Chapter Eleven | The Secrets We Keep


"YOU'VE OUT DONE YOURSELF, KALLIOPE. The food looks delicious," Alaric complimented the genie as he hungrily eyed her magazine cover-like dishes. This put a large grin on her tanned features, flattered.

"Thank you, Alaric. It was really no bother." She wiped her hands down the front of her dress in a bashful display. Jenna thought she looked too cute. Like Snow white in the real world.

"Oh, I doubt that. Damon tends to make pack mules out of everyone." Damon glared at his drinking buddy as Ric helped Jenna open the wine bottles.

The Salvatore came up beside his former wife and wrapped his arm around her like they were back in old times. He smirked more than he smiled, drawing circles on the top of her shoulder. "Flore loves to cook. She practically insisted, thank you very much."

The petite genie shrugged, glancing up at Damon by tipping her chin. "He's right. I also love to host." Just then, the door bell rang, notifying everyone someone was here. Kalliope wondered if Elijah had finally shown up or if he was actually coming at all.

"I'll get it," Jenna announced, walking to the foyer. It was silent as everyone nosily listened to see who it was. "Who invited you?"

The group perked at Jenna's accusatory tone, mainly Kalliope. She moved out from up Damon's embrace, padding towards the ginger with caution and concern. The Genie laid a protective hand on Jenna, narrowing her eyes at an unfamiliar face smiling smug at the two. "Who are you, Sir?"

"John," Damon spat like a curse word, his face screwed up in disdain as he stood behind Kalliope. So his name was John and Jenna didn't like him. "Surprise. Leave."

"When Jenna told me she was coming to a dinner party for Elijah. I decided I couldn't miss out on all the fun and games."

"That wasn't an invitation," Jenna chewed, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

Alaric walked closer to the crowd now surrounding the door, shaking his head in disagreement. "There are not going to be any games tonight, John. It's just a friendly dinner party."

Damon smirked that surly, charismatic grin. "What he said."

Something about his words didn't make Kalliope believe him anymore than she already did not. Damon was definitely hiding something from her and although she was starting to grow upset by it. She had been gone for over a century. Trust and open communication that they once had was sure to wane over time.

Nevertheless, it didn't lessen her suspicions and it certainly didn't ease her discomfort. She shared a brief look with Damon over her shoulder, nibbling her bottom lip.

Suppose she had to blindingly put her trust in him to show by example. The real question; however, is will she get burned?


"Elijah, wonderful to see you tonight," Kalliope opened the door when their main guest arrived. He stood imposing at the door. Regal and debonair in his finely pressed suit and neatly combed hair. The curl of his lips was gentle, warming towards Kalliope despite their incredibly long estrangement.

Pleasantries and all that.

"Kalliope, you look radiant. How are you this evening?" He took her hand and peppered a gentlemanly kiss on the back of it like he did at the grill. The Genie briefly blushed a delicate rose before grinning wide. Her pearl white teeth shined like the stars in the night sky.

The Genie knew he was ever the charmer, but she relished in the consistency of his behavior through the centuries. She could always count on Elijah to remain genuine. "Frankly, I could be better but I've made a generous spread for everyone if you'd please come in."

Elijah hesitated at the threshold, letting his brown eyes study her angelic features. "I've been meaning to question your relation to the people of Mystic Falls and why you've decided to settle here of all places..." He lowered his voice down to a nearly mute volume, expression serious but she could discern a hint of concern for her. "Are you subjugated to their wills?"

Kalliope bit her bottom lip pinching her own hand with trepidation, glancing over her shoulder briefly. "I was free for a time, not nearly long enough. B-but I was bested and now, I've been summoned once again by Jenna. She's lovely so far... I'm not being put under any duress if that's what you're asking me, Elijah."

He contemplated her response for a moment before relaxing ever so slightly. She could see it in the movement to brush his suit lapel, tidying himself up. "Very well, then. However, if the situation changes..."

She smiled, friendly and appreciative. "As soon as she makes her wish, I'll come find you. You have my word. I remember how much you love those."

