Chapter 22

"Harry, you need to relax before we go back," Draco said calmly.

"I miss not knowing I had magic. I miss never feeling the constant thrumming under my skin, itching to get out."

Draco paused, grabbed Harry's wrist, and placed his thumb over Harry's pulse point.

"That's peculiar. I can feel your magic. It feels like..."

"Like what?," Harry asked in confusion.

"Like it's fighting to get out," Draco's mind supplied, but he wouldn't dare say that out loud.

"Like a swarm of bees buzzing. There is a thrum, I feel it."

"Any idea why?"

"I'll have to check when you're relaxed and not giving people impromptu flying lessons."

"I'm only a little sorry."

"Just don't send anything flying at mum's please. You're both still coming?," Ron inquired.

"We are. Who's going to be there?"

"I can never be sure honestly. People have a tendency of just popping up."


"It's just my family. I'd be more concerned if they didn't want you to come."

"Thanks Weasley."

"Any time," he replied with a cheeky grin. "Mione is coming though, George will be there."

"At least there's one of you I can tolerate."

"Good. You shouldn't tolerate me because I'm going to whip your arse at wizard's chess."

Harry listened to his two best mates arguing back and forth, and slowly felt himself calming down. He needed Felix. As luck would have it, he came into contact with Felix and Luna as they neared the forbidden forest.

"Hello Harry, Draco, Ron. Thank you for letting me spend time with Felix. I'm afraid he's gotten quite muddy though. Would you like me to give him a bath?"

"No, that's quite alright I'll do it."

"Enjoy your dinner tonight."

"There's my messy boy. You knew I was looking for you didn't you? Of course you did," Harry cooed. "Let's get you all cleaned up shall we?"

"I'll come and find you before we head back home. Mione wants to study so I'll catch you both later."

"Normally studying is code for anything but, but he really means studying doesn't he?," Draco asked dryly, doing his best to avoid Felix covering him in mud.

"If anything the library is their code. But yes, actual studying. He doesn't even know what she's saying half the time, but he loves her so he'll listen and ask questions. It's very sweet.

Felix what on earth did you get into? You look like a chocolate lab now. You're absolutely caked in mud. Is that glitter?"

"I'm sure it is. As much as I love him, he can stay away from me. I already showered."

"I clearly should've waited. Pick out a new shirt for me yeah? This is a process."

"A process? It can't be that bad," Draco replied, rolling his eyes.

It was a process indeed, that resulted in a very shirtless Harry Potter kneeling in front of the bathtub, with water dripping down his face. Draco had insisted that he watch Harry give Felix a bath, and he couldn't tell whether this was a blessing or a curse.

"He's our son Potter, I have to learn how to properly take care of him," he had explained slowly.

"Just stay back then," Harry replied with an easy shrug.

Getting the bath set up was no problem, and Felix seemed to take to it easily enough. Harry walked Draco through the process, talking about what the water temperature should be and how to test it on the inside of his wrist. He showed Draco how to adjust the water pressure to a point that wouldn't hurt Felix. Draco didn't think this was an easy job for one person, so he slowly stepped forward and helped Harry.

He was absolutely besotted with Harry's easy smile, and may have let his guard down a bit too much. His arm slipped, and Felix was sprayed with more water than he should've been.

Felix for his part, decided this was the best moment to shake, and Harry cursed quietly, shaking his own head in return.

"I am so sorry!"

"I told you it happens."

Draco watched, mouth slightly ajar, as Harry crossed his arms over his waist and easily removed his shirt. He tossed it into the laundry bin, unaware of the way Draco was eyeing him.

"We do this every time, don't we Felix? You just want me back in the bath don't you? That's your evil plot hmm?," Harry teased, scratching Felix between the ears.

Felix barked happily, nuzzling into Harry's hand.

"You get in with him?," Draco asked, clearing his throat to even his tone.

"Yes, but I swear I clean the tub," Harry rushed, looking over his shoulder around at the tone of Draco's voice.

