Everything Wrong with "Everything Wrong With DBS:B Movie Review"

A/N: I guess I haft to go CinemaSinsSins on his ass.


Sin 1: Judging the Critiquing the film before it has even been fully released to actually know everything that went on to give a more proper one.

Now it is time, we know everything, we've seen the movie.

Sin 2: if that's the case, they how the hell has no one else actually seen it yet? Hm? Also, You say we've seen everything when that's clearly not the case, you've seen a few trailers and info that came out an assumed that's every single little thing.

"I do this movie as a person that's a fan of broly. Obviously, I am a fan of this character because I have him in my intro. He's one of my favorite movie characters."

Sin 3: is that why you've basically been bitching about him over and over again all because he's backstory is being changed to something that actually can regard him as a character and someone we can sympathize with?

"I'm just trying to give you a frame of reference, a frame of mind that this review is not coming from a broly hater. I'm probably one of the biggest broly supporters you will ever meet.

Sin 4: by that, you mean supporters of the old broly clearly. You've basically given the new broly nothing but flak ever since his new backstory was given.

"Dragon Ball Super: Broly is probably one of the most unfaithful remake, unfaithful reboots of a character that you will find in modern animation. In modern movies. 

Sin 5: Ever heard of Michael bay's version of Nightmare on Elm Street? Also, how is it very unfaithful when it's doing thing like having broly and goku being born at the same time, broly being attempted at being killed by the king and of course, meeting goku and vegeta and awakening his legendary power. Hm? Because what it looks like, it's doing a more improved version of it.

"This character, this movie, this whole production was a huge clickbait."

Sin 6: no, that naturally just applies to the videos you make. Also, you can't prove that as you don't bring up anything to back that up. 

"This Broly is basically emo, feel sorry for me, broly".

Sin 7: something of which I have brought up time and time again could be applied to the original broly. However, the old broly was less sympathetic due to having a basic generic villain personality. (So thanks, you've made me go from think old broly was okay to now thinking he's boring).

"A reboot is not completely erasing the former identity a character. A Reboot is taking a couple of minor or sort of major things and changing them to enhance a character.

Sin 8: Which as you can see, not everything with broly is gone here. Open your eyes. Enhancing him at the very least will actually make him interesting for one. Also, the ACTUAL meaning of a reboot is  means to discard all continuity in an established series or character to recreate them, timeline and backstory from the beginning .

"For example, you can reboot batman as many times as you want. But, at the end of the day, thomas and martha wayne need to die. And this guy needs to jump into his batsuit and fight crime. That's just the way it is."

Sin 9: thanks for using someone as an example that has nothing to do with the thing we're talking about. 

Sin 10: also, it doesn't clearly haft to be with bruce parents being killed in every story they do. As you can see in something like Flashpoint paradox, bruce was killed and his parents survived. With his father being batman and his mother going insane and being joker.

(Nearly two minutes in and we're already gotten 10 sins).

"You can do however many superman reboots you wanna do. But, at the end of the day, all the kryptonians need to die in that big planet explosion and superman needs to come to earth and get raised by the kents. That's just the way it is."

Sin 11: because yeah, it's not like the story of superman has been rebooted multiple times with many different outcomes. Like when superman had landed in russia as a baby instead.

"They take the identity of broly and they completely massacre him."

Sin 12: Really? Because from what I see, I see the same story of broly, just better written. And broly in his same legendary form but with a different aura, hair design and power. And likely a more better personality.

"They try to make him sympathetic. They wussified him."

Sin 13: can basically keep saying this applies to the old broly over and over again. Paragus was basically using his son as nothing more but a mindless raging tool for revenge and was even going to leave him to die. But, why was old broly less sympathetic? Because he was just basically a mindless and heartless raging beast who took pleasure in watching people suffer. 

"Now, you can go watch these other channels that are gonna try to tell you that: oh it's the best visuals bluh, bluh, bluh. You know, manufactured bs they want to give you. But I'm gonna give you the facts."

Sin 14: in other words, You're not gonna give anything that's actually correct and basically giving more reasons to why people should be watching ACTUAL more reliable sources and not garbage.

"The first thing that was wrong with this movie was the sympathetic syndrome. And you know, I'm really impressed they failed at this."

Sin 15: I'm impressed you failed to realize this is something applied to original broly.

"Broly was not the first failed sympathetic cloak (or whatever the fuck he said there) that Hollywood or any movie has crapped out. Remember the early 2000s hulk movie? This is not the first time they've made a sympathetic hulk. The first sympathetic hulk was in the early 2000s where we had the first cgi hulk movie starring eric bana. And we all know how that played out. It had the same hype, it had the same fan fair, it had the same notoriety behind it this movie has right now. And when people went to theaters, they were just like no. That movie tried to send a message about domestic violence, they tried to make hulk sympathetic. You didn't really get the: Hulk Smash! Hulk. You got the: feel sorry for me, sad face hulk that just ruined that movie. Ruined the Hulk franchise for a while until the Edward Norton hulk. So here we go with broly and the trailers. You know, they have mastered making sizzled trailers."

