Chapter Fifteen | Trouble Keeping Secrets


"ALRIGHT, THAT'S ENOUGH CORRECTING our state issued history books for one day. Ready to go?" Alaric wiped down his chalk board before turning towards the Genie. Stefan hadn't picked up Kalliope like Ric imagined he would, so he thought it best to give her a ride to Jenna's. Since he was going to see her anyway. Especially, because they needed to talk about the Isobel situation.

Kalliope brightened, glancing up from the stack of papers on her make-shift teacher's assistant desk. "Oh, yes. I'm ready."

Standing gracefully, she clasped her hands together and scurried along after the tall history teacher. Her steps more frequent than his in order to keep up the pace. "Ric," She called.


"I do admire your job, but I don't think I'll be grading papers with you in the future." The vampire hunter laughed opening the front doors to the school for the both of them. The sun shining brightly into their squinted eyes.

"Yeah, I don't blame you. There are days when I'm still contemplating a career change." He sighed, unlocking his car with a handheld clicker. When it beeped, Kalliope jumped.

She was still fascinated with horseless carriages and found herself ghosting her fingertips over the black finish with wonder in her round eyes. Kalliope got in the car once Ric opened her door, wiggling around in the leather to get comfortable.

"So have you decided what you plan to do?" Ric asked, revving his engine before backing out of the parking lot.

"With what?" She mumbled, gazing out the window at the blurring trees and students. Suddenly, the radio turned on, instantly gaining her attention. Kalli grinned at the music box, nodding her head to the rock playing through the speakers. "These cars have everything!"

Alaric chuckled, finding her aloofness adorable. "With your life!" He spoke over the music before lightly turning the knob to a lower setting. "Y'know, now that you're out of the chalice. You've got to spend your time doing something in the 21st century."

Kalli's lips formed in an understanding pucker, nodding her head thoughtfully. "Oh. Yes... Well, I don't know - whatever Jenna would allow, I guess, until she makes her wish."

"Maybe you should decide now. Do what you love, y'know? There's no time like the present, especially in a town like this." He briefly smiled at her in his half-way upward tilt sort of way. Then, he allowed her to stew in her thoughts in silence.

She pondered what she loved and why she loved it. Cooking for people was one thing she adored, but she didn't think her efforts were wanted in a professional kitchen. Especially, because she didn't know how to work most appliances nowadays. Kalliope could sing, tidy a home spotless and garden till her hearts content; however, all of those options didn't sound good enough. She would need to console Jenna about all this. The Ginger was knowledgeable about this stuff, maybe she would make the decision simpler.

When they pulled up to the Gilbert household, Kalliope practically hop-skipped to the front door to greet Jenna. Her eyes were more expressive than ever, bright with a certain innocent awe many couldn't replicate.

"Kalli, hey!"

"Afternoon, Jenna. I helped Alaric with his classroom today. There were so many dates to correct." She pulled the Ginger into a short embrace, giving her space afterwards so the loved-up couple could have their own embrace. She smiled softly at their romantic exchange, endearingly rolling her eyes. She loved love a little too much for her own good.

"Did you? Ric's got his grumpy face on, must've been a long day." Ric humorlessly chuckled, tugging the ginger into a chaste kiss.

His expression sobered up once he glanced upon the house that reminded him of why he stopped by here in the first place. "Can we talk for a bit?"

Jenna met Kalliope's cocoa brown eyes, to which she was out of the loop. The Genie shrugged but encouraged her friend with a gentle nod. "Okay... Kalli there's food in the house, you can help yourself. We'll be right back, I guess."

"Do be careful!" She shouted after them before padding into the house with a solemn sigh. Kalli wasn't the instigating type, though she couldn't help but be slightly concerned for Jenna. Everyone seemed to be whispering and keeping secrets all around her, it was hard to keep lines straight.

Especially, Damon. There was something he was keeping from her. She could tell in the strain of his face as he slept and the glazed overlook in his eyes when he looked at her. She wanted nothing more than to be connected with him. Be on one accord with a man she vowed would be her husband till forever. Yet there was a piece of them missing she could kick from her subconscious. Yes, he had changed but supposedly, she had too.

Kalliope had grown more self-conscious and hesitant. She was wary, delicate and innocent, but she wasn't naïve. In this new world, this new stomping ground, she was struggling to find her stride. And whenever she looked in Damon crystal blue eyes, she didn't see herself anymore, not like she used to at least.