He looked at Draco and took in his expression, a small smile playing at the corner of Harry's mouth.

"You're hot."

"Pardon me?," Draco squeaked.

"Your face is all red," Harry said innocently.

"Oh sod off will you?!"

"Yes, well, it's not a pretty sight from the front. You can admire me from behind."

"I do recall a past dressing room incident."

"Where I had a sweater hiding the worst of it," Harry replied with a snort, turning off the water. "It's a lot, you know?"

"I know," Draco replied quietly, absentmindedly running a hand across his chest.

"I still can't even tell you how sorry I am."

"You don't have to tell me. I can see it by the way that you act around me. I've forgiven you Harry. I forgave you a long time ago. I know we don't talk about it because it's painful and there are certain things you don't want to discuss with Athena, but I attacked you first. I tried to hurt you, and you responded in self-defense. The scars really aren't that bad, promise."

"Can- can I see?"

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours," Draco replied with a smirk, fingering the bottom of his shirt.

"It's not pretty Draco. There's so many... not just from the war. From my childhood and growing up. It's bad."

Draco crouched down behind Harry and wrapped his arms around his neck.

"They just tell the stories of how you survived," he said gently, brushing his fingertips lightly across Harry's chest. "You don't have to show me if you don't want to. I'll show you mine though. I know you worry."

After removing his shirt, Draco handed it to Harry to cover up if he so chose.

"Here they are."

Harry's hand reached out automatically, but he stopped it from going any further. Draco grabbed the hand and placed it onto his chest, fingers splayed.

"See? Not so bad, yeah?"

The expression on Harry's face was unreadable, and Draco fell back into his old habit of talking to fill up the space.

"Really, they build character, you know? Besides, I get to look down and think of you every day."

Harry had never recoiled so fast in his entire life.

"Shit I didn't mean it like that! They're a reminder of how far we've come. A reminder that I don't want to be that person anymore. You never would've given that Draco a chance. He didn't deserve one. This Draco is slowly learning that he does deserve a chance."

"My nose is still a bit crooked from when you broke it," Harry admitted after a few minutes of silence.

"Are we okay?"

"Yeah, we're okay. Guess we should start with the big one yeah? Hermione had to use a severing charm on the horcrux and the mark never healed."

"It's right over your heart."

"You think that's bad? I have a second lightning bolt shaped scar."


"From when I was hit the second time. It scarred as well. The other scars are minimal. Lashes on my back, burns on my arms. These are the worst of them."

"Oh Harry."

"I don't want pity. I'm trying to be more open, which in this case really fucking sucks. I can't hide these forever. I don't even normally sleep with a shirt on, I'm too warm half the time."

"You should've said something. I'll sleep in my own room. I don't want you to be uncomfortable-"

"I sleep best when you're with me. You're like my own personal cooling system," Harry replied, pulling Draco flush against him.

"You are abnormally warm. Has it always been like this?"

"I dunno. Just figured I was warm blooded."

The heat of Harry's body along with the constant thrum of magic had Draco concerned. He really did have to check the books in the Manor's library to see if he could figure out what was happening.

"Guess that makes me cold blooded."

"A perfect match," came Harry's quiet reply, his head resting in the crook of Draco's neck.

Draco didn't reply, instead intertwining their fingers.

"We should finish the bath, yeah? We have to get ready to go soon."

"Or we can head to bed."

"Oh that's very tempting. However, I like to wear shirts and would like mine back. You on the other hand can feel free to leave yours off."

"Should've known you'd have a scar kink. You called me Scarhead for years."

"I'll call you Scarhead again if you're into it," Draco teased, whispering into Harry's ear as his fingers trailed along his back.

Felix barked loudly, interrupting the moment.

"Too much energy in the room huh?," Harry asked Felix, pulling himself away from Draco. "You want all of my attention don't you? What did we learn then? You don't shake and soak me or else you get ignored. Draco doesn't make me wet does he?"

