Point of View: DECEIT, First Person
Timeline: Present Day
I immediately appeared in the dark throne room, even though I was here only a few hours ago. I took a moment to admire the way the black-lights embedded in the floor and our the along the bounced off the darkness, purple-blue light filling the room.
What did Incubus want from me NOW?
I glanced up at King Incubus, blinking at the way he sat rigid on his black throne - expression stormy.
"Yes, my King?" I lowered my head respectfully, wincing inwardly as I remembered how things had gone that last time I was here.
Next time I suggest you act less carelessly around the only one who cares about your well being.
"I have a task for you," Incubus started, folding his gloved hands together."In regards to my son."
I bowed my head.
Just do everything he asks - no smart-mouthing your superiors, Dee. Maybe then you'd actually be accepted again.
"What is it that you wish, my King?"
"It is time for my son to come back home."
Point of View: Virgil, First Person
Timeline: Present Day
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I said, jumping to my feet and quickly setting the tiny, now empty, teacup on the little table. I paused when Fairy Godmother didn't immediately jump up and follow.
Fairy Godmother was blinking curiously at me, head tilted slightly to the side in thought. "You... you are here for another reason... aren't you, love? There's another reason why you wanted to come and see me, isn't there?" she questioned.
I yanked my sleeves over my hands. "How could I? I wasn't even sure if you were real until... now," I admitted. "And what other reason could there be?" I dodged.
Fairy Godmother didn't fall for it.
"You want to know what happened to you," Fairy Godmother set her teacup down and stood up - crossing her arms stubbornly across her chest. "You want to know what happened to you on the Dark Side of the Imagination - how you could ever want to kill the person you love the most... am I right, love?"
I dropped back on the cream colored sofa, legs suddenly unsteady. I dropped my head in my hands, bangs falling over my eyes. "I remember wanting to- to kill him," I confessed. "How could I ever want that? Or a-anything bad to happen to him? Ever?"
Fairy Godmother sat back down next to me, taking both of my hands in her own and forcing me to look her in the eye. "Perhaps, love, this might be best explained at a later time," she said after a moment. "For right now... let's just take things one step at time, and take the obstacles as they come."
"So you don't know what happened to me over there, and now you're telling me that I'll have to go back to save Roman, at some point? How am I supposed to -"
"I... I have a theory, on what might've happened to you, love, but I would not want to worry you unnecessarily," Fairy Godmother interrupted. "I would prefer to receive a second opinion, before confiding in you. For now," she said, pulling me to my feet with a small, reassuring smile. "Let's focus on finding Roman, okay?" she smiled.
I know she was only trying to protect me, but honestly I just wanted to know - whatever she thought.
But it was clear Fairy Godmother had made up her mind, and I recognized the same stubborn look Roman got sometimes and knew it wouldn't make a difference if I tried to argue.
Gosh, can I even trust her? I barely know her. What if she's secretly out to help make sure that Roman is gone for good, only wanting to get my hopes up before dropping them -
What am I thinking? This is Fairy-Flipping-Godmother; she's basically Roman's mother. She would be one of the only people willing to do... whatever it takes to get Roman back.
"The tree, Roman's tree," I said, pulling my hands out of hers and digging them deeper into my pockets. "I think... that if his soul would be anywhere, it would be there."
Fairy Godmother nodded curtly. "I'll go tell Ollie that we'll be right back and ask the nymphs to keep an eye out on him while we're gone," she said heading towards the back of the house where Ollie had disappeared.
"Um," I started, hurrying after her. "Are the nymphs - uh, um - "
Fairy Godmother gave me a dismissive wave, cutting me off. "You can trust them - I had them watch over Roman plenty of times when he was a child, love. Believe me," she said with a smile. "They are more than prepared to watch over Ollie for a short while."
I shifted. "I - I kinda want Ollie to come with us," I admitted. "I'm sorry, I just - I just don't want him to think I abandoned him... again," I realized, blinking fast a couple of times.
Fairy Godmother shook her head. "No, Virgil. If you are right, and his soul is there... if it isn't in one piece, love, then - " Fairy Godmother cut herself off, shaking her head. "But enough of that," Fairy Godmother said, continuing on her way and I had no choice but to follow.
We reached her backyard in no time - and endless sea of colorful flowers. I could hear Ollie's familiar laugh and I spotted him far in the distance, talking to little boy that appeared to be covered in bright flowers, laughing with him.
But Fairy Godmother didn't try to get Ollie's attention at all, merely dropping towards the ground, and resting a hand against it. She closed her eyes and didn't move.
Just when it was really starting to get awkward, Fairy Godmother stood back up, wiped the dirt off her hands, nodded firmly, and gave me a bright smile. I couldn't help the tiny smile that escaped me in return.
... Was that okay? Was it okay for me to be happy? I - I feel like I shouldn't be happy, shouldn't be smiling: I should be miserable. I - I killed someone. And not just any someone - but the love of my life.
