Chapter Seven | She's Tickled Pink
KALLIOPE WALKED INTO THE HALLWAY, AND PEEKED AROUND the stairway wall that blocked her sight from the front door. She could hear them, Elena and this 21st century Stefan, faintly talking. However, she couldn't make out exactly what they were saying.
After waiting for a good thirty seconds, she grew impatient and wanted to check and see who it was. All she caught was the near end of their conversation and the sound of the males voice seemed familiar.
"- couldn't come, he's messing around at the grill."
"Hello," Kalliope spoke first as she rounded the corner; however, a gasp slipped past her lips as she regarded the mysterious man at the door. "Stefan?"
The young Salvatore turned with furrowed brows, not expecting to see one of his oldest friends. His lips parted in shock, eyes widening in astonishment. This was Kalliope, his Kalliope. She looked exactly the same, like she hadn't aged a day. The same rounded face with an adorable cleft chin. Those warm cocoa brown orbs staring back at him.
He felt like the wind was knocked right out of him. Stefan was free falling and drowning at the same time. "Kalli?"
A squeal left her mouth as she rushed to the young Salvatore. Her arms opened wide into an embrace that Stefan immediately accepted. She fell against his chest, breathing in his familiar scent like it was her last time. "Oh my goodness! I thought you were dead. I saw you die, you idiot!"
Tightening his grip around her waist, he exhaled in the form of a shudder over top of her curly brown head. It had been so long, too long. "I thought you were too," He said in a ghost of a whisper.
Backing away from the hug, she clasped both hands on either side of his face. Her doe eyes scrutinized every facet of his handsome face, causing his lips to pucker at her tight grip. "You don't look a day of seventeen! Oh, dear," It was then it finally clicked what he had become.
Her mind raced with possibilities of how this could've happen, then she frown. "Katherine turned you, didn't she?"
Stefan nodded, gently taking her hands off his face to hold between his own. There was so much he wanted to tell her. Of all he'd been through. Bloodshed, friendship, guilt - the entire century they'd been away. But there was no time for it right now.
"You two know each other?" Elena somehow reminded them she was, in fact, in the room. Her brows furrowed as she glanced warily between the old friends.
Stefan seemed to blush, reverting back to that young boy that had a crush on his brother's wife all those years ago. Kalliope grinned with elation, she was sure nothing could top this moment.
"Stefan and I knew each other years ago -"
The green eyed Salvatore interrupted her before she could say anymore, laying a warm hand on Kalliope's shoulder. "Elena, this is Kalliope Debonair Salvatore, my sister in-law and one of my best friends."
The Gilbert girl blanched, reeling from the titles. Her pouty lips puckered with confusion as she pointed to the Genie in question. "W-wait, when you say 'In-law', are you referring to -"
"Damon Salvatore, the very one." Kalli clapped her hands in excitement, unable to take her eyes off of Stefan for a second. She was afraid if she looked away, blinked even, he'd disappear all over again. "You've grown in many ways, I can tell," She quietly complimented, sending him an endearing smile.
"I find that hard to believe," Elena snorted, causing the old friends to turn to her in confusion. She quickly tried to correct herself, waving her hand around to dissuade them. "I-I meant you being married to Damon not the other thing."
However, instead of putting them at ease, it only proved to make Kalliope anxious. "Why would you say that? He's a vampire too, isn't he?"
Stefan gulped as he took her dainty wrist into his large hand. "We can talk about Damon later. I want to know how you're alive. How you got here. Are you alright?" He glanced over her in concern, eyeing her modern clothes with intrigue.
Kalliope delayed her answer, fiddling with the collar of his shirt. This was tricky territory. For she never told the Salvatores of her magical abilities. For all they had known, she was a quirky human girl who stumbled into town looking for an advantageous marriage.
They had no idea she was enslaved to her chalice. Cursed to forever please whoever weilded it. She had only been free of a master for all of five years before she came to Mystic Falls in 1861. When she arrived, she made sure to stash her relic away in her trunks for safe keeping.
Kalliope hated being ruled by a tacky piece of jewelry. Forced to give a wish to whoever called upon her name correctly. She had hoped by keeping it close under her watchful eye, such circumstances wouldn't come to light. However, she underestimated the deceitful people of Mystic Falls.