"I could if presented the proper opportunity," was out of his mouth before he could stop it.

Laughing, Harry dried Felix off and began to clean the bath.

"Catch me under the mistletoe again and maybe you'll have your chance."

That was a tempting offer if Draco had ever heard one. It wouldn't be that hard really. Harry had a knack for getting himself into tough situations, but Draco couldn't help but notice there hadn't been any more mistletoe adventures.

"Let me clean up, move over."

This was another one of those times where Harry simply forgot that he could use magic. He was so used to doing chores by hand that he never thought to take out his wand.

"There, all done. Let's fix your hair now shall we? You worked so hard and look where it got you."

"It got me you fawning over me, I'll take what I can get," Harry teased, exiting the bathroom to grab a shirt.

"Oh hush. Let me work."

"I'll let you do whatever you want."

"I'll give you another haircut," Draco threatened.

"If you think I need one, fine."

"How much time do we have?"


Harry hummed the whole time Draco fixed his hair, trimming the ends.

"We should grow it out. I think you'd look quite good with your hair in a bun."

"Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you," Harry replied, twisting Draco's hair around his hand.

"After the ball then. If it looks horrid, I want no photographic evidence."

"Oh believe me there will be. Right on my phone."

"Better change your password since Granger showed me how to work it."

"I trust you."

"You shouldn't."

"You haven't killed me yet."

"Your standards are quite low, honestly Potter."

"The bar is on the floor, what can I say?"

"You deserve to receive so much more than the bare minimum."

"You're doing a great job," Harry replied honestly. "I usually feel indifferent to everything, but you're changing my mind. Maybe I do deserve things."

"You deserve everything, and I'll give it to you. I can't wait until the dress robes come in. We're going to show everyone up. Everyone is going to be looking at us anyway, we might as well give them all something to look at."

"For once in my life I'll look good on the front page of the Prophet."

"I'm your best accessory, remember that."

"And that's why I'm taking you to family dinner."

"Don't remind me that I'm officially meeting your family."

"Official hmm? I feel like you forgot to ask me a question."

"Maybe you forgot to ask me a question," Draco huffed, busying himself with fixing his hair as he ignored the implication.

"It'll be fine," Harry promised. "If either of us are uncomfortable we'll leave. Besides, George is really good at reading the room. If you ever need to escape, flag him down. Or just ask Ron to play a round of chess."

"Okay. We can do this."

"Of course we can. We're a Potter and a Malfoy," Harry retorted haughtily with his best Draco impression.

"Damn straight."

Soon enough, they were saying goodbye to Felix and meeting up with Ron.

"I'm going to floo. Did you want to apparate together or floo with me?"

"Apparate. We'll see you in a few minutes," Harry replied easily.

While Ron headed up to McGonagall's office, Harry and Draco made their way outside.

"Let's go love. It'll be fine."

"As long as I have you by my side."

Saying he was worried was Draco's understatement of the year. Mrs. Weasley had said in her letter that she forgave him, proving she was a much better person than Draco. He hoped she didn't think he was forced to write it. They hadn't met again in person, and Draco was now wishing they had.

Harry slid his hand to the small of Draco's back, opened the door to the Burrow for the both of them, and stepped inside.


"Hello Molly, thank you for having us."

Harry allowed himself to be pulled away from Draco and into her arms.

"You're welcome any time dear you know that. Draco, thank you for coming."

"Thank you for inviting me into your home," he greeted, holding his hand out for a handshake.

"Nonsense, we hug here."


Draco allowed himself to be hugged, thankful when the floo flared up and she pulled away. He greeted Mr. Weasley who accepted his handshake, and was relieved at the knock on the door. The flowers he had placed an order for were delivered, and he felt a bit better after that point. Harry stayed glued to his side as more people started filing in.

"Draco, this was very thoughtful of you. Thank you."

"Of course."

