There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate (33)

"Here comes the airplane!"

"I'm not a five-year-old!"

"You sure act like it."

"Look in a mirror," I responded to Alex flatly as he continued to try and shove a spoonful of questionable mush into my mouth. No way I'd ever eat something he was trying to give me, especially when it was unidentifiable. "Get that stuff away from me!"

"Oh, come on," Alex sighed, rolling his eyes and sticking the spoon closer to my lips. "Just one bite!"

"It looks like baby food!" I protested, leaning away from the spoon as much as I could without hurting myself.

"Because it is baby food," Alex grinned, shoving it a little closer.

"I'm not eating that crap! You can't make me!" I almost shouted, clamping my mouth shut afterwards. He couldn't make me eat that disgusting stuff! Baby food? Really? That was so disgusting! The only reasons babies ate it was because they didn't have any choice in the matter! I wasn't a child!

"You wanna bet?" Alex smiled, a mischievous look in his eye. I was about to shout for someone to help me until the hospital door opened the reveal the one person I was dying to see.

"Why are you feeding my girlfriend baby food?"

Good question! I'd like to know the answer myself!

"She needs to eat, Jesse," Alex informed him, wagging the spoon in front of his face tauntingly. "She can't starve. She'll die if she starves."

"But she doesn't have to eat mashed food made for babies," Jesse pointed out flatly, making his way to the other side of my bed and placing a tray that I didn't realize he was holding in my lap as carefully as he could. "I actually went and got her real food."

"I wanted to see her eat strained peas!"

"Ew, gross!"

"Here," Jesse sighed, ignoring his blonde friend and motioning to the food on the plate. "I got you a turkey sandwich. I know you can't have anything really extravagant, so I got you this."

"It's perfect," I groaned, quickly grabbing it and taking my first bite. For hospital food, it was pretty damn good. "Thank you so much. It's so much better than whatever Alex was going to give me."

"Don't go making it sound so sexual," Alex warned teasingly, and I only rolled my eyes at him and continued to stuff my face as Jesse pulled up a seat to sit next to my bed. Alex was on my left and Jesse was on my right.

"I can't wait to get out of here," I sighed once I was done with the sandwich and Jesse had moved the tray to the floor. "It gets boring here really easily. There's never anything on TV."

"You've only been here for four days," Alex informed me. "And you've only been awake one of those days."

I nodded almost eagerly, and I ignored the pain in my neck as I said, "Yeah, and I'm already bored. That just shows you how I won't be able to stay here for that much longer."

"One more week," Jesse smirked, leaning back in his chair as if he knew what was coming.

"A week?" I almost burst, my eyes going wide. How was I supposed to survive here for an entire week? That was completely ridiculous! I couldn't even last a day! I was going to kill Hunter myself for making me go through all of this! The stupid bastard!

"I'll stay with you the entire time, if you want," Jesse offered. I thought with the tone he was using that he was just joking at first, but when I turned to look at him I saw that he was being completely serious. Wow, well that was surprising.

"I think she'll get sick of you, Jess," Alex grinned, causing Jesse to glare at him from over my bed. "But then again, you two are the sexual tension couple. You two may never get sick of each other. Actually, knowing you two, you probably won't ever get sick of each other."

"Sexual tension couple?" Jesse and I asked in unison, both of our eyebrows furrowing. What the hell did he mean by that?

"You guys have sexual tension everywhere you go," Alex informed us, leaning back in his chair and looking proud, as if he had figured out something super hard. That was pretty much impossible for Alex. "Before you guys got together, too. Oh, man... it was even worse before you two got together. You always looked like you just wanted to hop into bed with each other wherever you were."

"Why are you so comfortable talking about this type of thing?" I groaned, covering my burning face with my hands. "It's embarrassing! You shouldn't want to talk about it! It's so gross and nasty!"

"That's what she said," Alex couldn't help but say, and I really wanted to bash him over the head for that. How gross. Alex then turned toward Jesse. "I hope she's not talking about yours, Jess."

"Shut it," Jesse snapped, scowling at the blonde as harshly as he could.

