Chapter 7

By the time Saturday rolled around, both Harry and Draco were exhausted. Draco didn't think that being around people so much more often would have such an effect on him. There were typically eyes on him, but he didn't realize just how much more he would be looked at when he was with Harry. It was hard to work up an appetite with people staring at him and Harry so frequently, seemingly waiting for something to happen.

Both men were so drained last night that they fell asleep in their own respective rooms and slept through the night. Draco showered and got ready for the day to see his mother.

Quietly, he made his way into Harry's room and checked on him and Felix. He filled up the food and water bowls so Harry didn't have to, then got a glass of water to leave for Harry on his nightstand. Whilst fixing Harry's blankets, his eyes fluttered open.

"Alright?," he rasped, squinting at Draco.

"I'm just checking on you before I leave," Draco replied quietly, brushing some hair off of Harry's forehead.

"Tell your mother I say hello."

"I will."

With that, Draco made his way to McGonagall's office to use the floo.

"Good morning Mr. Malfoy."

"Good morning Headmistress."

"How is everything going?"

"Well enough."

"None of the students are giving you any more trouble?"

"No, they just stare for the most part. I think I'm old news," Draco replied with a quiet chuckle.

"If anything else does occur, please let me know."

"Of course. I should be back before noon."

Stepping into the Manor, Draco was taken away by how dark it was.


"Hello Draco dear, how are you?"

"I'm well, how are you?"

"The same as always."

"Let's open some of these curtains shall we? It's too dark in here."

"Oh is it?"

"Let's have breakfast outside."

The sunshine seemed to revive Narcissa somewhat.

"Mother, you can't stay cooped up in the house all the time. You need to get some fresh air and sunlight."

"You're right dear, it's just hard to get out sometimes."

"I should visit more often."

"Draco, it isn't your job to take care of me. You write more than enough to keep me updated, and your letters are the highlight of my days. I worry about you and how you're doing there."

"It was rough at first, I won't lie. Potter has been helping more than I think he realizes. Oh, he sent me with some cookies that we made."

"You made something?"

"Cookies and pizza. We took some pictures, I'll have to have Potter print them so I can show you next time."

"You should bring him around sometime, if he feels up to it. I know he doesn't have the best history here, but perhaps that can be changed."

"That's actually something I wanted to speak with you about."

"So you're close friends then are you?"

"We are," Draco agreed, taking a sip of tea.

"That's absolutely wonderful dear, I hope something comes of that for you."

"What I have is more than enough. He's the best friend I could have asked for, you know? Even when I don't understand something, he never makes me feel stupid. He's patient with me, and he actually likes spending time with me.

I never thought I could be happy again, but he makes me laugh and we have jokes that only the two of us know. We can sit side by side and we don't even have to say anything. He also has the sweetest dog and he lets me accompany them on walks together. It's quite nice."

"You really do look much better than the last time I saw you, Draco. I'd be delighted to host Mr. Potter."

"I told him I'd show him the gardens, he loves plants. I also said if it was alright with you, we could comb through the books in the library for information about the Potters. He wants to learn about his bloodline and its history."

"I'll begin searching once you return to school. I could use a project to occupy my time, and I think this may be it."

As Draco seemingly only talked about Harry, Harry found himself doing the same during his session with his healer.

"You said you had a lot to talk about Harry, and requested an emergency longer session?"

"I do. In your professional opinion, am I actually improving?"

"Yes, you are. But I must ask what brought this on. Are you experiencing self-doubt?"

He filled her in on what Hermione said, fidgeting with his tea cup.

"Before addressing that, I have a request. I'd like you to bring Felix to the next session. You mentioned earlier about your friend getting on with Felix quite well. If they're not opposed to it, I'd like to see the interaction between the three of you next session."

"I'll ask him, but I make no promises," Harry replied, running a hand through his hand. "He's very strong-willed and opinionated. I gave him your contact information actually in case he decided he wanted some solo sessions."

"This relationship has been moving in a positive direction then?"

"Oh yeah. Other than Felix, he's the best thing that I have. I told you that there were some minor issues with Ron and Hermione in past sessions, but with everything she said a few days ago, I can't get it out of my head. Am I the problem?"

"Has your new friend raised any concerns about any of your behaviors?," she asked, one eyebrow raised as she took notes.

"No, he hasn't. He told me I was the least selfish person he knew and that's why I'm feeling like this. I put everyone else before myself, and when I finally put myself first and someone doesn't like it I shut down."

"And this started because you both weren't feeling well and he suggested you miss classes for a mental health day, correct?"


"I think your friend would make a good healer. He seems to be someone that you would want in your corner."

"He's the only reason I haven't left Hogwarts yet. All of the stares kind of fade away when we're together. They don't matter because he's there to make me laugh or help me with class work or just sit in silence. It's never awkward either. I don't have to hide anything around him. It's just so refreshing," Harry continued honestly, a small smile on his face.

"Do you have similar conversations with him?"


"Your past. Your thoughts, feelings, emotions? Nightmares perhaps? Or even your 'troubled past' as you described it?"

