Chapter Nineteen

Point of View: Virgil, First Person
Timeline: Present Day

I smirked, stirring my straw around in my milkshake as Roman continued telling his story about plans he had for his book and bunch of other possible new book ideas that I've already heard a thousand times before. Still, I found myself staring at the way he told the story, face animated and passionate.

And I realized that I could listen to the same story a thousand and one times, just for him.

I rested my elbows on the dark brown, round table, taking another sip – the taste of strawberries and sunshine making me feel oddly... calm.

... Maybe that was the problem.

Why am I so... relaxed? I've been feeling odd all morning, but my anxiety never takes a vacation day.

But even I couldn't find something wrong with what was in front of my eyes. It was just me and my husband, having a milkshake  on Roman's lunch break at my favorite place in town – everything was... perfect.

... Maybe a little too perfect -

"W-Why are you doing this Virgil? I don't understand -" Roman whispered, eyes wide with betrayal and pain. His eyes were locked on me, eyebrows scrunching together in a sad attempt to make sense of it all.

I didn't say anything right away, talking a couple steps forward and circling his figure, tinted electric indigo in the unusual lighting. Roman squirmed uncomfortably, eyes locked on mine and slowly filling with more confusion every second.

"Aww don't feel bad, Princess," I said coldly, meeting Roman's eyes with a smirk. "The act was a good one, and I'm not surprised you fell for me during it – seems like you're not the only one who got Thomas's acting ability."

Roman stared, mouth opening and closing pathetically. "W-What are you s-saying? Y-You're not making any sense, Virge," Roman begged, yanking weakly on the cuffs as if he actually expected me to release him –

What the heck was that?!

That – That seemed so real, it was almost – almost like a memory -

Why was I thinking thoughts like this? I should be paying attention to Roman, not falling into another series of dark flashes of thoughts that I can't get out my head for some reason.

They're awful, they Roman bleeding and crying – pain written all over his face and his eyes pleading but what's even worse is how it doesn't even seem to bother me –

"Virge? Virgil are you... okay?" Roman asked, stopping mid-story, noticing that something had suddenly changed.

"I...," I stopped. "I don't... know," I said quietly, eyes dropping my milkshake as I watching the straw carved a path of swirls.

"Do you... want to talk about it?"

I quickly shook my head, plastering a smile on my face. "Nah, I'm fine. Probably just a bit tired, that's all."

"Virgil -"

"Roman -"

"Please talk to me, don't shut me out again," Roman said quietly, setting down his own chocolate milkshake on the table between us, nearly forgotten. "Please."

I sighed, setting my own milkshake down. "Roman, I don't really want to think about it -"

"Nah, that was all part of the act, Princess," I paused, taking a moment to admire the look of disbelief on Roman's face. "Wow I really had you fooled, didn't I?" I laughed as a thought crossed my mind. "You... you didn't actually think that I loved you, did you?"

I shook my head, jumping to my feet a horrible shudder went down my body. Roman stood up with me, looking concerned. "Hey, hey, hey – why don't you just sit down for a second? You've gone completely pale -

Roman body jerked forward and he let out a choked scream, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he continued to convulse... I waited patiently while Roman gasped for air – his face going pale at the pain –

"R-Roman – s-something is w-wrong," I stuttered, shivering as more terrible images flashed along the back of my eyes. I all but fell back into my chair and I could vaguely hear Roman yelling for someone to get me some water -

"Wow," I let out a dry laugh. "You really are quite thick aren't you? When is it going to sink in that what you saw wasn't real –

"Virgil! It's okay, you're fine! Please, Virgil, please snap out of it, I know you're strong enough-" 


The little cafe was spinning in my eyes and I couldn't fight back the feel of just - just WRONG and I sat there, slightly dazed by the rush of thoughts -

I leaned down towards the dazed, broken prince – no longer smelling like his usual _____ but now replaced by the smell of bile and blood -

"Hang in there okay Virge? We're calling an ambulance, they'll be here in a couple minutes.  Just hang out for a little while longer, I promise people are coming to help, just hang in there, love, just breathe -

"You were always such a conceited prick. It's nice to see you like this – broken," I slid the blade along Roman's jaw – blood smearing all over his cheeks. Roman made no sound, gave no sign that he was affected at all... other than the blood that started pouring out of his mouth.