"You shouldn't talk about this kind of things! It's so gross! Why do you even do it?" I demanded, my hands still covering my red face.

"I'm a guy," Alex informed me, as if that was a perfectly fine excuse for talking about your friends' sex lives with each other. "What do you expect?"

"You're so gross," was all I said, not knowing what else I could utter that would make any sense to him.

"I hope you guys don't hop into bed together while you guys are here for the week," Alex continued on, as if what I had said didn't even affect him. I was sure it hadn't. "I bet you could get away with it here if you guys do it quickly. Takes all the romance out of your first time, though."

"Shut up!" I cried, covering my ears with my hands now. "Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

"Aw, Jordan's embarrassed," Alex awed, and I really felt like smacking him over the head. I really wished I had enough strength to do that... "And look! Jesse's blushing, too! How cute! You guys are both embarrassed about doing it together!"

I'd killed Alex one of these days.

Even if it was the last thing I ever did, I'd do it.

I looked over to my boyfriend to see if what Alex was saying was true, and it definitely was. Jesse was staring at the ground, his bangs covering his green eyes, but that didn't mean that they had covered the very noticeable crimson blush that adorned Jesse's cheeks.

"I bet he's thought about it before," Alex whispered, and I now slapped my hand over my mouth as lightly as I could without hurting myself. I didn't want to think about that! No, no, no... I didn't even want to think about Jesse thinking about it...

"Lexi, Chelsea, and AJ are going to be here soon," I told them through clenched teeth, trying to keep my blush under control. "You guys should leave before she they get here and catch you. They'll probably get the wrong idea, or they'll be confused. You can come back here after they leave, if you want."

"Planning on it," Alex grinned as he stood up from his seat and stretched up. I rolled my eyes and suppressed a groan, happy when he finally walked out the door.

Turning toward Jesse, I smiled when I saw that he was still heavily blushing. He was just way too cute for words.

"I'll, uh, see you later then," he excused, nodding his head a little before beginning to get up to leave.

"Wait," I said quickly, clutching onto his wrist before he could go any farther. I pulled him closer to me just a little, forcing him to lean over the bed as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I haven't kissed you all day."

"That's because the moron was in here all day trying to feed you," Jesse smirked, his head cocking to the side. I found it so cute how his hair fell wherever his head went.

"Well, we're alone now," I smiled, forcing myself up a little more so I could be closer to him without forcing him down closer to me. "We can do whatever we want."

"Until your friends get here," Jesse reminded me, an eyebrow rising as he stared down at me. "And you're all bruised and sore, so we can't really do whatever we want..."

I rolled my eyes, tightening my hold around his neck. "Just shut up and kiss me."

He smirked. "With pleasure."

His lips met mine, and it started out with a slow kiss that made my whole body tingle. I pulled him closer, just enough so it wouldn't hurt, and he moved closer and closer to me as well. The only think that was separating us were his clothes and my hospital gown, which I really wished I could have gotten rid of.

Whoa. (I sounded like Alex...) I never thought like this about Jesse before. I never thought like this about anyone before, not even Dallas. It was always just kissing and hugging, but now when I was this close to Jesse, I knew exactly what I wanted. I wanted to do it with Jesse. Not right then, of course, but sometime after I healed and felt better.

And I couldn't wait.

My fingers curled on his leather jacket, pushing it off his shoulders and onto my lap. Ignoring the slight pain I felt in the back of my arms, I trailed my hands down his chest to the bottom of his shirt. With no intention of taking it off (but it was a possibility), I slipped my hands under his shirt and ran them up and down his toned stomach and chest smiling into the kiss as I continued to tease him.

I felt his body tense wherever I had touched, and I knew chills were shooting up his spine. All just from my touch? Wow... I never thought I would affect someone like that. But I liked it. I liked it a lot... I loved having this type of control over him.

"Jordan, we have to stop," Jesse breathed into my ear when he finally pulled his lips away from mine. I had no intention of stopping just yet; torturing him would actually be a little fun. And the best part was, I was so distracted with what I was doing, I barely noticed any pain in my body at all.