"Did I hear Malfoy's here?"

"George," Draco greeted.

George pulled him into a hug, clapping his shoulder.

"Do I have some products to show you. Come along mate."

Before Draco could say anything, he was halfway up the stairs. Harry hung back, setting the table for Molly.

"Thank you again for having him."

"He seemed honest in his letter. I wanted to give him a chance."

"I didn't even know he wrote a letter," Harry admitted.

"Interesting. This was months ago and we haven't had any correspondence since."

"He and Hermione aren't on the best of terms. Her and I are making amends. Gin isn't quite fond of him either."

"But you?"

"He's good for me. He's the best thing I've got right now, and I don't know where I'd be without him."

"Then he's family," Molly said simply, pulling Harry into another hug.

"Thank you."

"Being family means he can help in the kitchen," Molly warned.

"Oh he's the best at prepping vegetables."

"Well, with the two of you, maybe dinner will be ready earlier."

"I can practically guarantee it."

Draco meanwhile, was awkwardly perched on the edge of George's bed.

"The girls are arriving soon, I thought you could use a minute."

"Maybe a few."

"If you need saving, ask me anything about the shop."


"Do you know if Harry tried my new product yet? The candies?"

"Not that I'm aware of."

"Get him to try them for me will you? I need another opinion."

Draco agreed, and George gave him a description of the box.

"Let's go meet the masses, yeah?"

"If we must."

As soon as Draco came back downstairs, he immediately held Harry's attention from where he was speaking to... Oliver Wood? The two were sitting quite close, with one of the older Weasley's on the couch beside him.

"Malfoy," Oliver greeted, confusion present in his voice. "I guess the Prophet was right then."

"Wood. I wouldn't know, I don't read it."

"Have you ever met Percy?," Harry interrupted, nodding to the man on the other side of Wood.

"You were a prefect."

"Indeed I was," Percy replied, sitting up straighter.

"Still play any quidditch Malfoy?," Wood asked.

"Not in years."

Harry made space on the couch next to him, and Draco begrudgingly squeezed in the space next to him. It was made more tolerable when Harry slung his arm around the top of the couch, resting on Draco's shoulders. Draco half-listened as Wood continued to drone on about quidditch, answering any awkward question thrown his way.

He was almost relieved when Hermione and Ginny finally showed up. He'd take the side eye over the awkward attempts at conversation. Ginny's eyes immediately fell on Harry's arm around Draco, and she turned away.

"Let's go to the kitchen, yeah?," Harry asked Draco, his hand sliding to the small of Draco's back.

"You and Wood looked cozy," he muttered.

Harry laughed, lightly elbowing Draco in the side.

"Haven't you seen the way Percy hangs onto his every word? They've been together for a while now."

Draco opened his mouth and closed it.

"There's no need to be jealous love, I'm all yours you know."

Harry stopped Draco under the mistletoe and kissed him softly on the cheek before continuing on to the kitchen.

"You're so whipped mate," Ron teased Draco from behind. "When are you going to make a move?"

"Am I the one required to make a move? I already asked him out to the ball!"

"But have you ever clarified your feelings towards him? Harry loves fiercely but he isn't the best at picking up on other people's emotions. When he does, he tends to take them in and his magic goes a bit weird."

"You've noticed that too? We need to have a conversation."


Draco dragged Ron outside before he could protest.

"I'm worried about him."

"What's there to be worried about?," Ron asked in confusion. "He's happy isn't he?"

"Something isn't right. Has he always been so warm?"

"Look I don't need to know what you two get up to-"

"Weasley, I'm being serious! We haven't 'gotten up' to anything for Salazar's sake! When you hug him, is he warmer than a normal person should be?"

"Well yeah he's warm but-"

"And can you feel his magical presence before he walks in a room?"

"I don't know what you mean by that."

