Chapter 5

It was the beginning of October when Felix was once again needed in two places at one time. Up to this point, if either man had a nightmare and the other had awoken, they would stay up the rest of the night talking, laughing, and sharing stories. These days Malfoy wasn't looking quite so good, and as Halloween slowly approached, Harry was becoming more sullen and reserved as well. Now that the war was over, the looming death anniversary of his parents seemed to hit even harder.

This time Draco had been woken up first, and he was confused when Felix rushed back to Harry immediately instead of staying to comfort him like normal. Tentatively, Draco followed and he frowned when he saw Harry curled up in his bed whimpering and shaking. He wondered if this was what Harry had seen on that first night, and quickly got Harry and himself some water.

"I'm alright Felix, thank you."


Harry tensed, hand immediately reaching under his pillow for his wand.

"Hey, it's just me," Draco said softly, approaching slowly.

"Sorry. Force of habit. You alright?"

"I don't know if I ever will be," Draco answered honestly, sitting next to Harry in the bed as he handed him a glass of water.

"Me neither. Thanks."

They sat in silence for a while, leaning against each other for support, and Draco was getting progressively more tired. Yawning, he slumped down against the headboard.

"Lay down if you want."

"Should go back to mine," he mumbled, making no effort to get up and leave.

"I want company still."

Draco's tired mind recognized it as an easy out, well more like an in, and he took it. Harry's bed was warm, and his presence made Draco feel safe.

"Only because you asked so nicely."

Harry watched a very sleepy Draco get comfortable in his bed, and close his eyes.

"You gonna sleep too or are you gonna watch me?"

"You're more pleasant to look at when you're not speaking," Harry teased.

Eyes still closed, Draco was waving his hand through the air, trying to playfully hit Harry. Instead, his hand swiped through his hair and he opened one eye.

"It's soft."

"My hair? I suppose it is."

"Didn't think so."

"Just because it's messy doesn't mean it's not soft," Harry huffed. "We can't all look as well put together as you Malfoy."

"Compliment me again in the morning. 'm sleepy."



Soon enough, Draco's steady breaths were able to lull Harry back to sleep. When he awoke the next morning, his and Draco's hands were resting on top of each other. It was kind of sweet really, and Harry relished in the soft connection.

After drifting back to sleep, he was awoken some time later by Draco rubbing soft circles with his thumb on the top of Harry's hand.

"You alright?," Harry rasped, voice still filled with sleep.

The movements stopped, and Draco was glad Harry's eyes were still closed because he just knew he was blushing.

"Sorry, nervous habit. I was just thinking."

"It's comforting, I don't mind."

"Do you want to skip class today?," Draco asked suddenly.

"You want to skip class?," Harry asked, opening his eyes in disbelief.

"Is that so hard to believe?"

"More believable than Hermione skipping."

"If you don't want to-"

"Are you kidding? I don't want to be here either. Pick the destination."

"Take me somewhere in the muggle world?"

"Do you have muggle clothes?"

"I have some things that could probably pass."

"You like shopping right?"

"Of course I do," Draco drawled, rolling his eyes.

"We'll do that then."

"Can I pick some things out for you?"

"I suppose so."

"It must be my birthday," Draco replied with a grin.

"I'm regretting this already. I need to tell Luna that we're going out so she can check up on Felix."

"I'll take a shower first then. Pick something out for me to wear before you go?"

"A sweater should be fine. Let me look."

Harry crossed into Draco's room and looked through his wardrobe.

"This works. We'll pick you up some jeans while we're out. Maybe some boots, I think you'd like boots."

"Perhaps. I'll see you soon."

Harry snuck out in his cloak and found Luna on the way to breakfast.

"Hello Harry. Wonderful day for an adventure isn't it?"

"It is," he agreed. "Would you check in on Felix for me?"

"Oh Draco is going with you on your adventure? How exciting! Of course I'll check in on Felix. It's wonderful that you're all so close."

"Thank you Luna," Harry replied genuinely, quickly hugging her before making his way to the kitchens.

Picking up food for breakfast from the kitchens, Harry made it back up to his room, then fed Felix. He was picking out his clothes when Draco came in.