"Maybe I don't want to stop," I breathed right back into his ear, kissing it after I was done speaking. Now he was going to know what it was like to be teased and tortured, though this was a little different than what he used to do... But whatever. It was the same to me.

"Jordan, if we don't stop now, I won't be able to stop," he warned, and I knew all he wanted was to push me away so we couldn't go any farther. He wanted me just as much as I wanted him, but he knew that this wasn't the right place or time. I knew that as well, but teasing him was always fun...

"I don't want you to stop."


"Come on," I smirked, moving my hands down from his chest and to the button on his pants. "Live a little, will you?"

"Believe me, I'd live a lot if we weren't in a hospital," he groaned, biting the inside of his cheek when I grinded my hips against his. "Jordan, stop."

I would stop once I got my point across. But I'd like him to have a little déjà vu first...

"Don't you remember that night on the dock?" I asked seductively in his ear as I unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. "I was in that bathing suit... Did you want to take it off me? I bet you did. It was dark out, and--"

Just as I slipped my hand inside his jeans like I had that night months before, the door burst open.           

"--we were interrupted."

"Jordan's friends are--jeez!" I heard someone shout from the door, and I turned to see Alex shielding his eyes from what was happening before him. "Get a room!"

"We have one," I informed him flatly over Jesse's shoulder. "You just barged into it."

"Well... get a more private room! This is a hospital, you know, not a hotel! Ugh!"

"Why don't you just get out of my room?" I suggested snappily, crossing my arms over my chest after Jesse had hopped away from me and back into the chair he was sitting in before. He quickly zipped and buttoned his jeans as quickly as he possibly could.

"You should cross your legs," Alex informed him, ignoring what I had said as his hands still cover his eyes, even though he made a big enough gap to see out of. "Or go take a cold shower right now."

Jesse quickly crossed his legs, and I felt my face burning. I never thought about... that.

This was more embarrassing than I thought it would be! Why did it have to be Alex that caught us? Why couldn't it have been a doctor or a nurse? Of course it had to be the annoying Alex!

"We better leave before her friends get in here," Alex warned, walking over and patting Jesse on the shoulder. "I know you can't really get up now, but..."

"Come on," Jesse snapped, his face scarlet as he quickly shot up and made his way toward and out the door.

"Bye-bye, you tease," Alex saluted, causing me to roll my eyes once he finally left my room. I really thought he would never leave... What a complete idiot. I knew that I would never fully get or understand Alex Carson, but I didn't really think that I wanted to.

It was only silent for a few moments until the door burst open once again, but this time it was a different blonde that was standing there.

"Oh, Jordan! I'm going to kill whoever did this to you!"

I highly doubted that that was possible. I wished that Lexi was able to kill Hunter, because that would have just made everything so much easier, but I knew that that wasn't going to happen. No matter how hard anyone tried, I didn't think anyone would be able to ever kill Hunter Drax.

"Are you okay?" Chelsea asked, grabbing onto a chair and pushing it right up next to my bed. I was going to answer her and tell her that I was fine until I realized something.

My eyebrows furrowed as I looked between my three best friends. "I thought I could only have one visitor at a time..."

"It's called sneaking," AJ grinned, placing a finger over her lips. When she noticed the look on my face, she rolled her eyes and continued, "And Chelsea sweet talked one of the male nurses."

I looked over at Chelsea and she shrugged. "It wasn't very hard."

"So is Eric going to visit you?" Lexi asked before I could say anything, and I but the inside of my lip. I didn't want to be reminded of the guy who was the reason I was in the hospital in the first place. Instead of snapping at them like usual, I just sat there and stared at my friends for a few moments. I had almost died; I almost lost them. They were the closest people to me, and thinking about never seeing them again just crushes me.

As I sat there and stared at them, I wanted ever so much to just tell them what had really happened. I wanted to tell them that I was going out with Jesse, and I couldn't tell them because a psychopathic killer would go after them if they got involved. But I couldn't. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't.

