Chapter 1

{Note: while mostly following the main plot line, this story will have mentions of modern day aspects such as music and technology. I know that some readers don't like this as it conflicts with the timeline so I wanted to mention this beforehand.}

You'd think after many therapy and healer sessions these past few months Harry would have a better grasp on his feelings, but when a multitude hit him at once they were harder to process. There he stood on the empty Platform 9 3/4, staring up at the Hogwarts Express, which somehow seemed more daunting now than it did when he was 11.

Now at 18 years old, Harry didn't know what was in store for him. After being told what to do for so long, he had a great fear of the unknown, accompanied by PTSD and anxiety amongst other things. He was good at hiding it outwardly, but loud noises that were unexpected had the potential to send him spiraling.

September 1st brought a fresh wave of anxiety and nausea, and Harry missed Felix already. He brought Harry great comfort and he couldn't wait to be reunited with him at Hogwarts. For now, this was his journey to make alone.

One of the conditions he negotiated on for his return was that his first journey back to the platform be done by himself. He didn't want anyone to know where he would be sitting, or watch the pain flicker across his face and tears fill his eyes.

"It's okay to cry," he reminded himself. "No one is here."

He had an allotted 10 minutes to get settled, and took that time to perfectly select a compartment for himself. His friends were told that he would find them if needed as they had chosen their usual compartment. Harry had time, and he would use it.

Harry chose a compartment towards the back, in the "Slytherin" section as no one would look for him there. That is where he stayed, a charm on the door to repel people. He removed it a few minutes later, exhaling shakily as he felt the train prepare to move.

There was a knock on his door, and his head shot up in surprise. Pulling the shade aside, he peeked out to see a flash of platinum blonde hair. Harry unlocked the door and Malfoy quickly entered, closing the door behind him.

"Thank- Potter."

Harry Potter was the last person Draco Malfoy expected to run into, especially so soon after the war.

"I can find another compartment."

"You can stay."

The words were out of Harry's mouth before he knew what he was saying. He recognized the panicked look on Malfoy's face and took pity on the other man.

"You look like you're here alone for a reason."

"Trying not to have a panic attack is all."

Draco raised an eye at the brutal honesty, and was debating whether or not to stay.

"You can sit, Malfoy. We're about to leave."

"Thank you Potter."

They sat in silence for a few moments and as the train finally pulled away, Harry released the breath he had been holding, as did Malfoy. Their eyes met, and Draco tentatively smiled at Harry. It was so foreign to see the soft smile on Malfoy's face that Harry couldn't help but smile back.

"Do you want a cookie?," Harry asked suddenly, a few minutes later.

"I'm sorry did you just offer me a cookie?"

"I made them this morning," Harry offered sheepishly.

"You bake?"

"Thought you knew everything about me after a few years of stalking Malfoy?," Harry teased, pulling out a tin.

"I wouldn't call it stalking. Maybe... mutual fascination."

That got a laugh out of Harry.

"Who knew you were funny Malfoy."

"Very few people," came the solemn reply. "But who am I to refuse food offered to me by our favorite Saviour?"

Harry grimaced at the nickname.

"C'mon Malfoy I know you're more creative than that. I'll even take Potty over those horrible nicknames."

"I've always been partial to Scarhead you know."

Sliding the tin over, Harry then kicked his legs up on the seat across from him.

"You mind?"

"It's your compartment that I crashed."

"I had 10 minutes to get myself situated. I came alone. I needed some space, had to process my feelings or whatever."

"I did the opposite. I came at the last possible moment and didn't think about how every compartment would be full due to the extra students. Do you know how many came back?"

"Us, Hermione, Ron, Neville, and Hannah Abott as far as I'm aware. Seamus and Dean promised to visit but they're off seeing the world now, not that I blame them. It was very tempting."

"Why did you come back? That came out more harshly than I intended. I apologize. I'm sure you know I'm here as part of my sentencing.

Thank you for that, Potter. From my mother and myself. I meant to write, but it seemed more ingenuine that way. I was hoping to catch you in person, I just didn't think it would be so soon."

"Your mother saved my life, and so did you."

"I didn't-"

"At the Manor, when I said I was Neville. I've been watching you since we were 11 Malfoy, I know your mannerisms almost as well as my own. I don't know why you did it, but I've had my guesses."

"What are your guesses?," Draco asked, grabbing a cookie. "Salazar Potter this is good. You made this?"

"I did, no magic. My guess is being a death eater isn't what you thought it would be. I don't know whether you initially wanted it or not, but if year 6 tells me anything you decided you didn't want it anymore fairly soon. That's your business though.

My guess is that you wanted him dead just as much as I did. Your mother wanted to save you."

"That sums it up more or less. You also saved my life..."

"I'd rather not if you don't mind. That aspect hasn't been discussed much with my healer and I'd prefer not to hash it out right now. I don't regret it and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I am sorry though."

"You can't save everyone Potter," Draco said quietly.

"I'm finally realizing that, but it doesn't make it hurt any less."

It took a few beats of silence for Harry to collect his thoughts.

"To be completely honest with you, I don't know why I came back. Everyone recommends it for my 'healing' or whatever, but I don't think it's something I'll ever fully heal from you know? I suppose I came back for some sense of purpose.

