Chapter 8 -Aurora

Samantha sounded nice so I stayed still as she checked me over and I could feel the worried  presence  of my freinds  and Andre as they waited anxiously  Samantha  must have felt  my concern  and she smiled sweetly before asking

"So hun what is your name"

"My name is Aurora Keeli Venchant "

"You are the first years who  only just arrived yesterday "

"Yes  ma'am  I am"

"Oh  pish posh  sweet pea don't call me Ma'am  it makes me feel  old"

"I apologise  i will call  you Samantha"

"You are a sweet girl and you have good freinds  and a even  handsome  and caring  boyfriend"

"Pardon me  Samantha  but what is a Boyfriend I mean what does having  a boyfriend  mean  I am sorry for the silly question  but I have never had a boyfriend  or heard of the word until  I got here"

"OH MY how is it that you have never had a boyfriend  sweet pea your gorgeous  and boyfriend  is a common  word   it has been  for a while have you never seen girls  with a boyfriend  hugging and kissing "

"EWWWW  my momma  told me that Boys are dirty  and smell   she told me that girls  and boys can never be friends  as its a sin"

when I had said that for a moment  Samantha  looked stunned  and she couldn't  speak  but two seconds  later she smiled and  checked  me over  and when  she saw my  marks on my back from the day  Jacobis freind  slapped me making me fall on  glass she gasped  she had tears in her eyes she left the room  and  minutes later in came Kaylee and Kristen  followed  by  Andre.

My freinds hugged me tightly  tears in there eyes as there feeling  of guilt  came out  and when  Andre  approached  me his feelings were hard to read he hugged me startling  me before he began talking in French

"oh ma douce rose j'étais très inquiète quand j'ai vu l'amour de ma vie vomir du sang et s'évanouir, mon cœur avait l'impression qu'il était arraché de ma poitrine et je voulais tuer tes amis si quelque chose s'était passé qui te prendrait la vie(oh my sweet rose i was very worried  when i saw the love of my life throwing up  blood and blacking out my heart felt  like it was being ripped  out of my  chest and i wanted  to kill your freinds  if anything  had happened  that would take your  life"

When kaylee  and Kristen  saw how andre acted around me there mouths opened  kaylee  gave me a sweet smile and for some reason  Kristen gave me a scowl  and then she looked towards Andre with  big eyes  and her eye lashes fluttering  just like I had seen  girls do to Jacobi  so that he gave them beer or champagne  for free.

Kaylee then looked at me mouthing sorry when she saw my  eyes on her sister  and Andre  I smiled at kaylee  nodding  my head  to try and say that there was no problems.

Me and kaylee  were disturbed   by the nurse  Samantha telling  my freinds and  Andre that for a few weeks  I need to eat broth and soup with bread and nice dessert until I gain weight then I can order  other food  my freinds  nodded and before  they could  say anything  Andre's face  took on a serious  change of expression  as he put his long tanned fingers through  his light brown hair  giving himself a very messy look  that had my stomach  filled with butterfly's again  as he said to Samantha in French

"merci infirmière Samantha, je parlerai personnellement aux chefs pour préparer les meilleures soupes riches en saveurs et grasses avec du pain fait maison et un dessert délicieux.

et je leur dirai mon nouveau menu de nourriture pour quelques semaines et je montrerai à Pablo celui de ma famille photo du chef cuisinier ma chérie roses pour qu'il puisse la reconnaître(thank you   nurse Samantha  i will personally  be  speaking  to  the chefs to make the best  ever flavour filled and  fatty soups with home made bread and delectable dessert.

I will tell them my sweet  loves  new food menu for a few weeks  and i will show pablo  my family's head chef  my darling roses  picture  so he can recognise  her")

Samantha smiled at me  and Andre and then she told me in English  that Andre was going to sort out my meal changes  himself since he had been here in  the Academy  longer and knew the staff I smiled at Andre and said

"Thank you Andre  your a very sweet  man  for helping  me a complete  stranger out like this  I don't know what i could do without embarrassing myself since I have never been to public school ever and I wouldn't  know how to speak  with people  just know that the kindness your showing  me  is very close to my heart"

Andre looked like an excited  puppy as he held his  hand  to his heart   with the most magical  looking smile on his gorgeous  pink lips he then  walked towards me  and kaylee looked like she had tears of happiness in  her eyes whereas Kristen  had a look in her eyes and the strong feeling of jealously  wafting off her that became  stronger when Andre went on his knee taking my hand in his which caused an electrical  charge to shoot between  us  startling us   then he put my  hand  to his soft pink  lips and said in French  again

"il n'y a pas besoin de me remercier ma douce rose car je ferai tout ce que je peux pour être là pour toi même si tu ne sais pas encore quelle est notre connexion magique et je prendrai soin de toi quoi qu'il arrive parce que mon cœur n'a que toi dedans mon pote chéri(there is no need to thank me  my sweet rose  as i will do whatever i can to be there for you even if you dont know  what  our magical connection  is yet  and i will look after you  no matter what because my heart  has only you in it my darling mate")

I had no idea what Andre was saying  but Kaylee  looked like she was swooning and Kristen had walked  out  it was Samantha who had told me that Andre was saying that it was no trouble at all for him and he was happy and felt obligated to help me after the day I had yesterday I smiled my cheeks feeling warm as I stared into Andre's bright  green eyes inonly stopped  when Kristen cleared her throat  as she walked in followed by a tall lady with red hair.

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