Sin 16: those two films literally have nothing in comment with each other in either marketing or story wise.

Sin 17: how can you prove it was going under the same hype. For all we know, people may have been sceptical about it back then.

Sin 18: the 2003 hulk film didn't fail because it made hulk sympathetic. It failed because the animation of the hulk wasn't even good,A lot of people didn't like the editing style, there were Mutant Poodle, Bruce didn't become Hulk until 45 minutes into the movie, Hulk's green color in the film looked too cartoony, The story was Far more Different than the one from the comics, Absorbing Man wasn't fully utilized and The final fight scene was anti-climatic and too fast.

Sin 19: also congrats, you've even managed to fail to actually understand the hulk either as he has ALWAYS been a sympathetic character. He's a man dealing with a raging monster inside him that gets released anytime he gets mad and causes massive damage. Hell, the hulk even realizes the damage he does sometimes and even turns back because of those or in things like ago of ultron, he cut off communications with the avengers so he couldn't try to hurt anyone anymore. This is further shown in Thor Ragnarok.

Sin 20: also, you seem to forget that not many people were fond of 2008 hulk either.

"But we remember that when broly, when he was unleashed, He was no longer a sympathetic hulk. It was like: oh wow, paragus was doing the right thing because, if this guy was left alone to his own devices, he's gonna be a brutal killing machine and paragus was probably un-ironically doing us all a favor by having that control device on him. You really don't have that here. You just have a character that's being punked out throughout the whole movie. Not just his childhood, but when we see him as an adult, he's getting punked out too. And it's really sad to see when you know what this character can really achieve."

Sin 21: congrats, you've admitted to the original broly being sympathetic. 

Sin 22: you however try to pass off as if what paragus did was right in thinking that him using his son as a tool when not, it's not okay in the slightest. He was only holding back broly's power so he could turn him into the killing machine he wanted until he would eventually discard of him like he tried to do in the original broly.

Sin 23: we know for a fact you didn't see the film. Stop acting as if you did.

Sin 24: you can clearly seen broly was not once being punked out anywhere in the trailers. He was still going on as a baby, he was pushing around both god goku and vegeta, he even attacked frieza and it looks to be like he's trying to attack whis of all people, all of this in his wrathful form.

Sin 25: you can clearly see what broly is capable of achieve through the trailers and with the attacks he has and when he gains legendary super saiyan.

"The Other mistakes they've made in this movie are the fights. Later on in this movie you have whis, I wouldn't even call it a fight, I would call it: Whis embarrassing broly."

Sin 26: so because of a few seconds of whis and broly in the same volcanic area, not even in the same footage with each other, that suddenly means that theirs gonna be a fight.  Good logic dumbass.

Sin 27: again, acting as if you've seen the film when we all know you haven't.

Sin 28: how the hell do we know if whis is even gonna step into this? He's never done it before. So why now?

"Let me just explain the problem with whis and beerus and just those who class of characters. it's sort of like back when you were playing on the playground or playing super hero with your friends and you all select your powers and what not. That would kinda be like: oh, now I'm on par with you and I can beat you and do all this. But then your friend just says: oh, nope, nope, I'm still stronger, I can do this and they just come up with some bullcrap by the back of their pocket just to make up some new powers on the spot. That's what is sort of is with beerus and whis. It's just that now that these characters have advanced so much, know that given what broly is able to do in his base, that he should be capable of doing something to whis and beerus. And it's like: oh, nope, we're still stronger for now reason."

Sin 29: what the hell does a play ground haft to do with beerus and whis and those whole class of characters.

Sin 30: what the hell kind of playground do you know where kids suddenly get a power up or some shit.

Sin 31: also, I doubt that theres even a who even had that kind of thing happen to them because of some super hero game they played with their friends as a kid.

Sin 32: Whis and Beerus have been established many times before that beerus and whis are these highly powerful beings. Beerus being a god of destruction and capable of destroying the universe. And Whis being an angel, beings far above their gods of destruction and also know the metal state of ultra instinct, are very fast and hard to hit. Of course broly still isn't anywhere near whis' level.

Sin 33: It's state many times in multiple given information that broly was only around the power's of A god of destruction or Jiren. It never once state he could be able to take on an angel.

Sin 34: you never once bring up how beerus reacted to broly's power. So that's another thing going against you.  

"Whis and beerus are ruining every saga ever. It's conflict anymore, there's no suspense, there's no believable threat anymore because whis and beerus are just gonna sit there and they're just gonna be: oh, we're stronger so, there's no real issue."

Sin 35: Goku Black, Zamasu, Merged Zamasu and Jiren are all sitting here laughing at your face right now.

"Another thing that really ruined this movie is that broly has no feats. Again, I know people are gonna bring up the trailers scenes. And: oh well, he's beating up on super saiyan blue and super saiyan god goku and vegeta. Those are feats. No, it's not. Not at this point would dragon ball super, broly beating up on those for the majority of this movie really doesn't matter because we've seen this again from different characters in dragon ball super. Toppo was able to beat up on super saiyan blue goku and vegeta. Especially when he went into his god toppo form, Hit was able to do this, Golden frieza was able to do this, Goku black was able to do this, Jiren was able to do this. And again, this is not an accomplishment anymore."