"Oh thank Salazar you picked up breakfast."

"Of course I did, who do you think I am?"

"You even got those little potatoes I like."

"I did, because I'm the best."

Harry sat down next to Draco on the bed and began to make a plate.

"You're not going to change?"

"I wanna eat first, then I'll change."

"Fair enough."

They finished their breakfast together, Felix laying in between them.

"Are you sure we can't take him with us?"

"It's a hassle. Muggles may ask for his paperwork to make sure he's allowed inside places. People will come up to him and it gets overwhelming for him sometimes in such high concentrations.

I take him out and expose him to places like that slowly so that he can adjust properly. Isn't that right baby boy? He comes to therapy with me too and we work on strengthening the bond."

"I'm not messing that up by being around him am I? I didn't even think of that."

"No, you're not messing anything up, I promise. He brought us together because he's the best boy," Harry cooed, rubbing Felix's head.

"Your company is acceptable."

"I know you like me, it won't kill you to admit it," Harry teased, gathering his clothing and carrying it to the bathroom.

"I do have a reputation to uphold Potter."

"So do I," Harry agreed, walking out of the bathroom. "That's why I'm not him when I go out."

Draco's jaw dropped, and he stood up immediately to inspect Harry.

"You don't even look like you," he said in awe.

"In a world where you can be anyone, I choose not to be Harry Potter."

"You should choose to wear these trousers more often, they do wonders for you."

"If I didn't know any better Malfoy I'd think you were checking me out."

"That's neither here nor there," Draco replied airily, waving a hand through the air. "I feel severely underdressed."

"If anything, I'm underdressed. My clothes simply fit well."

"I have more to work with than I thought," Draco said appreciatively. "Let's go."

After saying goodbye to Felix, Harry and Draco snuck out of the school under the invisibility cloak, Harry's hand on Draco's hip, guiding them to a private place they could apparate.

"Ready?," Harry asked, offering Draco his arm.


Harry brought them to an apparition point near Grimmauld Place.

"Where are we?"

"Near my house. It's just 'round the corner there."

"Are we going to walk to where we need to be?"

"If you're up for the fresh air? I also wanted to check in on my plants," Harry admitted sheepishly. "I can do that on the way back."

"You garden?"

"It helps keep my mind off things," Harry admitted.

"I never really was one for Herbology."

"I only grow muggle plants, things to eat, flowers I like. No screaming, not biting, no weird side effects."

"You'll have to show me then."

With a soft smile, Draco nudged Harry with his shoulder. They continued walking to the shopping plaza this way, laughing harder at each bump.

"Stick close to me, yeah?," Harry instructed, sliding an arm around Draco.

"Potter I'm not a child, I won't get lost."

"Evan," Harry corrected. "I'm not worried about you getting lost, I'm worried about someone trying to pick you up."

"Pick me up?"

"Look, everyone knows that you're attractive, and some muggles can be very forward. I don't want anyone bothering you or giving you attention that you don't want."

"Oh. That's very kind of you."

"Let's see how long until I regret this," Harry teased, leading Draco inside.

In all honesty, Draco thought that Harry was the one who needed to be worried about getting "picked up." It's like the other man didn't even own a mirror. Did he not realize just how attractive he looked?

Draco could admit to himself that he always found Potter to be cute. Waking up next to him and watching the sunrise cast soft beams of light that highlighted his features proved that Harry Potter had surpassed being "cute" years ago. But this new look? Draco had to focus on everything in front of him so that he wouldn't be caught staring.

His apprehension of accidentally staring at Harry allowed Harry to watch him without care. He loved this soft side of Draco, and was curious to see how their new relationship would withstand being outside of Hogwarts grounds.

Whenever Draco saw something that caught his eye, he would excitedly grab Harry's hand and drag him from one store to another. Harry had no issue carrying all of Draco's purchases; whenever he found something he liked, Draco would try it on and model it for Harry. Harry couldn't say that he minded, he found it quite endearing that Draco wanted his opinion.

"Come on, you said I could pick some things out for you! You wouldn't even show me anything that you tried on!"

