chapter 10
Kate's POV-
After we packed our bags, we got in Pauls van and made our way to the airport. The car trip was not quiet, but not overly loud. So pretty much just talking between people. Paul and Liam were in the front, Paul driving and Liam driving shot gun. They were probably just talking like they always do, Paul telling Liam whats going to happen so Liam can keep the rest of us in order. Harry and Zayn were talking about little mix, and it sounded like Zayn was giving Harry a lecture about Jade. Telling him to treat her right, and that she's brakable. It was kinda funny, like Harry was talking to Jade's dad. But Zayn does get very protective of little mix. Especially Perrie, but the other girls are like her sisters, so im guessing thats why Zayn is so protective? Then there was Louis, Niall and I. Well it was pretty much just Louis and Niall, i was just sitting there, saying stuff somethimes, just holding hands with my boyfriend. God I'll never get tyred of saying that. 'My boyfriend'. Just then my thoughts were disturbed my the hand being held in Louis's being squeezed. "Kate?. hello?." Niall waved his hand in my face. "Sorry what?" I smile not knowing I was being talked to. "haha, we said have you been out of the country love?" Louis raised our hands up to his face and placed a light kiss on mine. "um, no. This will be my first time. And obviously you all have!" I gestured to all the boys. "you dont say" Niall spoke with sarcasm dripping from his voice. "Ha. ha. ha. Your so funny Niall!" I also speak full of sarcasm. Then the car stoped. "Okay everyone we're here!" Paul got out and so did Liam, followed by eveyone else. "okay Louis, Kate, before we go, you all know there's going to be photo's being taken. So are you to ready for people to know about you?" Paul asked all serious. I looked at Louis. "I dont mind, its up to Lou." I state, wanting to know his answer. "Of course im ready! I wouldn't have asked you out if I wasnt. The question is are you?" Louis smiled then got serious like Paul. "Um, yeah. I guess..." I'v herd of all the hate their past girlfriends have gotton, but then again. My whole life use to be full of hate, so im sure i'll be use to it. "okay then, Louis, you obviously stand next to Kate, Harry you on her other side. Then you the rest of you just sarround them. Because i presonally dont want to see all the rumours about Kate in the news papers." Paul smiled with simpathy and rubbed my arm gently. "So otherwise, you know the drill. I know you want to say hi to your fans, but your saftey is more important, so just push through till you get to the gates." Pauls irish accent was really strong..
So start walking into the airport. Louis grip on my hand tightend. "you ready for this babe?" he smiled. "ready as I'll ever be!" I smiled speaking the cliche line. We walk through the doors and my eyes almost pop out of their sockets. Their. was. girls. everywhere! As soon as we walked in, they went crazy. Launching at the boys. No wonder they call the fans crazy. Why can they be more like me? I mean look where im at, well thats not from being a sensable fan, but you get what im saying. Liam was in the front, Niall behind him, then me with Louis to my left and Harry on my right, then Zayn behind us. There was heaps of screaming and papprazzi screaming stuff like "Louis, who's the girl?" and "Harry are you two dating?!" "hey girl whats your name?" When we finally got to the gates it was a bit more quiet 'cause we were sperated from all the fans and other people by a wall. Well that was....interesting to say the least. "Thanks guys" I say to Louis and Harry. "thats ok Kate!" Harry smiled. "Any time babe!" Louis smiled pulling me into a hug. I gladly huged him back. His warm skin radiating onto me. I smiled up at him and he leaned down and pecked my lips. "okay love birds time to get on the plane!" Liam smiled shoving Louis, causing me to go along with him. We showed the people our pass ports blah blah blah, you know how it goes. Anyway, we were boarding their private plane, and it was gorgeous. It was huge, and so spacious, since there was only one compartment and all. The seats were like one seater couches. Not little airoplane ones. "Please take your seats, we are about to take flight." The pilot spoke. I look aroung and all the boys are seated already, so of course I go sit next to Louis, who smiles as I walk over to him. "Buckle up babe!" Louis smirked. So i did as i was told and buckled up. As the plane took of there was a bit of a shake that made me shit bricks then louis chuckled and held my hand. Im guessing he saw how scared i was. "Its okay Kate, thats normal." He smiled. "you sure?" I squeeze his hand tighter. "yes!" He smiled again looking out the window at Australia and how small it now looks. "Bye bye Australia!" I frown looking out the window. "Aww Katie, its all good, We'll take you back.. maybe!" Harry smirked from behind Louis and I. Suddenly he got up and walked over to Liam. "Harry! Why are you out of your seat?!" I looked panicked, god he's gonna die! "Cause once the plane takes off we're allowed to!" he looked at me like It was the most obvious thing in the world. "oh..." I look down at my feet. How the hell was I supose to know?! "So, how's it going?" Liam walked over to Louis and I. "Great Liam, but were you implying something in particular, or just life?" Louis asked. "oh um, well i was wondering how you two were, but hows life aswell?" Liam smiled. "well we, in my eyes are going great. And life, lifes pretty good aswell!" Louis smiled showing his teeth. "Thats great Lou. And what about you Kate?" Liam looked at me. "Well yeah, What Louis said. We are going great! And life, life is amazing!" I smile at Liam and look up at Louis, who is smiling down at me. Suddenly I feel sick, "hey guys where's the bathroom?" I ask "Over there" Liam pointed to a door. I got up and jogged over to the door. Opened it without even knocking, and went sick everywhere. I was sick this morning to, but so was louis, maybe he was sick again aswell? Maybe I should ask him, I think I will. I walk out and sit back down next to Louis. "hey babe, are you okay?" He asked looking worried. "yeah, thanks Lou. But were you only sick this morning?" I ask wonderingly. "um no, just this morning why?" He admitted. "oh, cause I just was again.." I look down at my feet, Maybe, no. it cant be.. "Kate, di-did we use a condom last night?" Louis asked looking like he had just seen a ghost. He must have thought the same thing as I did. "um no. We didn't!" I only just realised that. "Y-your not, p-pregnant, are you?" He asked looking right into my eyes. "I dont know Louis..." I look right back into his eyes. Maybe He's right, Maybe I am pregnant? But what if I am. What will I do? Do I want a baby? Am I ready for a baby? Is Louis ready for a baby, or does he want one? So many questions, that need to be answered. I get out of my chair and walk over to Paul, who thank god is by himself. "Paul, could you take me to a doctor?" I ask shyly. "Of course Kate. Why? Is something wrong? Are you okay?" He looked worried. "yeah Paul, im fine thanks. Its just, I think I might be pregnant..."
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