I got offers out the arse for jobs, but it's nothing I've worked for. I feel like I should at least complete my education."

"I'm going to give you my opinion that you never asked for because that's never stopped me before. While I agree that finishing your education is important, you regrettably have more experience than the rest of us. Horcrux hunting, implementing defense, it was brilliant really."

"Did you just compliment me twice in the same hour?"

"Don't go getting a big ego now, I know you get complimented all the time."

"Ah, but never by my childhood rival. This actually means something," Harry replied with a wink.

"Is it warm in here?"

"You can crack the window if you'd like. I may close my eyes for a bit. If I fall asleep and you draw on my face you're not getting anymore cookies," Harry threatened.

"Potter, if you can sleep through a quill writing on your face I don't think I can help you."

"I forget how incredibly pureblooded you are."

The remark wasn't meant to sting, but Draco felt slighted all the same. At his continued silence, Harry opened his eyes and frowned. Draco's guarded expression came back up, and Harry felt awful.

"Hey, I didn't mean it offensively Malfoy. In the muggle world we just use pens and markers. No ink pots required."

"No ink pots? Then how do the pens write?"

"Hold on, I've got one here somewhere."

Digging around in his bag, he finally pulled out a pen and some post it notes. Much more fun to use than parchment.

Draco leaned forward curiously. He watched in fascination as Harry signed the peculiar piece of parchment.

"This is a post it note. It's like parchment but thinner, and the back is sticky. Here."

Harry removed the top post it note and stuck it to the table. Sliding the pad and pen over to Draco, Harry watched with a small smile as he elegantly signed his name.

"Salazar this glides across this blue parchment! Why is it blue?"

"They sell them in fun colors, I dunno. I have lots of them. What's your favorite color?"

"Promise you won't laugh?"


"My favorite color is pink."

"I have pink! Here, you can keep the pen too. I have loads."

"You're giving me a gift?"

"Well, I'd hardly call this a gift, but yes."

"Why are you being so nice to me Potter?"

Draco finally asked the question that had been plaguing him since he sat down.

"It's part of my healing I suppose. With that being said, you've been nothing but polite since you got here, so I have no reason not to be nice. But Merlin is this strange."

"I've changed you know," Draco said quietly.

"I know. I can see it."

Draco's heart skipped a beat and he took a calming breath.

"I just hope everyone else does too. They're not like you, they never were."

"I know we're not like... friends or anything but erm... if you need anything... My door is always open to you."

"We could have been if I wasn't a stuck up arse."

"We still could be?," Harry offered. "Or civil at least if friends is too soon? I no longer have the urge to punch you in the face so that counts for something yeah?"

"Oh the urge went away for you? I'll have to work on that then," Draco said seriously, but the twinkle in his eyes gave him away.

Soon enough both men were laughing. First it was at the joke, but once one man would giggle, the other would fall into hysterics. With tears in his eyes, Harry leaned against the window.

"Merlin, it feels so good to laugh."

"I couldn't tell you the last time I laughed."

"Me either. Probably when my godson did something silly."

"You're a godfather?," Draco asked curiously, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Remus, Professor Lupin's son. His name is Teddy. He's your cousin."

"Do you have pictures?"

"I have a few in my wallet, yeah. Hold on."

Digging in his bag, Harry finally pulled that out, along with his cell phone.

"What in the bloody hell is that contraption?"

"I'll teach you later. Let me show you Teddy."

Tentatively, Draco moved from his seat to the spot next to Harry. After looking through the pictures, Harry then began showing Draco his cell phone.

"I won't be able to call or get messages at Hogwarts because of all of the magical interference, but my music is on here and it has a camera."

"Where does the music get stored?"

Harry spent at least two hours answering all of Draco's questions about the phone. It was kind of endearing actually. Draco had a real knack for solitaire.

"And this thing has a camera too?"

"Yeah right here. I can take pictures or videos."

"Absolutely fascinating. Then where do they go?"


"That is hardly a smile. Loosen up a bit Malfoy. You don't need to look so... regal all of the time."

"Are you implying I look like royalty?"

"All hail the prince of Slytherin."

"Not anymore, but it was nice while it lasted I suppose."

Draco tried again, a more relaxed smile, and Harry was satisfied.

"Then you just click here and boom there's a picture."

"It's still."

"I can take a moving one too. I have to turn that function on. Here."

Harry grinned, then poked out his tongue as Draco wrinkled his nose.

"You just hold the photo and then it moves."

"If only I could show my father this, maybe he'd finally come around. Do you have any more muggle inventions?"

And that is how Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy spent their most dreaded train ride to Hogwarts yet. Not once did Harry even think about going to visit his other friends. He surprisingly was quite content spending the whole journey with Draco.

It was when they pulled into the station that Draco's demeanor began to change. As he prepared to stand up, Harry interrupted him quickly.

"Go out with me," he blurted suddenly, then cringed at the implication of his words.

"I beg your pardon?," Draco asked, panic flashing in his eyes.

"Go out of the train with me," Harry clarified. "I have my cloak. It's just... I don't- I don't want anything to happen to you."

"That's very kind of you Potter but-"

"Please Malfoy? It'll give me some peace of mind."

"Fine. But it'll cost you more cookies."

Who was Draco to turn down a peace offering such as that one?

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