"You're such a tosser."

"But you love me anyway. Now, go try these on."

"Prat," Harry muttered goodnaturedly, taking the bundle of clothes from Draco's hands.

"A prat with style," Draco corrected.

Harry didnt know what he was expecting Draco to have handed him, but it wasn't the bundle that he held in his arms. Soft sweaters that reminded him much of Remus caused a small smile to appear on his face. The button down shirts made him laugh, and the t-shirts that appeared to be one size too small made him roll his eyes.

"Move your arse Evan!"

"I don't think I can move anything in these pants you picked out!"

"Move I'm coming in."

"No you're- Malfoy!," Harry hissed, covering his chest with his arms as Draco barged in.

"Bloody hell Potter, who knew you were hiding so much under your robes."

Harry turned away and awkwardly tugged the sweater over his chest.

"You wouldn't wear this sweater with those pants," Draco deadpanned.

"You told me to try things on not create an outfit."

"That's why I'm here."

Harry leaned against the door and watched Draco meticulously pair things up.

"This sleevelss undershirt with this flannel and those pants paired with some boots. I'm going to look for a belt. Do you own any rings?"

"Just the Potter's crest ring but I keep it in the vault. I don't want to lose it."

"Silver or gold?"


"Do you prefer silver or gold?," Draco asked again slowly.

"I don't have a preference?" It came out more like a question.

"Must I do everything? I'll be back."

Harry quickly changed into the outfit Malfoy had chosen for him, worried that the other man would walk in on him again. He was anxiously mussing up his hair when the door opened and Malfoy made a startled noise.

"I think you and I have different opinions of what the word 'fit' means. This shirt doesn't fit."

"Salazar Potter, you look fit," Draco replied breathlessly.

"Oh, erm, thank you."

"Are you blushing?," Draco teased, moving in closer.

"Of course not!," Harry replied, his voice crack giving him away.

"How cute that I can make you flustered."

"It's the lack of blood circulation from these clothes."

Rolling his eyes, Draco pulled his wand out of his pocket. Swirling it around as he pointed it at Harry and muttering to himself, Harry felt the clothes loosen just enough that he could move around comfortably.

"A tragic loss to society, truly. Is that better?"

"Much, thank you."

"I'll have to teach your tailoring spells to repay my debt to society."

"You're so dramatic."

"And you're cute when you're flustered," Draco teased, leaning in. "Are we done stating the obvious?"

"Just wait until I get you out of your clothes," Harry retorted, closing even more of the distance between them.

Draco made a noise of confusion and Harry smirked.

"Two can play at this game Malfoy. Now move your arse so I can get changed and then force you to try on clothes."

"You're insufferable Potter."

"That's why I have the best dog in the world," Harry replied cheekily. "He makes up for all of my flaws."

Harry tried the rest of the clothes on and allowed Draco to critique them without any more incidents.

"I have to hand it to you Malfoy, those are some very neat spells," Harry said to him quietly while he was looking through a rack of clothing.

"They are aren't they? Mother taught them to me."

"How is she doing?"

"She's well. She worries about me and doesn't leave the house much. I'll be visiting her soon."

"Send her my regards."

"I will. I'm going to look for accessories, I'll be back."

"I'll meet you back over here, I'm going to look around some more."

As soon as Draco turned around, Harry popped over to the store next door. He quickly found what he was looking for, made his purchases, hid the bag inside of some others, and made it back before Draco even knew he had left.

"Ready? I could go for some lunch."

"I can't wait for you to see what I bought you," Draco said excitedly.

"We were only apart for 20 minutes!"

"Which meant I could work quickly without you slowing me down," Draco retorted with a smirk.

"You scare me sometimes," Harry replied with an eye roll, grabbing the bags from Draco's hands and combining them into the other ones he was carrying.

"Good. Let's eat."

"Do you wanna come back to my place? We can pick up lunch after we drop the bags off and then head back for dinner I guess?"

"Why Potter, are you coming onto me?," Draco asked, shock filling his voice.

"I'd take you somewhere nicer than my place," Harry replied with a snort. "I just don't want to go back yet."