"We haven't touched on the past very much yet. What we have now feels so fragile, I want to strengthen that before we shake the foundation."

"That's understandable from what little you've told me about that."

"I'd rather touch on that another time."

"Of course. What else would you like to talk about then Harry?," his healer asked kindly.

Harry continued to talk freely, feeling some of the tension leave his shoulders. At the end of their session, his healer had a few points to bring up.

"You need to find a calming hobby Harry. Painting, drawing, photography, music. Some people find taking baths and doing skin care to be calming as well. Perhaps you can go flying again? Go outside, take a walk, feel the sun on your face. I want you to try to find something that you're passionate about."

"Sirius taught me how to play the guitar before he died. I haven't picked it up in a few years. I also haven't been on a broom since the incident with Malfoy I told you about."

"Just some things to think about Harry," she said kindly. "Perhaps rediscovering your love of music can help you keep Sirius's memory alive in another way. You can reclaim it like you reclaimed baking and cooking."

"Thank you, Healer Athena. Speaking of baking, my friend and I made these cookies. I brought you some."

"Thank you Harry, that was very kind of you. Send my regards to your friend as well. Hopefully I'll meet him soon."

"Hopefully," Harry agreed.

After collecting himself he had a quick errand to run. After finishing that, Harry decided to apparate near Hogsmeade and walk back to Hogwarts, taking in the fresh air. He had just caught his footing when he decided to venture into Hogsmeade before returning back right away. Taking lesser known paths, he was able to get into Honeyduke's relatively unseen.

Harry purposefully made his selections and hurried back outside of the shop as chatter began to pick up. He quietly cursed himself for not bringing his cloak, but the crowds were easy enough to avoid this time. All he wanted was to pick up some sweets for himself and Draco. They earned it.

His walk back to Hogwarts was much more pleasant. He took in the fall air and observed the changing colors of the leaves, letting his mind wander. When he finally reached Hogwarts again, he let McGonagall know he had returned, then made his way to his dorm room.

"Harry," Hermione began once he had entered the common room.

"Not now, I just came back" he interrupted, brushing past her but throwing a chocolate frog to Ron.

"Thanks mate."

Harry entered his room to see Draco laying on his bed asleep, Felix's head resting on Draco's chest. With a soft smile, he took a picture on his phone, before joining them in his bed.

He took this time to really look at Draco. It had been a long week for them both, and he wanted to make sure Draco was okay. The dark circles under his eyes were prominent, and Harry knew he didn't look much better. Shutting his eyes, he allowed himself to doze off.

When Draco finally woke up, he was confused at the weight surrounding him. He must've fallen asleep with Felix while waiting for Harry to come back. Turning his head, he saw Harry had joined them, his head resting on Draco's shoulder.

"Potter?," Draco called softly.

"Hey Malfoy," came the tired reply.

"Sorry for taking over your bed."

"It was nice to come back to," Harry admitted, turning to lay on his side. "How's your mother?"

"I think she's lonely and doesn't know what to do with herself. I got her outside and it seemed to help a lot. She'd like to see you.

She said she'll start looking for books for you. It'll give her a project to do, and I think that's exactly what she needs right now. Research has always been something she's enjoyed so I hope it helps her.

I was talking to her today, about you, about my studies. I think... I think I might reach out to your healer?"

The uncertainty in Draco's voice had Harry wrapping an arm around him.

"You can move at your own pace, yeah? I was going to talk to you about that anyway. She'd like a session with me, you, and Felix. We can start with that so you're not alone for your first session and go from there?"

"Okay, that could work. What do we have to talk about? Have you talked to her about us?"

"That's a complicated answer. I've talked about our past to a point, but I haven't mentioned you by name as my new friend. She probably has an idea it's you, but I haven't confirmed it. I didn't know if that would be crossing some kind of boundary or anything."

"She's going to find out anyway, but I appreciate the discretion. Is the session going to be next Saturday?"

"If that works for you? I'm not sure what exactly she wants to talk about with us. I think it's Felix and..."

"Our shared past?," Draco suggested with a sigh. "We need to address it sometime."

"I just don't know if we should do it with her watching or on our own," Harry replied quietly. "I... I don't want to lose you."

"And you won't," Draco promised, grabbing Harry's hand. "It will be hard and uncomfortable but it needs to be done. Maybe we can pick one event to discuss at a time?"

"Alright. I suppose we should start at the beginning then yeah? I'm sorry for not taking your hand first year. If I did, maybe things would have been different."

"Potter I was a proper tosser who wanted to be exactly like his father. Having you at my disposal would have made things infinitely worse. That's not what I consider this to be now, but back then, I certainly would have viewed it as you being at my disposal. My father would have manipulated the both of us, and the outcome would have been worse."

"I never thought of it like that."

"Because you, my dear Scarhead, have a savior complex. It's through no fault of your own, it's how you've been raised. We'll work through it together though, because now we are friends, so you have my loyalty. But you've had it for a while now as I'm sure you know."