The corner of Elijah's lip quirked in amusement; however, it dropped altogether when a shadow appeared behind Kalliope. It seemed Damon was intent of following her around, keeping an eye on things. Whether it was protective or possessive, she could not tell the difference.

"What are you two ladies gossiping about over here. Hope I'm not ruining the fun, please, do tell."

Kalliope slapped at his chest, chiding him like a mother would a child. "Hush, Damon, no need to be rude. Elijah was just reminiscing on old times, weren't you Elijah?"

The Original glanced between the couple for a second, settling on Damon with a steely gaze. "Yes, we have much to catch up on."

Pursing his lips in a strained, pleasant smile, Damon opened the front door wider. "Well, then I do mean to interrupt. Flore, could you gather everyone for dinner? The table is set."

Warily eyeing the two testosterone filled vampires, she sighed. Lightly placing a hand on Elijah's arm in parting, she spun on her heel and reentered the dining room with sure steps. The guest were milled about the house, mostly in clicks of varying comfortability. John with Andie as she talked and he feigned to be listening. Jenna with Alaric as they discussed something serious Kalliope couldn't hear.

Pursing her lips, she clapped her hands to gather everyone's attention. When she had it, her smile widened with the excitement building within. "Dinner is ready if everyone would please join me at the table." She was nervous about them liking her food, but excited nonetheless.

Alaric pulled out both Jenna's and Kalliope's chair for them, to which they thanks him graciously. Kali sat to the right of Damon who's seat was reserved at the head of the table. Alaric at the other end with Jenna on his right side. Elijah, Andie and John were left to the middle seats. A symbolism for their importance to this dinner.

Kalliope watched as everyone took bites of her food before she ate her own. It was a habit of her's she hadn't dropped since the eighteen hundreds. When everyone seemed to be enjoying it, she finally took a bit. Damon shared a knowing look at her inability to eat before everyone else in the house, somehow remembering it from way back when.

She blushed lightly.

"The food is incredible, Kalliope. You've outdone yourself," Jenna complimented with an awestruck smile. The food danced along her taste buds. The dishes tasted like pure magic.

"Yes, quite refreshing. Thank you for cooking," Elijah added. The Genie relaxed that much more, sinking comfortably in her chair.

"Thank you! I try my best," Her cheeks turned a deeper shade of warm red at the flattery, ducking her head as she pushed her fork into a piece of chicken.

Damon sipped at his wine glass, lightly narrowing his eyes over the rim. "Flore is truly one of a kind, a star." The statement was meant to be a compliment, but the tone in which he spoke it faintly sounded sarcastic. Like he was almost jealous of the attention Kalliope was getting.

However, the Genie didn't notice it. She grinned at her rekindled love, adoration shining through her cocoa brown eyes. Jenna noticed it... and certainly, Elijah did too. Their gazes warily wandering over the couple before returning to their meals in quiet discontent.

Clearing her throat, Jenna thought to change the subject. "Oh yea! I meant to tell you Damon that it turns out, according to Elijah, your family is not the founder of this town."

Damon, displeased by the notion, pursed his lips. "Hm, do tell."

Clearing his throat, Elijah glanced to Kalliope, someone who was actually alive during this time. A fact, no one but himself and Kalliope knew. "Well, as I mentioned to Jenna earlier, a faction of settlers migrated from Salem after the witch trials in the 1690s. Over the next hundred years they developed this community where they could all feel safe from persecution."

Interested in the history, Kalliope paused in her eating, leaning forward in fascination. "Really? So it was a form of self-preservation... I admire that."

"Here here," Jenna agreed with a subtle raise of her wine glass. "Makes it all the more riveting that they were witches," She sneakily taunted, sharing knowing looks with Alaric.

Andie, who Kalliope shamefully forgot was dining with them until now, scoffed in amusement. "Yeah, but there's no tangible proof there were witches in Salem."

"Andie is a journalist; big on facts," Damon quipped but Kali had a rebuttal.

"Things like this require a little faith, some unearthly spectacles maybe a touch more," The Genie held a faint smile on her lips, looking to Damon for some kind of confirmation or prideful awe. Except, his mind was elsewhere. Looking more so full of annoyance and impatience than admiration.

