Chapter 27
"What?," Draco asked in confusion, his hand immediately going to Harry's forehead.
"Draco, you're okay!"
"You're such a- I don't know what to do with you!"
"Move our dinner reservations one last time."
"You- you heard me?," he asked in a small voice.
"Some parts here and there. I'm sorry that I have a blatant distrust of authority figures, but all of my trust is in you. You're right, I'm not alone. Everyone has been watching."
"My mum, dad, Sirius, Remus. They've always been with me. I saw them."
"Oh Harry..."
Draco didn't know what to say, didn't know how to tell Harry he imagined it all.
"I know what you're thinking, I said it. Once I'm out of here, we're taking a trip. There's something I need to do, and I need you to be there with me when I do it. Will you go with me?"
"Anywhere and everywhere Harry. I thought that I lost you. I... I understand what you meant now, about being afraid of losing everyone you've ever loved."
"That's why I jumped. I couldn't lose you Draco. Not now, not ever," Harry swore, wincing at the pain in his arm. "What's the damage?"
"What do you remember?"
"Stepping in to save everyone else when I should've summoned Headmistress McGonagall," he repeated.
"Should I be offended that you only seem to listen to me when you're in a magical coma?"
"I don't know how Remus did it. I think he was trying to gaslight me honestly. We talked, about a lot of things. About why I felt like I had to be the one to step in when things go south. How I was raised. And you know what he said?"
"Something very wise I presume."
"He said to believe that my own life is worth it, to look at you, and question if it's worth constantly putting you in the pain that you were in at that moment."
"I was sad to see him go as Professor."
"He said he wishes you would have applied yourself more in his class," Harry replied, a sad chuckle leaving his mouth.
"I will not speak ill of the dead and their unorthodox teaching methods."
"He commended you on being smart, and paying attention."
"Did you meet anyone else?"
"Sirius was the first one that I saw, and I just... I broke down. And then Remus met me and I was so sure I was imagining it because of course I wouldn't see my parents, I didn't get the chance to know them. But then... I saw them. We talked about all kinds of things. I know I was unconscious for at least two days, Sirius told me. I'm so sorry I scared you."
"At least you weren't alone, stuck inside your head. You were out for four days darling. It wasn't until the second day that I... well..."
"You did a magical transfusion."
"Well yes-," Draco began in confusion. "How did you..."
"Let me tell you what I was told. My mum explained it to me. She said the horcrux connection left a hole in my magical core and my magic was slowly being siphoned out. When I saved us, I used all of my magical energy, and I burnt out. I suffocated essentially."
"That's exactly what happened."
"And my Draco figured it out," Harry said proudly, his eyes closing again.
"Shit I should've told Madame Pomfrey that you were up! Stay awake for me Harry. Tell me more about what you saw."
"Everything was very white. It was blindingly white, which honestly is quite annoying. I couldn't even tell you where I was at the beginning, but we ended in the Gryffindor common room, a few, I don't know what unit of time to use honestly. Hours? Days? It was well before I had to say goodbye."
Madame Pomfrey quickly emerged from her room, yelling at Draco to get back in bed with Harry, casting spells over the both of them.
"Hold hands, be mindful of your injuries. Mr. Potter, once I'm sure you're stable, you'll be given healing potions. You were in critical condition earlier, and their usage would not have been wise given the issues. I'm glad to have you back with us."
"I know I'm your favorite patient Poppy," Harry said with a laugh.
"My favorite patients are no patients, because it means everyone is safe," she said fondly. "You're stable, take these potions and get some rest."
"It's safe if he falls asleep?," Draco questioned, just to make sure.
"Yes, and I encourage the both of you to sleep," she retorted firmly. "I can only hold your visitors off for so long."
"I was out for four days. Merlin tomorrow is Christmas Eve isn't it?! Send them in so I can yell at them to go home!"
"Less than five minutes Mr. Potter, I mean it. Mr. Malfoy, I presume you'll keep him in check?"
"Always," Draco promised, resting his hand carefully on top of Harry's.