"I do know. I knew the moment you looked at me in the Manor and didn't give me up. You let me escape, and that was enough hope to keep me going, to keep me fighting. To make me come back," Harry answered honestly, looking Draco in the eyes. "If you had the capability to change, then why couldn't anyone else?"

"It wasn't enough."

"I don't think you realize just how impactful that was Malfoy. If you had identified me, I would have died and stayed dead. There would have been no coming back at that point. You allowed me to survive, finish hunting the horcruxes, and end the war.

Even though you may have viewed your actions as minor, they made waves. It's the butterfly effect. If I truly didn't think you had changed, if I thought the world would have been better without you, I wouldn't have gone back for you. But I did go back for you," Harry reiterated, squeezing Draco's hand, "and I have never once regretted it."

"Okay," came Draco's quiet reply as he squeezed Harry's hand back.

"That's enough of that for today I think. It's almost dinner time, yeah?"

"Just about."

"Do you fancy having a picnic?"

"That sounds quite nice."

"Outdoor therapy," Harry replied with a snort.

"Was that recommended by your healer?"

"Apparently I need a hobby. And sunlight. Come on Felix, we'll play with your frisbee," Harry cooed, grabbing his leash.

"What were the other recommendations?

"Painting, drawing, photography, music, flying. Something about skincare? A whole assortment of things."

"Skin care."

"Is that a question?"

"Do you have a skincare routine?"

"Do you even need to ask me that Malfoy?," Harry retorted with a laugh.

"That's all I needed to know. Do you want me to carry anything?"

"You can walk Felix down. I have the basket, we just need to hit the kitchens first. Ready?"


The three made their way down the stairs, and Draco stood watch while Harry was in the kitchens. Emerging with a grin, Harry grabbed Draco's hand and led him outside.

"Should I be concerned by that smile?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Oddly, that isn't comforting."

With a laugh, Harry just continued to lead Draco towards the forbidden forest.

"Does this spot work for you? No one else comes this close to the forest. I come here to clear my head sometimes, and I take that little path there to the lake."

"Thank you for sharing it with me."

Draco wrinkled his nose and Harry couldn't help but laugh.


"I should've changed my trousers so I could sit on the ground."

"No worries, your majesty, I came prepared."

Harry pulled a blanket from the basket and laid it out on the ground for them.

"Your majesty?," Draco tested. "Oh Potter I do like the sound of that."

"Yeah I thought you might. Have a seat."

Draco sat down, crossing his legs beneath him, and watched Harry set out food and water for Felix, who was happily rolling in the grass.

"Thank you for taking care of him this morning. It was a pleasant surprise seeing his bowls filled."

"It was the least I could do honestly. You both take care of me."

"Our small dysfunctional family," Harry replied with a quiet laugh, throwing the frisbee for Felix to chase.

"It's quite nice, feeling like I belong somewhere now."

"It is. Did you want to throw the frisbee for Felix?"

"How do I do it?"

"Come here, I'll show you. You position your fingers like this, and then you snap your wrist and release it. It'll catch the air and glide."

It took Harry standing behind Draco and holding his hand for Draco to get the hang of it, but once he did, Draco couldn't stop smiling. Harry let the two of them play while he began to set up the picnic.

While eating, the two continued to tease each other and goof off, enjoying the nice weather. Felix was chasing his tail not too far from the pair, and Harry finally found himself at peace.

"What are you thinking about?," Draco asked.

"It's peaceful here like this. It almost makes you forget everything that happened. Sometimes all of the weight just slips off my shoulders."

"I'll bring you somewhere nice next weekend," Draco promised. "I've never had a picnic before, I want to do it more often."

"We'll make a day out of Saturday then hmm? Maybe Sunday too, we can just run it by McGonagall."


As the sun was beginning to set, the two men took a stroll around the Black Lake.

"I brought my camera."

"Your pocket one?"

"No, a real one," Harry replied with a laugh. "It was a gift from Remus. He said my mother liked taking photos, so he thought it might bring me closer to her."

"Smile," Draco instructed, snapping a photo of Harry and Felix.

"You get in here too then."

The result was extreme dysfunction as the three of them tried to remain in frame. They did more laughing than smiling, and Harry finally resolved to pulling out his phone and using that camera for a "nice picture", but the ones full of laughter were his favorites.

"Let's start heading back now yeah?," Harry asked. "Felix is starting to get tired."

With a flick of his wand, Draco packed up everything from their picnic.

"What are your plans for the rest of the night?"

"Homework. I'm almost done with my Charms paper. I'm going to miss it while we switch subjects next week. I'm pants at Potions."

"Be my partner."

"I'll just drag you down. You're far too advanced for my skill set."

"Potter, if I can learn how to cook and bake the muggle way and not burn your house down, I think I can survive with you as my partner. Besides, it wasn't a question. I won't let you do anything stupid."

"You have a lot of faith in me, Malfoy."

"It's well placed, Scarhead, I assure you."

{A/N: just a quick author's note saying thank you for reading my newest story! I have no set update schedule so bear with me as I find time to write. I also have no clue how long this story will end up being, so we're in this together - J}

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