For a moment, Kalliope wondered if she'd spoken out of turn. She didn't know how social principles worked in the 21st century. Women spoke out, combatted, and expressed their opinions in the most bold displays she'd ever seen. She couldn't tell by the clench in Damon's jaw if it were pointed towards her insolence or at the dinner in it's entirety.

That is, until Elijah complimented her theory by elaborating. "Yes, the lore says that there was this wave of anti-witch hysteria. It broke out in the neighboring settlement, so these witches were rounded up. They were tied to stakes in a field together and, uh, burned. Some say they can still hear the screams from miles around us. They were consumed by fire... but image what it could have turned out if people had a little faith?"

A tense silence fell hush over the group of unlikely dinner guests. Vampires, a genie and humans alike, all enraptured by Elijah's rambling. Kalliope had never felt more reassured and dignified by the opposite sex till this very moment.

She smiled a wide, infectious expression that could thaw any cold and brittle heart. Her hand reach forward to raise her glass to him, a shared look of understanding passing through their identical cocoa gazes. Elijah met her actions, her lip quirking in amusement.

"To faith," She cheered, taking a delicate sip of the burgundy red wine. Truth be told is slipped down her throat far smoother than it did before.

"Yeah, well I wouldn't repeat this to the Historic Society." To that Kalliope also agreed. From what she remembered of the Historical Society, they were not the bunch of people to get on the wrong side of. She wondered if they still held the same principles. Hunting the supernatural to keep the town naïve to the dangers within their borders.

She was so caught up in her thoughts of the past that she lightly jumped when Damon scraped his chair against the wooden floorboards.

Kalliope supposed the conversation had been long over. Majority of the food was finished and the guests were mingling amongst themselves. It was Elijah's, who remained at the table despite the clambering about, concerned gaze on her that caused her brows to furrow.

"I'm sorry, I think I zoned out for a moment." She flushed a beautiful pink, wiping her mouth with her cloth napkin to place upon her hardly touched leftovers. It appeared like she didn't even make a dent.

Elijah, too, furrowed his brow, but only slightly. It conveyed his worry as he glanced over her plate, but he didn't say anything about that. Instead, he stood and helped her out of the seat. A gentlemanly act that instantly granted her gratitude.

Glancing around the cluttered dinner table, Kalliope bit her bottom lip. She didn't know why she was anxious or flustered or whatever you will. She just felt she wasn't putting in her best effort.

Alaric went to grab his dirty plate but Kalliope hastily stopped him. "No-no! Don't touch that, ha. I'll handle everything." She took his plate from him with a scornful look. Her hands working quick to clean the mess out of habit.

Somehow, she still felt like she was out of practice. "Why don't the men take their drinks to the study? I'll have everything arranged and come get you when dessert is out shortly."

"Kalliope -" Ric went to disagree, motioning to take the dishes back from her but Damon sent him a pressing stare.

"Great idea, Flore. Isn't she great? Thank you, dove." The Genie grinned with a faint blush when he kissed her lips in front of everyone. She still felt the smoothness despite how quaint and chaste it was. Her heart fluttered like a butterflies wings.

Damon ushered Alaric by the shoulder towards the study, motioning to Elijah to follow.

Kalliope instantly got to work, feeling the glow of his praise all over her body. Being in such a foreign environment made her look to others for confirmation. She didn't want to seem strange or idiotic, god forbid she actually embarrass someone by her actions. It was a social anxiety she suddenly developed and couldn't shake no matter how hard she smiled or played the part.

With stacks of porcelain in hand, Kalli almost jumped when Jenna stood in her way. A purse in her lips that showcased despondence. Her own smile wavered ever so slightly. "What's wrong?"

"Kalli what are you doing? The men should help you out, we're not their servants." Her tone was confused but soft. A tilt in her ginger-colored head as she reached for the cutlery laid out.

Faulting, Kalliope couldn't understand. "Of course not, but its only customary to serve the household when guests are present, right?" The question was meant to be rhetoric because she quickened her pace into the kitchen, where she wanted to escape confrontation of any kind.

