Part 4: She Can Fight?

Thoughts or stressed words
Next Day - Nate's POV
I woke up to the sound of my alarm and rolled myself off the edge of the bed. If I didn't, I wasn't getting up at all and I can't afford to miss my second day of school...or any day of school for that matter. I saw my bro already up and dressed. "What the h*ll, Nick?"

He seemed to just notice that I was awake because he said, "Oh, you're up?" Did he not just hear the alarm? "Nah. I'm just sleep talking." He gave a me a really face and said, "Very funny." "Whatever man, why are you up already?" He threw me my uniform. "Sorry if I didn't want to be late on the second day." "You're friggin' weird, bro." He laughed. "We're twins. If I'm weird, so are you. Remember that."

Yes, we are twins. To the point we are not our own person and no one sees us individually. I sighed. Let it go. You should be use to this. I got dressed and we left. We met up with the others in history and took our seats. Mr. Polaris walked in and greeted us. "Good morning class. For your first history assignment of the year, you will do a partner presentation of any figure head in Xorian history."

Many groans could be heard throughout the classroom. "I see how excited we are. Maybe I should add a 5,000 word essay since you all are so enthusiastic." That got everyone to shut up immediately. "Thought so. Your partners name will appear on you're screens."

Partner: Xena Storm

Great. Let's see how this will turns out. Zander took a look at my screen and looked annoyed. Weird. People began moving to group with their partners and I saw Xena stand in front of my brother. Typical. Why am I not surprised? I was about to say something but she turned to me. "Let's get this over with." What?

She took a seat next to me and waited for me to bring up a blank document. I can't believe she could - No...she must have guessed. There's no way she could tell us apart. "Shall we begin?" I asked. She nodded and we got to work. "Who do think we should choose." I asked...No answer. She just looked at me without responding. Must have zoned out, I guess. Seems I'll be choosing then.

Just as I was about to turn back to the screen, I heard, "James Gala." Oh, so she was thinking. "You want to research the first Xorian that was ever discovered?" She nodded again. Doesn't talk much does she? "Okay, then. Let's get this started." After those words, we got started and completed gathering all the research. We just have to create the presentation now.

The bell rung and I gathered my belongings. Well, that ended better than I expected. Maybe she isn't as bad as I thought. I turned to say something to Xena but I found her gone already. Or maybe she is. Still rude as ever I see. I waited for the others so we could head to gym class. Once we were all ready to go, we left and walked to our next class.

Zero's POV
I was currently waiting in the gym to teach my next class and I was excited. I got to see my love again. Honestly, I was shocked to high h*ll, along with everyone else, of her sudden appearance during the opening ceremony yesterday. But none of that mattered since I was able to see her again after so long.

Everything about her was perfect. Her eyes, her nose...her lips. Those big, juicy lips that are just begging for me to kiss them. It was really hard to restrain myself from taking her yesterday and do something I'd regret later....I probably wouldn't though to be honest.

Allow me to explain. When I was a young teenager, I met Xena and fell in love with her. She was the only one that understood me and didn't isolate me. Well...more like she didn't care about my personality and treated me the same as others. She was also the only one able to bring me out of the darkness I slowly sunk into. And because of that she stole my heart and will forever claim it.

Students began filing in and I soon saw her appear. My heart began beating a mile a minute. I don't think I'll ever get used to her beauty. She looked around the room and her eyes landed on me and she gave me a tiny nod. Though the gesture was simple, a small flutter erupted in my stomach.

Despite my reluctance, I broke away from her glance so I wouldn't get caught gawking. "Okay, class! Gather 'round." Everyone grouped in front of me and waited quietly. I noticed that Xena sat on the ground with closed eyes away from everyone else. It would be nice if she was closer.

"Class, today we will be practicing control of your Legacy's. You will train to strengthen your power and preciseness." And with those words, everyone dispersed except Xena who remained on the floor. As they began using their abilities, I noticed her watching them with great interest. Odd. She's never shown interest before. I wonder what's different. I walked closer to her to ask her what's up but I noticed something weird and moved to get a better look. Her eyes...has changed. I don't think I've ever seen such a beautiful color....Just like I've never seen such a beautiful girl.

She seemed to feel my stare because her eyes that were once concentrated on the other students met mine causing my heart to skip a beat. I swear this girl will be the death of me. "What, Mr. Eclipse?" She asked while focusing back on the others. Despite me frowning from calling me my last name, I was ecstatic since she talked to me. Ah. Her voice. Such a magnificent sound. If only it spoke solely for me, then would my life could be completed.

I completely forgot about her asking a question until she said, "If your not going to answer, then leave." She said coldly. Does...she not remember me. The thought nearly broke my heart in two...Of course she wouldn't remember me. What happened between us was a long time ago. I doubt she even cared back then. As I kept thinking downing thoughts, I failed to realize she was looking at me again but with her normal gorgeous eye color. "I see you still got that bad habit of zoning out, Z."

"Hey, Z." I heard a feminine voice call out to me. I turned around and found her walking towards me. "Z?" I asked. "Yeah. It seemed to be less work then calling you Zero." She answered. "Okay...then. But, you're lucky. I'll only allow you to call me this, no one else." "...Whatever."

And with that, she laid down on the ground looking up at the sky and closed her eyes. It felt awkward to just watch her despite me wanting so, so I laid down as well. I'm guessing you don't know why I'll only let you call me that, Xena. It's because......I love you...with all my heart and soul. Even after I should perish from this world, I'll forever love you.

