Prologue - The Girl Left Alone
She panted and panted, however still continued running. I have to go...! I have to find a safe place! Whether it's home or a crowded area I don't care! I've just got to go now!
I just have to get away...! I have to tell somebody...! Her breath was even heavier at this point, and she was close to losing all of her stamina.
Her long, wavy powder white hair was flowing behind her, and her mint green eyes were teary.
Yet the last place the fifteen year old ended up was a blocked off alleyway. No... no, no, no! Her endurance was almost completely gone as soon as she found herself here.
Someone save me! However her words only came out as thoughts.
"Abigail Hess." A male voice said, which caused the girl to jump and immediately turn around.
"...Y-You...!-" she was cut off however.
"You've found out too much, and I'm afraid you have to die for it." The male said, his face stoic, and eyes were almost lifeless, as if he was used to doing this, and it showed he didn't feel bad in the slightest.
He pulled out a gun from his holster. Then pointed the gun at the girl without giving the girl a second to breathe.
One shot.
Two shots.
The girl, now proclaimed, 'Abigail Hess' was down and dead on the cement alleyway ground.
Her final thoughts were... Big brother where are you...?
First Name: Jamie
Last Name: Berrun
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Birthday: September 9th
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 125 lb
Occupation: High School Student, Grocery Store Employee
Good For Project?
✓ Yes No
"Thank you for your purchase, please come again!" I told a male, who looked about the age of fifty as I was carefully putting his last grocery in a plastic bag and put it back in his cart. He simply rolled his dark gray eyes, grumbled something rude under his breath, and pushed his shopping cart forward, walking away.
I had to do my best to keep my glaring admiral blue color eyes closed and my mouth shut. How obnoxious... I try to be nice, and he ends up just being so ill-mannered to me! I hope whoever his significant other is chews him out real good when he gets home!
"HAHAHA! JAY! THAT WAS TOO GOOD!" I opened my eyes, and my attention turned to the checkout aisle in front of me. Check out aisle number five to be exact. There was a girl with long straight khaki colored hair and coffee brown eyes holding her stomach, and laughing as if she just saw the funniest thing in the world.
I let out a sigh of irritation that I had no clue I was holding in. "Yeesh, people these days..." I mumbled, annoyed.
"He wasn't even the worst customer you've had today." The girl giggled, wiping a tear from one of her eyes with her index finger. "I'm surprised you were able to hold out this long."
"It took a lot of effort..." I muttered. "Anyways, that was our last customer, and we need to clean up, it's our day to close the store."
"I know, I know." The girl grinned.
This girl is named Olivia Galloway, Liv for short. She is my coworker and pretty much my best friend. We're the same age, however go to different schools. She's in college, and I'm still in high school, thanks to the birthday cut off (mine is in September and hers is in May). Luckily, we met through this job.
Liv is probably one of the nicest people you could ever meet, she's very easy to talk too, got a very big heart and cares about everyone around her. (Though she finds a lot of things funny, as you can tell.)
"Jay~!" The brunette called for me as she finished mopping the store's white tiled floor.
"Ah- s-sorry!" I yelled back, starting to restock things in the right places on the shelves. "You have the key, right?"
"Of course! I'm trustworthy~!" Liv smirked, sticking her tongue out and spinning the ring of keys around on her pointer finger. Somehow, I don't think she's that trustworthy in closing up the store... "I'll go hang up our vests and shut everything off!" Which mainly caused her to force me out of my 'work uniform'. "I'll be right back!" She yelled, running to the back of the store. I let out another sigh of annoyance. Seriously? Can she not read the 'wet floor' signs?
Wait... Huh? I turned my head a little. I swear, I thought I heard the front doors open...? "Hello...?" I asked aloud, trying to see if I'd get a response.
No reply... weird... maybe it's just a fluke with Liv shutting things off...? I'm sure she's got it now. "Liv?! Are you good to go?!" I yelled to the back of the store.
