"We don't have much time." Felix spoke quickly, pulling a small flashlight out of his pocket and activating it, blinding Jack as he squinted. Felix pressed something on the underside of the table, causing the metal cuffs restraining Jack's wrists and legs to open, freeing him.
Jack nodded in appreciation as he rubbed his wrists, blinking so his eyes could adjust to the bright white beam of light shining in front of him. He considered asking what was going on, but didn't think that now was a good time.
"C'mon!" Felix urged him, grabbing his hand and running out of the room. The walls and floor was made out of freezing cold light gray concrete, a dim flickering light bulb providing little light overhead.
"Where are we going?" He asked instead, keeping his voice a hushed whisper just in case someone was nearby and would hear them.
"Out of this underground hellhole." Felix growled under his breath, looking to his left, then right before motioning for Jack to quickly and quietly follow him down the hall.
Jack nearly ran into Felix's back as he abruptly stopped at the end of the hall. Felix pressed his back and peeked around the corner, cursing in Swedish under his breath.
"Did someone see us?" Jack whispered worriedly, his heart pounding in his chest.
"No...what worries me is that there's no one here. No cameras, no guards, nothing..." Felix replied.
"Isn't that good?" Jack asked.
Felix didn't answer as he turned the corner, this time not bothering to try and be quiet.
"What's your plan then? Stick us in a maze to entertain you and kill us off one by one?" Felix shouted to no one in particular.
"Felix, what are you talking about? What's going on? Why did you kidnap me and bring me here?" Jack placed a hand on his friend's shoulder to stop him from walking away. Felix tensed up, then relaxed slightly as he sighed and turned to face Jack.
"I didn't have a choice." Felix's gaze dropped down to his shoes as he rolled down the collar of his shirt. Under the skin of his collar bone, Jack could see a slowly blinking small red dot.
"Is that..." Jack cut himself off, afraid to ask.
"It's a bomb." Felix nodded.
"She has Marzia and the pugs too...I-I couldn't let her kill them." Felix said shamefully, covering the dot up with his shirt again.
"How did you move so quickly then?" Jack frowned.
"She's been experimenting on me some kind of serum for some kind of crazy invincible soldier. She was planning on using you and your friends too...that's why you're here." Felix explained.
"Who is she? You keep mentioning her." Jack pressed, eager for answers.
"Listen, we've spent too much time talking, we need to find everyone else." Felix forcefully pulled his shoulder out of Jack's grasp and matched forward, blue eyes burning with steely determination. Jack reluctantly agreed and chased after him.
It wasn't long until Felix stopped shin, but this time he was standing in front of a steel door with a number keypad beside it. He typed a code in, but the door didn't open. He rolled his eyes as he simply pulled the door to the right, making it squeal as it opened.
"Damn." Jack muttered, impressed as he walked into the room, Felix staying behind him.
Lying on a metal table similar to the one Jack was restrained to was someone he thought he'd never see again.
She was wearing only a sports bra and black shorts, a large bloodstained bandage wrapped around her midriff where she got shot.
"Amy!" Jack ran over to her, releasing the cuffs pinning her hands and feet down before shaking her to wake her up.
"Jack?" Her eyes fluttered open, looking at Jack before seeing Felix.
"Were you kidnapped to?" She asked him, sliding off of the table and landing on her feet on the floor.
"Yeah." Felix lied, quickly looking away as he strode out of the room.
"You okay?" Amy examined Jack for any obvious wounds.
"Says the one who was shot and dead last time I saw you." Jack shook his head with a small smile.
"I'll take that as a yes then." She smirked before walking with him out of the room.
The next place they stopped at was a room exactly like Amy's only instead to enter you needed a retinal scan and the door was a lot stronger than the last, making it impossible for Felix to pry it open.
"This is fun to watch." A sinister female voice remarked.
"Who the hell are you?" Jack demanded, tired of running around in circles, tired of being afraid, and especially tired of watching his friend's get hurt.
"You'll see soon enough. Granted, you won't live to tell what happened down here in test lab ground zero. Anyway, I'll let you keep running around, trying to save yourselves even though it's pointless." The voice went silent as the door opened up.
Signe was curled up in the corner of the room, rocking back and forth with her head between her knees as she cried. It broke Jack's heart to see her hurt.
"Babe, it's okay." Jack pulled her into his arms, feeling her cold tears soak through the thin shirt he was wearing. Felix stayed outside of the room with Amy, mainly out of respect of their privacy.
"C'mon, let's get out of here." Jack scooped her up in his arms bridal style. She had cried herself to sleep, her face streaked with tears and her face puffy and red from crying. He sang the first that came to mind to her.
"I walk a lonely road,
The only one that I have ever known,
Don't know where it goes,
But it's only me and I walk alone."
"This is taking to long, just walk through the doors at the end of the hall." The voice chimed in a bored tone.
"There's no-" Felix stopped mid-sentence. There were two metal double doors straight ahead.
"I got a bad feeling about this." Amy muttered to one one in particular as they stepped through the doors.
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