"When you wake up again, I need to see both of you cast a spell. I want to make sure you're not draining the other, and that your magical cores are functioning as they should be."
As soon as the door to the hospital wing was open, everyone came filtering in.
"I'm fine, and you need to go home," Harry said gently. "Spend time with each other, and I'll join all of you as soon as I'm released," he promised.
"We didn't stay here this long to be told to bugger off," Ron retorted.
"And while it means everything to me, you need to be with Molly. She needs you now more than ever. I should make a full recovery, and I'll be over for Christmas, I promise."
Luna had brought Felix to visit, who happily licked Harry's face.
"Felix is very happy you're awake. Draco and I brought him to visit a few times each day, you know. We'll leave you to rest up Harry, we're glad you're okay."
"Can you have my mother take Felix please?," Draco asked her, giving him one last pat on the head.
"Of course."
With gentle squeezes of his hand, Draco and Harry were soon alone again.
"My boys," Harry whispered fondly, gently dropping his head onto Draco's neck. "I'd hug you but I don't know how bad my injuries are."
"Bruised ribs, sprained arm, fractured ankle. You're lucky you didn't sever your spinal cord with the way you landed!"
"I love you too much to ever let anything happen to you, but I promise you I'll be more careful. I won't put you through anything like that again. I don't want to be the cause of your pain."
"Go to sleep darling. We'll talk later."
"Goodnight my love."
Draco soon fell asleep too, "my love" continuously replaying in his head.
The next time that Harry awoke, he was feeling much better. He carefully cuddled Draco before falling asleep again, not waking again until dinnertime.
"This isn't our dinner date," Draco promised, feeding Harry a potato.
"They made fun of me for being so worried about missing it. I bet they're still laughing now," Harry replied, looking up at the ceiling.
"What were they laughing about?"
"They were laughing about our kiss," Harry clarified. "More precisely, how it happened and then how nothing else happened after that."
Draco huffed, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.
"I told Sirius and Remus that they were the ones to talk, pining over each for so long. They're finally together now though, and that's what matters. I also told them that I had something very important to tell you, that I was hoping to tell you that night, so their teasing didn't matter."
"Did you now?," Draco asked, playing with a loose thread on the blanket.
"When am I being discharged?," he yelled to Madame Pomfrey.
"Once I'm certain your magic works properly, and Mr. Malfoy promises to continue keeping you in check."
"I'll do everything I can to make sure he gets some rest."
"Your wands. A simple Lumos, followed by Lumos Maxima will do."
They did as instructed, as many times as they were asked, until she was finally happy with the results.
"You did it Mr. Malfoy. You'll find if you tap into what you're feeling, your spells will be stronger. Go pack your things, and have a Happy Christmas."
"Thank you Madame Pomfrey, the same to you," Draco wished, helping Harry out of bed.
"My legs are asleep," he whined, slumping against Draco.
"I've got you my darling. I've always got you. Which is why you're coming home with me tonight. I know that you always spend Christmas with the Weasleys, but tonight, I need you with me."
"You couldn't get me away from you if you tried," Harry answered honestly. "I'm so sorry."
"Why did you do it?"
"Because I'm a self-sacrificing idiot, but I'm going to work on it, I swear. It used to be easier to do these things. I wasn't too particularly attached to anything, but now I don't want a future unless you're in it."
"If you make me cry so help you Potter," Draco muttered.
"I sobbed like a baby already."
"I know. You were crying while you were out."
"Oh... did I... did I say anything?"
"Not until you woke up and said 'there's a secret door to the cellar under the bedroom rug'? Do you know what you were going on about?"
"Something my dad told me. I told him to prove that I wasn't making that up inside my head."
"Do you know what it means?"
"I do, and that's where I want to go. Are you strong enough to apparate us somewhere? I don't know if I should."
"Harry you need to rest-"
"And I will! I just need to do this. It's very important to me."
"Where are we going?"
"Do you remember the graveyard well enough to get us there?"
"I do. Let's send our bags through the floo to The Manor. Then I'll take us there."
