Chapter 24

Whatever Draco had planned, the other two men made sure he did it on Harry first. He let Draco fix eyebrows and style his hair to his heart's content. Draco was so busy making sure his friends didn't look like complete idiots, that he missed lunch. The knock on the door went unheard by him as he was so focused on the task at hand.

"Did you forget it's lunch time?," Hermione questioned, walking into the room with a basket.

"How in Merlin's name did I miss lunch?!"

"Time flies when you're having fun," Harry teased with a snicker.

"Honestly, you're all hopeless."

"Oh save it, Malfoy just gave us that talk," Ron lamented.

"By the state of the room, I'm sure it was deserved."

"Welcome to Malfoy's Menagerie," he welcomed with a snort. "Hair care, skincare, getting wrinkles out of dress robes, tailoring, color matching. What can't I do?"

"Can you get heels polished?"

"I'll be in your room in five."

"Eat first," she instructed, pulling plates out of her bag.

"Thanks Hermione," Neville praised, digging in immediately.

"Slow down. The ball is fully catered, buffet style."

"When are you going to get ready, Granger?"

"An hour or so?"

"Is that enough time?," he asked in horror.

"I don't see why it wouldn't be."

"We'll discuss this later, after I eat."

"Ron, your hair!"

"Is it awful?!," he asked in horror. "I told Malfoy-"

"No, no! I quite like it actually," she replied, face reddening.


"Yes, oh," Draco mocked. "Feel free to ruin it after the ball, Granger, you don't even know what I went through for this."

"Oh I have video!," Neville offered cheerily.

"Just wait for your turn," Ron threatened.

"You forget that Malfoy has done my hair on multiple occasions now."

"Are you okay Harry?," Hermione asked gently, taking a seat next to him.

"Nightmare earlier."

"I'm sorry. Can I do anything for you?"

"Lunch was enough, thank you."

"I know I forget to eat sometimes, and you would always bring me food."

"I, we, appreciate it."

"Alright Granger, let's see those shoes. You three, don't touch anything," Draco warned. "Including your faces."

"Yes sir," Harry replied with a wink, cuddling up to Felix.

"Ew mate, keep the kinks to the bedroom," Ron replied, wrinkling his nose.

"This is the bedroom Weasley," Draco replied with a feral grin.

Draco walked out to the sound of Ron gagging, holding back his laughter.

"Alright Granger, shoes. Let's see the dress too."

"These are the shoes, the dress is hanging up in the bathroom, let me get it."

"I love the blue color, and the silver accents are stunning. Do you particularly care what I do with the shoes?"

"I... I trust you. Do what you feel is right."

Before beginning, Draco carefully cleaned the shoes until they positively shone. Biting his lip, Draco concentrated, commiting the silver accents to memory. Using his wand, he mimicked tracing the pattern until he was sure he had it. When he did, he copied it perfectly onto the once plain surface of the shoes.

"There," he said, handing Hermione the shoes once he was satisfied.

"These are beautiful Malfoy, thank you. What spell was that?"

"It's an ancient generational spell. It might have originated from the Black family? My Mother taught me a lot of old familial tailoring spells. I still have to see if their dress robes require any alterations. If you need anything else, let me know."

"What are you doing with them now?"

"Skincare. Would... would you like to join us?"

"I don't want to impose on your boy's day."

"Come do some face masks with us. You brought us lunch, it's the least we can do."

"If you're sure. I don't want to impose."

"Let's go Granger."

"Mione, you're back!," Ron greeted happily.

"Malfoy invited me back for some face masks," she said uncertainly, glancing around the room.

"Have a seat," Harry offered, moving over.

Hermione didn't stay for too long, fearing she'd outstay her welcome, but Draco was more than happy to share skincare tips.

"If you need any help with anything else, let me know."

"Thank you. I'll see you later boys."

"Okay," Draco began again, clapping his hands. "Try on your robes so I can tailor them and be done. I need to get ready myself."

Thankfully, that didn't take nearly as much time as Draco thought it would. Once the two men left, he collapsed onto Harry's bed.

"I think it's finally happened. I'm too sexy for my own good."

"You're really great, you know?," Harry replied, cuddling up to Draco. "Amazing really."

Harry kissed Draco softly on the cheek.

