}|{The Sin in the Sleeping Forest}|{
"On their quest, Princess Elizabeth, Princess Katelyn, Princess Hope, Princess Elodie, Princess Rosemarie, and Princess Lilith found Dragon Sin Meliodas, captain of the Seven Deadly Sins and one of Princess Katelyn's mates. Searching for the others, they came to the village of Vanya, famous for its spectacular ale. There, Meliodas saved the people, whose water supply had been cut off by the sword of a Holy Knight. Then they set out once again to look for the other sins."
Katelyn was walking alongside her mate, Meliodas as they held hands while Hope was carrying Rosemarie, and Elizabeth was carrying Lilith while having Elodie and Cloe walk in front of them as they and hawk stayed close together while entering the forest of white dreams. "Hey, Meliodas, are you sure about this? We've been out here three hours now. There's no sign of any animals, much less any humans either." Hawk exclaimed, as Ellie nodded. "Sir Meliodas, do you really think we'll be able to find one of the Seven Deadly Sins here?" Elizabeth asked him, as he shrugged his shoulders before grabbing his mate's butt causing her to yelp before smacking his head as Cloe did the same. "Cut it out Meliodas!" Cloe uttered, as Meliodas put his hands up in defend before grabbing Katelyn's hand again to walk with her. "Well, putting that aside for just a minute. I might have a little evidence. Traveling through the Forest of White Dreams on horseback is more difficult than you think. It's so hard to get your bearings that experienced travelers go around it." Meliodas exclaimed, as Ellie smiled. "This would be the perfect place for someone to hide out." She exclaimed, before noticing Katelyn was shifting uncomfortable, sensing something isn't right. Ellie walked over to her as Meliodas walked ahead with her sisters as she stayed with Katelyn.
"At least you are wearing pants?" Ellie asked rubbing Katelyn's arm while locking arms with her as she nodded, still anxious. All of a sudden, they noticed there were more than one hawk, causing Katelyn to grip onto Ellie as the hawks charged towards Meliodas for help only for him to attack them. "You okay hawk?" Katelyn asked, as the hawks hid behind her for help, only to change into her and Ellie, all claiming to be the real ones. Meliodas and Cloe got distracted before jumping to somewhere high. "Oh, my goodness. However, can I tell which of you all is the real ones?" Meliodas exclaimed, as they all began saying it was them again. "Yes. Starting now, I want you all to do exactly what I tell you to! Okay, right hand up in the air! Left one on you cheek, Now call out our names and be naughty." Meliodas ordered as they all did it, causing Cloe to punch his arm, as Hawk jumped on him, while Cloe stayed nearby the other princesses to protect them. "Just find the real ones already!" Hawk shouted, as Meliodas thought for a second. "I got it, one last thing! Bend down, and Jump high." He ordered as the Elizabeth clones jumped high while the Katelyn Clones bend down only for the real ones to not do it. "Sorry Meli, but I can't." Katelyn uttered still holding onto Ellie, as He smirked before killing the clones. "There's my girl." Meliodas exclaimed, pulling her into a hug which she returned as they noticed the clones changed to hide and seek imps.
As they began chasing them, Meliodas handed something to his mate. "You might need these." He exclaimed, as she glared at him. "Seriously, Meli!"She shouted as they began running after the imps before noticing they were heading towards what looked like a little girl but who was actually a giant girl. Katelyn felt drawn towards the girl, and noticed she had the same mate mark as one of her's on her wrist. The brunette haired giant girl woke up before punching the ground after hearing Holy Knights. "No! We are not Holy Knights. We came here..." Elizabeth began as she picked up Meliodas glaring at him before gushing all over him, confusing the girls and Hawk minus Cloe. "So where's my love?" Cloe grinned, as Diane picked up cloe and hugged her before putting her down, before attempting to cook Hawk. "All right fine. But who's these girls?" Diane asked, as they faced her. "Oh yea, I'm Katelyn, these are my sisters, Elizabeth, Hope, Elodie, Lilith and Rosemarie. It's very nice to meet you, Diane. We've asked Meliodas if we could travel with him to find the other sins, and I'm actually your mate." Katelyn exclaimed, showing her mate marks, as Diane looked at the marks, seeing hers and smiled brightly at her before giving Meliodas a different type of smile. "So, it's just you girls with him then? Tell me, has he tried anything on you, angel?" Diane asked Katelyn, who blushed at the nickname while Hope nodded. "Oh he has, he actually touched her butt before we found you." She exclaimed, as Diane looked at Meliodas before throwing him.