She underestimated their greed and such was her undoing... Until now.
"I'm afraid whatever I tell you will make you cross with me."
Stefan shook his head, "No, it wouldn't Kalli. I've - we've just got you back. I wouldn't do anything that could possibly drive you away." And he meant it. The earnest in his green eyes melted away his hardened exterior. It was the Salvatore she once remembered.
However, she pursed her lips. The Genie decided to bide her time for now. Secrets were important to her. And she didn't want to give up her treasured humanity, her normalcy, when it came to the Salvatore bothers.
"Could this wait. When we're all together, perhaps?" She clasped her hands together childishly, pouting her bottom lip till he caved.
The young Salvatore was not impressed. Growing more suspicious with every bat of her long lashes. He sighed reluctantly, sharing a brief glance with his girlfriend. "Alright -"
Kalliope squealed, making a short hop in her spot. Her cheeks stretched as she grinned with success. "Great! Let's go see Damon. Can we see him now?"
"I actually think that's a good idea. I mean, we can't necessarily leave her alone here." Elena broached the topic, feeling unease with just how comfortable these two were with each other. Even Stefan, who was probably the calmest guy she'd met, was flustered and stumbling over his words.
Truth be told, it made her feel a twinge of jealousy.
"I doubt Kalli's going to trash your house," He joked, going to grab Elena's duffle bag for their trip.
As if to prove Stefan wrong, the Genie bounded back into the kitchen. She used a bar stool to boost herself up so she could reach the cereal box on top of the fringe. Of course, she would've simply teleported it into her hand, but she was still trying to keep her magic under wraps.
Stefan looked around from beside him, noticing his long lost friend wasn't there. "Where's -"
"Steffy! You have to try this substance called Cereal. They put sugar cubes in with wheat germ, isn't that inspired?"
She wobbled on top of the stool, cursing under her breath when her clumsiness got the better of her. The box of Lucky Charms split everywhere on the tiled floors, scattering messily.
Elena held her hand out to the girl as if to demonstrate to Stefan just exactly what she was talking about. Kalliope was blushed pink, hopping down from the stool to instantly help pick it up, one tiny piece at a time. "Goodness! I'm so sorry. I will procure you a new one. If you could just point me in the direction of the nearest bakery... do they sell these Lucky Charms there?"
Instead of getting upset with her, Elena was surprised to see Stefan speeding to her aid. He knelt to the ground with a paper plate, sweeping the little pieces onto it.
"They're from the grocery store. Eh, like a market, Kalli. Don't worry, I'll pick up some on the way back."
The brunette cupped the cereal in her hands, pouring them on Stefan's make-shift dust pan. "I'm truly sorry, Elena."
"She knows," He smiled, helping her off the ground with a gentle hand. "Who knew your clumsiness would follow you into the 21st century."
Kalliope rolled her eyes, folding her arms over her chest. "Oh hush, I'm still older than you. I can scold and embarrass you in front of your lady friend here."
"Please don't. You have enough intel on me to burn me where I stand." Brushing his hands against his pants to rid of the dust, he ushered Kalliope towards the front door so they could leave. Him and Elena did have plans after all. Stefan had an idea of what to do with Kalli while he was gone.
"Now, c'mon. Elena and I are heading out for the weekend but don't worry, I know someone who will be thrilled to see you."
"Bye Jer!" Elena called as she shut her front door, locking it behind her as they walked to Stefan's car. She personally wondered how the intereaction would go when Kalliope reunited with Damon, seeing as she knew the direction of Stefan's thoughts.
It couldn't have been easy, being without someone you initially thought was dead for over a century. She can only imagine Damon's expression when he's see her face.
The astonished sound that came from Kalliope's mouth as she jogged to Stefan's car was endearing. With child-like wonder, her brown eyes widened, regarding the steel steed without hooves or wooden carriage.
"That-t That's amazing and it's so shiny!" She ran her palm along the exterior, starting to realize she just may be a car girl from now on. "Can I have one?"
It was going to be a long day.
Unedited. 01/27/2021
She's so sincere and unfiltered, my heart can't take it. The modern day scooby gang are going to ruin her, I just know it.
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