"You, this, means the world to me. I can't wait to be your date to the ball," Harry continued, smiling up at Draco.

"I can't wait either. Are we being fashionably late? Get all of the stares over with?"

"McGonagall wants to recognize the returning eighth years last. Everyone will be looking at us anyway."

"Perfect. A grand entrance it is then."

Harry couldn't help but look at Draco with that soft smile on his face.


"Nothing, I just love you."

"I'm in love with you," Harry's brain supplied, making his heart skip.

"I am pretty great," Draco agreed with a cheeky grin, unaware of Harry's realization, "but so are you."

Draco gently cupped Harry's face, brushing his thumb across Harry's cheek.

"Thought I wasn't supposed to touch my face," he teased, leaning into the light touch.

"Yes, you aren't. I'm an expert, I know what I'm doing."

"Then by all means, continue."

Harry closed his eyes as Draco seemingly committed every line, dip, and curve of his face to memory.

"You could do with a lip exfoliator," Draco murmured, tracing Harry's lips.

As Harry laughed, Draco traced the laugh lines on his face. He hoped in time they would deepen more.

Harry felt Draco's hands hesitate the higher up his face they went.

"You can touch it, you know. It doesn't hurt."

Draco gently traced Harry's lightning bolt scar.

"Do you want it showing tonight or do you want it covered?"

"Let's show it off, why not."

Harry pouted when Draco's wandering hand left his face.

"I wasn't lying about the exfoliator. Keep pouting." You're very good at it."

"Picked it up from you," he mumbled against Draco's fingers.

"There we go. You need to use a lip scrub more often. It'll do wonders. I'm going to apply this lip balm now."

"That's a lot of effort."

"Don't you want kissable lips?"

"And just who do I plan on kissing anytime soon?," Harry asked in amusement.

"That's your business I suppose. But they'll be thanking me."

"Yes, I'm sure you would come up in conversation right after I kiss some hypothetical person. I'm sure they'd love to hear about how you caressed my face and ran your fingers across my lips."

"I would love to hear you bring that back up, yes. Now, the time for resting is over. We have to look our very best."

"I like you just the same in joggers and a sweater you know."

"I actually love dressing up. I've always taken great pride in my appearance. Me dressing down around you means that I feel comfortable in your presence."

"Think how much more comfortable you'd feel if you came back to bed."

"Two more minutes of cuddling, then I'm leaving this bed with or without you, but I hope it's with you."

"Thank you, love."

"Prepare my praises now Potter, half of these people are going to think you were drugged, cursed, blackmailed, or facing a combination of the three to even consider showing up with me."

"It's their loss to not know you like I do. I'll admit that I'm selfish though, I don't want to share you."

"Then don't let anyone cut in for a dance. Once they see how amazing I am I'm sure I'll be asked."

"Depends who asks whether I'll let you go."

"If she-Weasley somehow makes it into this ball, you are forbidden from dancing with her."

"You didn't even have to tell me once. Come on love, let's get ready then."

Harry had to admit that there was a small part of him that liked being pampered and taken care of. Draco loved having Harry's constant attention on him, so if he did a lot more than he needed to do, who was to say?

"Are you going to have enough time to finish getting ready yourself?"

"I'm just going to do your hair first. By the time you finally get yourself into your dress robes my hair will be done," Draco teased.


"Yet you're not denying my claims Potter."

"We can't all grow up with old money now can we Malfoy? This is only my second ball afterall."

"Get ready for more. I love a good party."

"Is this you asking me to be your date for all future balls?"

"I suppose it is. Would you do me the honor of being my forever date?"

"I love the sound of that," Harry replied softly, a sweet smile stuck on his face. "As long as you promise to help me with the buttons and clasps."

Laughing, Draco stopped messing about with his hair to help Harry with his robes.

"There you go."

"What would I ever do without you?," Harry asked cheekily, hugging Draco from behind.

"You'd be poorly dressed with a bird's nest on your head," Draco deadpanned.

This shocked a laugh out of Harry, who couldn't stop giggling.

"Go check on the other two will you? I'm sure they need more help than I can give."

Draco carefully laid out their ties on the dresser. He put on his own robes and was perfecting his hair when Harry returned, with the other two men in tow. Making any needed last minute adjustments, Draco was soon satisfied.

