Chapter 2
When Draco accepted Potter's invitation to share his invisibility cloak, there were a few aspects he hadn't thought of. First, the close proximity to the other man. Harry's hand was protectively on the small of Draco's back so that they didn't get too far apart. The second thing was the fact that they'd have to share a carriage back together.
"Hey Malfoy?"
"Yes Potter?"
"If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to reach out to me okay? Even if you just want some company. This... this was really nice for me, and I hope it was for you too. It doesn't have to end because we're back. We're not who we used to be."
Draco chuckled quietly, the reaction surprising Harry.
"We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me?," Draco offered.
"Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat."
"Yes, I thought you'd be narcissistic enough to listen to another famous man with the same first name as you."
Harry laughed and shook his head, nudging Draco's foot with his own.
"You really are quite funny."
"You keep complimenting me, you must really want to spend some more time with me."
"I do."
"I don't know why you'd want to bring something like that upon yourself, but I suppose it can be arranged."
"You're not a bad person Draco. You used to be quite the prat, but you've grown. We all have. I don't hold your actions against you, you were just trying to survive."
"I wish everyone else had the same mindset as you."
"If they have an issue with you, or any other Slytherins for that matter, they can take it up with me. I'm tired of all of the feuds and prejudices. I didn't die for all of that to continue."
"So you did die then?"
"I thought your mother would've told you? It was this whole thing where I had the choice to live or die. If I chose death, Voldemort would have won. Pros and cons to both you know but obviously that would have been the worst option. So, here I am."
"You're quite... unnerved by all of this."
"Remember who you're talking to Malfoy. I have stories. Maybe I'll share them with you sometime."
"That could be nice... Listen Potter, I really do appreciate this. I wasn't expecting a warm welcome by anybody, but especially from you. Thank you."
"The only person still living that I hold a grudge for is Umbridge. In the scheme of things you were quite mild. Kept me on my toes is all," Harry joked lightly.
"I will admit you made things more interesting."
"Me, interesting? Just your average school year trying to stay alive you know?"
Harry wasn't looking at Draco, instead his haunted gaze fell on Hogwarts as it came into view.
"I could make an attempt to keep up tradition if you liked," Draco blurted out, effectively distracting Harry.
"Let's leave that in the past yeah? I'm sure there's some kind of target on my back but who knows? I just want to keep my head down this year, but I know that's not possible. Trouble always finds me one way or another."
This year, trouble seemingly came in the name of Draco Malfoy, but Harry didn't quite know that yet.
"If you need anything Potter, I'm sure you'll find me. You have a knack for that."
"Maybe that's a story that I will share."
Their carriage stopped and they looked at each, understanding crossing Harry's face, and worry on Draco's.
"Two options. You can come out with me, or you can borrow the cloak and find your way to the Great Hall and return it later."
"You don't want to be seen with me."
"I do actually."
"That's not keeping your head down Potter."
"Do you really think people aren't going to be looking for me anyway? I can sneeze and it'll wind up in the Prophet."
"I'll walk... near you I suppose."
Harry smiled at Draco, and he had to look away. He didn't deserve that smile, he knew, but it made him feel so... giddy to be on the receiving end of it.
"Are you ready?," Harry asked.
"Not in the slightest."
"Me neither."
Taking a deep breath, Draco stepped out of the carriage first, and Harry heard the whispers and snickers. With his head held high, Harry stepped out after him, and the volume increased tenfold.
"Just walk and look past them," he whispered out of the corner of his mouth.
Expressionless, the two men walked side by side, closer than Draco had initially expected, but it was nice, having the comfort of another person next to him. Especially when he thought he would be making this journey alone. When Harry's breathing started to pick up, Draco gently touched his arm, thankful for the robe sleeves that made it less obvious.
"I see Granger and Weasley up ahead. Come on," he said quietly.
Harry nodded, and the two men picked up their pace. Once Draco brought Harry to his friends, he kept walking after leaving Harry with a gentle squeeze of the hand. He wasn't going to bring Harry down, and this was something he needed to do alone. Everyone's reaction to him needed to be genuine so he could judge how bad the year would be for him. Draco felt Harry's eyes on him as the crowd seemingly parted for the former Slytherin Prince.
