Chapter Five | The Art of Cereal



"SO THEY TAKE THESE SUGARY RAINBOW THINGS and put them with all this wheat... and they sell it just like this?" Kalliope held a marsh mellow Lucky Charm between her fingers, staring at it suspiciously.

Since the morning scare, they transitioned to a safer and more formal area of the house. The kitchen.

Jeremy made quick work with getting Kalliope something to eat, setting a bowl of milk and his favorite cereal in front of her. The brunette stared at it for a good moment before asking him a series of questions that had Jenna trying not to laugh in the background.

Thus, his response came easily. "Yep, just like that. It's good."

"And they make a profit?" She muttered dubiously, pushing the marshmellow between her lips. Kalliope was pleasantly surprised at the sweet taste and how it easily melted on her tongue. Her eyes lit up as she chewed, turning to the young teenage boy. "Oh, its like a sugar cube. I understand now."

Jeremy chuckled, nodding his head in agreement. "Good, here's a spoon." He handed her the utensils and to everyone's amusement, she started digging into the ceramic bowl with proper and measured movements.

Rounding the island, Jenna grabbed herself a well needed cup of hot coffee. "So, can we just clear the air here because I'm still a little confused."

"Alright," Kalliope swallowed gently. She really liked these Lucky Charms alot. The future was so advanced than she'd first imagined it be. "My chalice. You called upon me by saying the right words, correct? Which means I appear and grant you a wish of sorts."

The ginger's eyebrows furrowed, "A genie. Like... Genie from Aladdin? Except you're not blue, floating or incredibly obnoxious."

"I... I'm afraid I don't know to whom you're referring to. But if this Genie can grant you wishes than... yes, I am that."

Jeremy's lips parted in astonishment, "Woah. Cool, can I have a new skateboard?"

Kalliope shook her head in denial. "Actually, I meant Jenna specifically. She summoned me, she gets the wish. But be warned, there is a catch."

"There's always a catch," Jenna sighed to which her nephew pursed his lips, agreeing with her silently.

Just then, Elena walked into the room, snapping her cell phone closed. Her face eluded to her worries, causing frown lines in the middle of her forehead. Kalliope thought she looked exhausted for her youthful age. There was a time when kids could simply be children, but it seemed even that changed over the decades.

"Alright, I've talked to Stefan and they're coming right over to figure this out. Y'know, before we go to the lake house."

At the familiar name, Kalliope froze. That name brought her back to the mid 1800s when she knew a golden haired boy by the last name Salvatore. It also saddened her, because the last time she saw them, both him and her beloved husband were shot dead. And she was left to deal with the selfish Katherine Pierce all alone. Of course, she didn't win. It was exactly why she was in this situation in the first place.

Biting her lower lip, she tapped her nails onto the counter top. It couldn't be him, the coincidence was uncanny. It had been over a century. The idea was a wistful one. Nothing but a fantasy.

There was also the interesting thing with Elena looking exactly like Katherine. They were surely identical and Kalliope immediately presumed it was something supernatural. Reincarnation, Cloning - something around that caliber.

Honestly, if Jenna hadn't pointed out that Elena was - in fact - Elena, she'd instantly say something out of turn.

"Have you got everything packed?" Jenna asked Elena in concern. It was obvious she didn't want the teen to leave for a weekend with her boyfriend, but they all needed a break. Especially now.

"Yeah, you guys will be alright while we're gone, right?"

Jeremy scoffed lightly, standing to his feet to cross his arms over his chest. "Of course we will. We're not helpless babies who need babysitting by your vampire boyfriends."

The Genie blinked, growing uncomfortable in the familial squabble. She grabbed her empty bowl and brought it to the sink for cleaning, not wanting to cause Jenna extra work. The concept of vampires was not lost on her. She had lived for thousands of years and seen all sorts of magical entities. Vampires was not surprising in the least.

Multiple partners whilst in America; however, was a little more modern than she was prepared for.

"You know that's not what I meant," Elena sighed in resignation.