"That's as good as it's going to get."

"Mione called for you," Ron spoke up, grabbing a bottle of butterbeer off the desk.

"Weasley if you spill a drop of that anywhere, so help you," Draco threatened on his way out.

He politely knocked on the door, waiting for Granger to open it.

"What do you think?," she asked, opening the door just enough for him to squeeze in.

"Do you mind if I do something with your hair?"

"I suppose not."

Draco found some hair pins that he was able to transfer the silver design onto, and gently placed them into Hermione's hair.

"Perfect. It's a lot more cohesive now. How are the shoes?"

"They're absolutely perfect. Thank you."

"Of course. I'll see you later Granger. Weasley will be by shortly to pick you up."

"Picture time!," Harry announced as soon as Draco walked in.

"We need our ties on first."

Harry clumsily tied his tie, making Draco roll his eyes as he fixed it just so.

"There. Now I suppose we can take some photos."

After taking plenty of photos, each man left to meet up with their date.

"I have something for you."

"What is it?," Draco asked in confusion.

"I had these ordered, for us. Molly sent them over last night."

"Is that the Ebb Tide rose?"

"Your favorite," Harry said simply, pinning it to his dress robes. "I know the color is usually a vibrant purple, there's a bouquet next to your bed, I figured out how to alter the color to match our robes."

In a rare display, Draco was speechless.

"Do you like it?"

"I love everything about this moment," Draco replied honestly, grabbing Harry's hands. "One last picture and then we'll meet everyone else in the common room."

Draco couldn't stop smiling if he tried. The feeling of dread he had been fighting all day had finally disappeared. Harry remembered something so simple about him, he had gone out of his way to make tonight special for Draco. Yes, Draco would be telling him at dinner tonight, there was no doubt about that.

"Don't you all look wonderful!," McGonagall greeted as the six eighth years met her in front of the doors to the great hall. "And you're all partnered up with each other. I hope you all have a wondrous night. It is nothing if not deserved. There is a table in the far corner of the room reserved for you all. No one else can approach other than staff unless specifically invited. Is this the order in which you wish to be announced?"

They shuffled together in a line, waiting for McGonagall to send them a signal to begin walking.

"Introducing Miss Hermione Granger and Mr. Ronald Weasley."

Harry couldn't help but think if fourth year had gone like this, it would've been perfect.

"Introducing Miss Hannah Abbott and Mr. Neville Longbottom."

Draco made sure Harry looked perfect before they were called to walk in. Harry raised Draco's hand in his own, and pressed a soft kiss to his knuckles before they walked in.

"Introducing Mr. Draco Malfoy and Mr. Harry Potter."

Everyone had thought that the last two men were announced together because they hadn't managed to get dates, but the hushed whispers became louder as everyone realized that their outfits were coordinated. Harry's grin only grew as he looked at Draco while they walked in together.

"The eighth years will now lead us in a dance to kick off the ball," McGonagall's voice boomed, silencing the great hall.

"You'll lead of course," Harry told Draco, placing his hands in the proper position.

"If only you could see what I see," Draco responded quietly. "Everyone is losing their minds."

"I only need to see you," came Harry's soft reply, the meaning only further enforced when he pulled Draco closer than was necessary.

It was true. Harry didn't care about anyone else in the room right now. They may as well have not even been there. He took great joy in having Draco twirl him around, his laughs echoing across the rather quiet room. He wasn't foolish enough to ignore the eyes on him, he knew they were there. The only ones that mattered were the gray ones locked with his own.

After the first dance was completed, Draco's hand never left the small of Harry's back, leading him to their table in the corner.


"Brilliant," Harry replied with a bright smile, leaning his head against Draco's shoulder.

"I wonder which photo will be on the cover of the Prophet?," Draco asked, pulling Harry's chair out for him.

"I think it'll be a collage personally."

They were joined by the rest of the eighth years, and the conversation soon flowed.

"Oh I love this song," Draco said with a sigh.

"Come on then."

"You're sure?"

"Not in the slightest," Harry replied with a laugh, grabbing Draco's hand and tugging him towards the dance floor.

It was then that he spotted Luna and waved, the smile on his face faltering as he spotted Ginny.

"So she made her way in after all," Harry murmured, spinning Draco around.

