Chapter 30 - Always
I woke with a large smile on my face and soft lips attached to my forehead. “Mmm, Boo,” I murmured happily.
“Time to get up, sleepyhead,” he whispered down to me.
“But I don’t want to,” I groaned as I tried to push him away from me.
“Liam and Niall say they’ve got something planned for us to do today and we really have to get dressed. Sorry, Hazza.” He looked regretful, as if he wished he could make me happy and say I could stay in bed.
“It’s fine. But I can’t get up quite yet.”
He raised an eyebrow and smirked, “And why would that be?”
“I’ve got a fit guy with a massive bum sitting on me, and I’d be a right idiot to push him off,” I quipped.
This earned me a chuckle. “Oh? And why not push him? What makes this guy so special?”
“This fit guy just happens to be my boyfriend,” I winked at him before pecking his lips and rolling out from under him.
“Oi! What happened to not pushing me off? You tease,” he grunted, lunging after me.
I managed to escape his hold once again. “But you love me. Besides, you’re the one who told me we need to get dressed.” He sighed, rolling his eyes and getting up after me.
We pulled on casual outfits and thumped down the stairs, finding the rest of the boys seated in front of the television watching football. We plopped down beside them and Liam’s head shot up.
“Finally, you two are up! I was dreading having to go up there myself and physically get you dressed, because we really need to get going! I swear, sometimes I wonder why I do so much for you…” he trailed off, muttering something about ungrateful gits.
“Just ignore him,” Niall said, “he’s stressed. You know what I mean.”
“Stressed about what?” Louis asked.
“Oh, nothing, nothing. Nothing for you to worry about. Wow, look at the time! We better get going. Liam, Zayn!” He scuttled toward the door.
“Hold up there, Nialler. What are you hiding? And get going where?” I questioned him curiously.
“You’ll see. All in good time, lad,” he replied before slipping out the door.
We piled into the van, Liam in front with the driver. I assumed this was because he knew where we were going. Why were the boys keeping secrets from Louis and I? Hadn’t we already learned it was always better to just say what’s on your mind and get it out there? That’s basically what the problem with Lou and I was.
“Niall? You going to tell me what’s on your mind?”
“Not a chance,” he said smugly.
“I’ll get it out of you eventually, little leprechaun,” I swore.
“Not if we get there first.”
“Huh?” So his secret was something to do with wherever we were going today. God, can’t we go any faster? I really hate secrets being kept from me.
“Louis…” I whined.
“Make us go faster! You know I hate secrets,” I complained.
“I do too, Hazzabear,” he assured me, “but it’s not something bad. We can wait a few minutes for our surprise or whatever Liam planned for us.”
“But I want to know where we’re going!” I exclaimed.
“Ah-ah-ah,” Liam poked his head between the seats. “If we tell you, then it won’t be a surprise.”
“Ugh!” I spent the rest of the ride moaning and groaning about how much I hate surprises and they should just tell me what it is already.
“Harry?” Niall said.
“Are you finally going to stop with the surprises?” I countered.
“No need, we’re here,” Zayn pointed out and I noticed we had indeed stopped moving.
“Yeah buddy!” I shouted, hopping out of the van.
“Hey, that’s my phrase!” Niall whined.
“Now look who’s whining,” I commented, and he pouted.
Liam wrapped an arm around Niall’s waist and whispered something in his ear. “Stop picking on Nialler, Harry.”
“Oh, sure, stick up for him,” I muttered before turning to see where we were.
In front of me was a mansion. The odd thing was that I had no idea who this mansion belonged to. I ran through a list of names in my head, but kept coming up with more blanks. Why would we have to go to a random mansion so urgently?
“Erm, Liam? Why did you drag us here?” I wondered.
“To go in here.”
“You tortured us for hours of a drive in the van just to visit some random house?” Louis seemed to be more than a bit angry.
“Just go inside. I promise, you’ll love it.”
I stepped forward and opened the door. It appeared to be just like what I guess any other giant home would look like.
“Try the room in there,” Liam suggested, pointing to a door partway down the hall. Grabbing hold of Louis’ hand, we entered.
“Surprise!” Our families jumped out from various hiding places, bright smiles on their faces.
“What are you guys doing here?” I yelled.
“This is one of Simon’s houses. He invited us so we could see you. It’s been so long since I’ve seen my boy. I missed you, love,” my mum said with tears in her eyes. I swarmed forward, wrapping her in a hug.
“It’s good to see you too, Mum,” I whispered in her ear. Stepping back, I saw Louis surrounded by his own family. Beside my mum stood Gemma and Robin, who I also greeted warmly.
We all moved to the couches and relaxed. We hadn’t been together in such a long time; there was so much of my life I hadn’t realized she had missed. We were there for a while, just catching up on random things. She told me how life was back home, and about my friends who also missed me. She told me she wished she could hear about my life from me and not as the headline in the daily paper. I chuckled at that one.
At some point I glanced over to catch my Boobear’s eye. He had been having his own reunion with his family. The twins were hanging all over him, and he mouthed ‘help’ to me. I smiled, standing and making my way over.
“Hi there, girls,” I waved at them.
“Harry!” they squealed, rushing into my open arms. I laughed loudly, squeezing their little bodies to mine.
“How have you little ladies been?”
“Sad without our big brother home. But we know he’s happy because he’s with you, Harry! You always made him so happy.” I grinned at the knowledge.
“Hey there, boyfriend,” Louis smirked.
“Hey,” I replied, kissing him softly.
“Aww,” our parents chorused.
My mom looked confused. “The last time I saw you wasn’t that long before you guys came out to the world. Harry, why didn’t you even tell your own mother before you announced your love to the world?”
Louis and I exchanged glances. “That, my dear mum, would be a good question. Sit down, this might take a bit.”
We told her everything, right from the first meeting with management months back. Our families listened attentively, curious about our story. Not what the cameras and the media knew, but what really happened. By the end, everyone’s mouths were hanging slightly open.
“Let me get this straight,” Jay said. I nodded for her to continue. “You actually had no clue you were in love with each other until Simon put you together?” We nodded. “It’s just so hard to believe, and such a strange story.”
“Tell me about it,” Louis sighed, rubbing his temples.
“Aw, babe, are we wearing you out? You can rest, you know,” I said sympathetically.
“It’s just been a long few days, Haz. A few days ago I didn’t even know where we were heading, and now we’re together and have told the story of a few months twice in the last twenty-four hours? It’s a lot.”
“Go to sleep, Boobear. I’m right here.” I patted my shoulder, and he laid his head on it and was sound asleep in seconds.
“The poor boy was dead on his sockless feet,” Robin said.
“See, this is what I was talking about!” Jay whisper-shouted.
“What do you mean?”
“You guys are just so close, all the time! You never acted like friends do, you were always the ones there for each other, you always put the other’s comfort before your own, you’ve always had the glimmer of love in your eyes when you look at each other. How could you not have known you were in love?”
I thought about it. “I guess we’re just oblivious like that,” I decided.
“You two are so adorable together,” Gemma approved. I smiled at her.
It had been a rough journey of emotional obstacles, but we made it. We were together at last, and surrounded by the ones we loved.
I loved Louis Tomlinson. He would always be my best friend and band mate, but now he held another title as well: the keeper of my heart. I couldn’t ask for anything more perfect, more right.
Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles. Larry Stylinson. Always.
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