Draco's guard never dropped, especially as he walked into the Great Hall and all eyes turned to him.
"8th years can sit with their own houses or at that table in the corner there," Hagrid announced.
Nodding politely at him, Draco's eyes darted to the Slytherin table and saw many people turn their backs to him. Holding in his sigh, he turned to walk to the 8th year table, missing the piece of parchment that was thrown his way. It would've hit him if Harry hadn't pulled him back.
"Grow up will you?"
Dead silence followed, and Harry pushed Draco forward to the 8th year table, having him sit right up against the wall. Harry sat next to him to protect him from any other immature students.
"Thanks Potter," he said quietly.
Neville sat on the other side of Harry, with Hannah settling across from him, Ron from Harry, and Hermione from Draco. Hermione noticed Harry begin to shake his leg anxiously, and grabbed his hand across the table.
"Did you want to go up to the tower? I'm sure Felix is waiting for you."
Draco's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Who was Felix?
"He can wait, I'll be fine. I need to do this."
Soon enough, the sorting ceremony took place, and Harry made sure he clapped for every student, regardless of house placement. It didn't take people long to follow the guidance of their "Saviour," and McGonagall was pleased.
Hermione lectured all of the 8th years about pushing food around their plates instead of eating it, Draco included.
"This isn't easy for any of us, but we need to stick together and look out for each other."
Ron was surprised to see Draco agree, and was wondering what on earth he had missed.
After the meal, McGonagall held the 8th years until the halls were cleared, and then led them up to their tower.
"As there are only 6 of you, we've decided to give you each your own room. You're adults and I trust you to use your best judgement. You're allowed to enter each other's rooms as freely as you wish, with consent of course. If there is anything you need, do not hesitate to reach out to me. Your names are on the doors and your things have been brought up. Welcome back to Hogwarts."
Everyone began to head up towards their rooms, but McGonagall stopped Harry.
"A word Mr. Potter?"
"Of course."
"Are you doing alright?"
"Alright enough. It's... strange being back, especially since this is how Hogwarts looked before the war, and there's less people here now."
"That's understandable, Harry. My office is open to you at any hour of the day, please don't hesitate to come and see me, no matter what. Even if it's just to talk. Your healer has been in contact with me about either letting you see her off grounds or her coming here for your sessions. Sleep on it for a bit, and let me know which you prefer. A portkey can always be arranged for your discretion."
"Thank you Headmistress."
"Anytime Potter."
All Harry wanted to do now was change into his pajamas, crawl into bed, and spend time with Felix before he fell asleep. Walking up the stairs, he saw that the rooms were paired in twos, connected by a shared bathroom. Hermione and Hannah's, Ron's and Neville's, and then his and Draco's.
Ron and Hermione were waiting for him outside of his door, and he noticed Draco's door opened a crack. Was Draco concerned for him, or did he not notice the door hadn't been closed?
"Everything alright mate?," Ron asked.
"Yeah, 's fine. She was just making sure I was alright."
"Did you want to spend some time with Ron and I?"
"I think I'm going to head to bed actually. I need some time to readjust before tomorrow."
"Understandable mate. Have a good one."
"You too. Goodnight."
Hugging his friends goodbye, he hesitated outside of Draco's door that had since closed. He knocked lightly, leaning against the door frame waiting for Draco to open it.
"Hello Potter, can I help you?"
"I haven't been in my room yet, but I'm assuming the bathroom has connecting doors? I figured you'd want to figure that out so we're not walking in on each other?"
"You can come in," Draco offered, taking a step back. "The doors each have their own locks on the handles. So when I go in I'll just lock both sides if I'm in the shower or whatever. I don't know if you have a schedule or anything?"
"Not really, it honestly depends on my mood. If there's an issue McGonagall said the other staircase leads to more bathrooms, similar to the prefect's bathroom so there are more options there if I desperately need a shower."
"Alright. I tend to follow a schedule, I'll leave it posted in the bathroom."
"Okay. Night Malfoy."
"Goodnight Potter."
As Harry laid in his bed with Felix curled into his side, he was really hoping for the best for the school year. All he wanted was a year of normalcy where he actually felt safe. Was that too much to ask for?
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