosing eye contact the whole time. After breakfast the girls wanted to do arts and crafts. So we ended up back at the kitchen table with their arts and crafts kit. We were half an hour into drawing our own pictures, when the girls spoke up. "Daisy and i have been talking.. And we had some suggestions" Phoebe said perkily. "Okay" i encouraged. "Well, i the baby is a boy, we think you should call it Alfie!" Daisy continued. "And if its a girl, call it Rosetta. No wait. thats gonna be my baby's name, call her London, cause that place has the best ice creams!" Phoebe smiled. I laughed, and louis said. "Well your not going to be having babies for a long time!" Louis looked at her accusingly. "I will too!" She smirked. "Not if i can help it. Your not having babies till your thirty!" He smiled tickling her as she tried to escape his grip.
A little while after that we did makeovers. I got Daisy and Louis got phoebe. So louis and i did the girls first, and they both voted me the best. And then the girls did us, and the voted i was the prettiest. "Okay how about Kate and i give you two a bath then you can watch a movie while we take a bath?" Louis asked the girls who had no problems. When we finished the girls, got them dressed and settled with a movie. I walked up stair to louis's on suit where louis was in the shower. "Stuff that im having a bath. I walked back into the main bathroom and ran my self a hot bath, that really helped relax my muscles. I lay down into it then hear the door open, not really giving a damn, i barley open my eyes, but theres no one there. Theres only louis's hands behind me lifting me up, then im laying on him. "This feels nice" i mumble relaxing again, letting my head fall onto louis's shoulder. "Yeah" louis mumbles sounding very sleepy. After about five minutes of relaxing, i realise im almost falling asleep. "Shit Lou" I shoot up to see louis almost asleep as well. I go to get up but am pulled down by louis hands on my hips. "C'mon louis, we have to look after your sisters." I say peeling his hands from my hips. "Ugh fine." Louis grunts and follows me to the towel rack.
We walk down stairs and the girls are huddled up on the lounge under a blanket, which makes sense, since its nearing winter over here. Louis and i sit beside them with a different blanket. And im feeling alot better from yesterday. I think i just needed to realise that it wasn't my fault, and louis is here for me.
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