"Yup~! I'm fine!" I heard her call back, I then saw the lights go off. Hm, seems she did get it. "See! I'm great at this~!" She walked back up to me, work vest off and her jean jacket was now over her beige t-shirt.
"Alright, let's get going." I told her. "Be sure to lock every door."
"I know what to do, you act as if it's my first day doing this." She smiled. I tried my best to not roll my blue eyes and grabbed my black school bag from behind the number six checkout aisle, following her out of the store.
The doors made another ding after Liv and I walked outside.
The khaki haired girl locked all the doors, but still I felt really weird... She's usually more careful, and the store doesn't usually have any accidents like this when we close up.
"Jay?!" I heard Liv call, she looked at me on the cement sidewalk, already a quarter way down the street.
"S-Sorry!" I yelled, running up to her, my long wavy walnut brown hair flying in the back of me until I caught up to her.
Then we both set a slow pace as we continued to walk down to where I lived. "What's up with you? You've been pretty zoned out and on edge ever since we left work... are you that tired?" She sounded really concerned.
"No... it's just... you checked the security cameras, right?" I asked, looking at her.
"Of course I did, I'm not dumb." She replied.
Rude. "Well was there anyone in the store besides you and I?" I inquired.
"Huh?! No, there was just us?! Why?" Liv responded.
I let out a sigh of relief. "Okay... good... so it was probably just a bird or something..." I mumbled, but it's weird, and it bothers me that I still felt a strange presence when the store doors opened. I hope it was just my imagination...
I then felt a hand on my shoulder and turned my head, only to see Liv giving me a gentle smile with a gentle expression in her kind coffee brown eyes. "Hey... everything will be okay... I promise... plus you have me right by your side, right?"
I was surprised but gave her a small smile right back. "Right."
I stepped into my house quietly opening, then quietly shutting the front door before letting out an, "I'm home!" and kicking off my shoes.
"Big sis! Help! I'm being yelled at again!" A girl with the same walnut brown haired as I came running into the living room, wrapping her arms around my waist, her face slamming into my chest. Woah. I thought, trying not to fall on the ground.
"What did you do this time?" I asked with a sigh, my head tilting downward to look at the girl.
"Huh?! You believe it was my fault this time?!" The girl yelled, her linen hex colored face looked up at me. Her aegean blue eyes were teary. We stared at each other for a good few minutes until she let out a "...ehehe..." she gave me a small guilty smile.
"I knew it." I sighed. "I'll go talk to mom, you go to bed, it's already ten pm and a school night. Did you do your work?"
She let go of me and nodded. "Yes ma'am." Her shoulder length hair was shaking a little.
"Good. Go brush your teeth, put on your pajamas, and go to bed." I repeated the last part.
"Yes ma'am." She replied with another nod.
"Please don't call me that." I said, giving her a blank stare with my admiral blue eyes.
"Yes ma- I mean big sis!" She replied before going up our dark carpeted stairs.
After she did that I put my hand to my face. What a mess. That girl is my little sister, Kiana Spencer. She is fifteen and still a bit of a troublemaker. However, even if she is a troublemaker I do care about her and love her very much.
After I took my hand off my face I walked into the kitchen only to see my mother cleaning the plates. "Hey mom, I'm home." I repeated.
"Oh, welcome back, how was work?" She seemed a bit tense. I wonder... What did Kiana do now?
"It was good...? Also, what happened? I heard Kiana got yelled at." I asked, leaning my back against one of the wooden counters.
My mother sighed. "Kiana and I just had a small argument... nothing more, nothing less." Small argument she says. It's always like that. Mom and Kiana always argue, whether it's about something big, or about something small. They just... don't get along.
"I know I shouldn't be nosy, but what was it about?" I asked, curiously.
"Kiana 'forgot' to do her chores and went out with her friends anyways, AGAIN!" My mother yelled the last word. She seems pretty angry... yikes... however I don't know why mom is so angry at this point. This is normal for Kiana. Not doing what she's told, as she is a young teenager. I don't know why mom still tries at this point. She should really just leave housework to me. I internally sighed, knowing I might regret what I was about to say.