Sin 36: There's that ignorant mocking tone again you do like you think your smart when we all know you're not.

Sin 37: Toppo was made very clearly to be a runner up god of destruction multiple times over and over. He fought goku and vegeta on separate times. He was going toe to toe with goku and the same with vegeta before losing to him.

Sin 38: Hit had time skip, literally able to move faster in time and was harder for goku and vegeta to even landed a hit on him until goku broke through time skip and was going toe to toe with him.

Sin 39:  Golden frieza was going toe to toe with goku the first time and got bodied by vegeta later. And when frieza was brought back, he and goku were once again on the same level of power. And this was after goku got massive zenkai boosts and frieza fully mastered his golden form.

Sin 40: goku black had super saiyan rose, a form which basically acted as an alternative to super saiyan blue. Not only that, but he had assistance from zamasu. Even then, vegeta knocked the shit out of him in some of their encounters.

Sin 41: Jiren was a being on a whole other level that could damage you just by unleashing a glare so of course he was gonna be difficult.

Sin 42: You clearly seem to have forgotten that the god form alone was enough to shake the universe in the fist clash with a not even full powered beerus.

"and the way they pulled the gogeta thing off, it wasn't even an even fight. It's like gogeta comes in and he beats the snot out of broly. Like: oh wow, you guys just waisted all of our time. This comes off as an old fan fiction bs movie from people that really don't understand broly. They're aware of what he looks like and his iconic moments, but they really don't know what made the character special to the fan base."

Sin 43: you still haven't seen the film. Stop acting like you did, dumbass.

Sin 44: also, you really want to sit there and try to think that old broly was really anything special. He held a grudge for 3 decades because of a baby crying next to him when when he was a baby as well. The same crying baby who's face he never even seen next to him. Also, they keep giving him forms up the ass in multiple shit like games with no explanation what so ever. NOTHING is special about old broly.

"So, at the end, where gogeta's getting ready to finish him off. It's basically what we though, they become gogeta and they're about to finish him off and broly has to be saved by Chelai. So he doesn't even get to be taken out with honor. He doesn't get taken out on his shield. He gets saved by a chick that feels sorry for him. So they really made him this sympathetic punk boy. Nothing reminiscent from the old broly. If you were looking for him to say kakarot, just go home. And I know alot of people are gonna say: that's amazing. We want it to go away. we didn't want him to say kakarot. That's like going into a hulk movie and not expecting to hear hulk smash. Or that's like going into a Teen Titans or Justice League movie and not expecting cyborg to say booyah.

Sin 45: you once again haven't seen the film. Quit embarrassing yourself.

Sin 46: you seem to forget that goku has a thing for giving people, even villains a second chance to leave so he doesn't have to kill them. Why the hell is that suddenly an exception when chelai jumping in the way to save broly.

Sin 47: you seem to fail to understand that there has been multiple information about chelai and her connection to broly. It's obvious she knew what paragus was basically using broly for and knew it was wrong. She didn't want broly to die going out as someone who was used as a simple tool for revenge.

Sin 48: also, again, film not out. You can't confirm it's a pairing just because she feels sorry for broly.

Sin 49: Also, thank fucking god. Him saying kakarot over and over again was possibly one of the most fucking annoying things about the old broly. And I'm sure theres multiple people who agree with me on this.

Sin 50: keep up that mocking tone against logical arguments, you're gonna keep getting more sins for it.

Sin 51: comparing hulk smash or booyah to kakarot doesn't work in the slightest simply due to the fact that A. Hulk only said it in the 2008 film B. Booyah  is literally only a catchphrase, not someone's name. And C. Old Broly said kakarot over and over towards someone who should have been less important to him when he got fucking stabbed as a baby by king vegeta. VEGETA'S FATHER.

"This guy just tarble with a higher power level."

Sin 52: yeah, cause he totally looks like a relative of vegeta who got married to an alien that looked like zeno and was chased by two of frieza's minions.

"If you guys were thinking about going to see this movie. Just please, please don't. Please like... no. No. I already thought this movie had enough challenges against it.

Sin 53: People can make their own choices. Just because you saw it, doesn't mean your words mean shit. People can see something to give their own perspective on it. You're not in charge.

Sin 54: there are no challenges truly against it yet until the damn thing is out. Which it's not.

"Now that I've seen it. This movie is pathetic. I recommend nobody go near this movie."

Sin 55: once again, no your word to tell them what to do.

Sin 56: Correct Translation of your little sentence there: TheSuperItachi is a pathetic and needs to get off YouTube so he can stop wasting everyone's time.

Sin Count: 56.

Sentence: Paragon's Head being scrapped across the ice by broly.

This video was 100% terrible. Not only is it obvious that he hasn't seen the film simply because the majority of us are a lot smarter than that. But, he's once again getting things wrong and things that can once again be easily be applied to old stuff in a cheap scumbag move to try and get people not to see the movie before it's even out.

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