It wasn't this hard with Guillaume. When she was a fiery woman with a heavily French accented tongue who didn't dream of freedom, she went out to chase it. He didn't care about her magic or wish granting; he just wanted her obnoxious laughter and thunderous persistence. He loved that she made and existed in her own fairytales. That, whatever the outcome, she would be sure to come out smiling.

But then, her smile was taken away by the black plague. It hadn't come back yet not truly.

Tearing the red ribbon from her hair, she allowed her curls to fall around her shoulders in a display of her jumbled thoughts. Kalliope winced at the strain in her neck and lightly ghosted her fingertips over the impressions of her lover's bite.

She had healed, but the memory still stung. As she reflected on it now, she didn't quite like that. The effect her blood had on him and the fact that it was being taken from her.

Setting her cell phone Stefan handed her on the counter, she wandered around the kitchen for sustenance. Her stomach lightly growled, and a blush coated her cheeks despite others not being around to hear it.

Poking out her bottom lip, she went to grab for the cereal again. She didn't want to impose herself in another womans kitchen and make something, plus those marshmallows sounded more promising than anything else.

As soon as she made herself a serving, the front door opened to welcome Elena and two of her friends inside. "I am so ready to stuff my face tonight," A higher pitched voice sounded, causing Kalliope to glance up from her porcelain bowl. The blonde stopped just before the threshold into the kitchen, pointing at Kalliope curiously. "Who are you?"

"I'm Kalliope. I like your hair," The Genie instantly complimented, admiring the curly bright blonde strands of her hair.

"Caroline and thank you!" Caroline grinned, touching her mane, flattered. "So, you're Damon's ex-wife?"

This made Kalli purse her lips before nodding in resignation. "Yes, that is I," she sighed.

"So how does that happen?" Her nose scrunched in disdain as she excitedly padded to the Genie's side. She leaned over the counter with intent to gossip and Kalliope knew she was going to get along with the Forbes. Her energy reflected a shred of what Kalliope used to be. What she desired to be still. "I mean, he's just so -- ek!"

"What would make you say that?" Kalli furrowed her brow. But before she could get an answer, a brown eyed Bennet Witch walked in with a curious glint in her eyes.

"You're the Genie, Kalliope, right?" Bonnie wandered closer, reaching her hand forward with caution.

At all the attention, the brunette genie blushed. "Indeed," As soon as they met hands, a warm sensation traveled up each of their limbs. It reflected an ethereal aura and wrapped around them like a wool blanket in the middle of a frost. The feeling was trust.

"Bonnie Bennet," The witch relaxed slightly, drawing her hand back.

A maternal smile curled on Kalliope's dimpled cheeks. "You're a very special being, Bonnie. It's been a while since I encountered a witch, but it's wonderful every time."

"You have magic too?" Bonnie tilted her head with intrigue, wetting her lips before parting them in awe. "I felt it."

"I wasn't born a genie. I was made this way... There was a time when I had magic, yes. But that was a very long time ago, most of my memories melt together." Kalli stood to place her dish in the sink, rinsing it with water. The blurry sight of water reflected in her cocoa eyes, showing her scenes of her life in a stream of color. When she blinked, the wistful thoughts washed down the drain with the suds.

"Chinese food or pizza?" Elena called as she came back from going upstairs. She lightly lifted her lips in a greeting to Kalliope, brushing her hands down her jeans awkwardly.

"Like you have to ask," Caroline smirked. "I get it." Walking towards the couch, she grabbed her tablet computer from her bag and instantly frowned at the sight of Matt.

Seeing her distress, Bonnie sighed. "I'll do it." She gently grasped the tablet and put in the order.

"Do you believe that Jonas is being sincere?" Elena asked of Bonnie.

"I don't know what to believe. I think he's at a loss. He's not sure who to trust."

"Join the club."

Kalliope nodded in agreement although, she knew she wasn't a part of the conversation. Truthfully, she felt out of place by being here without Jenna. She knew Elena, but not very well. All she knew was that Niklaus wanted her for a sacrifice, she looked like Katherine, and she made Stefan happy.

She didn't want to admit it, but she felt a shred of relief when Jenna walked back in with determination marring her youthful features. "Kalli, let's get dressed. We're going drinking tonight."