"Yes, but that isn't what I meant. Fortunately for us, women have evolved since the 1800s." Gently taking the dish from the Genie, Jenna decided to help out. She turned on the sink and started washing with a knowing smile on her lips.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware..." What was she to say? Kalliope was at a loss. Her confidence had just plummeted and now she worried how Jenna would perceive her. In a rush, Kalli drew closer to the ginger and whispered lowly, "Jenna, could you help me... Catch up to the times?"

The pure insecurity on her supple features made Jenna soften. The desire to help Kalliope grew immensely. She suddenly felt the need to protect her Genie, which was strange in itself. Kalliope needed to know the innerworkings of the modern age. God forbid she get manipulated out of her rights. Coming to a decision, Jenna grinned.

"Of course I will. We'll start by getting you a cell phone." By the slight confusion, Jenna elaborated. "It's so we can keep in close contact. I'll tell Stefan to help you with that."

Kalliope was so grateful, she embraced Jenna abruptly. Her arms squeezed the ginger as she rejoiced. Jenna felt the wind knock out of her momentarily but she didn't mind. Kalli was just too cute to complain about. "Thank you, thank you!"

"Don't mention it."

"What are you ladies whispering about in here?" Andie grinned like a Cheshire cat, carrying a pile of plates as she approached the two women. "Here's the last of them."

"Nothing serious, all good fun, right Kalliope?" Jenna subtly winked to her and the Genie stumbled to catch on.

She possibly smiled too wide and her words were probably too forced, but she tried. "Right! How are you liking the evening, Andie? You are a writer, correct? Did you find something riveting?"

Glancing between the two women with a humorous confusion, she nodded. Kalliope spoke like she was straight out of a Jane Eyre story sometimes. "Yeah, Elijah is a pretty interesting man. Of course, I still spy some secrets underneath those tailored lapels of his. Don't worry, I'll uncover them soon enough."

"You always do," Jenna jested, drying her hand on a wash rag.

"That must be so exciting," Kalliope gushed. "Working, earning wages. I couldn't imagine..."

"What?" Andie chuckled airily.

"Kalli hasn't had to work a day in her life," Jenna covered for her. "She comes from old money."

The journalist nodded in understanding, sending Kalli a glance of lighthearted envy. "Lucky you. Some of us have to grind to get by. Its a good thing I get to do what I love. There's something about digging for a cover piece and splashing it out there for the town to see."

Kalliope thought about Andie's words. Her passion to do what she loved and get paid for it. She wondered what she would do if a job was a possibility for her. In actuality, she already had a job, she just hated it and wanted a new one. Maybe Damon could help her figure it out.

"I admire your spirit, Andie. I see why Damon seeks your friendship." The Genie padded towards the chocolate cake she made earlier and started cutting slices for everyone. Seeing this, Jenna opened a cabinet for small saucer plates.

Andie leant against the counter, crossing her arms over her chest as she watched them work. "Plus, it helps that I know my way around the bedroom," She chuckled, unaware of the tense pause Kalliope made.

"Oh, yeah?" She muttered, keeping her eyes down on the knife in her hand, careful to cut even slices despite her unease.

"I mean, he's pretty wild but I keep him tame." Her smile was lighthearted and comfortable, thinking she was talking amongst girlfriends. However, the problem was that Kalliope didn't know Andie was more than a friend and Andie didn't know Kalli and Damon were reconciling.

"Andie, why don't you get the guys and tell them desserts ready?" Jenna pressed with pursed lips, sliding her eyes between the tense Genie and the oblivious Reporter.

"Alright." When she left Jenna turned Kalliope around to look her over. Her bottom lip tugged between her teeth. "I take it, you didn't know?"

Brushing her off, Kalli shook her head no. She forced a smile, her brown eyes far away. "Ah, no. I didn't, but that is none of my business. I just showed up today and have no real claim on him. H-he's not my husband anymore. Till death do you part, right?"

"Kalli -"

"Come, we should get these out to everyone."


Unedited. 04/25/2021

Our poor Kalliope may be out of her depth. Someone come protect her!

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