"Fucking finally!" Hope shouted, only after making sure Lilith and Rosemarie's ears were covered before uncovering their ears. They all were thrown back due to how far Diane threw Meliodas who helped Katelyn up, as Cloe helped Elodie, while Hope and Elizabeth kept a strong grip on Rosemarie and Lilith, making sure they didn't get hurt. Diane began crying and pouting only to punch him when he tried speaking, when she finally stopped that's when Meliodas explained everything, leading to Diane saying sorry. "I get it, but next time don't throw him because you could have hurt Katelyn and our sisters." Hope uttered, as Diane nodded before facing Katelyn. "I didn't hurt you, did I? I could never forgive myself if I hurt my shared mate." She exclaimed, as Katelyn shook her head. "I'm fine, really." Katelyn exclaimed, as Diane looked at her sisters. "And your positive you're not having that kind of relationship with the Captain and Cloe?" Diane asked, protective as they shook their head. "He's strictly one of Katelyn's mates, Cloe is more of our big sister and best friend." Elodie uttered. "Yeah! We have our own mates Dia." Rosemarie exclaimed, as Diane looked at her surprised. "Dia?" She exclaimed, as Rosemarie nodded. "I won't call you that if you don't like it." She exclaimed, as Diane shook her head.
"No! I do like it, just shocked you gave me a nickname after meeting me right away." She exclaimed, as Lilith and Rosemarie got put down by Elizabeth and Hope as they headed over to Meliodas and Cloe. "You know, we and you plus Meliodas don't have a relationship like that either." Cloe replied, as Diane pouted at her and Meliodas. "Anyway, I'm just gonna do what I can to help Katelyn and her sisters gather the Seven Deadly Sins. 'Cause I wanna find them too." Meliodas exclaimed, as he stayed close to Katelyn. "Well, if you're sure that's the case, then I'll come along with you guys, especially since we found our shared mate." Diane uttered, standing up. "You'll have the help...of the Serpent Sin of Envy, the Giant Diane!" She exclaimed, as they smiled at her, as Meliodas noticed Lilith making grabby hands and picked her up. "But get this straight! The only reason I'm doing this is 'cause the Captain's with you and our mate plus Cloe." Diane uttered, as the imps thanked them for getting rid of Diane when they heard something before getting trapped with thunder. Hope wrapped her arms around Elodie and Rosemarie as they were trapped together, while Meliodas kept a firm grip on Lilith who held onto him scared, Cloe got her weapon out as she stayed in front of Katelyn.
Their eyes turned to lock on the person who trapped them and heard their footsteps, Hope's eyes widen along with Katelyn as they locked eyes. "And you are?" Meliodas asked, as the knight walked towards him and Cloe. "It would seem we meet at last...You deadly Sins." He exclaimed, as Lilith slowly turned her head around to look at the knight while still keeping a tight grip on Meliodas. "Gilthunder..." Elizabeth asked confused, as Hope slowly made eye contact with Cloe, giving her a signal when Gilthunder didn't notice. "You guys know this guy?" Meliodas asked, as Lilith and Elizabeth nodded. "Yeah, since we were little, he was our father's attendant, assigned to protect our older sister Margaret, he was aid to the king and the son of a Holy Knights Grandmaster, we were basically raised as siblings since he was always there." Katelyn exclaimed, as Meliodas smiled brightly after remembering who he was. "Hey, wait a minute. Are you little Gil?" Meliodas asked, as Elizabeth, and Hope looked at him while Rosemarie, Lilith and Katelyn kept their eyes on Gilthunder. "Wait, you know him too?" Elizabeth asked confused. "Sure, I even gave him lessons occasionally when I find myself at the royal palace! Cloe taught him too, tho she's your guard so she would be there more often than myself. Wow, you've really grown up!" Meliodas exclaimed.
"Then again. It has been ten years since I've seen you." Meliodas exclaimed, as Gilthunder kept his serious look. "If you have the time to prattle along this matter, it might be better spent trying to escape those bonds." Gilthunder uttered, as Hawk and the girls noticed the thunder looked familiar. "I know what you mean. When a certain someone blocked up Vanya's water supply and then tried to blow the village away, that was you, wasn't it? And I'm guessing my wonderful mate and Hope knew that." Meliodas exclaimed, looking at his mate, who looked back at him while he still held onto Lilith. "Sir Meliodas, that can't be! You're wrong! Gilthunder wouldn't, Kat, Hope tell him..." Elizabeth exclaimed, stopping noticing Katelyn and Hope being silent and Gilthunder giving a deadly glare to Meliodas and the girls. Diane tried to undo the bonds but failed, as Gilthunder appeared behind Meliodas and aimed his sword dangerously close to him and Lilith. "Do you know why the Holy Knights are after the heads of the Seven Deadly Sins and Cloe's?" Gilthunder asked, as Cloe and the princesses looked at him. "Not really." Meliodas replied back, moving Lilith to the opposite side of his waist from the sword. "Half of them are seeking revenge and total eradication of the rebel order that plotted to overthrow the kingdom. The other half want to do glorious battle and vanquish the legendary warriors to prove their own strength." He explained.