Jeremy grunted, grabbing for his cell phone to call Bonnie. "I know what you meant." He sent Kalliope one last friendly glance before taking off up the stairs. Her guess, to get ready for the day. The teen wasn't wearing appropriate day clothes like his aunt by the island.

"What did I say?" The doppleganger inquired.

"Perhaps, if I may." Kalliope spoke up, wiping her hands down her white sundress. The women glanced to her expectantly. "I know I'm very much new to all this - everything, really. But, maybe Jeremy is feeling coddled. And from my experience with men, their egos can only premit so much of it before they internally combust."

She giggled after her explanation, putting a humorous smile on Jenna's face. "I know exactly what you mean. Past boyfriends eleventh and twelveth grade say 'hello'."

"I find your way of speaking and humor very amusing, Jenna." Kalliope playfully shook her head before pausing in a panic, "That was a joke, wasn't it?" She didn't want to come off rude.

Elena and Jenna made eye content, the Sommers girl blowing breath between her lips in exasperation. "We've got to get you caught up on the times, Kalli. Can I call you that?"

"That sounds adorable. Whatever you wish, Jenna."

"Good. Now, I have to meet Elijah Smith for his tour around the town monuments. Will you be okay here until Stefan comes? He's a nice guy, trust me. I wouldn't leave you with him if he wasn't."

Kalliope smiled, knowing she could handle herself fine, but Jenna's concern was heartwarming nonetheless. "Yes, I think I've got things under control for now. If you need me, just call."

Jenna titled her head, curiously. "I don't have your number and you don't have a phone?"

"No, no. I quite literally meant call out my name. I will appear, like before." The ginger's lips formed into a small 'O' as the information clicked. Despite the strange arrangements, she was enjoying Kalliope. She was refreshing and a much needed girlfriend in the chaotic events that were her life right now.

"Goodbye all. Elena, be safe and call me when you get there. No funny business." She sent her niece, what Kalliope would describe, a stern, motherly expression, before slipping out the door.

Now, Elena and Kalliope were left alone. Boy, was it awkward seeing Katherine's face on another person.

The Genie didn't know what to say to break the ice, but she tapped into her curious side just to fill the time.

"So, Elena," The name rolled off her tongue, strangely. Many different accents colored her words, it was hard to figure out where she originated from. "How is your aunt? What is your dynamic here?"

Warily, the Gilbert girl walked around the counter till she found a bar stool to sit on. "Jenna is my mother's sister. She took guardianship after our parents passed away."

Kalliope nodded, getting a weird deja vu from when she first heard of Katherine coming to Mystic Falls. "I can already tell she's a brave woman. Pure of heart too."

"How?" Elena wondered, furrowing her brows as she leant against her closed fist. She was intrigued by Kalliope or the Genie. She had heard of every supernatural under the sun but never wish granters before. She thought those entities were specifically made to stay within the story books.

"Because... She came here out of her free will, yes? Such a feat is extremely difficult, especially when she is so young." The brunette procured an apple before taking a healthy bite of it. The sudden movement made Elena jumped, blinking her eyes in awe. "Also, it is apart of my gift to see into the souls of my masters."

The term put a sour taste in Elena's mouth and by the wrinkling of Kalliope's nose, it had the same affect on her. "Masters?... How many have you had, if you don't mind me asking."

Kalliope swallowed gently, setting the apple down with a wistful look in her chocolate, doe brown eyes. Like she was looking back on a distant memory. "Actually... I do mind. I'm sorry."

"No, no. It's okay."

A melancholy silence hovered over them before a knock sounded at the front door. Elena immediately stood from her seat, pointing to it like Kalliope wouldn't know where she was so obviously going. "They're here."

Nodding, Kalliope fixed her hair in a rush, wanting to look presentable. For some reason, she was nervous. Meeting new people wasn't exactly her forte, but she could wing it every now and again.

After being alone for so long, her people skills weren't the best. However, she hoped these peculiar people would make the situation less nerve wracking than it already was.

Oh, how wrong could a little Genie be?


Unedited. 01/25/2021

Jeremy and Kalliope are so cute, I'm melting.

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