It started rather simply, as most life-changing events do. I was sitting in Starbucks playing a stupid game on my phone, waiting for my girlfriend, Sheila. Sheila is late for everything we do.
You know those types of games. If you buy the game, there are no ads but if you play the free version you have to put up with popup ads. I had not paid for this game. The ad that popped up sounded intriguing. It was for an app, "Fright", that promised to "spice up my life. A unique and stimulating experience." Lord knows I could use a little excitement in my life. I touched the button.
The app loaded in the usual way. I skipped past the notice that it would access all my contacts and went back to my game.
In the middle of sinking some anchors, my incoming message ding sounded. Sheila was finally responding to my "where the #@!! are you??" query.
"Got t-boned in traffic. In ambulance."
OMG. I fumbled with my phone and finally found the call button. Heart pounding, I mashed the icon for Sheila's cell.
Sheila picked up right away. "Hey. I'm on my way. Should be there in five. Order me a Chai Tea Latte, will ya?" I was confused. She wasn't hurt? I looked back at my messages to see if it was someone else in that accident
On my screen was a huge logo of the new app and the word "Gotcha"
I should have dumped the damn app right then but I have to admit that after that first rush of fear, I felt a strange euphoria, like I had just dodged a bullet. I didn't tell Sheila about the app, or what had happened. I don't know why. Maybe I didn't want to share it.
Three more times in the next month I was surprised by Fright Gotchas. The app spoofed my Lifelock account and advised me that all of my credit cards that had been hacked and thousands of dollars were missing from my bank account..
It sent suicide texts from me to several of my friends at 3 AM. I was sound asleep when firemen and paramedics broke down my door.
The final straw happened while I was driving. I heard Sheila's voice say "STOP" so urgently, with such traces of fear, that I didn't pause to think that it had come from my cellphone. I reacted. I slammed on my brakes on a state highway where we were all going 55 mph. Screeching brakes and multiple carumps behind me signaled the disastrous effects of that sudden stop. My car was not hit but the evening news reported that eight cars had to be towed. In the confusion of the aftermath, I drove off. I admit to a rush of adrenaline, but when it faded, I deleted the app.
I had to. The app had gone too far. Somebody could have been killed with that last stunt. I feared what the could happen the next time.
You know how you get those little house keeping messages? "Waiting for wifi..."; "connection not available..."; "failed to load." ?? Last night, when I put my phone on the charger I found a system message that I had missed earlier.
"App failed to delete."
And just below that:
"You are right to be worried."
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