"And which half are you in?" Meliodas asked, as Cloe nodded. "Let me guess, both?" Cloe remarked, as Gilthunder looked at her. "No, I want more. To avenge the death of my father, Zaratras, Holy Knights' Grand Master. And to show that I am even greater than he, the most powerful Holy Knight ever known. Killing you will prove that." He exclaimed, as Cloe's eyes widen. "Gilthunder, you know that killing someone's mate will hurt them, it will hurt Katelyn." She warned him, as Meliodas kept his eyes locked on Gilthunder. "So, you're under the impression that we're the ones who murdered your father, is that it?" Meliodas exclaimed. "Are you saying you're not?" He exclaimed back. "No idea. See the thing is, I don't actually remember very much from back then. How about you cloe?" Meliodas uttered, as Cloe tried remembering that day. "It's mostly foggy, I remember heading to the castle, someone hit me from behind and then I woke up somewhere outside of the city." Cloe exclaimed. "The last thing I remember is all of us being summoned to the old castle out on the edge of town. Those words are the last thing I remember, the rest is blank." Meliodas exclaimed, telling his view of that day. "Then the next thing I knew, I was lying down in a cellar somewhere. That's when I met Hawk, before finding cloe soon after."
"Thank god. I knew you guys wouldn't do such a thing, especially to the Grand Master." Katelyn exclaimed, smiling. "That makes no difference to me." Gilthunder uttered, as the princesses looked at him confused. "Rebels and traitors who plotted to overthrow the kingdom. That's all you people are." Gilthunder uttered with hate. "Why aren't you listening to us! They aren't traitors or rebels." Katelyn shouted, as Gilthunder looked at her. "Girls. The kingdom wants you all taken into protective custody. But I haven't the slightly interest in that." Gilthunder exclaimed moving his sword to face Katelyn, Elizabeth, Hope, Elodie and Rosemarie. "Alive or dead, it's all the same. To me, you are no more than a grain of sand on the road that is being traveled." He uttered as the brunette glared at him, hurt by what he said as he undid the bonds on the princesses only. "Go away. The Sins and I have unfinished business, Cloe included." He uttered, as Katelyn shoved him before standing in front of her mates as Elizabeth went in front of Cloe followed by Hope as Elodie and Rosemarie stayed by Hawk. "I'll die before we let you hurt them." Katelyn exclaimed, only for Hawk to notice Hawk and kicked him who caused Rosemarie and Elodie to be send flying back. "Hawk!/Elo!/Rosie!" Elizabeth, Hope and Katelyn screamed, as Elizabeth and Hope ran to check on Hawk and their sisters, as Katelyn shoved him anger.
"How freaking dare you! Elodie and Rosemarie are innocent!" She exclaimed, as Gilthunder said nothing before slapping the brunette, causing her to hit the floor. "Katelyn!" Meliodas and Diane said in concern, as Meliodas' face darken. "Now that we have dispensed with the interruption..." Gilthunder exclaimed. "Are you sure about this? In the old days, you were never able to beat me and Cloe, Remember?" Meliodas exclaimed, Cloe glaring at Gilthunder with Diane. "But that was a long time ago, I am now more powerful than any of the Seven Deadly Sins." Gilthunder uttered, leaning down near Meliodas face. "I don't know. Maybe you're right. But you could be wrong too." He replied back, still with a darken expression as Gilthunder lifted his head back up. "Then we should find out, first I'll release your bonds." He exclaimed, as Cloe put her hand up. "I believe we got it." She exclaimed, as she, Meliodas and Diane released their bonds, as Katelyn was still on the ground staring at it. "We could have escaped whenever we felt like it." Meliodas said walking over to Katelyn, Cloe followed standing in front of them aiming her dagger at Gilthunder. "Just know if I felt like it, I could annihilate you instantly." He replied, as Cloe laughed. "You've changed but not that much, too cocky for your own good." She replied with disgust and hate in her tone. Meliodas gently grabbed Katelyn's chin to turn it to see the bruised cheek from her getting slapped, he gently kissed it before kissing her, she returned it for pulling away when Gilthunder began glaring at them.
"I shall use my sword to kill you." Gilthunder exclaimed, as Meliodas stared at him, getting up while looking at Cloe, nodding in their own secret code way. "Then right back at you, big guy. Especially since you hurt our mate." He told him. "Don't interfere and Protect, Kate and Lilith, all right, Diane?" Meliodas exclaimed, as Diane picked up Katelyn and Lilith and placed them on her shoulder while watching Meliodas and Cloe fight Gilthunder, as the three watched in concern, Katelyn wrapped her arms around Lilith who kept her hands on the older girl's arm. "Meliodas!" Katelyn and Lilith screamed, as Gilthunder struck him from behind as he fell to the ground, as Gilthunder flipped him over on his back. "Meliodas, the Seven Deadly Sins' Dragon Sin of Wrath. Do you have any last words?" Gilthunder exclaimed, as Meliodas opened his eyes to look at him. "The Sins, what happened to them? You must have heard something, right? Where have the other ones gone?" Meliodas asked, as Gilthunder put his sword away. "Very well. I'll tell you. Of the remaining five, three of them are still at large and are not yet accounted for. But the other two have bee dealt with. The Fox Sin of Greed is being kept under tight security at Baste Prison. The Grizzly Sin of Sloth has already been slain and is interred in the Necropolis. But you needn't worry. I'll make certain they all join you shortly." Gilthunder exclaimed, as Meliodas went from sluggish to having tons of energy as he smiled brightly. "Thank you. Awesome!" He exclaimed, jumping up before facing him as Cloe appeared beside him grinning. "Little Gil." They uttered together.
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