"The air feels more charged when he's near. It's easier to pick up on when he's feeling emotional. I don't know if I pick up on it because we're always in such close proximity or if it's something else. He gets tired and winded easily when he's all wound up. Dizzy on other occasions. You've noticed none of this?"

"Like you said, you two are always in close proximity. His magic has always been very attached to his emotions though. I'm not sure what you know about his past, but that has to do with it."

"I know some and I've surmised the rest. He's probably worried it's going to send me into a muggle hating spiral again. And it will, but just those specific muggles. Anyone who treats a child like that... My father may have been a prick, but rarely ever laid a hand on me. His cane, yes, but you met me as a child. Violence doesn't solve anything, but it may have been necessary."

"That doesn't account for the emotional abuse you faced though. I'll keep an eye on Harry and let you know if I pick up on anything."

"He's coming."

Draco could feel the change in the air.

"So we spent a whole day degnoming the garden right? And there was this other time that Harry-"

"That Harry what?"

"Nothing to be concerned about mate. Malfoy just needed some air."

"So you choose to embarrass me when I can't defend myself?"

"No worries darling, you do a proper job of embarrassing yourself."

"Prat," Harry replied playfully, throwing an arm around Draco and Ron each. "Let me tell you what actually happened when we degnomed the garden..."

Upon reentering the Burrow, Draco felt a lot more relaxed. Harry and Ron went back to the living room, while Draco meekly walked into the kitchen.

"Is there anything I could help you with Mrs. Weasley?"

"Can you make a salad?"

"That's about one of the only things I can do," Draco replied with a laugh, moving to the sink to wash his hands. "Harry's been slowly teaching me to cook. I managed some pancakes and that's about it."

"Is it something you're interested in learning?"

"I think it's important to learn how to care for myself without the aid of a house elf, yes. I like baking bread, actually. It's more of a science, and I have an innate fondness of anything scientific."

"Harry tells me you're very interested in Potions. Do you wish to make a career out of it?"

"I don't know what I want to do to be quite honest with you. I'll be expected to take over the estate, but that's not what I want anymore. I don't think I'd be accepted for an apprenticeship either. I don't blame anyone for that but myself. I'm hoping that if the project Harry and I are working on is successful, there may be a market for that," Draco continued on, expertly chopping the vegetables for the salad.

"Well, from just watching you make a salad, I think there's hope yet. That was a very nice article the Quibbler posted about you."

"I didn't even know Harry was doing that. He thinks with his heart, and I can't say I've been wanting to go out after its publication. It's ironic that all I wanted was for people to look at me, and now I'd be much happier fading into the background. I deserve what's come to me though."

"I don't think that's true," came the soft response.

Draco was shocked at the gentle hand that came to rest on his shoulder.

"You are more like your mother than your father, or even your aunt. I see none of that wretched woman in you. You can still be your own person Draco. While we should never forget the past, we cannot let it define us. I- I miss my Freddie every single day. We all have choices to make.

What I'm saying is, don't hold yourself back because you feel like it's what you deserve. You're not evil. Misguided, yes, but I can see you're on the right track. I'll admit, I was worried this may have been some kind of front. All I see in front of me is an honest, repentant man. If we can move past this, I think you can too."

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley."

Surprising the both of them, Draco pulled her into a hug, which is where Harry found them.

"Are we alright here?," Harry asked cautiously, feeling the emotions in the air.

"Right as rain dear. Draco was telling me a bit about your school project?"

"I'm pants at Potions but he's absolutely brilliant! I handle the Herbology aspect of it. We're working on breeding..."

By the time dinner came around, Draco was actually smiling. Molly Weasley was a very pleasant woman, and by the third time he had apologized to her he was being swatted with tea towels on each subsequent infraction. Harry snickered, but would gently rub the spot on Draco's arm where he had been hit each time.

While Draco helped place the food on the table, Harry took a seat. Ginny tried to sit next to him, but he had his hand on the seat. She settled for sitting diagonally from him as Ron took the seat across from him. George sat on Draco's other side, and they soon began to eat.