Harry sat back on his bed, allowing Draco to pack everything.
"Are you sure you're up to this? You were hurt too."
"Harry I spent most of my time worried that you weren't going to wake up. Shut up and let me pamper you."
"Okay? That's it? No fights? No arguing?"
"I'm trying to be better," Harry huffed.
"Don't let all of the fight go out of you. McGonagall wanted to meet with us, so prepare for that before you use her floo again."
"I am, aren't I? Please, don't let me stop you from singing my praises."
"I don't have enough time to cover everything on the way up the stairs. I can't even list all of my favorite things. I can start with the pretty blush on your cheeks. I bet you look absolutely adorable when you're sunburnt. Those faint freckles that you try so hard to hide probably pop out like stars against the night sky."
"Harry?," Draco stuttered, not knowing how to complete his question.
He didn't know if he wanted to.
"There's so many things I have to tell you, my love."
Draco was about to tell him that if he kept calling Draco his love he would no longer be able to speak, but they had arrived at McGonagall's door.
"I'm going to get lectured to hell and back, I know it."
"Mr. Potter, Mr. Malfoy. It's good to see the both of you awake and in one piece. Have a seat. This will be brief, as I know you wish to go home. Biscuit?"
"Thank you."
Harry was never one to turn down a biscuit, and if she was offering, the situation couldn't be too dire.
"Would you like to tell me what happened?"
"I should've gotten you instead of trying to stop the duel myself, and I'm sorry."
McGonagall raised an eyebrow at this admission. Normally she would have to poke and prod to get to this response.
"Draco and I wanted to go to the Astronomy tower. We took a walk and we encountered the group of six or so students. We stood off to the side, and we were almost hit by a spell. I told the one in front to knock it off. I told him he was going to get someone killed. Then he fired at me. I tried to take him down, but then he hit Draco, and he went over the edge, so I followed. I don't know what happened after that."
"After you saved Mr. Malfoy's life, Miss Granger got me and said there had been an accident. The main perpetrator has been expelled, while the others are suspended indefinitely. Is there anything else you'd like to say?"
"Thank you for taking care of me all of these years, and always being on my side. I may not show it, but I'm very appreciative of you, and so are my parents for that matter. My father had a message for you."
Getting up, he whispered something into McGonagall's ear, and she laughed before she could help herself.
"Where did you ever hear that phrase?"
"He told me to 'say this to Minnie, she'll know what it means.' I had a bit of an... adventure while in the coma. The more I find out, the more I'm sure I didn't imagine it. We'll be off now, if that's alright? I have something to do."
"Happy Christmas to the both of you," she bid goodbye, surreptitiously wiping her eyes.
She watched the both of them leave, staring up at the ceiling upon their exit.
"I miss you too," she whispered, shaking her head with a sad laugh.
"Here we are," Draco said quietly, not wanting to break the atmosphere. "Although I don't know why you think we'd find a cellar here."
"Merlin, it's a good thing you're cute. Not here my love, over here."
Harry led Draco to the home that had housed his parents in their final hours.
"Are we... allowed to go in here?"
"Quite frankly, I don't give a fuck. My name is on the plaque out front."
"Just checking. After you my darling."
"Lumos," Harry whispered, opening the front door.
The house was exactly as he remembered it from the vision of his parent's death. When his knees shook, Draco was right there behind him, giving him strength.
"I've got you Harry."
"We need to find the bedroom."
"How very forward of you Potter," Draco teased, trying to lighten the mood.
It worked, and Harry felt himself laugh.
"I think I could take you somewhere a little bit nicer than here."
Harry found the bedroom, and leaned against the doorway, trying to convince himself to go in.
"What if it isn't there?," he asked quietly.
"But what if it is?," Draco replied softly, wrapping his arms around Harry. "We won't know unless we look."
"I just... I don't want to think that I made all of it up. I'll lose so much."
"But you've also gained so much," Draco promised, slipping his hand into Harry's. "I'll be right by your side. We're looking for what, a rug? Lumos Maxima."