The Genie furrowed her brow, hurrying after the ginger with quick strides. "Women can enter pubs?" When Jenna nodded matter-a-factly, a mischievous grin took over Kalli's face. "I've always wanted to enter one of those. Let's go!"

"What's going on?" Elena looked between the two women along with her friends.

"Isobel," Jenna said shortly.

All the girls seemed to understand except Kalliope. She deflated, getting tired of being out of the loop for everything. Seeing the slightly disgruntled look Kalli was giving, Jenna nudged her with her elbow. "I'll fill you in over drinks, which! You girls are slowing me down from getting."

Caroline perked, "There's a band at the Grill tonight. Dancing?" She offered with a wiggle of her brows.

"In," The ladies echoed, needing a stress relief from the drama.

"Time for an outfit change," Jenna exclaimed, grasping Kalliope hand to drag her upstairs. The Genie giggled in amusement, following behind her with her worries stored away in the back of her mind. Maybe the reason behind her personality shift had to do with her. Maybe she needed to do something different for a change.

A spark to ignite her fire once again.


When Kalliope decided she needed something different, she didn't necessarily mean for her skirts to be so short. Jenna had tugged her into a frilly navy-blue dress that had princess sleeves and a square neckline. It was absolutely beautiful and complimented her golden undertones; however, it stopped at the middle of her thighs like a upside down tulip, flaring at the ends.

Her legs were far more exposed than she was willing to go, and it put her cheeks in a perpetual state of blushing. Jenna too, wore something special to get her mind off of her boyfriend's undead ex-wife coming back around. A sparkly green blouse and a pair of dark washed jeans, it resembled her flirty personality.

The live music blared through the speakers and radiated into Kalliope's bones as soon as they walked in. The clusters of people crowding the entrance all the way up to the stage was a new experience. She could feel the beat vibrating her internal organs and she hadn't decided if she liked it yet.

Her hair was let down for the world to see in its curly clumps, twisting around the golden hoops Jenna gifted her for the night. She felt like she was back in the dugout in Marrocco, being shown on display like some prize. "The Great Genie, one of a kind and all mine," her memories whispered, sending a shiver down her spine.

Biting her bottom lip, she warily watched her surroundings as Jenna led her to the bar. "I need a drink. Do you mind?"

Kalli shook her head in disagreement, following her to the front. She observed the way Jenna commanded attention from the bartender, raising a hand to get him over before telling him, "Tequila please."

Working up the nerve, Kalli followed her impulses. "Two, if you will, sir."

"Alright, Genie," Jenna teased good-naturedly. "Is this your first drink?"

"I've had hard liquor before and once, on a pirate ship, some grog. But Tequila would be a first." Her eyes admired the tedious task of the bartender picking up two shot glasses and pouring straight from the nozzle. It was clear, like water, which made her feel better about it for some strange reason.

"Your life is just so fascinating," Jenna whistled, shaking her head.

"Mm," Kalliope subtly disagreed. "Who is Isobel?"

This made the ginger scoff as she tapped her fingers against the sticky bartop to distract herself. "The real question is what isn't Isobel. She's Elena birth mother and coincidentally Ric's ex-wife. The bitch faked her death to become a vampire, changed by your very own Damon Salvatore."

That captured Kalliope's attention more than anything else. She furrowed her brows with a deep frown. "Damon turned her?"

"Yep," Jenna overpronounced, deadpan. "Now she wants back in to Elena's life, real question is why? What is she planning? Why now?"

The more and more stuff she was finding out about Damon was leaving a sour taste in her mouth. Everyone had something to say about her choice in men. They didn't know him like she did, maybe only Stefan could understand. But it was also becoming clear that he wasn't the same as he uses to be. And for that very reason, her feelings were conflicted.

"Here you are, ladies."

Kalliope eyed the tiny glass with narrowed concentration, a wariness twinkling just a bit farther back in her irises. Jenna turned towards her and raised the glass, Kalli thought it only wise to follow suit. "Salute," She muttered, before sipping till it disappeared.

It scorched the column of her neck all the way down, but she held in the burn. Her brown eyes watered, and she blinked heavily. The sounds of Jenna's laughter echoing in her ears as she finally exhaled her new sense of freedom. With wide eyes, Kalliope felt her heartbeat speed up.