"I can talk with her, if you would like. Maybe I'll get through to her?" I suggested with a shrug.
My mother had her mouth agape, looking like she was about to retort, but instead she just sighed. "If you think you can..." She mumbled, then she continued washing the dishes. "Oh yeah, dinner is in the fridge."
"Alright." I replied, however I was just noticing, I wasn't really hungry at all... in fact... it's more my stomach was aching, but not from lack of starvation, but from worry. I feel sick. I shook my head a little, my long wavy walnut brown colored hair swaying. I feel like this has happened before.
I left the kitchen after saying 'good night' to my mother and went up to mine and Kiana's shared room. I turned on our lamp, put on a pair of random denim blue pajamas, and brushed my teeth. Then I fell flat on my back, laying on my dark blue comforted bed, staring at the brown wooden ceiling above me.
Why do I feel like this has happened before? It hasn't happened, right? No. That's not important right now. What's important is that I told mom I'd talk to Kiana.
I slightly tilted my head to the right of me, seeing a bed with similar colored covers, "Kiana?" I called. No response. "I know you're up." I saw the younger girl under the comforter of the bed next to mine quickly flinch.
"You know you need to do what our parents say." I told her, I stared at her, and she got up from underneath her covers lazily laid her arms across on her two pillows and laid her face down in between them.
"But chores are boring." She whined, she sounded very annoyed.
I got up onto my side and elbow, continuing to stare. "I know, but we have responsibilities and we'll keep having them as we grow up." I told her, she stayed quiet, because she knew I was right.
"How about this," I started. "I'll help you do half of them this time, but next time, you're on your own. Okay?" I said.
She immediately perked up, now looking back at me. "You will?!" Kiana sounded hopeful and I nodded. "Thank you! I love you, my dearest big sister Jamie!"
Dearest big sister? I'm used to 'big sis' but not the 'dearest'? Oh, whatever. I thought, rolling my eyes.
"Hey, Jay, are you okay?" She asked me and I looked at her confused.
"Huh? What do you mean?" One of my eyebrows raised.
"Ever since you came home, I just thought you were... I don't know, nervous? It was just a weird kind of emotional state you had." She could tell?!
Fifteen year olds are very... interesting? Yeah, that's one way to put it.
"I'm fine, just go to bed..." I told her.
"Oh! Did something with you and Liv happen? Did you guys fight?! That's unusual!" Kiana asked, staring at me, there was a curious as well as intense look in her aegean blue eyes.
"No, Liv and I are fine." I answered, turning off the lamp and forcing myself to the opposite direction so I could fall asleep.
"Then were people rude to you today?! That usually makes you upset!" Yes, but no. That wasn't the issue I had.
"Kiana. We're going to get off this topic now and we're going to bed." I told her, I heard her sigh in annoyance and her mattress and blankets move around as she finally went to bed.
I couldn't sleep. I felt chills all night and mine and Kiana's room is usually warm. This is so weird.
"Jamie, Kiana, come on!" I heard my mom call out. That must mean my routine must start.
Step 1. Get Kiana up.
Step 2. Change into my uniform.
Step 3. Go down stairs and eat breakfast.
Step 4. Go back upstairs and brush my teeth.
Step 5. Get my stuff together.
Step 6. Leave.
Pretty simple I'd say, except the first step. Having a younger sibling can either be good or bad depending on the situation.
I was on Step 3, when my sister had quickly sat down next to me at the kitchen table, as if I was going to disappear a second later. She had a look on her face that made it seem like she wanted to ask me something, "Hey, big sis! Can I go with you to your job after school today?" She asked in the middle of eating cinnamon toast, breadcrumbs were already starting to crowd her lips.