"We broke up," I blurted before I even knew what I was doing, and all three of the pairs of eyes in that room widened so much that I thought eyeballs were going to be hitting the floor at any second.

"Why?" Lexi practically screeched, and it took all my strength not to cover my ears. Even though I had more energy than I had the day before, I still couldn't move around that well. "You two were so cute together!"

"We're too different," I excused, sticking my nose up in the air as I tried my best to turn my head away from them. "And he had another girl on the side."

"What a jerk!" AJ cried, her hands balling into fists. "You have the worst luck with guys, Jordan!"

I didn't really know if I'd agree with her on that.

"But back to the reason why you're here," Lexi continued, waving her hand in front of my face to get my attention. "Did you recognize your attacker at all?"

Yes! I wanted to shout to the heavens like there was no tomorrow, but I knew that I couldn't do that. I had to pretend that I didn't know anything about the person who had caused all my cuts and bruises.

"No," I lied, shrugging my shoulders just a little bit. "I've never seen him before in my life."

"I guess he kidnapped Alexandria earlier that day, since she wasn't in class," Chelsea informed us with a frown, and the rest of us got quiet at the mention of our late classroom. Especially me, since I was the reason she wasn't with us anymore...

"I'm just glad you were saved before he could kill you," AJ whispered, and I didn't know if I was meant to hear or not. I pretended not to and stayed silent, trying to think of something else to say that would change the subject. I didn't want to talk about death any longer.

"So how's class?" I could barely manage to ask, since my thoughts were immediately bombarded with Jesse as I thought of the camp. How was he without me there? I hoped that he and Alex hadn't killed each other. Well, they hadn't killed each other yet since Lexi wasn't crying...

"It's boring without you," all three of them answered simultaneously, freaking me out just a little. How the heck did they do that? It was almost like they practiced it or something.

"Aimee's all upset and depressed," Chelsea informed me with a shrug, leaning back in the chair she was sitting in. "Even though she obviously wasn't the greatest friend to Alexandria, she was upset that she died. It makes me wonder how she'd act if one of us died."

"She hates us now," Lexi shrugged, not even caring as she quickly glanced at AJ. "She probably wouldn't care. Maybe when we were still friends she would have been upset, but not now. She'd probably be the person to dance on our graves."

"Can we stop talking about death when I'm in a hospital bed please?" I asked, cringing ever so slightly as the word rolled of my tongue. Death. How I feared it now.

I glanced over at AJ to see her frowning, but she didn't have the usual depressed look in her eyes when we used to talk about Aimee. Now she just looked upset, and I didn't know if it was for Aimee or for me.

"So, when's your family getting here?" Lexi asked, fidgeting in her seat a little as she tried to smile brightly. "I heard Austin's coming, too!"

"Yeah," I nodded, forcing myself to smile as I weakly wiped at my eye. "He's coming back from Europe for a while to check up on me."

"That's nice," AJ nodded, forcing a smile on her face as well. I hated how we were all forcing ourselves to put fake smiles on our faces. I knew none of us were really in the mood for a cheery smile like usual. I just needed to relax all my muscles...

"I'm just so glad you're okay," Lexi breathed after a few moments of awkward silence. "I don't know what we'd do without you, Jordan!"

I didn't know what I'd do without them either, and that was the exact reason I couldn't tell them about Jesse or Hunter. It was bad enough that I had asked Alex to break up with Lexi if anything like this ever happened to her. That was getting her involved enough. I knew both of them would be heartbroken if that ever had to happen.

I didn't want to think about death or fighting anymore. I just wanted to have a nice, fun time with my friends while I still could. Who knew how much time we had left together? If it wasn't Hunter that separated us, it would be college. Oh, how I wasn't looking forward to that.


This is for the Watty Awards! Please vote and recommend to other people! :D

Please don't forget to vote! :) It means the world to me!

It's late. I'm tired. I have school tomorrow and I'm suppoased to be in bed. Some of this was written in the dark. Sorry if there are any mistakes. Dx

Please COMMENT, VOTE, and FAN! :D

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