(2) Creepy Kitchen

Cory's POV
The boy turned the corner, and immediantly I was in front of him, holding my knife defensively. The boy gasped in surprise, fear immediantly filling his gaze. Part of me was scared he would fight back, but another part of me felt bad for him. I tensed, wondering what the nervous boys next move would be. Then, yo my surprise, he dank to his knees, and his breathing quickened. He ran his fingers through his messy, blue hair. "I'm sorry... Please don't hurt us ..." he whined. I stared down at him in confusion, us? His eyes Then widened, "Please don't hurt...Me..." He corrected himself quickly. Then he grabbed his head and began murmuring to himself, "No...You know I can't fight..." I stared at him, yep, he's schizophrenic. I thought silently. "S-Shut up Duni..." He stuttered, then he looked back up at me. His eyes immediantly looked towards my bloody clothes, and my bloody knife. Oh geez, this probably looks bad... I thought.

I stared at the shaky boy on the ground for a second more, then I offered him my hand. He flinched as I extended my hand. Then he stared at it, occasionally glancing from my bloody hand to my face. I was smiling slightly, trying to calm him down. Then he slowly reached his hand out and grabbed mine. I pulled him up swiftly, and we both stood in silence. Then he spoke quietly, "A-Are you gonna kill me...?" He questioned quietly, once again glancing at my bloodstained shirt. "Not if you don't kill me." I said simply, and he sighed in relief. "So...What's your name?" He questioned. I was quiet for a moment, wondering if I should tell this crazy my name. I sighed, realizing it wouldn't matter either way. Like, what was he going to do with that information anyway? Everyone's dead. "Cory." I said simply. He nodded,
"Im Uni." He said with a small smile. His white shirt and pants had blood on them, not as much as mine, but they still had a fair amount of blood on them.

I glanced at his clothes, "What happened?" I questioned. He looked confused, then he followed my gaze to his bloody clothes and sighed. "Some dude ripped my door off it's hinges, yelling about freedom...Then Some creature dude attacked him from behind and his blood splattered all over me." He said simply. I looked at him is suprise, "How did you get out if your room alive?" I questioned. He stared at me, then shivered slightly. "I kicked the thing into the wall and ran." He muttered. Then he glared at seemingly nothing, "Shut. Up. RICKY!" He snapped suddenly. I looked at him curiously, "So im guessing you're schitzaphranic?" I said. He looked at me, "Yeah...And let me tell you...They NEVER shut up." He said bitterly. Then he looked at me curiously, "Why are you here?" He questioned. I shrugged, "I just killed a few people. Nothing big." I said simply. Uni raised an eyebrow, "Nothing big?" He questioned with a chuckle. I chuckled to, "Yeah, I guess it's something big." I said playfully. Then I stared at him curiously, "Why aren't you scared or nervous about standing with a killer?" I questioned, genuinely curious. He sighed and shrugged, "I guess I've figured that I'm probably gonna die here anyway...So I guess I'll go out on my own terms...Trusting the killer." He said simply. I nodded slightly, "I guess that's a good plan...Except I'm not planning on killing you." I said with a small smile. He smiled back, "I guess that's good to hear."

Uni and I stood for a moment in silence, then he nodded. "You're right Uni~Chan, we should." He said quietly, then he looked at me. "Let's go." He said simply, then he began walking down the hallway that was across from the hallway that I had come from, and past the one he had come out of. I jogged up beside him, "Where are we going?" I questioned. Uni glanced at me, "Oh, Uni~Chan said that she thinks we should keep moving, and try together find a way to survive, or find a way outta here." Uni explained. I nodded slightly, "Do you know the way outta here?" I questioned. Uni sighed and shook his head, "I haven't been out of my room in a VERY long time." He murmured. I nodded, "Me neither." I said sadly. Uni glanced at me, or more specifically, he glanced at my face. Then he looked forward, "So, did you get expieremented on?" He questioned. I stayed silent. Uni breathed in deeply, "They tried to expierement on me..." He murmured. I glanced at him, "How?" I questioned.

Uni shivered, "They wanted to see if they could remove one of me personalities." He muttered darkly. "And did it work?" I pressed. Uni gave an airy laugh, "Heh, no...They didn't get that far in the experiment." He said. "What do you mean?" I questioned. He was quiet and moment, then he answered quietly, "Well...It turns out that certain triggers can give my personalities full control over my body..." I looked at him, "What happened?" I asked quietly. He looked down at the ground, "D-Duni took control...And he..." His voice trailed off. I gasped quietly as I caught on. Uni didn't seem like the killing type, so I guess he must be guilty. Uni then looked at me, "What was their goal when they expieremented on you?" He questioned. I bit my bottom lip, "Those inhumane monsters wanted to see if a human could survive with a camera, or some other product, as a face." I snarled bitterly. Uni laughed sacracastiacally, "Heh, those monsters don't think of us as humans..." He murmured. I nodded in agreement.

As we continued to walk down the hallway, I realized something. "Hey Uni, I think the cafeteria is down here." I said with a smile. Uni smiled a bit, "Hopefully...I only eat twice a week." He stated. I looked at him in suprise, "But we're fed 5 times a week." I said in suprise. Uni scoffed, "Pft, I'd rather starve then eat red soup." He said bitterly. I looked down at his body, and for the first time I noticed how skinny he was. His ribs poked out, and his bone shapes could be seen through his skin. "Man, you're not kidding..." I murmured. Uni nidded, "Nope." I looked at him in confusion, "How did you survive on just Fruit Soup?" I questioned. Uni shivered slightly, "Well, Duni loves Red Soup..So sometimes, when I'm close to dying, he'll talk me into eating it, or threaten me until I eat it." He exclaimed. I nodded, "Sounds interesting." I stated. Uni nodded, "It can be." He said. Then I saw a familiar pair of double doors. "Look Uni! There's the cafeteria!" I exclaimed quietly. Uni smiled, and we began walking faster to the door.

Uni and I stopped at the double doors, "What if there's a monster thing in there?" He questioned nervously. I smirked and held my knife up, "Then I kill it." I said simply. Uni nodded slightly, then we both grabbed a double door and pushed it open. Uni and I quietly opened the doors, and slowly walked in, closing them quietly behind us. I shivered as I saw the blood that splattered the door, and the windows. Blood covered the room, and I looked around nervously. Then I heard Uni gasped loudly beside me. I quickly looked at him, and he was staring in horror at something. I slowly followed his horrified gaze, and I stiffened at what I saw.

Two boys were sitting at one of the tables, both covered in blood. One had dark black hair, and a black beard, and he was sipping at a cup of sticky red liquid. Is he drinking blood!? I questioned myself fearfully. I them looked at the boy who sat across from him, and the sight was worse then the other. The boy was very pale, and his green hair blended well with the darkness. He was staring at us, his seemingly violet eyes shone with insanity. He tightly held the handle of the bloody meat clever that he held. He smiled darkly, "Care to join us?" He questioned darkly. Looking back at the hunk of meat that he had been cutting infront of him. And Uni and I both seemed to notice at the same time...That the meat that he was cutting was a human arm. "Nope." Uni said simply, turning around to leave. I grabbed his arm and yanked him back beside me.

A/N Yay! Updates! I really like this book so far, and I truly hope that you guys are enjoying it aswell! Now anyways, I HOPE YOU GUYS HAVE A INCREDIBLE DAY, AND GOODBYE MY SWEET DOVES!!!!

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