She...remembers? It took my entire strength not to kiss her right then. She remembers! I thought she completely forgot about me. That means she really does care! I tried calm myself down but failed miserably. Once I was finally able to do so, I said, "It's good to see you again, Xena....Really good." She gave me simple nod and went back to observing everyone else. Soon, you will be mine, Xena. We parted once but I'll never let you go again. I promise you that. As I turned back around to monitor the students, I failed to ask the original question of, why were your eyes blue?

During Lunch - Nate's POV
I left lunch early because I was stressed and just wanted to be alone for once. I headed to my usual place I go to for peace, the nature hall. It's a simulated forest because none exist anymore but it's rarely used so it's typically empty. I got there and expected to be alone but found that, unfortunately, I wasn't.

Why is she here? Xena was currently sitting on a rock on the side of the river and looking around. The one place I had to myself is gone...Great. I walked up behind her and was about to tell her to leave but before I could, she said, "Isn't it a bit rude to sneak up on people don't you think?" How the h*ll did she - On second thought, I don't want to know.

"Do you mind leaving, please?" I asked with my award-winning smile. "...No." Well, she's not blunt...Note the sarcasm. "And, why not?" I questioned. It took her a while to answer. "Because, I can." Ladies and gentlemen, answer of the year. Can I get a round of applause please?...No?...Well, okay then.

"Fine. I know when to give up. I already have to deal with my stubborn brother enough. I don't need another." I said while sitting down on a rock a little bit away from her. "Oh. Who knew Nick of The Five Kings was ridiculously stubborn?" "Yeah, he's been like that since -...Wait. Nick?" I asked. "Yeah, Nick...What are you deaf, or something?"

The h*ll is going on? "Why do you think I'm Nate? I'm Nick." There's no way she can tell us apart. It's been this way since I was a kid and she's no different. She looked at me and then back out at the water. "You really suck a** at lying, Nate. You should work on that to survive." She's really irritating me now.

"I don't know what your talking about. I really am Nick." I don't know why, but...I don't to believe she is able to tell me apart from my bro. Able to see me as for what I really am. She sighed. "Fine, then. Since you're not Nate, I'm no longer Xena." What? " are Xena." She stood up and said, "Exactly."

What the h*ll is that suppose to mean? While I was in deep thought, I failed to realize a figure creeping up behind me. Push. I fell into the river and swam to the surface. I saw Xena standing there with a blank looking back at me. "What the f*ck?!?!" "I thought since you were becoming such a hot head, the water would cool you down." She turned around and walked away. Over her shoulder she called out, "You're welcome." And left.

I cursed and laid on my back, floating. Hot head? Please, I'm no such thing. I looked up at the artificial sky and let out a loud sigh. 'Since you're not Nate, I'm no longer Xena.' I don't get that girl. It's obvious she's 'Xena'...And it's obvious you are Nate. I got up and swam to the edge. I raised out of the water easily and laid on the ground. God, I need to get over myself. I am me and I can't change that no matter how hard I try.

For some reason, I remembered the thing she said last. 'Your welcome.' For what? Suddenly, a crazy thought popped into my head. What if she pushed me in because she knew it would cause me to think things out?...Nah, she wouldn't do such a thing. I sat back up. Right? But despite me trying to avoid ending with that reason, I had a small glimpse of hope that she did it to help me. I stood up and decided to head back. Before I walked out the exit, I turned back around and smiled at the view. Thanks, Xena...I guess. I left and went to my next class with clearer thoughts in my head.

Later That Day - Nate's POV
I was walking to my final period of the day when I heard some quiet voices. I could only pick up on their conversation because of my enhanced hearing. "Why don't you just go with us? Since you're obviously weak, going with us my just be to your advantage." Who the h*ll are they talking to? Sounds like they're trying to coax another guy into doing something...but why would they need to that and just use force...unless...

I looked around the corner carefully and saw Xena surrounded by 5 guys. The weird thing was that she wasn't struggling. She merely had her eyes closed and leaned against the wall to her back like normal. What the f*ck is she doing? Is she so weak to the point of not even trying to fight back? And I thought she was a bit different from what everyone else expected. Guess I was wrong.

It seems they got annoyed by her lack of response and became aggressive. One of them roughly grabbed her arm and said, "Answer me, you stupid b*tch! It's obvious you slept with the higher-ups to get in here so why not have some fun with us as well?" Though he said the last part in a question, it was clear he wasn't asking.

And I'm done watching this bullsh*t. Just as I was about to step around the corner to stop them, I heard a sickening crack. What was that? My question was immediately answered when I saw the guy who touch her hold his arm and was on the ground. What happened? My eyes drifted up from the guy in pain to Xena who now had her eyes open and looked a bit pissed.

How...When-......What? My thoughts struggled to gather as I tried to understand what just happened. The guy holding his arm yelled, "What are you idiots doing? Kill this b*tch!" The other four seemed to snap out of whatever trance they were in before and attacked. And...she just stood there again.

God, what is wrong with this chick? As one of the guys ran towards her, she took an innocent step back and then raised he leg and kicked him in the gut just when he was 3 feet away. He flew back and hit the wall 15 feet away. He slumped and didn't get back up again. They other guys looked at her in fear and one tried to sound intimidating by yelling, "You b*tch! You can't do that to my friend!"

He aimed a punch for her but she simply raised a hand and blocked his punch without difficulty. She used her free hand and gave him a clean upper cut that should break anybody's jaw. He fell to the ground holding his face and screamed in pain. She gave a deadly look to the remaining 2 and said, "Do you really want to try?"

They looked at each other, quickly grabbed their defeated friends and ran. She began to walk away too but before she disappeared she said, "Hope you enjoyed the show, Nick." And vanished. She noticed me? Better yet, she can fight?

Published 5/12/16
2562 Words

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