Hearts always love to betray their host -

"Virgil – I will always love you," Roman whispered, probably dazed with blood loss. "Always -"

"Betray me, torture me, take my wings – I love you and there's nothing you could do to make me love you any less," Roman said as certainly as he could manage in his current state.

"Hey! HEY! He's over here! Oh, please hang in there, Virgil, help is coming! Please, tell me what's wrong?! What happened?! I need you to talk to me - oh gosh please - Virgil -"

"Any last words, Princess?"

"I love you, Virgil Sanders."

I shot up with a gasp - causing the large crowd of people that surrounded me to yelp in surprise as I slowly got my bearings.  A couple EMTs were yelling for people to get out of the way and I - I was on the floor, Roman kneeling on the floor next to me.  He looked concerned and confused and scared and my heart broke a little, now knowing that this... this wasn't real.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered, taking in Roman's face in front of me.  "I'm so, so sorry."

Roman looked confused.  "W-Why are you sorry?  I'm just happy you're okay," he managed, choking back tears with a strained laugh.

"No," I shook my head, taking the opportunity to get a look at Roman - goodness did his smile really look like this?  How could I have forgotten how he smiled so quickly?  "I remember Roman.  I remember everything... that I did to you... in the Dark Palace.  I - And I'm going to get you back, I promise."

Roman suddenly flickered in and out of sight, confirming my thoughts.  "What are you talking about?" he tried, wrapping his hand in my own.  Gosh, it felt so real.  "Please rest, I want to have the EMT's check you out and make sure you're okay -"

"Goodbye, Roman," I said, pulling my hand out of Roman's and getting to my feet, surprisingly steadily -although silently hating the way my throat threatened to close up.  "I love you - and I'll save you, I promise."

I promise.


I gasped and shot upward, taking large gasps of air.  Oh god... that was...


-ly tragic.

It was so beautiful to get to see Roman again, even if it was just a figment of my imagination.  Nice to see him smile, laugh, telling stories and just - 


I've missed that.

More... than I realized.


Wait - how long was I gone?  What time is it?  Was I too late?!

I stumbled to my feet, searching frantically for Fairy Godmother and my stomach dropped as I noticed the sun, which had sunk down tremendously.

And Fairy Godmother....was at the edge of the water.  She had changed into a plain white, long sleeve cuffed button up and black pants, silver swirls seeming woven into the collar and cuffs.  She didn't say anything, only keeping her face turned away from mine.

... I wonder what she saw in her hallucination.

"F-Fairy Godmother?" I asked hesitantly, not wanting to startle her.

She turned to me and... and something about her demeanor had changed.  I - I couldn't put my finger on it right at this second -

"He/him pronouns now," he said quietly, yanking on his sleeves.  His voice had changed too, just a little bit darker and lower than before.  

And... sadder.  

"Just call me FG," he said firmly.

"Uh - o-okay," I adjusted.  "Uh - FG... are you alright?" I asked carefully, noticing the mascara lines on his cheeks.

"Let's just go," he said, voice still quiet.  "We have to talk out into the water," he explained and without missing a beat, he walked right out into the lake.  I hastily followed, close on his heels.

And just like in Moana, the water parted for the both of us, revealing the sandy bottom.  But FG seemed to be in no mood to sight-see and I was barely able to keep up as we went deeper and deeper, the water getting progressively darker beside us until we finally reached a white and gold door with a red frame that lead to seemingly nowhere.

Monsters Inc.

FG didn't even hesitate, pulling the gold door knob and swinging the door open before quickly stepping inside, leaving it wide open for me to follow.

What did he see in the hallucination to make him act so cold all of a sudden?

Inside the doorway was just pitch black, there was nothing to see.

"I'm comin' Ro," I whispered, taking a deep breath and letting the darkness swallow me whole -


Well I'm not gonna lie, this was a really fun chapter to write :D

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