Admittedly, Draco did more of the searching than Harry did. He was replaying in his mind whether or not he should go through with this, when he heard Draco quietly gasp.
"Harry, I don't want to get your hopes up, but there's a rug sticking out from under the armchair."
They quickly moved it, and with shaking hands, Harry tore away the rug, momentarily blinded by dust particles.
"Draco- oh my Merlin Draco, there's a door!"
"I see it," he replied in shock, mouth hanging open slightly.
He watched Harry seemingly come alive before his eyes, and yank open the cellar door. Carefully, he placed one foot on the top step.
"I don't know how stable these stairs are."
"I'm not leaving you to go down there alone."
"I was just going to suggest that you wait until I'm down before following me," Harry retorted, raising one eyebrow at Draco.
Harry called up to Draco once his feet were on solid ground, waiting for Draco to join him before they began exploring.
"Do you reckon the lights still work?," Draco asked, looking up at the pull chain that had almost smacked him in the face.
"There's one way to find out."
Pulling the chain, Harry was momentarily blinded. Once his vision cleared and he saw what was down there, he fell to his knees, tears immediately springing up in his eyes.
"I talked to them Draco. I talked to them all," he said with a sob. "They told me that they were proud of me. They told me that they accept me, that they accept us. I've been waiting my whole life-," Harry cut himself off with a sob, the moment being too overwhelming to continue.
Draco joined him on the floor, arms wrapped around him.
"Let it all out. This is a very big moment, and I'm sure you're still quite exhausted from the past few days. Breathe in and out for me hmm? There you go, you're doing so good for me Harry."
When his tears had subsided, and his face dried, Harry looked at Draco with a determined look.
"I was going to wait to do this, but I don't think a more perfect moment will arise. Draco, when we first met again on that train, I didn't know what to think. I was obviously going through a very hard time, but instead of making it worse, you made it better. Ever since the war, hell probably even before then, I knew that there was something missing. There was a spot that needed to be filled, and right before my very eyes, you stepped in and fixed it.
I got you this for Christmas, and I hope that you'll accept it. The cufflinks were the main gift, this one is just a lot more sentimental. Happy Christmas," Harry finished, handing Draco a small wrapped box.
Sitting on the floor of the cellar, Draco opened the box to find a key. He furrowed his eyebrows, pulling out the key and inspecting it, almost dropping it when he realized the significance. .
"I know we don't talk a lot about what happens after graduation, but I can't imagine another day where you're not in my life. It's a key to Grimmauld Place, where you are welcome anytime. I hope in the long term you'll want to make your stay there permanent, maybe until we find a place of our own.
Draco, I tell you that I love you frequently, but what I don't tell you is that I am in love with you. You don't have to say it back, but I think that you like me too. I know we have a lot to work out but-"
"I'm going to kiss you," Draco announced, grabbing Harry by the collar and finally connecting their lips.
"This wasn't how I planned for this to go. I had a nice dinner, it was so romantic, but Harry I love you too. I've loved you for so long that I've been scared to acknowledge it, but I'm not scared anymore. I love you, and I don't care who knows it."
Harry pulled Draco in for another kiss, sighing when they pulled apart.
"As much as I love kissing you, perhaps we should finish up here and continue this in my bed later? Take what you want to bring home tonight, and we'll come back for everything else tomorrow. Is that okay?"
"It's perfect. You're perfect," Harry punctuated with another kiss to Draco's lips. "Draco there are pictures! Oh my Merlin, that's me! I only have the one picture-"
"You were such a cute baby. I wonder what happened?," Draco asked lightly, pocketing a photo of only Harry.
"Trauma," he retorted, picking up the packet of photos. "They didn't tell me what was in here, just that I would find answers."
"If you want to do this alone I understand-"
"With you by my side, I never have to do anything alone again," Harry whispered softly, pulling Draco close once more.
"Neither do I," Draco replied, the words softened as they were spoken against Harry's lips.
{A/N: This is the last official chapter of Therapy. There will be an epilogue in the next chapter (along with a longer author's note) and that will be the end of this story. Thank you all for reading, J}
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