"I loved that!" She exclaimed, giggling obnoxiously before covering her mouth with her petite hand. It felt so sadistically freeing, like a whirlwind of her greatest hits flashing before her eyes. The burn was cleansing her, a sanitation process she wouldn't ever forget.

"You look like a dear in headlights," Jenna laughed before tapping the bar. "Another round for the ladies' good man," She comedically mimicked Kalliope's speech the best she could.

Kalliope ruffled her hair before glancing over her friend's shoulder, spotting Alaric. Her lips parted in an adorable oval shape. "Uh oh, handsome gentleman quickly approaching your person."

"What?" Jenna frowned in confusion.

"Good evening, Alaric." Kalliope waved with her fingers, grinning wide.

The ginger spun on her heel in surprise, groaning under her breath at the interruption. "Not tonight, Ric. Tonight, I have traded you for senior tequila."

"You too?" Ric shared significant eye contact with Kalliope, but she wasn't much help, shrugging with an aloof purse of her lips.

"My husband has spent his entire day with the woman who tore us apart while I wonder what to do with my life in the 21st century," Kalliope bluntly muttered before shaking her head, "No, ex-husband." Spinning back to the bar, she grinned at the bartender for their drinks and sipped it just as fast as the first. Her eyes closing in relief at the sting.

"Okay... Well, senior tequila's not going to be treating you very well. I hate that you're upset right now." Alaric gently moved the conversation on, noting in the back of his mind that he needed to talk to Damon after all this.

Jenna brushed a hand through her hair roughly. "This Isobel stuff is going to drive me crazy, but not because I can't handle it. I can handle it because -- because last year, I was a grad student who smoke a lot of pot and couldn't keep a goldfish alive and now I'm a parent, so I think I can handle anything, right?"

"You have nothing to worry about with me and Isobel. You know why?" Ric leant against the bar, staring Jenna in the eyes with the strongest bundle of emotions Kalliope had ever seen.

The ginger sniffled, glancing up into his confident gaze. "Why?"

"Because you drive me crazy. You are the best thing to happen in my life and I would be an idiot to mess that up." Kalliope faintly smiled at the two as she rubbed her fingertip over the top of her glass, wishing she could have that. Instead, she didn't even know where Damon was. Nor had he spoken to her all day since her confession this morning. Maybe it was her fault, and she was supposed to make the first move. Maybe she needed to be Alaric for their relationship.

The two shared heartwarming smiles before sharing a kiss that Kalliope left to give them privacy. Her cheeks were flushed from the alcohol, warm to the touch. As she meandered through the throng of people, she spotted Caroline on stage, singing her heart out as she stared down a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Adonis.

Before she could make it to the middle of the Grill, he had jumped up on the stage and shared a passionate kiss with his siren lady. Kalliope seemed to be surrounded by love.

It wasn't until the stage lights blew out a little later on that Kalliope was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol she consumed. Her eyebrows were furrowed as the room went dark and screams sounded throughout the Grill. Kalliope was back at the bar, setting down her empty glass when it happened. Her movements sluggish despite her desire to find Jenna.

Kalli could feel the anxiety bubble up in her stomach, twisting in painful knots to steal her breath. She abruptly stood from her stool and bumped into a person rushing around for an exit. Her rounded brown eyes scoured the darkness for any hint to where Jenna may be.

"Jenna!" She shouted above the screams, pushing bodies aside as she was swallowed by the panic.

Her heart sped up alarmingly, the abrupt popping of drink bottles frightened her more than she cared to admit. Shards of glass exploded around the room and Kalliope was vaguely aware of a piece cutting her forehead. She had endured far worse, but under the certain circumstances, Kalliope wasn't in her right mind. The thought a of a hurt Jenna or even a dead Jenna spelled pure fear for her. For once in a century, she had made a new friend who cared about her wellbeing. For once in over a millennium, she cared about her master and that alone sent her in a scattered state of terror.

"Jenna!" She screamed, straining her vocal cords. Suddenly, a fire erupted on the bar top she was just sitting by, and the presence of warm light allowed her enough sight to look upon the erratic group of people for a certain ginger.

For the briefest of seconds, she saw a flash of that shimmering green blouse Jenna wore tonight and Kalliope instantly teleported to her side.

The ginger breathed out in relief, hugging Kalliope tightly once she laid eyes on her. "Oh, thank god! We have to get out of here."

Ric immediately agreed, glancing over Kalli's appearance with a frown before ushering the woman out the side entrance. His large hand guiding them as the horde of patrons flooded out after them.