I paused eating, letting go of my spoon and it already sunk into my bowl of my milk and cereal. I lifted my eyebrow. "Huh, why?" I questioned the younger girl.
"Snacks." Was all she answered with, and shrugging was her only motion, the brunette had an innocent smile on her face.
I sighed. She wants the family discount. "Fine, but you need to ask our parents too." I told her, before wiping away the breadcrumbs on her face with my thumb.
After I put my arm down I heard her cheer. "Yes!" and saw her linen hex colored arms go in the air, her innocent smile turned into a sneaky one, as she was glad to go with me. Well, I can't deny the family discount is pretty good, as it's about forty percent off... but still... I need to remind myself to go grab my wallet when I go back upstairs, since she's going to use my money. Ugh...
What am I going to do with this kid? I thought.
Her arms then went down. "Will Olivia be there too?" She asked, her smile turned into a small frown. That's weird... she doesn't usually call Liv, 'Olivia'?
"Hm?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, why do you want to know?"
"I mean... she's your best friend, and usually when people say they're 'fine' they're not really 'fine.'" The aegean blue eyed girl explained.
I just sighed. "I swear, Liv and I are okay, you can call her yourself and ask." I smiled. "Now, I need to go brush my teeth." I said standing up. I pushed my chair in and she continued to eat.
After that it was the usual... I did the rest of my routine, I got my stuff, and Kiana yelled "Wait for me!" as I headed out the door, since she's normally slow on getting ready, as she's not a morning person. However, when we headed toward the bus stop it was different...?
This strange feeling... It's like yesterday... I turned my head a little to see if anyone was around. Nope. No one but Kiana.
"Big sis?" Kiana grabbed my attention and I looked at her.
"Yeah, what's up?" I asked, tilting my head downward a little.
"You're acting weird again. Seriously, did something happen?" She asked.
I didn't want to tell her, I really, really didn't want to tell her. "You're going to think I'm insane..." I whispered.
"I'm going to think what?" Kiana asked, raising an eyebrow. "What was the last part?"
"I'm... insane." I repeated, which made her aegean blue eyes widen.
"I don't think that about you, and I won't ever think that about you! You're my sister! Whoever says that I will beat up, and I know you'd do the same for me!" Kiana said with a smirk.
I sighed. "Fine..." I leaned closer to her ear so no one would hear this. "I think I'm being followed."
"Huh?" She mumbled.
"I think someone is tracking me down..." I whispered. "Stalking me..." I then leaned away.
Kiana looked at me shocked. "What...?" She covered her mouth afterwards with both hands, but not to laugh to gasp maybe, before taking her hands away from her mouth. After a few minutes she put a solo finger up to her lips in thought, and I could tell what she was asking herself. Who would want to track me down?
But at that point a silver colored bus came to our stop, and we needed to get on. Kiana and I were able to find empty seats before she whispered to me. "Why didn't you contact anyone...?"
"Because I didn't know for sure." I said. "Last night there was no one on the security cameras."
"How long has this gone on?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
I had to think back. I'd like to say since yesterday, but... that'd be a lie... I've had some chills here and there, but yesterday was the day I was pretty certain there was someone stalking me. "...A few months..."
"Months?! Jamie...!" Kiana almost shouted. This got the attention of a few other passengers which I simply politely waved off with a nice smile on my linen hex colored face. Still... her (nearly) shouting surprised... even me, just a little... I'm not used to her saying my full name... only my nickname.
However, my smile turned into a frown and my surprise turned into a disappointed expression. "Look, I'll tell you the rest after school, I promise." I said, when we stopped at the school I felt her grab my hand as we stood up in the aisle of the bus.
"I don't think it's safe for you to walk outside alone..." Kiana said with a frown, and I gave her a soft smile.
"I'll be okay, I promise. C'mon, let's go." I said, walking out of the bus, her behind me. Once we were inside the school I felt Kiana let go of my hand and saw her run off to her friends.