How can I even begin to smile with the constant reminder that Roman is -
The smile slipped away almost instantly.
I shoved my hands into my hoodie pockets, trying to resist the urge to fiddle with something, anything. "So - uh - how do we get to the - um - tree?" I asked, rubbing a self-conscious hand on the back of my neck.
Fairy Godmother waved a hand and her periwinkle colored cloak came floating out of the house and clasped itself neatly around her neck. "Through the lake of course," she said walking away from the fairytale-like cottage.
"What lake?" I asked, barely managed to keep up with her. Geez, she was fast.
"The lake, love," Fairy Godmother returned softly, not even bothering to turn around and face me.
"Um... Don't you mean across the lake?"
"Oh stars, please do keep up dear - it's best to go through at low tide," she said, walking faster and I had to jog to keep up with her as we climbed a large hill. "And I said what I meant."
I glanced behind me and I could still easily see the cottage and Ollie, still playing with the little flower boy. But now it - it was almost as if the whole meadow was facing inward - every flower keeping a close eye on my little brother.
I spun back around and flat out ran to catch up with Fairy Godmother. Wow, how did she move so FAST?
Fairy Godmother stopped at the top of the hill, turning to face me.
"What did you mean?" I asked, nearing the top. "About the lake and getting there at low tide and everything?"
"It's the fastest way, on such short notice, love," Fairy Godmother said calmly.
I finally reached the top and gasped at the most beautiful lake I've ever seen. It was the most incredible shade of blue and I found that I couldn't take my eyes off it. The water faded to a gorgeous light blue at the edges and I could hardly believe it.
I spun to face Fairy Godmother, acutely stunned. "This is... beautiful," I managed, eyes immediately spinning back to face the lake. "I didn't even know the lakes could get that shade of blue."
"Normal ones can't," she said softly. Too softly. I finally managed to tear my eyes away, back to Fairy Godmother to see her eyes watering with tears. "R-Roman made it, the lake that is," she clarified.
I was speechless.
How much was Roman really capable of? He'd MADE a - a flippin beautiful lake.
Stupid, stupid prince.
If he could do all this...
Why didn't he tell anyone?
And if he could do all this...
Then why, oh why did he not make it back home?
"Roman used to use this path to get between my cottage and the Imagination - the cottage and all of this lies in a little pocket in the Imagination, hence why you or any of the other sides have never been able to find me unless I intend on being found."
"Incredible," I whispered and together we headed down the hill, to the small beach with rainbow colored sand. "So how does it work?"
For the first time Fairy Godmother looked genuinely worried about that task ahead.
"We..." Fairy Godmother took a deep breath. "I've never actually done this, I've always had time to never have to use this way," Fairy Godmother confessed.
I shoved my hands even further into my pockets. Well that was foreboding. "Fairy Godmother," I hesitated. "What do we have to do?"
Fairy Godmother closed her eyes, looking pained.
"There's a path at the bottom of the lake that leads directly to Roman's tree. But... the lake... has magical properties, love," she said. "In order to reveal the path, we must drink some water from the lake."
I hesitated. "That doesn't sound so bad... but I'm getting the feeling that you're not done yet."
Fairy Godmother took a deep breath, opening her eyes.
"But the issue is that... the water... causes hallucinations."
I froze at that.
"The hallucinations are a test - if you can break free from the hallucinations, then you are deemed... worthy... of passage."
"And... if you, um, don't break free?" I squeaked out.
"If we don't break free, love, then by the time the lake lets us go, it will be too late."
We both paused, before trudging across the beautiful sand. Fairy Godmother reached into her periwinkle cloak and pulled out her wand. She grabbed two small stones and silently tapped each one twice. By the time she tapped them a second time, she was no longer holding stones, but small plastic cups.
I gently took them from her walked over to the water, carefully filling the cups before heading back and handing Fairy Godmother her cup.
"Are you sure this is our only option? You can't just make a quick little path to the Imagination?"
Fairy Godmother shook her head. "The longer Roman's soul is apart from his body the harder it will be to bring him back, love. I simply don't have the time to create a path and if we're being honest neither does Roman," she reasoned. "Believe me, if there was another way I would take it."
"And what happens if we don't wake up in time?"
Fairy Godmother was uncharacteristically silent.
"If we don't wake up in time... Roman's gone," I realized.
Fairy Godmother's eyes filled with tears, and although none spilled over her eyes I could tell she was close.
We had to break through the hallucination.
We HAD to.
For Roman.
"Cheers," I said weakly, tapping our plastic white cups together. I hesitated, before hurrying up and drinking the whole thing.
For Roman.
Hey there lovelies :)
I'm super duper tired, and this is super duper late, but I love you -
(heh that's not what I intended to write, but awww imma leave it now X3)
But I love -
(Wow I did it again)
BUT I HOPE you guys liked it :)
- Max, at 3:16 am who just finished writing this now and will most definitely forget to proofread this before posting
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