"Yes, that's fair. The only good thing currently in that school is Felix. And Luna."

"Essentially," Harry agreed.

"Trouble in paradise?"

"No, I think we're doing quite well for ourselves," Harry replied with a smirk, winking at Draco before bumping their hips together.

"Touché Potter, touché."

"What do you want for lunch?"

"Surprise me."

On their way back to Harry's house, Draco listened intently as Harry started listing different restaurants near his house.

"Let's get food from your favorite."



"I'll call ahead now so I can pick it up after dropping all of the bags off."

"You're going to order it now?," Draco asked in confusion.

"Yeah, have my phone on me."

"And we didn't take any photos?! Salazar you're helpless. Let's go."

"Where are we going exactly?"

"Back to the fountain so we can take a picture you prat."

Harry opened his mouth to argue but Draco was already walking back determinedly. Sighing in what could be interpreted as fondness, Harry followed along, calling in the food order.

"Absolutely mental," Draco muttered once Harry had caught up.

"We're apparating back to mine after we get your photos."

"No Potter, they're our photos."

"Careful there Malfoy I might think you actually like me."

"Oh please I'm in this relationship specifically for Felix. He can't remain in a one parent household."

"Didn't know you were moving in."

"Quite the opposite. My room is better so hypothetically you would be moving in with me. Ah, here we are. Take one of me standing on the edge."

"If you fall in I'll remind you of this for the rest of your life," Harry warned.

He took a few photos, and when Draco turned his head and was momentarily distracted, Harry grabbed his hand as he started to wobble.

"This is the best photo yet I think."

Draco's face was angled towards the sun, and he had a soft smile on his face. His arm was extended where Harry was holding his hand, and that made it into the photo as well.

"You can be my personal photographer if you'd like."

"Do you plan on going into modeling then?"

"No one would hire me."

"I don't know why you think that. You clearly have the looks and the bo- the build," Harry corrected.

"Come take a photo with me then. You complained on the first day that I didn't smile, so you better smile too. Or else."

"Or else?"

"Felix is sleeping in my room tonight."

"Then I hope your bed has space for three. Smile then."

They took a few photos, Harry's favorite being one where Draco leaned his head against Harry's shoulder so that the sun could be seen overhead. The smile on Harry's face was soft and genuine, and it showed. Before he could think too much of it, he made it his home screen.

"Ready to go now?," Harry asked, picking up all of the bags again.

"Yes, I'm hungry."

"Let's go."

Extending an arm, Harry prepared himself to apparate the both of them home.

"I always feel like your date to a ball whenever you do that."

"Well, if there's ever another ball, it would be my honor if you would accompany me."

"I accept. On the condition that I get to pick out your outfit."

"You really have a thing for my clothes don't you?"

"I just don't understand why you don't dress a bit better. You have the money and you don't have to wear such baggy clothing all of the time."

"I grew up on hand me downs, it's what I'm used to. Besides, what did you say earlier? You think I'm fit?," Harry teased. "I just don't want to give people another reason to stare at me. I can wear this around you because I'm comfortable around you. I don't care what anyone else has to say because they don't matter to me like you do."

"Interesting. I've never thought of it that way. My thought process would have been that they're going to stare at you anyway, might as well give them something to stare at."

"You've always been one for the attention, which is fine, that's how you were raised, but I wasn't. I was told to stay in my bedroom, make no noise, and pretend that I don't exist so my relatives could play happy family without me.

Then I come to Hogwarts and everyone knows more about my life than I do. It's very disconcerting you know, to be left in the dark for 11 years. I still feel like I don't know enough."

"I can help you research if you'd like," Draco offered gently. "Mother has lots of old books on wizarding history and lineages in the Manor's library. We can go on a weekend and see what we can find?"

"You'd do that for me?"

"I'd do anything to help you," Draco replied honestly. "As long as we eat lunch soon," he added hastily.

He couldn't show Potter how truly fond he was of him too soon, even though Harry shared the same fondness for him.

Laughing, Harry opened the door for Draco and welcomed him to Grimmauld Place.

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