Chapter 18 - Like An Open Book

 From that night on, our friendship was no longer awkward. We spent literally every moment together, waking and asleep. We’d come to the realization that we needed each other to sleep, so now we alternated whose bed we slept together in each night.

The other boys noticed the change. Niall was constantly trying to get in between our cuddling, claiming the leprechaun wanted a hug too. But when he wasn’t annoying us, I noticed him eyeing us, sometimes with a pitying glance toward Louis, which I didn’t understand. I’d caught Zayn staring at us when we were wrapped in each other’s arms, or flirting shamelessly in front of the cameras, or skipping around holding hands, but he never mentioned it.

The one I was still worried about having to face was Liam. I knew he was smart enough to see that something had changed, and he would be very curious to know what happened. I also had yet to tell him of my love for Louis, which he was going to rub in my face since I’d flat out denied it before.

I stretched out my arms and legs, standing and pulling on a random pair of boxers before heading down the stairs with a yawn.

“Hazzabear, you’re up!” Louis gleefully shouted as I entered the kitchen. Before I knew what had happened, I found myself on the floor with a very joyful Lou sitting on my stomach and grinning proudly at the fact he’d just created another love bite on my neck. Chuckling, I shoved him off me and pulled out a chair at the table.

“Good morning, boys. Is there any food left or has hurricane Niall already hit?” I joked as I heard a low grumble form my stomach.

“Hey!” the guilty party exclaimed as the rest of us laughed. “I have common respect! I wouldn’t leave Harry without breakfast. Do you really think I’m that cruel?” He pouted at us. Nobody was giving in, so he turned his gaze on Liam and gave him puppy eyes with a big pout.

Liam could never resist that look for long. “All right, stop picking on Niall and let Harry eat. We need to figure out what we’re doing today anyway. Anyone got ideas?” I dug in alongside Niall as Lou joined the rest of us at the table.

“I’m running out of hairspray,” Zayn said, “so I need to get some more today. Is that okay, Li?” He checked. Liam agreed that was a good thing for him to do, so Zayn left to get changed.

At this point Niall had finished his food and was watching my remaining food like a vulture. It was as if he was just waiting for the perfect moment to-

“NIALL! Give me my breakfast!” I screamed as he slipped the plate from me and chowed down on my eggs.

“Never! I’m a hungry growing boy you know,” Niall retorted, barely understandable with all that food shoved in his mouth. I sighed. Trying to get food from Niall was as hard as trying to steal a banana from a monkey. Besides, Liam was here and he always took Niall’s side in debates, so I was bound to lose the food in the end.

Louis looked up from whatever had been distracting him on his phone. “Nialler, want to go see that new movie you’ve been telling me about? We can catch the 3D showing if we leave in the next ten minutes.” Niall nodded, his mouth still full, and shoveled the food down even faster.

As they left for their movie, I realized this was exactly what I’d been avoiding. Liam and I were here in the house, alone. With plenty of time on our hands. What had I gotten myself into? Groaning, I laid my head down on the table.

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. “Harry, you’ve been avoiding me.” So Liam has noticed. I frown, trying to come up with a believable excuse but finding none.

“Don’t deny it. You’ve been avoiding me because you’re scared to tell me something, I assume. Something has changed in your and Louis’ relationship, and it’s something you’re even less sure of than what you told me last time. Am I correct so far?” I nod miserably. Liam has read me like an open book. Were my feelings really that transparent?

“Harry, you can tell me, whatever it is. I promise I won’t judge you; that’s not what I’m here to do.” He’s making me feel guilty with all the sweet talk.

I gave up on my vow of silence. “You’re right, Li. I’m scared. But how could I not be? Everything’s just not how it should be, and it feels so right but I know he doesn’t realize what he’s doing, and he doesn’t know what it’s doing to me. He never notices,” I rant and see Liam nodding his head along with my words.

“Who doesn’t know what, Harry?”

I brace myself before delivering the next words, which are hard for me to choke out. “Louis doesn’t know that I’m in love with him.”

Liam gasps, and his mouth opens and closes like a door hinge. His eyes are wide and the glint in them one of shock. “So… I guess you’ve passed the denial stage?” He assumed.

“Yeah. I have been for a while now; I just wasn’t ready to admit it out loud yet. I’m in love with Louis Tomlinson, pretty much the one person on this planet that I can never have. I’m screwed up, aren’t I? I’ve really gotten myself into a mess,” I sigh and bury my face in my hands. Liam runs his hands over my back soothingly.

“You’re not messed up, Harry. And who’s to say you can’t have him? The public already thinks you’re dating. You could easily turn it into something real, and nobody would know it was ever fake except for us five and management,” Liam boosted my hopes. I had a chance, and actual chance with my love.

“But Louis would never go for a guy like me. He could get anyone; he wouldn’t choose me.” Just as suddenly, my good mood vanishes.

“I think you’d be surprised.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, confused.

Liam sighs. “I can’t tell you. But I think you should let Louis know how you feel. You two are so close, there’s no way he would leave you over something like that.”

“But I can’t do that! I can’t face that rejection, Liam! Don’t you understand?” Tears of frustration roll down my cheeks as I pound my hand against the table.

“I just don’t think he’ll reject you,” Liam stated as if he knew he was right.

Suddenly I heard the front door open. Zayn was back with his hair supplies. Needing some time alone, I made my way to my room and spent a few hours up there, just thinking. Remembering all the little things that made me fall in love with Louis, and bringing back old memories; trying to see if I could sense him ever feeling the way I did. I was so lost, and confused, and so tired of dealing with it. I really wanted a break or for the drama to just move on already and leave me alone.

I really wanted Boobear to be mine, but it’s not like that would happen either.

That night, as I lay in bed waiting for Lou to appear, I decided would start being a little more obvious about the fact that I liked him. Maybe if I couldn’t tell him, I could at least show Lou how I felt. Maybe along the way I could make him fall in love with me, by some miracle.

I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and spin me to press against a hard chest. I nuzzled my face into his neck, sighing blissfully. This moment, right here, it felt right. Like heaven. I smiled softly, removing my head from Louis’ neck and staring into his beautiful eyes. I’m not sure how long we lay there, but my heart kept beating faster and faster until I felt as if it was about to jump out of my skin.

We both turned away at the same moment. I pulled up the blankets, covering us and forcing us to roll closer to each other. As I felt myself getting tired, I turned to give him a kiss on the forehead like I’d done in the past. However, this time Louis had the same idea. My brain didn’t process what was happening, I just saw us as if I was watching a movie in slow motion. We both turned our heads at the exact same moment, leaning in to press a kiss to the other’s head. But that meant…

I was pulled back to myself when I felt our lips meet.

I was kissing Louis Tomlinson.

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