The night had gone from experimental to catastrophic fairly quickly and Kalliope never wanted a repeat of it ever again.


"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Alaric questioned as him and Jenna watched her from out of the car window. They had dropped her off at the Salvatore Boarding House. Their expression deeply concerned for the Genie despite her deflections.

"I'm perfectly alright but thank you two for asking. I should be asking that of you, Jenna dear." Kalliope leaned against the car, furrowing her brows as she glanced over her friend with great detail.

Jenna shook her head with a chuckle. "Safe and sound, thanks. Go inside and get some rest, we had a crazy day."

Pursing her plush lips, she nodded. "Are you telling me as a friend or a master?"

"I'm suggesting to you as a friend who cares about your mental wellbeing."

At her words, Kalliope softened, subconsciously feeling her lips curl into a genuine, closed mouth smile. She straightened and backed away from the car towards the front door. "Alright," she muttered low. "Have a good night, my friends."

"'Night Kalli."

The black car pulled away from the drive and sped down the road. The Genie watched them with a warm sensation fluttering in her chest. The start of something real, something genuine. A friendship she always wanted. She felt like she could fly, even with a chaotic night like this evening.

Sighing to herself, she opened the front door of the Salvatore Boarding House and shivered at the cool air conditioning running through the home. She padded up the stairs to her and Damon's shared bedroom two steps at a time, working up the nerve to reconcile with her love. She wanted her semblance of a relationship to work and if it meant putting in work, she would do it.

Their love deserved that at the very least. Kalliope was loyal at fault, and she'd only been married twice in her long life. She badly didn't want this one to fail, even if it was technically nonexistent.

Working up the courage, she turned the corner into their bedroom and nearly tripped over her own two feet at the sight before her. Instantly, Kalliope's stomach rolled at Damon cornered against the wall by Katherine, dressed in one of her negligees. Black, see through and covered in frills.

"Am I interrupting something?"

Damon glanced over to Kalliope; expression disgruntled at the circumstances. Katherine smirked like the Chesire cat, leaning against the wall as she eyed Kalliope like she just won the longest con. "Yes, actually, but that never stopped us before."

Kalli was repulsed, she was going to be sick. Her face crumpled; exactly what Katherine wanted. She hated that she was allowing her to win. "Before?"

"Flore -- Katherine, get out. There are six other bedrooms in this house, go find one." He growled at Katherine as she strutted out. She got her desired outcome.

As soon as she was gone, Kalliope had to fight harder to keep her tears at bay. "What does she mean by before? Before what, Damon? When she came to town in 1864? It was then, wasn't it?"

"Now, Flore--"

"No." She silenced him, wiping at her face. The blood from her cut earlier tonight had dried where the cut had long healed. Instead, a new one had formed in the depths of her heart, searing, stinging, an ever-present pain. It was betrayal. Her voice became low, startling different from her usual bright, melodic tone. "Did you have an affair with Katherine while we were still wed?"

Silence. Unfortunately, the stoic expression and clenched jaw on Damon's face was proof enough. A ghostly sound, akin to devastation barely sliced through the air before Kalliope silenced herself. She pressed her lips tightly together to ward of their trembling. "Wasn't I enough? Am I not enough now?"

"I'm not sleeping with Katherine!" He exploded to which Kalliope turned away. Hurriedly, he grabbed for her wrist, wishing for her to stay. "Flore, this is what she wants. She wants us to fight, don't let the bitch win."

Snatching her hand from his grip, she walked out of the room into the hallway, Damon hot on her heels. "We've both had our secrets! Now they're out in the open, we can start fresh, huh? You and me, c'mon Flore."

"I need to be alone, Damon. You had the entire day to come to terms with my revelation. Give me this," She murmured lowly, finding an empty spare bedroom before shutting it in his face with a resounding lock.

Kalliope stared at the wood oak door, still feeling the heat of his presence on the other side. Her chest ached, so much so, she held a hand to it for fear it would crack open. Her lower lip quivered with over emotion, a suffocating sensation that coiled over her entire body. She had never felt more trapped than she did in the chalice.

Lonely and unheard.


Unedited. 3/25/22

What a chapter of mixed mf emotions. I'm back lmao. I will personally burn Damon alive for hurting my baby. This is just the beginning. Let me know what you think!

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