"So, how do I get myself into this ball?," George asked sometime later.

"See if someone is foolish enough to take you," Ron replied with a snicker.

"Harry, I'll go with you if you need a date," Ginny offered, her foot nudging his under the table.

"Oh, thanks but I already have a date."


"Don't act so surprised. Some people actually like my company," Harry replied pointedly.

"Malfoy, you have to bring me," George begged. "I have so many ideas."

"Sorry, I already have a date."

"Is he prettier than me?," he asked in fake shock.

"He's not bad looking. Ouch!"

"You're talking Malfoy?!" Ginny asked in shock.

"He asked me and I said yes. But if he doesn't think I'm pretty I may need a new date," Harry said pointedly.

"As if you'd ever go back on your word. You're very pretty darling, I was just trying to spare poor George's feelings."

"You wound me Malfoy, truly. I thought we had a moment earlier under the mistletoe, but I guess I was wrong."

"You'd only be so lucky," Draco replied with a snort. "I'll see what I can do about getting you in though."

"That's all I needed to hear. Cheers mate."

Harry could sense the change in energy, and was more than ready to leave after the dinner table was cleared off. Ginny looked contemplative, and Harry didn't like it one bit.

"Can we go?," he whispered quietly in Draco's ear.

"Of course we can. Thank you so much for your hospitality Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. I'm afraid Harry and I must be going."

"Thank you both for coming. Draco, please come back any time."

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley."

"Harry, you'll have to send us photos from the ball!"

"Of course I will. Have a wonderful night everyone."

Harry just managed to sneak past Ginny trying to corner him, and frowned at the cursed mistletoe hanging from the ceiling nearby.

"I'd snog you underneath it you know," Draco murmured to Harry.

"As tempting as that is, it'll cause more harm than good."

Harry released a breath once they were outside, and extended his arm to Draco. Draco thought they were going back to Hogwarts, but instead they ended up near a small playground.

"Where are we?"

"I used to sneak out and come here when I needed some time to think. They never took me, so I'd come here myself. I liked to imagine a different life than the one that I had. I'd watch other families and imagine what it would be like to go home with them if I was lucky enough to get out during the day.

Mostly, I sat and I waited. I'd come here to feel anything. I haven't been here in a long while. I thought it might be nice to visit."

"Have you ever been to a wizarding playground?"

"I haven't."

"I'll take you sometime. Show me where you liked to sit," Draco suggested, grabbing Harry's hand.

"On the swings mostly. If it was raining I'd bunk up in the castle because it had a roof."

"How do you make them go?," Draco asked, sitting on the swing. "Is there a spell?"

"You've got to pump your legs in and out."


"Like this."

Draco watched as Harry pushed himself off the ground and started pushing his legs outward and then inwards.

"I wonder if the spell works," Draco mused quietly to himself.

"Here, I'll push you until you get the hang of it."

Every time the palms of Harry's hands came into contact with the small of Draco's back, he exhaled and found his mind clearing. Draco's laughs and shrieks put him at ease, and he ignored the discomfort of the last hour. For now, it was just the two of them, exactly how Harry liked it.

"I love you," Harry whispered as they lay side by side on the slide sometime later.

"You too," Draco replied, squeezing Harry's hand again.

"I know, you don't have to say it. You show me every day."

"I'll get better at this, I promise."

"I think you're pretty great at it. You survived a family dinner with me and now we're laying together under the stars on a playground slide. Just the two of us."

"We need to bring Felix here one day."

"Maybe this weekend yeah? It's always nice to get out with you."

"It's nice to do anything with you," Draco replied softly, pressing a kiss to Harry's knuckles. "Here's to more nights like these."

And really, that's all that Harry could hope for.

{A/N: I hope you all had a Happy/Merry Christmas, and I'm wishing everyone the best for 2023. Sending you all my love as always! Life is crazy, but I'll be seeing this story through to the end.}

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