"We'll say hi later. I don't want to ruin my favorite song."

Harry awkwardly swayed side to side while Draco danced.

"I don't understand how you can play guitar but seem to have no sense of rhythm."

"I'm sure I'd be better if people weren't burning holes into the back of my head."

"I'm better than them, look at me. Look, you can do this simple two-step."

"I'm more content watching you."

"I can dance alone, you know."

"And let someone else steal my date? Absolutely not."

Thankfully, Ron and Hermione soon joined them, helping Harry to loosen up a little bit more.

"May I have this dance Harry?," Ron asked at the start of the next song, bowing low.

He looked to Draco for permission, who playfully rolled his eyes and shoved Harry forward.

"Granger?," he offered, extending a hand.

"How is he?," she asked, glancing at Harry from the corner of her eye.

"He's better when he has more support. We may make a bet on the article title of the Prophet tomorrow. Who knows, the night is young."

"Are you okay with it? They'll react like I did, probably worse."

"I'm used to it. Why do I care about the opinions of various others? If there were any opinions to bother me, it would have been yours as someone who actually knows me. But, I knew for the most part that you were wrong. As long as Harry was still my friend, I was doing something right. If I could wake up each morning and look at myself in the mirror, I would be okay."

"And you are okay?"

"I'm great," Draco replied, smile growing as he locked eyes with Harry.

"I'm sure you can be better."

"I will be, once I tell him tonight."

"Good. You're saving me a lecture then."

"If I end up backing out, you'll still be able to use it. I don't plan on it though."

"If you back out, you'll face more than a lecture," Hermione promised, curtsying at the end of the dance and going back to Ron.

"You two seemed to have a deep conversation. Everything alright?"

"Perfectly fine darling," Draco replied honestly. "Shall we go see my dear cousin?"

"I suppose so."

"Hello Harry, hello Draco," she greeted airily. "Isn't it wonderful that Ginny is my date?"

"It's truly something," Draco agreed. "You look nice Weaslette. Luna, you're a vision as always."

"You and Harry both look absolutely lovely. May I get a picture for the Quibbler?"

"Of course Luna."

"Anything you write will be better than what the Prophet spits out," Draco agreed, pulling Harry closer to him.

"That's a low bar," Ginny commented.

"You know how it is," Harry replied with a shrug. "I'm sure they'll write about you as well once they find out that you're here. Did George make it?"

"Oh he's around here somewhere," she replied airily.

"That's never good," Harry murmured, eyes skimming across the room.

"We'll see the both of you later. I quite like the next song that's coming on. Good luck tonight Draco."

"Thank you?," Draco replied, confusion seeping into his voice.

"What do you need luck for?"

"I wish I knew, because then I'd know what I'm to be worried about."

"Me stepping on your toes I'm sure."

"You're doing quite well so far actually."

"I just have to look at you right?," Harry replied cheekily.

"Back to the dance floor then?"

"As you wish."

Time flew for Harry once everyone got over themselves and paid attention to their friends/partners. He almost considered dancing to be fun by the time dinner rolled around. Draco's face had a reddish tint from all of the exertion, and Harry couldn't help but keep glancing at him.

"See something you like?," Draco whispered into Harry's ear.

"Indeed I do."

"Yes, the food is quite good," Draco teased in response.

"Isn't it?," Ron commented. "I'm glad Mione made the lunch plates so now I can thoroughly enjoy this."

"Do you want to take a walk after dinner?," Harry asked Draco.

"Of course. I heard there are lights strung up everywhere."

"That's so romantic," Hermione gushed, leaning her head onto Ron's shoulder.

"You'll want to take a walk up to the Astronomy tower later to see what George has planned. I don't know what," he continued before Hermione could interrupt him, "but it's something big he said."


They soon finished dinner, Harry's ankle hooked around Draco's to maintain contact. Conversation then fell to plans for the Christmas holidays coming up.

"You're coming to mine right Harry?"

"I think so, yeah."

"What are you doing Malfoy?," Ron continued to inquire.

"I'll be home with Mother. Longbottom?"

"I'll be with my Nan. We'll stop by Mungo's to see my parents, and then I might come back here, I dunno. I have research to continue on with."

"Does anyone have any New Year's plans?," Harry asked suddenly.