I smiled a little, just so she couldn't see my worried expression on the inside. Who would want to come after me? I'm a normal senior high school girl who gets A's and B's, not straight A's, so who, and why...? I thought walking off to class.
Damn, school is already over, how long does Kiana take to get her stuff? I thought standing at the school entrance, gripping one of the straps of my black backpack. Well people are still crowding the halls, so I guess I can't blame her...
"Big sis!" I hear a female underclassman yell. Well that voice sure sounds familiar. After I got that thought out I felt a slight bump in my back.
"Umpf-" I made a gasp-like noise. "That was a surprise."
"Sorry..." Kiana said, looking up at me, her aegean blue eyes looking pitiful.
"It's fine." I sighed. "I know you probably got pushed. Now, let's go." I gave her a small smile and started to walk, Kiana followed beside me.
The grocery store I work at wasn't too far from the school Kiana and I go to. It's about a thirty minute walk, and ten minutes by drive, if there's no traffic. So, I'd say it's a pretty decent walk.
"Remember to call our parents once you're done." I told the younger girl.
"I know, I know." She responded. "Quit being super prickly about this."
"I'm sorry... it's just..." I paused, "...I don't want anything to happen to our family..." I whispered.
"Huh?" She asked.
"No... it's nothing." I shook my head a little, my long wavy brown hair dangling.
After another few moments of silence I felt Kiana suddenly back into my side. "...Gah...!" I heard her gasp and felt her tightly grasp onto my right arm.
"What?! What is it?!" I ask, panicking, this is the most freaked out I've ever seen her!
"B-Bl...B-Bo..." Kiana seemed like she was trying to say two words at once. She ended up pointing into an alley, and I finally looked at what she was looking at.
It smelled of metal, however it wasn't anything metal at all. It was red and liquid, and there was a young girl over it. "Blood"and "body" that's what Kiana was trying to say! "K-Kiana, call the police and an ambulance! I-I'll try and do something about the girl!"
"R-Right...!" She said, nervously letting go of my arm and taking her phone out of her dark blue bag.
I ran into the alley and up to the pale girl who looked about Kiana's age. I kneeled down putting two of my fingers to her pulse. "Nothing..." I whispered. Ah... No! Don't freak out now! Is there any type of tag of who she is...? "Forgive me, Miss." I mumbled before searching in her bag. "Oh!" I found a light green notebook and opened the first page. Okay! I found something, her name is Abigail Hess! I lifted Abigail's head up and put it on my lap. Her mint green eyes looked lifeless... poor girl... What happened to her? She had long straight powder white hair that's now already doused in her own blood, turning some of it a bit pink. I also looked at what she was wearing. Her school uniform it doesn't look like mine and Kiana's, it's dark brown, not black that means she probably goes to... um... Silver Oak High School...right?... Oh, is there her phone anywhere, so I can contact someone who knows her- I was about to search through her bag some more so I could contact someone, but I froze.
I have chills again... I saw Kiana still on the phone. Can she not get a signal?! No. No, no, no... I felt someone getting closer... no... I HEARD someone getting closer. I carefully put Abigail's head back on the cement ground. I'm sorry, We'll be right back! I thought, standing up. "Kiana, we need to leave!" I yelled, running to exit the alley. I saw her look at me, fear was in her aegean blue eyes. That's when I noticed she wasn't looking at me, it was something- no someone behind me... I felt my left arm being grabbed and my mouth and nose covered by what seemed to be a rag.
I tried screaming "HELP!" but it was muffled. To the best of my ability I wanted to get Kiana out of here, so I used my right arm to reach and push her away. I heard her yell "HELP!" and trying to stay conscious the last thing I heard was a male's voice saying...
"What should we do with the other girl?" The other girl...? I thought before slowly slipping away into an unconscious state.
The next thing that happened was I woke up locked in a dark room.
And that's the prologue!
Wow I was NOT expecting to write so much, but hey looks like that's what happened haha
Please vote and comment what you think!
Love y'all
~ Whisp
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