"I'm not sure if mum has anything planned, why?"

"I think I want to throw a party. Hannah you're invited too of course, I don't know what your plans are. I think the house could use it. I think I could use it."

"You're going to plan a party?," Draco asked, one brow raised in challenge.

"Maybe with some help?"

"Say less, we'll begin preparations right away. I've been wanting to deep clean that house anyway. The Noble House of Black covered in cobwebs-"

"Thanks Kreacher," Harry interrupted with an eye roll.

"I'm just saying."

"Let's take that walk now?"

The crisp air stung Harry's lungs at the deep breath he took, and he slowly released it.


"I didn't realize how stuffy it was in there."

"Release the weight of the world for a while."

"I'll grab my world instead," Harry replied, grabbing Draco's hand in his own.

Draco was so flustered he couldn't even speak, past a simple, "oh."

"The party?," he asked instead, swinging their hands.

"Maybe I'm looking for an excuse to see you more over the break. I'm going to miss you."

"We are wizards you know. You can firecall me or floo me anytime you want. I'm not opposed to apparating either."

"Can we exchange presents before we leave?"

"Of course we can."


They soon fell into silence, taking in the scenery on their stroll.

"Do you have your phone? I want to take a picture and remember tonight."

"It's in one of my pockets, hold on."

They took some pictures, with Harry keeping Draco incredibly close the whole time.

"Even without photos, tonight is a night that I'll never forget."

"Dance with me out here?," Draco asked, offering Harry a hand.

"There's nothing else I'd rather do."

"I told you dancing was fun."

"I think I just like being twirled."

"I'll twirl you whenever you like," Draco promised, taking Harry from a twirl to a dip.

In that moment, Draco could see the stars reflected in Harry's eyes, and he was absolutely enamored. It must have shown on his face, because Harry's cheeks took on a pink tint.

"Do you think it's time for the Astronomy tower surprise? It's getting late I think."

"Let's go," Draco agreed, his hand returning to the small of Harry's back.

They walked up in relative silence, Draco humming along to the lilting music that followed them down the corridor.

"Draco, if you had strong feelings about something, what would you do about it?," Harry asked suddenly, pausing before opening the door to the tower.

"Are they good strong feelings?"


"Then I would try to experience them as much as possible, because you've taught me that I deserve to be happy," Draco replied honestly, reaching past Harry and opening the door, leading him into the tower.

It was now or never.

"Draco, I-"

Harry's words were cut off by a shout, and he pulled Draco behind him. They were some younger students who had very obviously been drinking, and Harry didn't like the look of them.

"Maybe we should go."

"Weasley and Granger will follow us soon enough. Let's just stick to the side."

They stood as far away from the group as they could, doing their best to ignore them.

"What were you saying earlier?," Draco questioned, his full attention on Harry.

"I'll tell you later."

They stood, looking up at the stars, Draco just about to tell Harry about the constellation above their heads, when a spell shot past them.

"What the fuck?!," Harry asked angrily, pushing Draco behind him as he stormed over to the group.

"Haven't you ever seen a duel before?," one student sneered.

"Shut up mate that's Harry Potter!," another one hissed, smacking the first.

"You shouldn't be casting while under the influence. Someone can get seriously hurt."

"Save the lecture Savior, I'm not backing down."

"That's incredibly fucking stupid of you," Draco replied, taking a step forward.

"That's rich coming from a death eater. Oh sorry, are you going to tell your father I said that?"

"The difference between my stupidity and yours is that I've come to terms with mine. I was trying to survive, while you're actively working to injure yourself and your friends over here. Do what you want, I don't care."

"I want to duel, and I'll take on anyone and everyone."

"Come on Draco, let's go."

"Scared to duel me?"

"You're going to get someone killed."

Harry turned around, and a spell landed near his feet. With fists clenched, Harry pulled out his wand.


Harry was simply going to cast a body bind spell and be done with it, but the drunk student was quick on his feet and dodged it. The spells progressively became more and more harmful, and Harry was circling the student, looking for an in. He finally found one and was able to hit him with a leglock jinx, causing him to fall, and his spell to shoot behind Harry. He heard a yelp, and turned to see Draco falling over the edge of the Astronomy tower.

With no other thoughts in his mind, Harry jumped off of the tower, following Draco's descent.

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